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UMass Dartmouth "Shriners" Cropss Country Invitational
No. Dartmouth, MA, September 18, 2010
[Men's JV Results | Women's Varsity Results & Team Scoring | Women's JV Results ]
Men's Varsity Results & Team Scoring

 Wilbur Race Systems - Contractor License                    HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                      UMass Dartmouth "Shriners" - 9/19/2009                      
                         Cross Country Invitational Meet                          
                               North Dartmouth, MA                                
                               Last Completed Event                               
Event 2  Men 8k Run CC Varsity
    Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
  1  #202 Macknight, Eric        Keene State               4:58      24:40    1   
  2  #200 Hoyt, Kevin            Keene State               5:00      24:48    2   
  3  #490 Wheeler, Nick          Unattached                5:00      24:50        
  4  #251 Welle, Paul            MIT                       5:00      24:51    3   
  5  #331 Gomes, Alex            Salem State               5:01      24:52    4   
  6   #29 Boutin, Marc           Brandeis                  5:01      24:53    5   
  7  #481 McDonald, Eric         UMass Lowell              5:01      24:53    6   
  8  #206 Pipp, Timothy          Keene State               5:02      24:57    7   
  9  #153 Kibler, Chris          Fitchburg St.             5:02      25:02    8   
 10  #488 Guertin, Tim           Unattached                5:03      25:02        
 11   #37 Holgate, Devon         Brandeis                  5:03      25:03    9   
 12  #441 Powers, Brendan        Trinity                   5:03      25:04   10   
 13  #240 Harper, Dan            MIT                       5:03      25:07   11   
 14   #58 Wahome, Stephen        Bridgewater St.           5:04      25:08   12   
 15  #247 Serene, Stephen        MIT                       5:04      25:09   13   
 16  #427 O'Connell, Ryan        Springfield               5:04      25:10   14   
 17  #250 Wedge, Roy             MIT                       5:04      25:10   15   
 18   #28 Anastos, Dan           Brandeis                  5:05      25:12   16   
 19  #189 Vance, James           Johnson & Wales           5:06      25:19   17   
 20   #42 Vega, Kerwin           Brandeis                  5:06      25:20   18   
 21  #464 Santoro, Nicholas      UMass Dartmouth           5:06      25:21   19   
 22  #337 Barnard, Chirs         Salisbury                 5:07      25:22   20   
 23   #82 Crum, Nathan           Coast Guard               5:07      25:24   21   
 24  #472 Devlin, Brendan        UMass Lowell              5:07      25:26   22   
 25  #429 Pietras, Zach          Springfield               5:08      25:27   23   
 26  #431 Salvucci, Anthony      Springfield               5:08      25:29   24   
 27  #535 Kacher, Nick           Wheaton (Mass.)           5:08      25:30   25   
 28  #209 Sears, Andrew          Keene State               5:08      25:31   26   
 29  #343 Jackson, Ryan          Salisbury                 5:08      25:31   27   
 30  #465 Stevens, Derek         UMass Dartmouth           5:09      25:34   28   
 31  #101 Siperek, Trevor        Coast Guard               5:09      25:35   29   
 32  #187 Redfield, Greg         Johnson & Wales           5:10      25:37   30   
 33   #31 Brown, Chris           Brandeis                  5:10      25:38   31   
 34  #484 Stamatopulos, Andr     UMass Lowell              5:10      25:39   32   
 35  #459 Gilmore, Kevin         UMass Dartmouth           5:10      25:41   33   
 36  #243 Metlitz, Matt          MIT                       5:11      25:42   34   
 37  #185 Hartman, Jeff          Johnson & Wales           5:11      25:43   35   
 38  #244 Prevost, Richard       MIT                       5:11      25:45   36   
 39  #204 Paquette, Thomas       Keene State               5:11      25:46   37   
 40  #161 Spano, Matt            Fitchburg St.             5:12      25:48   38   
 41  #474 Estrella, Christop     UMass Lowell              5:12      25:51   39   
 42  #338 Berstler, Steve        Salisbury                 5:13      25:52   40   
 43  #391 Neuts, Erich           Southern Maine            5:13      25:54   41   
 44  #388 Manning, Ben           Southern Maine            5:13      25:56   42   
 45  #519 Joyce, Jonathan        Westfield State           5:13      25:56   43   
 46  #292 Mackenzie, Michael     Northeastern              5:14      25:56        
 47  #294 Mentas, Chris          Northeastern              5:14      25:59        
 48  #400 Vallo, John            Southern Maine            5:14      25:59   44   
 49   #99 Price, Andrew          Coast Guard               5:15      26:02   45   
 50  #587 Thornton, Lane         WPI                       5:15      26:05   46   
 51  #302 Macedo, Mike           RIC                       5:15      26:05   47   
 52  #444 Thaler, James          Trinity                   5:16      26:06   48   
 53  #432 Scully, Matthew        Springfield               5:16      26:09   49   
 54  #463 Nygaard, Eric          UMass Dartmouth           5:16      26:09   50   
 55  #485 Sullivan, Tyler        UMass Lowell              5:16      26:10   51   
 56  #375 Even, Tim              Southern Maine            5:16      26:10   52   
 57  #320 Leveille, Mitch        Roger Williams            5:16      26:11   53   
 58  #172 Madsen, Stephen        Holy Cross                5:17      26:12   54   
 59  #184 Dinan, Brian           Johnson & Wales           5:17      26:12   55   
 60  #348 Seawell, Trent         Salisbury                 5:17      26:13   56   
 61  #516 Frissora, Anthony      Westfield State           5:17      26:13   57   
 62  #442 Ross, Tommy            Trinity                   5:17      26:14   58   
 63   #97 Obrien, Kevin          Coast Guard               5:17      26:16   59   
 64  #392 Neuts, Seth            Southern Maine            5:18      26:16   60   
 65  #476 Fitzsimmons, Steve     UMass Lowell              5:18      26:17   61   
 66   #83 Ezzo, Gary             Coast Guard               5:18      26:18   62   
 67  #518 Honohan, Tevin         Westfield State           5:18      26:19   63   
 68  #148 Payne, Greg            Endicott                  5:18      26:20        
 69  #234 Amarasiriwardena,      MIT                       5:18      26:21   64   
 70  #191 Baldour, Charles       Keene State               5:19      26:23   65   
 71   #57 Taft, Bill             Bridgewater St.           5:19      26:26   66   
 72  #289 Francis, Steve         Northeastern              5:19      26:26        
 73  #125 Hackett, Conor         Eastern Conn. St.         5:20      26:28   67   
 74  #435 Gallucci, Peter        Trinity                   5:20      26:30   68   
 75  #455 Burke, Steven          UMass Dartmouth           5:21      26:34   69   
 76  #341 Fitzgerald, John       Salisbury                 5:21      26:34   70   
 77  #534 Fahey, Colin           Wheaton (Mass.)           5:21      26:34   71   
 78  #380 Gazzeloni, Julian      Southern Maine            5:21      26:35   72   
 79  #218 Casiglio, Kyle         Lesley                    5:21      26:36   73   
 80  #177 Schaller, Christop     Holy Cross                5:22      26:37   74   
 81  #344 Keen, Trevor           Salisbury                 5:22      26:38   75   
 82   #50 Phipps, David          Bridgewater St.           5:22      26:39   76   
 83  #322 Maybury, Tom           Roger Williams            5:22      26:40   77   
 84  #379 Fulford, Jon           Southern Maine            5:22      26:40   78   
 85  #582 Ruddy, Shane           WPI                       5:23      26:42   79   
 86  #475 Favulli, Chris         UMass Lowell              5:23      26:45   80   
 87  #175 Poles, Nicholas        Holy Cross                5:24      26:47   81   
 88  #342 Hallenbeck, Matt       Salisbury                 5:24      26:48   82   
 89  #433 Cha, William           Trinity                   5:24      26:48   83   
 90   #39 Kramer, Alex           Brandeis                  5:24      26:50   84   
 91  #517 Haryasz, Daniel        Westfield State           5:25      26:53   85   
 92    #3 Higgins, Kyle          Assumption                5:25      26:53   86   
 93   #43 D'Arcangelo, Ryan      Bridgewater St.           5:25      26:55   87   
 94  #422 Johnson, Russell       Springfield               5:25      26:56   88   
 95  #477 Gilman, Adam           UMass Lowell              5:26      26:57        
 96   #90 Locke, John            Coast Guard               5:26      26:58   89   
 97  #415 Birdsall, David        Springfield               5:26      27:00   90   
 98  #438 Harrington, Edward     Trinity                   5:26      27:01   91   
 99  #210 Theleen, Dan           Keene State               5:27      27:01   92   
100  #405 Giberti, Mike          Southern New              5:27      27:03   93   
101  #414 Allison, Ryan          Springfield               5:27      27:06   94   
102   #86 Hill, Joe              Coast Guard               5:29      27:11   95   
103  #523 Lutke, Jon-Scott       Westfield State           5:29      27:12   96   
104   #47 Granato, David         Bridgewater St.           5:29      27:14   97   
105   #26 Williams, Jake         Babson                    5:29      27:15   98   
106  #233 Schouler, Brent        Mass. Maritime            5:30      27:16   99   
107  #283 Meyers, Matt           New England College       5:30      27:17  100   
108  #131 Miller, Nick           Eastern Conn. St.         5:30      27:19  101   
109  #437 Halstead, Wesley       Trinity                   5:30      27:19  102   
110   #15 Fitzpatrick, Kyle      Babson                    5:30      27:20  103   
111  #179 Turner, Kevin          Holy Cross                5:31      27:23  104   
112  #303 McCloskey, Conor       RIC                       5:31      27:24  105   
113  #226 Dannaher, Patrick      Mass. Maritime            5:31      27:25  106   
114   #25 Smith, Mike            Babson                    5:32      27:26  107   
115  #416 Brewer, Jacob          Springfield               5:32      27:27        
116  #562 Chebelyon, Likuvi      WPI                       5:32      27:28  108   
117  #506 Wagner, Jeff           Western NE                5:32      27:28  109   
118  #321 Loughlin, Henry        Roger Williams            5:32      27:29  110   
119 #1210 Kennelly, Joe          Clark University          5:32      27:29  111   
120  #370 Bibb, Connor           Southern Maine            5:32      27:30        
121   #64 King, Nohea            Castleton State           5:32      27:31  112   
122  #436 Greaney, Colin         Trinity                   5:33      27:32        
123   #24 Skains, AJ             Babson                    5:33      27:33  113   
124  #313 Gallant, Andrew        Roger Williams            5:33      27:34  114   
125  #590 Woodnorth, Scott       WPI                       5:33      27:34  115   
126  #291 Lampron, Jonathon      Northeastern              5:33      27:34        
127  #151 Grasela, Micahel       Fitchburg St.             5:33      27:35  116   
128  #252 Young, Jacob           MIT                       5:33      27:35        
129  #275 Annett, Taylor         New England College       5:34      27:36  117   
130  #561 Burger, Scott          WPI                       5:34      27:37  118   
131  #512 Corcoran, Brendan      Westfield State           5:34      27:40  119   
132  #317 Jeremy, Kacher         Roger Williams            5:34      27:40  120   
133   #59 French, Isaac          Castleton State           5:35      27:42  121   
134  #335 Anderson, Joel         Salisbury                 5:36      27:50        
135  #305 Richer, Cameron        RIC                       5:37      27:51  122   
136  #581 Ritchie, Dan           WPI                       5:37      27:51  123   
137  #114 Boudreau, Matt         Conn College              5:37      27:52  124   
138  #178 Treadway, Brian        Holy Cross                5:37      27:53  125   
139   #16 Hallock, William       Babson                    5:37      27:54  126   
140   #89 Lee, Jordon            Coast Guard               5:37      27:55        
141  #155 Lary, Will             Fitchburg St.             5:38      27:57  127   
142  #572 Goodman, Brian         WPI                       5:38      27:58  128   
143   #22 Oram, Andrew           Babson                    5:39      28:01  129   
144 #1212 Legget, Martin         Clark University          5:39      28:02  130   
145   #55 Sousa, Jeff            Bridgewater St.           5:39      28:03  131   
146  #505 Richer, Eric           Western NE                5:39      28:03  132   
147    #4 MacNeil, Mark          Assumption                5:41      28:13  133   
148  #520 Kelleher, Mike         Westfield State           5:41      28:14  134   
149   #19 Liachowitz, Michae     Babson                    5:41      28:14  135   
150  #118 McAllister, Hoitt      Conn College              5:42      28:18  136   
151  #585 Sullivan, Paul         WPI                       5:42      28:19        
152  #458 Gibney, Cody           UMass Dartmouth           5:42      28:20  137   
153  #133 Secore, Brody          Eastern Conn. St.         5:43      28:25  138   
154 #1206 Gammell, Rob           Clark University          5:44      28:26  139   
155  #230 Matz, Paul             Mass. Maritime            5:44      28:26  140   
156  #107 Bensley, Gage          Colby-Sawyer              5:44      28:27  141   
157  #487 Fulford, Will          Unattached                5:44      28:29        
158  #538 Richard, Michael       Wheaton (Mass.)           5:45      28:31  142   
159  #533 Emard, Nick            Wheaton (Mass.)           5:45      28:32  143   
160  #188 Smith, Nathan          Johnson & Wales           5:46      28:38  144   
161  #451 Mike, Spinnato         UMass Boston              5:46      28:40        
162   #53 Rutledge, Dan          Bridgewater St.           5:47      28:41  145   
163  #324 Osgood, Richard        Roger Williams            5:47      28:41  146   
164  #500 McManus, Glen          Western NE                5:47      28:44  147   
165  #123 Callahan, Tim          Eastern Conn. St.         5:48      28:46  148   
166 #1215 Naughton, Bobby        Clark University          5:48      28:46  149   
167 #1207 Goldberg, Ben          Clark University          5:48      28:47  150   
168  #493 Fitzgerald, Pat        Western NE                5:48      28:48  151   
169  #219 Conforti, Chris        Lesley                    5:48      28:50  152   
170  #468 Ken, E.                UMD Alum                  5:50      28:58  153   
171    #2 Erban, Patrick         Assumption                5:50      28:58  154   
172  #314 Goodwick, Jamie        Roger Williams            5:50      28:59  155   
173  #116 Majkut, Andrew         Conn College              5:50      28:59  156   
174  #537 Mader, Karl            Wheaton (Mass.)           5:50      28:59  157   
175   #23 Pierce, Chris          Babson                    5:50      29:00        
176  #126 Hernandez, Alejand     Eastern Conn. St.         5:50      29:00  158   
177   #61 Hagemann, Steve        Castleton State           5:51      29:01  159   
178  #466 Buck, Tyler            UMD Alum                  5:51      29:02  160   
179  #543 Crawford, Devlin       Worcester State           5:51      29:02  161   
180  #332 Quinn, Nickolas        Salem State               5:51      29:04  162   
181  #356 Fritsch, Sean          Salve Regina              5:52      29:07  163   
182  #504 Pattison, Ed           Western NE                5:52      29:10  164   
183  #160 Ross, Chris            Fitchburg St.             5:55      29:20  165   
184  #306 Stadnick, Shawn        RIC                       5:55      29:22  166   
185  #120 Myers, Patrick         Conn College              5:55      29:23  167   
186  #128 Jorge, Bryan           Eastern Conn. St.         5:56      29:26  168   
187    #7 Weselcouch, Michae     Assumption                5:56      29:27  169   
188  #530 Astle, Sean            Wheaton (Mass.)           5:56      29:27  170   
189  #457 Dowsett, Steve         UMass Dartmouth           5:56      29:29  171   
190   #67 Pearce, Benjamin       Castleton State           5:56      29:30  172   
191  #545 Daley, Patrick         Worcester State           5:57      29:31  173   
192  #539 Anderson, Dan          Worcester State           5:57      29:31  174   
193  #156 Lucas, Patrick         Fitchburg St.             5:57      29:33  175   
194  #111 Rand, Joe              Colby-Sawyer              5:57      29:33  176   
195  #363 Weselcouch, James      Salve Regina              5:57      29:34  177   
196  #470 Reed, Jeffery          UMD Alum                  5:57      29:35  178   
197  #227 Griffin, Kevin         Mass. Maritime            5:58      29:36  179   
198  #503 O'Rourke, Pat          Western NE                5:58      29:37  180   
199  #121 Post, Dan              Conn College              5:59      29:41  181   
200  #215 Axelrod, Brian         Lesley                    5:59      29:42  182   
201  #276 Baker, Chris           New England College       5:59      29:44  183   
202  #402 Bays, Jason            Southern New              6:00      29:46  184   
203  #164 Hartwich, Greg         Framingham St.            6:00      29:46        
204  #409 McNerney, Kyle         Southern New              6:02      29:58  185   
205  #471 Whelan, Tim            UMD Alum                  6:02      30:00  186   
206   #62 Hicks, Andrew          Castleton State           6:03      30:03  187   
207   #69 Regino, daniel         Castleton State           6:03      30:03  188   
208  #300 Breagy, Conor          RIC                       6:03      30:04  189   
209 #1234 Fleet, Robert          Framingham St.            6:03      30:05        
210  #404 Coyle, Kevin           Southern New              6:04      30:07  190   
211  #449 Haley, Mitchell        UMass Boston              6:06      30:19        
212 #1204 Boguhn, Keifer         Clark University          6:06      30:20  191   
213 #1209 Joyce, Connor          Clark University          6:07      30:24  192   
214  #301 DeChristopharo, To     RIC                       6:09      30:32  193   
215  #412 Tarrant, Sam           Southern New              6:11      30:43  194   
216  #113 Beling, Jeff           Conn College              6:12      30:46  195   
217  #551 Reilly, Neil           Worcester State           6:12      30:48  196   
218  #117 Martinsky, Billy       Conn College              6:13      30:50  197   
219   #68 Peter, Smith           Castleton State           6:13      30:53  198   
220  #216 Boton-Rodriguez, M     Lesley                    6:14      30:55  199   
221  #499 Lattimore, Jamel       Western NE                6:14      30:57  200   
222   #56 Sukeforth, Mike        Bridgewater St.           6:14      30:58        
223  #410 Parks, Tyler           Southern New              6:15      31:01  201   
224  #282 Medina, Abimael        New England College       6:16      31:06  202   
225  #548 Morrissey, Daniel      Worcester State           6:16      31:06  203   
226  #544 Creeden, Zachary       Worcester State           6:16      31:07  204   
227  #143 Poulin, Taylor         Eastern Nazarene          6:16      31:09        
228  #361 Reid, Marc             Salve Regina              6:19      31:23  205   
229  #411 Smith, Michael         Southern New              6:21      31:33  206   
230   #71 Surmanek, Richard      Castleton State           6:22      31:36        
231  #304 McCord, Ian            RIC                       6:22      31:39  207   
232  #110 Fusco, Alex            Colby-Sawyer              6:23      31:43  208   
233  #259 Rubin, Daniel          Mount Ida                 6:26      31:59  209   
234  #547 Mazeika, Tim           Worcester State           6:27      32:00  210   
235  #222 Peluso, Gus            Lesley                    6:28      32:09  211   
236  #106 Axelson, Tim           Colby-Sawyer              6:31      32:21  212   
237  #108 Brock, Will            Colby-Sawyer              6:32      32:24  213   
238  #355 Dagliere, Brian        Salve Regina              6:32      32:27  214   
239  #362 Stankus, Mike          Salve Regina              6:32      32:27  215   
240  #491 Barbacano, Mike        Western NE                6:33      32:31        
241  #186 Oliver, Edwin          Johnson & Wales           6:33      32:32  216   
242  #109 Desgrosseilliers,      Colby-Sawyer              6:35      32:40  217   
243  #220 Gabrielson, Roy        Lesley                    6:36      32:45  218   
244  #224 Balderelli, Evan       Mass. Maritime            6:36      32:47  219   
245    #1 Conley, John           Assumption                6:36      32:48  220   
246  #182 Chen, Alfred           Johnson & Wales           6:40      33:05  221   
247  #360 Olsen, Grant           Salve Regina              6:43      33:21  222   
248  #260 Slattery, Sean         Mount Ida                 6:45      33:32  223   
249  #149 Rofrano, Tom           Endicott                  6:48      33:45        
250  #330 DeRosa, Justin         Salem State               6:48      33:45  224   
251  #256 Davis, Jake            Mount Ida                 6:48      33:45  225   
252  #554 Thulin, Eric           Worcester State           6:52      34:07        
253  #359 Mascari, Michael       Salve Regina              6:55      34:19  226   
254  #467 Gagnon, Matt           UMD Alum                  6:56      34:26  227   
255  #257 Durand, Mike           Mount Ida                 6:56      34:27  228   
256  #357 Hurley, Ryan           Salve Regina              6:57      34:31        
257  #255 Broughton, Derek       Mount Ida                 7:01      34:51  229   
258  #144 Daniels, Alan          Endicott                  7:02      34:55        
259  #287 Teixeira, Andrew       New England College       7:02      34:57  230   
260  #145 Dinola, Alex           Endicott                  7:06      35:18        
261  #333 Tallens, Kevin         Salem State               7:09      35:29  231   
262  #469 Knuuttila, James       UMD Alum                  7:12      35:47  232   
263  #261 Tirelli, Ryan          Mount Ida                 7:13      35:49  233   
264  #278 Bonitatibus, Greg      New England College       7:21      36:32  234   
265  #232 Murray, James          Mass. Maritime            7:27      37:02  235   
266  #225 Bergonzi, Rob          Mass. Maritime            7:28      37:05  236   
267  #262 Whelan, John           Mount Ida                 7:33      37:32  237   
268  #223 Poissant, Cory         Lesley                    7:34      37:33  238   
269  #140 LaFume, Alain          Eastern Nazarene          7:39      38:01        
270  #328 Canada, Anthony        Salem State               7:40      38:04  239   
271  #139 Kusnir, Frank          Eastern Nazarene          7:56      39:23        
272  #142 Plouffe, Sam           Eastern Nazarene          8:02      39:55        
                                   Team Scores                                    
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9 
   1 Keene State                  73    1    2    7   26   37   65   92           
      Total Time:  2:05:42.00                                                     
         Average:    25:08.40                                                     
   2 MIT                          76    3   11   13   15   34   36   64           
      Total Time:  2:05:59.00                                                     
         Average:    25:11.80                                                     
   3 Brandeis                     79    5    9   16   18   31   84                
      Total Time:  2:06:06.00                                                     
         Average:    25:13.20                                                     
   4 UMass Lowell                150    6   22   32   39   51   61   80           
      Total Time:  2:07:59.00                                                     
         Average:    25:35.80                                                     
   5 Springfield                 198   14   23   24   49   88   90   94           
      Total Time:  2:09:11.00                                                     
         Average:    25:50.20                                                     
   6 UMass Dartmouth             199   19   28   33   50   69  137  171           
      Total Time:  2:09:19.00                                                     
         Average:    25:51.80                                                     
   7 Salisbury                   213   20   27   40   56   70   75   82           
      Total Time:  2:09:32.00                                                     
         Average:    25:54.40                                                     
   8 Coast Guard                 216   21   29   45   59   62   89   95           
      Total Time:  2:09:35.00                                                     
         Average:    25:55.00                                                     
   9 Southern Maine              239   41   42   44   52   60   72   78           
      Total Time:  2:10:15.00                                                     
         Average:    26:03.00                                                     
  10 Trinity                     267   10   48   58   68   83   91  102           
      Total Time:  2:10:42.00                                                     
         Average:    26:08.40                                                     
  11 Johnson & Wales             281   17   30   35   55  144  216  221           
      Total Time:  2:11:29.00                                                     
         Average:    26:17.80                                                     
  12 Bridgewater St.             338   12   66   76   87   97  131  145           
      Total Time:  2:12:22.00                                                     
         Average:    26:28.40                                                     
  13 Westfield State             344   43   57   63   85   96  119  134           
      Total Time:  2:12:33.00                                                     
         Average:    26:30.60                                                     
  14 Holy Cross                  438   54   74   81  104  125                     
      Total Time:  2:14:52.00                                                     
         Average:    26:58.40                                                     
  15 Fitchburg St.               454    8   38  116  127  165  175                
      Total Time:  2:15:42.00                                                     
         Average:    27:08.40                                                     
  16 WPI                         466   46   79  108  115  118  123  128           
      Total Time:  2:15:26.00                                                     
         Average:    27:05.20                                                     
  17 Roger Williams              474   53   77  110  114  120  146  155           
      Total Time:  2:15:34.00                                                     
         Average:    27:06.80                                                     
  18 Wheaton (Mass.)             538   25   71  142  143  157  170                
      Total Time:  2:18:06.00                                                     
         Average:    27:37.20                                                     
  19 Babson                      547   98  103  107  113  126  129  135           
      Total Time:  2:17:28.00                                                     
         Average:    27:29.60                                                     
  20 Eastern Conn. St.           612   67  101  138  148  158  168                
      Total Time:  2:19:58.00                                                     
         Average:    27:59.60                                                     
  21 RIC                         629   47  105  122  166  189  193  207           
      Total Time:  2:20:46.00                                                     
         Average:    28:09.20                                                     
  22 Clark University            679  111  130  139  149  150  191  192           
      Total Time:  2:21:30.00                                                     
         Average:    28:18.00                                                     
  23 Western NE                  703  109  132  147  151  164  180  200           
      Total Time:  2:22:13.00                                                     
         Average:    28:26.60                                                     
  24 Mass. Maritime              743   99  106  140  179  219  235  236           
      Total Time:  2:25:30.00                                                     
         Average:    29:06.00                                                     
  25 Castleton State             751  112  121  159  172  187  188  198           
      Total Time:  2:23:47.00                                                     
         Average:    28:45.40                                                     
  26 Assumption                  762   86  133  154  169  220                     
      Total Time:  2:26:19.00                                                     
         Average:    29:15.80                                                     
  27 Conn College                764  124  136  156  167  181  195  197           
      Total Time:  2:24:13.00                                                     
         Average:    28:50.60                                                     
  28 Lesley                      817   73  152  182  199  211  218  238           
      Total Time:  2:28:12.00                                                     
         Average:    29:38.40                                                     
  29 New England College         832  100  117  183  202  230  234                
      Total Time:  2:30:40.00                                                     
         Average:    30:08.00                                                     
  30 Southern New Hampshire      846   93  184  185  190  194  201  206           
      Total Time:  2:27:37.00                                                     
         Average:    29:31.40                                                     
  31 Salem State                 860    4  162  224  231  239                     
      Total Time:  2:41:14.00                                                     
         Average:    32:14.80                                                     
  32 UMass Dartmouth Alumni      904  153  160  178  186  227  232                
      Total Time:  2:32:01.00                                                     
         Average:    30:24.20                                                     
  33 Worcester State             907  161  173  174  196  203  204  210           
      Total Time:  2:29:58.00                                                     
         Average:    29:59.60                                                     
  34 Colby-Sawyer                950  141  176  208  212  213  217                
      Total Time:  2:34:28.00                                                     
         Average:    30:53.60                                                     
  35 Salve Regina                974  163  177  205  214  215  222  226           
      Total Time:  2:34:58.00                                                     
         Average:    30:59.60                                                     
  36 Mount Ida                  1114  209  223  225  228  229  233  237           
      Total Time:  2:48:34.01                                                     
         Average:    33:42.80