MIAA State Cross Country Championships 2005 vs MIAA All-State Championships 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -32 552 584
Overall Average -34.97 19:27.54 20:02.51
1st-10th Place -5.19 16:13.20 16:18.39
1st-25th Place -12.73 16:22.40 16:35.13
1st-50th Place -17.21 16:34.16 16:51.37
1st-100th Place -17.43 16:53.08 17:10.51
Common Athletes -- -- 6
Ran Faster -2 2 4
Ran Season Best 4 6 2
Average Time +32.38 19:41.50 19:09.12
Median Time -1:38.00 18:57.00 20:35.00
Middle 80% Times +51.20 20:26.00 19:34.80
Top 10% Times -1:01.70 15:59.00 17:00.70
Top 25% Times -2.80 17:06.50 17:09.30
Top 50% Times +16.17 17:42.67 17:26.50
Bottom 50% Times +48.60 21:40.33 20:51.73
Bottom 25% Times +2:01.90 23:02.00 21:00.10
Bottom 10% Times +3:32.20 24:35.00 21:02.80
Average Difference +32.38 -- --
Median Difference -2:00.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +51.20 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:01.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference +16.17 -- --
Top 25% Difference -2.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference +16.17 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +48.60 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:13.10 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:00.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Mark Amirault Xaverian Brothers High School -1:01.70 15:59.00 17:00.70
Max Flaton Bromfield School +56.10 18:14.00 17:17.90
Alec Henry Mohawk Trail Regional High School +54.10 18:55.00 18:00.90
Cate Costley Mount Greylock Regional High School -2:00.40 18:57.00 20:57.40
Annaliese Vander Baan Whitinsville Christian +4:00.00 24:35.00 20:35.00
Meg Ogilvie Hopedale High School +26.20 21:29.00 21:02.80