Coast-to-Coast Battle in Beantown 2022

Boston, MA

Coast-to-Coast Battle in Beantown 2022 vs Coast-to-Coast Battle in Beantown 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -157 164 321
Overall Average +21.89 19:01.24 18:39.35
1st-10th Place +1:26.43 17:23.49 15:57.06
1st-25th Place +1:25.68 17:38.88 16:13.20
1st-50th Place +1:28.84 17:58.28 16:29.44
1st-100th Place +1:24.65 18:24.76 17:00.11
Common Athletes -- -- 36
Ran Faster 24 30 6
Ran Season Best -8 12 20
Average Time -30.56 18:46.84 19:17.40
Median Time -22.20 18:35.50 18:57.70
Middle 80% Times -26.19 18:44.73 19:10.91
Top 10% Times -28.93 17:35.08 18:04.00
Top 25% Times -26.73 17:49.32 18:16.06
Top 50% Times -22.49 18:03.97 18:26.46
Bottom 50% Times -38.63 19:29.72 20:08.34
Bottom 25% Times -55.94 20:00.31 20:56.26
Bottom 10% Times -1:12.65 20:31.68 21:44.33
Average Difference -30.56 -- --
Median Difference +27.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -28.55 -- --
Top 10% Difference -11.78 -- --
Top 50% Difference -21.66 -- --
Top 25% Difference -18.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference -21.66 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -39.46 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:03.07 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:12.65 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Abby Hassman Northeastern University -59.50 17:28.40 18:27.90
Roshni Singh Boston College -55.00 17:33.80 18:28.80
Isabella Giesing University of Massachusetts Lowell -15.40 17:34.30 17:49.70
Tessa McClain Northeastern University -46.60 17:43.80 18:30.40
Ava Duggan Northeastern University -40.30 17:54.80 18:35.10
Linnaea Kavulich University of Virginia -2.90 17:59.10 18:02.00
Kate Mitchell Boston College -41.10 17:59.20 18:40.30
Eloise Freitag Harvard University +20.10 18:24.50 18:04.40
Emma Kerimo Dartmouth College -14.70 18:05.20 18:19.90
Justus Holden-betts Syracuse University -37.00 18:05.30 18:42.30
Caroline Livingston Dartmouth College -1:27.40 18:06.90 19:34.30
Veronica Kriss Boston University -22.30 18:07.00 18:29.30
Emily Levonas Dartmouth College -17.00 18:10.20 18:27.20
Reilly Zink Syracuse University -14.10 18:10.20 18:24.30
Azza Borovicka Swanson Northeastern University -9.80 18:15.60 18:25.40
Addison Cox University of New Hampshire +47.70 19:11.40 18:23.70
Vivian McMahon Northeastern University -1:58.00 18:28.90 20:26.90
Stephanie Finley Dartmouth College -29.70 18:29.50 18:59.20
Weronika Lewna Boston College +2.40 18:35.50 18:33.10
Emily Nugent Syracuse University -56.90 18:34.80 19:31.70
Miriam Ruoff Boston College +27.30 19:08.60 18:41.30
Kylie Goldfarb Yale University -26.00 18:43.30 19:09.30
Isolde McManus Brown University +4.90 18:56.10 18:51.20
Nicole Dunbury Northeastern University -11.90 18:54.00 19:05.90
Ella Whitman Boston College +14.70 19:12.40 18:57.70
Maxine Montoya Brown University -40.30 19:03.20 19:43.50
Lydia Gilmore University of Maine -17.90 19:07.70 19:25.60
Annie Jackson Dartmouth College -59.50 19:12.30 20:11.80
Emma Madgic Brown University -3.80 19:32.90 19:36.70
Sarah Reichheld Brown University -18.40 19:33.90 19:52.30
Cristina DeMeo Harvard University -13.60 19:46.60 20:00.20
Marlee Yoder University of Maine -1:07.50 19:50.30 20:57.80
Jaymie Sidaway University of Maine -1:05.60 19:57.70 21:03.30
Anna Folley University of Maine -1:26.00 19:58.40 21:24.40
Alexa Brennan University of Maine -1:01.00 20:28.00 21:29.00
Jordan Ramos University of Maine -1:18.00 21:42.60 23:00.60