Codfish Bowl 2014

Boston, MA

Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Results

Women Athlete Place Results
5000 Meter Run
19:42.00 Jessica Monzyk 13th
20:59.00 Julia Lindsay 30th
21:35.00 Michelle Staiger 47th
23:53.00 Katelyn Masullo 95th
24:29.00 Amelia Sutphin 105th
24:36.00 Maura Falli 107th
24:40.00 Katelyn Moore 108th
25:47.00 Chiara Evans 125th
26:49.00 Isabella Wolak 129th
Men Athlete Place Results
8000 Meter Run
29:15.00 Benjamin Schmidt 49th
29:18.00 Dean Ostrofsky 50th
32:08.00 Brian Alapatt 76th
33:01.00 Gavin O'Brien 85th
33:06.00 Jonathan McBride 87th
33:58.00 Matthew Cronauer 93rd
34:29.00 Joesph Gottwald 97th
38:24.00 John Knickerbocker 104th