MIAA Eastern State Divisional Championships 2007 vs Massachusetts (MIAA) Eastern Div. Cross Country Championships 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +17 1844 1827
Overall Average -9.72 20:54.56 21:04.27
1st-10th Place +26.40 16:29.10 16:02.70
1st-25th Place +7.08 16:24.28 16:17.20
1st-50th Place -2.24 16:29.44 16:31.68
1st-100th Place -3.28 16:43.87 16:47.15
Common Athletes -- -- 98
Ran Faster -55 22 77
Ran Season Best -3 95 98
Average Time +56.95 20:44.69 19:47.74
Median Time +1:29.00 20:42.00 19:13.00
Middle 80% Times +1:05.03 20:40.82 19:35.80
Top 10% Times +57.40 17:30.00 16:32.60
Top 25% Times +1:11.12 18:09.40 16:58.28
Top 50% Times +1:16.53 18:57.37 17:40.84
Bottom 50% Times +37.37 22:32.02 21:54.65
Bottom 25% Times +25.44 23:44.36 23:18.92
Bottom 10% Times -9.50 24:51.10 25:00.60
Average Difference +57.58 -- --
Median Difference +4.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +58.03 -- --
Top 10% Difference +48.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:04.12 -- --
Top 25% Difference +55.12 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:04.12 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +52.12 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +46.56 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:03.60 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ryan Kelley Pembroke High School +1:59.00 17:57.00 15:58.00
Shayne Collins Mansfield High School +49.00 16:51.00 16:02.00
Dana Dourdeville Old Rochester Regional High School +1:37.00 17:57.00 16:20.00
Padraic Donovan Lowell High School +1:01.00 17:25.00 16:24.00
Peter Krieg Wellesley High School +1:20.00 17:55.00 16:35.00
Dan Gordon Plymouth North High School +1:20.00 17:56.00 16:36.00
Greg Bray Duxbury High School +2:37.00 19:28.00 16:51.00
Ben Girard Manchester Essex Reg. High School +1:33.00 18:25.00 16:52.00
Brett Baker Wayland High School +36.00 17:29.00 16:53.00
Stephen Messina Westford Academy +29.00 17:24.00 16:55.00
Bill Harrington Fenwick +3:05.00 20:03.00 16:58.00
Greg Hardy Barnstable High School +2:48.00 19:50.00 17:02.00
Caulin Rogers Gloucester High School +3.00 17:07.00 17:04.00
Ezra Lichtman Newton North High School +28.00 17:32.00 17:04.00
Joey Donlon Arlington Catholic High School +1:36.00 18:41.00 17:05.00
John Williamson Wellesley High School +1:35.00 18:40.00 17:05.00
Jonathan Mckinley Duxbury High School +17.00 17:24.00 17:07.00
Andrew Zayac Coyle & Cassidy High School +2:52.00 20:04.00 17:12.00
John Mckeon Abington High School +2:02.00 19:17.00 17:15.00
Joe Smith Medfield High School +1:07.00 18:22.00 17:15.00
Cody Archambault Seekonk High School +1:16.00 18:41.00 17:25.00
Steven Connolly Weymouth High School +58.00 18:29.00 17:31.00
Jonathon Canon Barnstable High School +2:20.00 19:53.00 17:33.00
Ryan Clark Newburyport High School +1:03.00 18:40.00 17:37.00
Will Nevin Marthas Vineyard Regional High School +1:09.00 18:47.00 17:38.00
Nate Jermain Manchester Essex Reg. High School +1:43.00 19:25.00 17:42.00
Josh Sheehan Canton High School +46.00 18:33.00 17:47.00
Justin Knuth Carver High School +3:30.00 21:28.00 17:58.00
Jimmy Paschal Canton High School +38.00 18:37.00 17:59.00
Ben Alden Foxboro High School +4:22.00 22:22.00 18:00.00
Charles Clerkin North Reading High School +1:59.00 20:00.00 18:01.00
Brian Collins Hull High School +1:52.00 19:55.00 18:03.00
Tim Deignan Belmont High School +1:16.00 19:24.00 18:08.00
Jack Lapsley Plymouth North High School +1:12.00 19:22.00 18:10.00
Jason Cox Pentucket Regional Senior High School -10.00 18:11.00 18:21.00
Kyle Northrop Bellingham High School +2:38.00 20:51.00 18:13.00
Connor Maloney Weston High School +1:48.00 20:01.00 18:13.00
Brendan Whalen Abington High School +1:53.00 20:12.00 18:19.00
Antonio Cabral Durfee High School +3:26.00 21:49.00 18:23.00
Zach Sears Wilmington High School +1:14.00 19:43.00 18:29.00
John Green North Quincy High School +38.00 19:16.00 18:38.00
Joe Souza West Bridgewater High School +3:30.00 22:10.00 18:40.00
Chad Crowther Greater Lowell Technical High School +5:50.00 24:33.00 18:43.00
Thom Josephson Ipswich High School -23.00 18:47.00 19:10.00
D'andre Quinerly Durfee High School +2:38.00 21:28.00 18:50.00
Andrea Keklak Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School -8.00 18:56.00 19:04.00
Cameron Bowes Sturgis Charter West +48.00 19:51.00 19:03.00
Julie Solimine Haverhill High School +15.00 19:20.00 19:05.00
Alexander Dufault Sturgis Charter West +1:28.00 20:33.00 19:05.00
Chris Iosue Bellingham High School -1:04.00 19:09.00 20:13.00
Jessie Kaliski Wellesley High School +47.00 20:00.00 19:13.00
Heather Connick Pembroke High School +1:35.00 20:48.00 19:13.00
Caroline Kimball Concord Carlisle High School -1:14.00 19:26.00 20:40.00
Eva Lauer Wellesley High School +1:48.00 21:18.00 19:30.00
Katie Ayers Bridgewater Raynham Regional High School +1:39.00 21:18.00 19:39.00
Erica Brady North Quincy High School -1:17.00 19:46.00 21:03.00
Kellie Lodge Hopkinton High School -31.00 19:48.00 20:19.00
Kelsey Whitaker Notre Dame Academy-Hingham +2:13.00 22:03.00 19:50.00
Olivia Marshall North Andover High School +1:27.00 21:26.00 19:59.00
Zach Metzger Sacred Heart High School -35.00 20:03.00 20:38.00
Ashley Toland Tewksbury Memorial High School +1:26.00 21:30.00 20:04.00
Johannah Zacharer Lowell High School +11.00 20:16.00 20:05.00
Micayla Oniskey Reading Memorial High School +1:04.00 21:16.00 20:12.00
Haley Anderson Hopkinton High School +4.00 20:42.00 20:38.00
Joe Roche Bellingham High School +1:17.00 21:58.00 20:41.00
Beverly Wang Central Catholic High School -37.00 20:42.00 21:19.00
Sophie Love Notre Dame Academy-Hingham +19.00 21:04.00 20:45.00
Mary Scanlan Pembroke High School +1:09.00 21:56.00 20:47.00
Aaron Reid Carver High School -34.00 20:50.00 21:24.00
Kerry Nix Concord Carlisle High School -58.00 20:51.00 21:49.00
Hannah Alpert Needham High School +17.00 21:12.00 20:55.00
Lindsey Walsh Stoughton High School -46.00 20:55.00 21:41.00
Rachel Kline Oliver Ames High School +6.00 21:09.00 21:03.00
Courtney Godfrey Danvers High School -2:33.00 21:08.00 23:41.00
Liam Leary Amesbury High School +18.00 21:28.00 21:10.00
Tim Morrill Randolph High School +3:07.00 24:32.00 21:25.00
Brianna Kimball North Attleboro High School +3:39.00 25:05.00 21:26.00
Claire Depew Marblehead High School +19.00 21:47.00 21:28.00
Caroline Mcclain Sharon High School +3:02.00 24:36.00 21:34.00
Molly Mcfadden Ursuline Academy +13.00 21:48.00 21:35.00
Sarah Andres Foxboro High School +37.00 22:21.00 21:44.00
Jasmine Abreu Dracut High School -45.00 21:56.00 22:41.00
Garrett King Amesbury High School +16.00 22:32.00 22:16.00
Selena Glowick Peabody Veterans Memorial High School +59.00 23:21.00 22:22.00
Allie Gage Falmouth High School +1:10.00 23:35.00 22:25.00
Allie Mccormack Ipswich High School +1:51.00 24:16.00 22:25.00
Nicole Hatch East Bridgewater High School +7.00 22:34.00 22:27.00
Julia Ross North Quincy High School -46.00 22:53.00 23:39.00
Caroline Donovan Arlington High School +31.00 23:46.00 23:15.00
Kylie Shannon Carver High School -2:02.00 23:21.00 25:23.00
Lori Fletcher Wilmington High School -23.00 23:44.00 24:07.00
Paige Webster Greater Lowell Technical High School -32.00 24:06.00 24:38.00
Brittany Harvey East Bridgewater High School +11.00 24:20.00 24:09.00
Tiffany Fonseca Boston Latin School -19.00 24:12.00 24:31.00
Kayla Robbins Attleboro High School -1:56.00 24:23.00 26:19.00
Dana Vesty King Philip Regional High School -2:12.00 24:28.00 26:40.00
Michaela Pereira Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School -28.00 24:30.00 24:58.00
Jessica Goodhue Shawsheen Valley Technical High School +2:08.00 27:48.00 25:40.00