Which Boys XC Division Has The Fastest Top 5?

The start of the Division 1 race at the MIAA Eastern Divisional ChampionshipsLexington High School would take home the victory in the race over Boston College High School - who finished second as a team. Photo by Maddie Jones.

        By scoring the top five returning runners from each of Massachusetts' ten divisions, we will determine which division has the fastest top 5 runners. We will be taking the top 5, and their times, from their respective divisional championship meets. From there we will score the fifty runners and see which team comes out on top.

        The clear winner in the rankings is the Eastern Division 2 boys. Even after losing the top 3 runners in the division, including future Stanford University runner, Ryan Oosting, the Eastern Division 2 boys dominated these rankings. Led by a one-two from rising Seniors, Mike Griffin from King Philip Regional High School and William Chaffin of Concord Carlisle High School, the Eastern Division 2 top 5 boys all got in the top 12 to score 29 points. To see the Eastern Division 2 returning boys rankings, click here

        The Eastern Division 3 boys would take the second spot, pipping the Eastern Division 5 boys by one point and the Eastern Division 1 boys by 3 points. Led by Matt Roberto from Wakefield Memorial High School, the Eastern Division 3 boys are a division to watch out having only lost one runner, Rishabh Prakash of Burlington High School, in their top 6 performers from last year's divisional race. Make sure to check out the full rankings of returning Eastern Division 3 boys here.

        The Eastern Division 5 boys are representing the smaller schools well, finishing in third ahead of the Eastern Division 1 boys. Led by two strong teams who finished one-two at the divisional championships last year and are both returning their entire top 5, Seekonk High School and Pentucket Regional Senior High School, the second smallest eastern division in Massachusetts is aiming to lead the State Division 2 this fall. 

DIvision rankings
1Eastern Division 2291+2+6+8+12

Mike Griffin

2Eastern Division 3807+9+15+18+31

Matt Roberto

3Eastern Division 5813+13+14+21+30

Sean Kay

4Eastern Division 1834+11+19+22+27

Nicholas Porter

5Central Division 113520+24+28+29+34

Ben Morris

6Eastern Division 414010+25+26+38+41

John Lucey

7Western Division 114117+23+32+33+36

Justin Kennedy

8Central Division 21565+35+37+39+40

Joseph Thumann

9Western Division 219416+43+44+45+46

Chris Vayda

10Eastern Division 623541+47+48+49+50

Colby Barnes

        Below is the breakdown of each division's top 5 runners from their respective 2018 divisional championships meet, their times at said meet, and the place they scored in our divisional ranking. For each division's returning runners rankings, make sure to check the links at the bottom of the article. 

Eastern Division 1
4Nicholas Porter10Lexington High School15:58.404
11Tyler Brogan11Franklin High School16:21.3011
19Joeben Jacobs10Lowell High School16:31.6019
22George Nikolakopoulas10St. John's Prep16:33.9022
27Ethan Jacunski11Newton South High School16:41.4027

Eastern Division 2

Mike Griffin

11King Philip Regional High School15:52.601
2William Chaffin11Concord Carlisle High School15:53.902
6Jason Norris11Wellesley High School16:05.206
8Mike Norberg11King Philip Regional High School16:17.908
12Jack Bicksler10North Andover High School16:21.50

Eastern Division 3
7Matt Roberto11Wakefield Memorial High School16:16.207
9Bobby Carew11Milton High School16:18.809
15Alex Brown11Hopkinton High School16:28.4015
18Tyler Sullivan11Walpole High School16:31.3018
31Loeden Rodrigues10Marblehead High School16:44.4031

eastern division 4
10John Lucey11Newburyport High School16:19.4010
25Strickland Davis11Plymouth South High School16:39.7025
26Christopher Pacino10Hanover High School16:40.6026
38Gregory Adamek11Wilmington High School16:55.6038
41Dreese Fadil10Newburyport High School16:58.2041

Eastern Division 5
3Sean Kay11Arlington Catholic High School15:55.803
13Andrew Cabral10Seekonk High School16:24.2013
14Oliver Fried11Dover Sherborn Regional High School16:24.2014
21Peter Lopata11Pentucket Regional Senior High School16:32.6021
30Will Benoit10Fairhaven High School16:44.1030

eastern division 6
41Colby Barnes11Sturgis Charter West17:03.2042
47Taban Manyok11St. Mary's Lynn17:20.2047
48Cameron Hasselbaum10Bellingham High School17:38.1048
49Jamison Defaria11Bishop Connolly High School17:39.8049
50John Astrofsky10Lynnfield High School17:41.8050

central division 1
20Ben Morris11Saint John's High School16:32.4020
24Aidan Gilmore11Grafton High School16:38.8024
28Henry Weiland10Shepherd Hill Regional High School16:42.2028
29William Lamburn10Algonquin Regional High School16:42.6029
34Max Evers10Shrewsbury Senior High School16:49.6034

Central division 2
5Joseph Thumann10Whitinsville Christian16:03.005
35Hunter Marion11Narragansett Regional High School16:51.0035
37Will Schilp11Ayer-Shirley High School16:52.0037
39Daniel Dezutter11Nipmuc Regional High School16:56.0039
40Will Squire11Bromfield School16:57.0040

western division 1
17Justin Kennedy11Holyoke High School16:30.0017
23Tobias L'esperance11Northampton High School16:38.0023
32Thomas Li10Longmeadow High School16:46.0032
33Eben Savenson11Northampton High School16:49.0033
36Donovan Kro11Holyoke High School16:52.0036

Western division 2
16Chris Vayda11Hampshire Regional High School16:29.0016
43Dennis Simmons9Mohawk Trail Regional High School17:10.0043
44Daniel Markey11Pope Francis17:10.0044
45Colin Young10Lenox Memorial High School17:11.0045
46Cotton Hewes11Palmer High School17:18.0046

Other divisional rankings we have done thus far: