
Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-03-19 USATFNE Youth Vacation Week Meet
2025-03-02 USATF-NE Youth Indoor Championship
2025-02-15 MIAA Division 4 Indoor Track & Field Championship
2025-02-14 MIAA Division 3 Indoor Track & Field Championship
2025-02-04 Commonwealth Athletic Conference Meet #7
2025-01-30 Patriot League Meet #6
2025-01-28 BSC Open
2025-01-27 South Shore League meet #5
2025-01-23 Newton North vs Natick
2025-01-23 Patriot League Meet #5
2025-01-23 Brookline v. Wellesley
2025-01-14 Catholic Central League - Meet 4
2025-01-13 South Shore League Meet #4
2025-01-09 Great Boston League - Meet 2
2025-01-07 Catholic Central League - Meet 3
2025-01-07 Commonwealth Athletic Conference Meet #3
2025-01-06 Patriot League Meet #3
2025-01-04 MSTCA Freshman-Sophomore Meet (Large Schools)
2025-01-03 Tri Valley Meet 4
2025-01-02 Bay State Conference - Block#3
2024-12-27 MSTCA Distance Classic and Pentathlon
2024-12-23 Catholic Central League - Meet 2
2024-12-22 MSTCA Speed Classic (Sunday)
2024-12-21 MSTCA Speed Classic (Saturday)
2024-12-20 Patriot League Meet #2
2024-12-19 Newton North vs Framingham
2024-12-19 Brookline v. Braintree
2024-12-17 Commonwealth Athletic Conference Meet#2
2024-12-17 Catholic Central League - Meet #1
2024-12-16 South Shore League Meet #1
2024-12-15 MSTCA Winter Festival (Large Schools)
2024-12-14 MSTCA Winter Festival (Small Schools)
2024-12-13 Tri Valley - Meet 1
2024-12-12 Commonwealth Athletic Conference
2024-12-11 Tri Valley League Rosters
2024-12-10 Patriot League Meet #1
2024-02-27 MSTCA Boys Indoor Individual Pentathlon
2024-02-18 MIAA Division 4 Indoor Track & Field Championship
2024-02-17 MIAA Division 3 Indoor Track & Field Championship
2024-02-05 South Shore League Indoor TF Championship
2024-01-30 Catholic Central League - Meet 6
2024-01-30 SEC League - Meet 5
2024-01-29 Commonwealth Athletic Conference Meet #3
2024-01-25 Natick v Framingham
2024-01-24 MVC Week 5
2024-01-23 Greater Boston League - Meet 4
2024-01-23 Catholic Central League - Meet 5
2024-01-22 Commonwealth Athletic Conference
2024-01-22 South Shore League Meet #4
2024-01-21 MSTCA D4 Relays

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00