HS/MS Dual Valley Conference XC Championship 2024 vs Dual Valley Conference HS/MS Championship 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -15 96 111
Overall Average -54.12 23:34.78 24:28.90
1st-10th Place +5.97 18:10.01 18:04.04
1st-25th Place -5.74 18:54.40 19:00.15
1st-50th Place -12.19 20:06.44 20:18.64
1st-100th Place -16.79 22:38.19 22:54.98
Common Athletes -- -- 60
Ran Faster 26 43 17
Ran Season Best -9 5 14
Average Time -59.40 22:40.31 23:39.71
Median Time -1:10.90 21:38.02 22:48.92
Middle 80% Times -1:05.57 21:55.67 23:01.24
Top 10% Times -25.71 18:10.75 18:36.46
Top 25% Times -34.73 18:40.95 19:15.68
Top 50% Times -39.66 19:47.47 20:27.13
Bottom 50% Times -1:19.15 25:33.14 26:52.28
Bottom 25% Times -1:22.56 28:46.13 30:08.68
Bottom 10% Times -43.76 33:06.97 33:50.73
Average Difference -59.40 -- --
Median Difference -2:09.71 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:03.51 -- --
Top 10% Difference -9.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.80 -- --
Top 25% Difference -24.52 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.80 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:30.01 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:25.64 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:16.49 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jack Carlin Whitinsville Christian +21.55 18:00.95 17:39.40
Benjamin Stone Hopedale High School -34.42 17:53.53 18:27.95
Wesley Ludwigson Nipmuc Regional High School -4:22.65 18:09.98 22:32.63
Amer Chaudhary Douglas High School -1:05.03 18:12.82 19:17.85
Emily FLAGG Whitinsville Christian -44.82 18:22.75 19:07.57
Demitri Boermeester Whitinsville Christian -1:10.37 18:24.46 19:34.83
Amsden Klinghard Sutton High School +6.58 18:43.05 18:36.47
Caden Anema Whitinsville Christian -1:55.35 18:42.94 20:38.29
Matthew Wren Whitinsville Christian +23.52 19:17.89 18:54.37
Nathanael Vos Whitinsville Christian -3.82 18:55.93 18:59.75
Jude Goodson Whitinsville Christian -2.04 18:58.79 19:00.83
Thomas Evans Nipmuc Regional High School -11.52 19:04.14 19:15.66
Emma Wierenga Whitinsville Christian -39.79 19:05.56 19:45.35
Ethan DeWolf Hopedale High School -1:24.56 19:12.35 20:36.91
Elliot McCabe Whitinsville Christian -14.01 19:12.50 19:26.51
Matthew Thompson Hopedale High School -56.43 19:14.52 20:10.95
Annabella Lamoreaux Sutton High School +7.34 20:21.46 20:14.12
NEO TELLES Douglas High School +29.75 20:53.41 20:23.66
Emelyn DeWeerd Whitinsville Christian +58.18 21:33.93 20:35.75
Cameron Mcdonald Hopedale High School +8.49 20:45.97 20:37.48
Vivien Bregman Sutton High School -2:18.85 20:39.90 22:58.75
Noah Stadinski Sutton High School -42.51 20:41.81 21:24.32
Liam Kane Sutton High School -2:25.89 20:42.18 23:08.07
Abraham Auciello Sutton High School -2:09.71 20:44.07 22:53.78
ZACH CHIASSON Douglas High School -2:48.06 21:04.37 23:52.43
Eli Fortna Whitinsville Christian -3:34.48 21:07.87 24:42.35
Owen Neal Whitinsville Christian -55.73 21:12.98 22:08.71
Gretchen Uthoff Nipmuc Regional High School +50.26 22:06.16 21:15.90
Josephina Dyke Whitinsville Christian -1:27.07 21:21.85 22:48.92
Avery ORFF Nipmuc Regional High School +29.15 21:58.00 21:28.85
Jaliayiaz Naranjo Douglas High School -10.79 21:29.56 21:40.35
Benjamin Connell Douglas High School -32.15 21:32.68 22:04.83
Koda Mannino Sutton High School -1:04.41 21:38.02 22:42.43
Mabel Carreiro Hopedale High School -1:32.12 21:46.74 23:18.86
Kellan Shave Blackstone Millville Regional High School -7.40 21:50.48 21:57.88
Cillian SCOTT Nipmuc Regional High School -2:14.42 21:51.74 24:06.16
Riley Mulligan Hopedale High School -1:07.52 21:59.38 23:06.90
Noah Roulier Douglas High School -2:00.67 22:07.39 24:08.06
Kayleen BORATYN Sutton High School +1:02.08 23:17.72 22:15.64
Gwenyth SUMNER Sutton High School -40.74 22:21.45 23:02.19
Isabella ALOISE Whitinsville Christian -1:27.67 22:24.14 23:51.81
Aiden Connell Douglas High School -5:43.16 22:33.55 28:16.71
John Kim Whitinsville Christian +6.05 22:44.76 22:38.71
Caydence CARR Nipmuc Regional High School -29.96 22:42.60 23:12.56
Bishoy BEBAWY Hopedale High School -1:17.63 23:40.05 24:57.68
Benjamin Elliott Douglas High School -29.95 24:06.49 24:36.44
Orla Donnelly Whitinsville Christian +56.37 25:07.36 24:10.99
Jack Porcella Nipmuc Regional High School -4:20.69 24:35.21 28:55.90
John Wasson Douglas High School -4:22.10 25:31.41 29:53.51
Amelia CORBIN Nipmuc Regional High School +53.32 26:50.27 25:56.95
Ava ROUSSEAU Nipmuc Regional High School +1:16.16 27:16.93 26:00.77
Gabby Rinehart Hopedale High School -2:29.47 26:11.55 28:41.02
Anthony Smith Douglas High School -3:34.25 26:34.23 30:08.48
Connor Neal Whitinsville Christian -4:43.01 26:43.28 31:26.29
Ashley Pisano Nipmuc Regional High School +2:17.50 29:16.97 26:59.47
Alissa CHRISTENSEN Nipmuc Regional High School -2:13.58 27:10.29 29:23.87
Samuel Terenzi Hopedale High School -1:47.67 28:29.84 30:17.51
Vixx Greenough Douglas High School -3:05.87 30:23.34 33:29.21
Erin Picanso Douglas High School +2:26.54 34:09.26 31:42.72
Kylee Smith Douglas High School +3:05.33 49:05.49 46:00.16