Here is the MIAA All State Performance List for next weekend Championship Meet.
The MIAA Meet Central Page is a one stop shopping area for all your important information for this weeks Championship Meets. DIVISION 1 MEET MOVED TO MONDAY MORNING DUE TO WEATHER !
I would imagine I'm like most people on this website. I love track, I love comparing my team to the best in each division, and I wish I had the time and energy to get in and watch all five divisional meets. But, I have a family I love spending time with, and whatever is left of a social life (in my mid-30's, that is slim pickins these days). So, I have to settle for the next best thing. Watching the meets unfold online.
Amy Piccolo did what she does best Wednesday night at the Div. 5 Track & Field Championships and it was more than enough to power Ursuline to the team title at the Reggie Lewis Center.