Martha's Vineyard Invitational 2021

Edgartown, MA

Martha's Vineyard Invitational 2021 vs 17th Annual Vineyard XC Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -155 301 456
Overall Average +26.81 23:45.75 23:18.94
1st-10th Place +16.63 16:55.54 16:38.91
1st-25th Place +17.10 17:24.48 17:07.38
1st-50th Place +31.14 18:12.10 17:40.95
1st-100th Place +49.06 19:17.76 18:28.70
Common Athletes -- -- 6
Ran Faster -2 2 4
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time +56.07 24:10.53 23:14.46
Median Time +16.78 24:44.26 24:27.48
Middle 80% Times +54.26 25:06.47 24:12.21
Top 10% Times +1:05.09 19:30.81 18:25.72
Top 25% Times +16.51 19:34.82 19:18.31
Top 50% Times -8.11 20:47.17 20:55.28
Bottom 50% Times +2:00.24 27:33.88 25:33.64
Bottom 25% Times +2:51.97 28:58.69 26:06.72
Bottom 10% Times +3:02.92 30:02.91 26:59.99
Average Difference +56.07 -- --
Median Difference +35.04 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +54.26 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:05.09 -- --
Top 50% Difference -14.19 -- --
Top 25% Difference +16.51 -- --
Top 50% Difference -14.19 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:06.32 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:51.97 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:02.92 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Macey Shriner Plymouth North High School +1:05.09 19:30.81 18:25.72
Alex Garron Rising Tide Charter School -32.08 19:38.82 20:10.90
Matthew Franklin Rising Tide Charter School -1:15.59 23:11.89 24:27.48
Meredith Cassidy Norwell High School +35.04 24:44.26 24:09.22
Samantha Sweeney North Attleboro High School +2:41.01 27:54.47 25:13.46
Alexandra Saviolakis North Attleboro High School +3:02.92 30:02.91 26:59.99