
Results provided by Tyler Timing, LLC
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Belmont Hill School                44.66          1     
2                                        The Governor's Academy             45.40          1     
3                                        Rivers School                      49.14          1     
4                                        Rivers School                      51.15          1     

Girls 4x100 Meter Relay  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Rivers School                      1:01.59        1     

Boys 1500 meter Run  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     William Trautz                9    Belmont Hill School                4:17.04        1     
2     Josh Zhao                     10   The Governor's Academy             4:32.26        1     
3     Yamin Ibrahim                 9    Belmont Hill School                4:35.03        1     
4     Jason Minicozzi               10   Rivers School                      4:40.02        1     
5     Grayson Southwick-Hall        9    Eaglebrook School                  4:50.70        1     
6     Sam Blank                     10   Rivers School                      4:50.83        1     
7     Adrian Shin                   9    Eaglebrook School                  4:56.87        1     
8     Juan-Pablo FernandezdelCasti  11   Belmont Hill School                5:04.49        1     
9     Martin Beaumont-Mill          9    The Governor's Academy             5:04.66        1     
10    Ben Cha                       9    Eaglebrook School                  5:08.11        1     
11    JJ Pena                       10   Belmont Hill School                5:12.03        1     
12    Josh Taylor                   10   The Governor's Academy             5:26.63        1     

Girls 1500 meter Run  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Angelina Ha                   10   Rivers School                      5:45.39        1     
2     Juliana Lynch                 11   Rivers School                      5:50.99        1     
3     Margaret Heckscher            10   Rivers School                      6:10.60        1     
4     Ashley Robertson              12   The Governor's Academy             6:39.33        1     
5     Emily Geist                   9    The Governor's Academy             6:54.95        1     

Boys 110 meter Hurdles  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Jackson Pagan                 12   Belmont Hill School                16.07          1     
2     Justin Li                     10   Belmont Hill School                17.02          1     
3     Brendan Fraser                11   The Governor's Academy             19.82          1     
4     William Lorion                10   Rivers School                      20.80          1     

Girls 100 meter Hurdles  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Lila Graves                   12   The Governor's Academy             16.89          1     
2     Tessa Borgatti                10   The Governor's Academy             18.77          1     
3     Ryana Riaz                    12   The Governor's Academy             20.08          1     

Boys 400 meter Run  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Cole Sparks                   12   Belmont Hill School                54.51          1     
2     Nate Voss                     12   Belmont Hill School                54.91          1     
3     Beckett Britt-Webb            9    Belmont Hill School                55.91          1     
4     Gordon Guo                    10   The Governor's Academy             55.98          1     
5     Gavin Zug                     11   Belmont Hill School                56.10          1     

Girls 400 meter Run  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Makayla Moriarty              12   The Governor's Academy             58.31          1     
2     Mei-Ling Bielagus             11   The Governor's Academy             1:03.13        1     
3     Skylar Demsey                 10   The Governor's Academy             1:04.47        1     
4     Gaby Maher                    11   The Governor's Academy             1:06.41        1     
5     Brooke Carter                 9    Rivers School                      1:07.59        1     

Boys 100 meter Dash  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Ashton Cruz                   11   Belmont Hill School                11.37          1     
2     Yuto Hirasawa                 11   The Governor's Academy             11.42          1     
3     Jordan Summers                11   Belmont Hill School                11.49          1     
4     Ross McKee                    11   Belmont Hill School                11.80          2     
5     Jayson Brainerd               9    Rivers School                      11.81          5     
6     Jalen Morris                  9    Rivers School                      11.93          2     
7     Marcus Griffin                10   Belmont Hill School                12.11          1     
8     Mason Peng                    11   The Governor's Academy             12.12          1     
9     Macari Joyner                 12   The Governor's Academy             12.25          1     
10    Charlie Mosier                9    Eaglebrook School                  12.28          1     
11    Dash Dermont                  9    Eaglebrook School                  12.28          3     
12    Evan Williams                 9    Eaglebrook School                  12.36          2     
13    Aiden Lee                     9    Eaglebrook School                  12.37          2     
14    Eugene Yu                     10   The Governor's Academy             12.39          3     
15    Arav Kochar                   9    The Governor's Academy             12.41          4     
16    Tiger Xiong                   9    The Governor's Academy             12.41          2     
17    Jayden Lotin                  10   Belmont Hill School                12.45          4     
18    Nolan Killman                 10   Rivers School                      12.54          3     
19    Max Rochford                  10   The Governor's Academy             12.64          2     
20    Kiran Joshi                   9    Rivers School                      13.00          2     
21    Eric Zhu                      9    Eaglebrook School                  13.04          3     
22    Yareh Constant                11   Belmont Hill School                13.06          3     
23    Aaron Julian                  9    Rivers School                      13.08          5     
24    Barrett Cosgrove              12   Belmont Hill School                13.20          4     
25    Kyle Jin                      10   The Governor's Academy             13.24          4     
26    Jin Lee                       11   Belmont Hill School                13.24          3     
27    Rider Smith-Pallotta          10   The Governor's Academy             13.65          5     
28    Ezekiel Nnah                  9    Rivers School                      13.67          4     
29    Fafa Dzokoto                  10   The Governor's Academy             13.68          4     
30    Gennaro Ferrante              10   The Governor's Academy             14.13          4     
31    Jackson Hurd                  10   Belmont Hill School                14.40          4     

Girls 100 meter Dash  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Nyla Palmer                   11   The Governor's Academy             12.54          1     
2     Mia Svendsen                  11   The Governor's Academy             13.04          1     
3     Maddie Hickey                 11   The Governor's Academy             13.21          1     
4     Ryana Riaz                    12   The Governor's Academy             13.76          1     
5     Brooke Carter                 9    Rivers School                      14.10          1     
6     Siena Yeh                     9    Rivers School                      14.74          3     
7     Elizabeth Lily Chung          10   Rivers School                      14.83          3     
8     Lana Hardin                   9    The Governor's Academy             15.10          1     
9     Sage Smith-Pallotta           10   The Governor's Academy             15.12          2     
10    Molly Gundersheim             9    Rivers School                      15.63          2     
11    Khanh Vu                      11   The Governor's Academy             15.70          2     
12    Hanna Babo                    9    The Governor's Academy             15.73          2     
13    Alexis Feinberg               9    Rivers School                      16.36          2     
14    Heloise Langlais              10   The Governor's Academy             16.47          3     
15    Anja Suomi                    9    The Governor's Academy             16.75          3     
16    Jenny Hwang                   9    The Governor's Academy             16.77          2     
17    Joelle Joely Gubitosi         10   Rivers School                      17.45          3     

Boys 800 meter Run  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Eita Fuse                     10   Belmont Hill School                2:12.99        1     
2     Max Newman                    8    Eaglebrook School                  2:16.07        1     
3     Jason Minicozzi               10   Rivers School                      2:17.41        1     
4     Ryan Sullivan                 9    The Governor's Academy             2:17.48        1     
5     Brian Zheng                   12   The Governor's Academy             2:18.29        1     
6     Jerry Zhang                   9    The Governor's Academy             2:51.50        1     

Girls 800 meter Run  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Jillian Bergeron              9    The Governor's Academy             2:21.26        1     
2     Rose Mallory                  9    Eaglebrook School                  2:28.56        1     
3     Tessa Sodowick                12   The Governor's Academy             2:43.70        1     
4     Angelina Ha                   10   Rivers School                      2:51.53        1     
5     Katelyn Pereira               10   The Governor's Academy             2:54.05        1     
6     Margaret Heckscher            10   Rivers School                      2:58.68        1     

Boys 300 meter Hurdles  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Jackson Pagan                 12   Belmont Hill School                42.38          1     
2     Cole Sparks                   12   Belmont Hill School                45.90          1     
3     Nate Voss                     12   Belmont Hill School                46.29          1     
4     Eugene Yu                     10   The Governor's Academy             48.65          2     
5     Beckett Britt-Webb            9    Belmont Hill School                48.82          1     
6     William Lorion                10   Rivers School                      49.44          2     
7     Teo Rivera-Wills              9    Belmont Hill School                51.13          2     
8     Brendan Fraser                11   The Governor's Academy             51.59          2     

Girls 300 meter Hurdles  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Amina Cifric                  11   The Governor's Academy             48.27          1     
2     Tessa Borgatti                10   The Governor's Academy             51.18          1     
3     Anna Tardiff                  12   The Governor's Academy             53.87          1     
4     Skylar Bedard                 10   The Governor's Academy             54.59          1     
5     Elizabeth Lily Chung          10   Rivers School                      57.27          1     

Boys 200 meter Dash  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Yuto Hirasawa                 11   The Governor's Academy             22.61          1     
2     Blake DaCosta                 11   Belmont Hill School                23.49          1     
3     Will Fuller                   10   The Governor's Academy             24.32          1     
4     Gordon Guo                    10   The Governor's Academy             24.89          1     
5     Evan Williams                 9    Eaglebrook School                  25.16          2     
6     Arav Kochar                   9    The Governor's Academy             25.22          3     
7     Aiden Lee                     9    Eaglebrook School                  25.47          2     
8     Peter Abenante                11   The Governor's Academy             25.62          2     
9     Nolan Killman                 10   Rivers School                      25.79          2     
10    Eric Perry                    10   The Governor's Academy             25.97          3     
11    Max Rochford                  10   The Governor's Academy             26.35          2     
12    Janciel Martinez              9    The Governor's Academy             26.82          2     
13    Aaron Julian                  9    Rivers School                      26.82          4     
14    Finn Allen                    12   The Governor's Academy             28.08          2     
15    Gennaro Ferrante              10   The Governor's Academy             29.83          3     
16    Fafa Dzokoto                  10   The Governor's Academy             30.53          3     
17    Greyson Ebbrell               9    The Governor's Academy             31.80          4     

Girls 200 meter Dash  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Nyla Palmer                   11   The Governor's Academy             25.72          1     
2     Makayla Moriarty              12   The Governor's Academy             26.14          1     
3     Mia Svendsen                  11   The Governor's Academy             27.35          1     
4     Mei-Ling Bielagus             11   The Governor's Academy             28.31          1     
5     Brooke Carter                 9    Rivers School                      29.31          1     
6     Maggie O'Gannon               12   The Governor's Academy             30.87          1     
7     Siena Yeh                     9    Rivers School                      31.04          3     
8     Alia Bezzari                  10   The Governor's Academy             31.28          2     
9     Lana Hardin                   9    The Governor's Academy             31.32          2     
10    Sage Smith-Pallotta           10   The Governor's Academy             32.39          2     
11    Hanna Babo                    9    The Governor's Academy             32.64          2     
12    Khanh Vu                      11   The Governor's Academy             32.68          2     
13    Molly Gundersheim             9    Rivers School                      32.73          2     
14    Sophia Capodilupo             9    Rivers School                      33.30          3     
15    Heloise Langlais              10   The Governor's Academy             34.61          3     
16    Alexis Feinberg               9    Rivers School                      34.65          2     
17    Joelle Joely Gubitosi         10   Rivers School                      37.22          3     

Boys 4x400 Meter Relay  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Belmont Hill School                3:45.01        1     
2                                        Eaglebrook School                  3:55.15        1     
3                                        The Governor's Academy             4:11.41        1     

Boys 3000 meter Run  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Davis Woolbert                11   Belmont Hill School                9:58.03        1     
2     Sam Blank                     10   Rivers School                      10:48.93       1     
3     Ryan Sullivan                 9    The Governor's Academy             10:51.51       1     
4     Brian Zheng                   12   The Governor's Academy             11:44.31       1     
5     Alex Li                       8    Eaglebrook School                  12:07.52       1     

Girls 4x400 Meter Relay  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        The Governor's Academy             4:17.04        1     
2                                        The Governor's Academy             4:32.63        1     
3                                        Rivers School                      4:53.88        1     

Girls Javelin Throw  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Sophia Capodilupo             9    Rivers School                      59-0           1     
2     Alexandra Sahsa Akmaeva       11   Rivers School                      56-0           1     
3     Ryana Riaz                    12   The Governor's Academy             53-4           1     
4     Heloise Langlais              10   The Governor's Academy             43-5           1     
5     Jenny Hwang                   9    The Governor's Academy             40-4           1     
6     Amanda Hanrahan               12   The Governor's Academy             36-3           1     
7     Joelle Joely Gubitosi         10   Rivers School                      35-1           1     
8     Xavia Baniga                  12   The Governor's Academy             32-2           1     

Boys Javelin Throw  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Nick Ascione                  12   Belmont Hill School                158-7          1     
2     Scott Black                   12   Belmont Hill School                147-10         1     
3     Alex Kyner                    11   Rivers School                      138-8          1     
4     Dylan Doherty                 11   Belmont Hill School                113-9          1     
5     Will Fuller                   10   The Governor's Academy             113-5          1     
6     Evan Dresser                  11   Belmont Hill School                113-1          1     
7     Dylan Herlihy                 11   Rivers School                      106-5          1     
8     Ceiba Wild                    12   Belmont Hill School                101-8          1     
9     Michael Hadley                10   Belmont Hill School                100-1          1     
10    Alex Black                    10   Belmont Hill School                93-8           1     
11    Laird Gerdes                  11   The Governor's Academy             89-10          1     
12    Nolan Killman                 10   Rivers School                      89-1           2     
13    Eric Perry                    10   The Governor's Academy             83-6           2     
14    Teddy Jiganti                 11   The Governor's Academy             72-2           2     
15    Janciel Martinez              9    The Governor's Academy             65-11          2     
16    Sebastian Vallejo             10   The Governor's Academy             65-3           2     
17    Fafa Dzokoto                  10   The Governor's Academy             64-5           2     
18    Greyson Ebbrell               9    The Governor's Academy             58-1           2     
19    Mason Peng                    11   The Governor's Academy             51-5           2     

Girls Discus Throw  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Melissa Soep                  9    The Governor's Academy             62-9           1     
2     Francine Tshimbalanga         12   The Governor's Academy             61-10.50       1     
3     Amanda Hanrahan               12   The Governor's Academy             61-9           1     
4     Xavia Baniga                  12   The Governor's Academy             55-11          1     
5     Ava Baynes                    9    The Governor's Academy             51-6           1     
6     Isabella Gomez                10   The Governor's Academy             51-1           1     
7     Juliana Lucero                10   The Governor's Academy             50-8           1     
8     Sophia Capodilupo             9    Rivers School                      50-8           1     
9     Arissa Ibrahim                12   The Governor's Academy             39-4           1     
10    Alexandra Sahsa Akmaeva       11   Rivers School                      38-2.50        1     

Boys Discus Throw  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Josiah Gomes                  11   Belmont Hill School                143-7          1     
2     Sampson Onuoha                11   Belmont Hill School                128-8          1     
3     Thomas Rupley                 11   Belmont Hill School                127-9          1     
4     Nick Fiumara                  10   Belmont Hill School                121-5          1     
5     Peter Fiumara                 12   Belmont Hill School                107-0          1     
6     Nuer Bol                      11   The Governor's Academy             95-6           1     
7     Nolan Killman                 10   Rivers School                      86-4           1     
8     Teddy Jiganti                 11   The Governor's Academy             84-5           1     
9     Laird Gerdes                  11   The Governor's Academy             79-1.50        1     
10    Sebastian Vallejo             10   The Governor's Academy             63-3           1     
11    Patrick Kim                   10   The Governor's Academy             57-11          1     

Girls Shot Put  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Francine Tshimbalanga         12   The Governor's Academy             28-11          1     
2     Amanda Hanrahan               12   The Governor's Academy             25-11.50       1     
3     Xavia Baniga                  12   The Governor's Academy             25-5.50        1     
4     Melissa Soep                  9    The Governor's Academy             24-4           1     
5     Alexandra Sahsa Akmaeva       11   Rivers School                      21-10          1     
6     Isabella Gomez                10   The Governor's Academy             18-9.50        1     
7     Ava Baynes                    9    The Governor's Academy             16-11          1     
8     Juliana Lucero                10   The Governor's Academy             15-0.50        1     
9     Arissa Ibrahim                12   The Governor's Academy             13-8.50        1     

Boys Shot Put  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Josiah Gomes                  11   Belmont Hill School                47-4.50        1     
2     Sampson Onuoha                11   Belmont Hill School                46-1           1     
3     Thomas Rupley                 11   Belmont Hill School                44-9           1     
4     Shams Alnusyrat                    The Governor's Academy             34-9           1     
5     Nuer Bol                      11   The Governor's Academy             34-2.50        1     
6     Laird Gerdes                  11   The Governor's Academy             29-0.50        1     
7     Sebastian Vallejo             10   The Governor's Academy             27-1           1     
8     Teddy Jiganti                 11   The Governor's Academy             26-3.50        1     
9     Patrick Kim                   10   The Governor's Academy             22-4.25        1     

Girls Long Jump  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Lila Graves                   12   The Governor's Academy             16-8.75        1     
2     Tessa Borgatti                10   The Governor's Academy             15-0.75        1     
3     Maggie O'Gannon               12   The Governor's Academy             14-0.25        1     
4     Skylar Bedard                 10   The Governor's Academy             12-8.25        1     

Boys Long Jump  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Marcus Griffin                10   Belmont Hill School                20-11.50       1     
2     Charlie Mosier                9    Eaglebrook School                  20-10.50       1     
3     Justin Li                     10   Belmont Hill School                19-6.75        1     
4     Peter Abenante                11   The Governor's Academy             17-7.75        1     
5     Eric Perry                    10   The Governor's Academy             17-2.75        1     
6     Finn Allen                    12   The Governor's Academy             16-4           1     
7     Macari Joyner                 12   The Governor's Academy             16-4           1     

Girls Triple Jump  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Lila Graves                   12   The Governor's Academy             34-7.75        1     

Boys Triple Jump  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Eita Fuse                     10   Belmont Hill School                39-9.25        1     
2     Marcus Griffin                10   Belmont Hill School                39-9           1     
3     Justin Li                     10   Belmont Hill School                39-6.50        1     
4     Brendan Fraser                11   The Governor's Academy             36-5           1     
5     Peter Abenante                11   The Governor's Academy             35-8.75        1     
6     Rider Smith-Pallotta          10   The Governor's Academy             35-8.50        1     
7     Mason Peng                    11   The Governor's Academy             34-8.25        1     
8     Yareh Constant                11   Belmont Hill School                32-6.50        1     

Girls Pole Vault  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Amina Cifric                  11   The Governor's Academy             10-0           1     
2     Julia Fanikos                 10   The Governor's Academy             5-6            1     

Boys Pole Vault  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Mason West                    12   The Governor's Academy             12-0           1     
2     Rafael Rodriguez-Montgomery   12   Belmont Hill School                10-6           1     
3     Finn Allen                    12   The Governor's Academy             10-0           1     
4     Garrett Theberge              12   Belmont Hill School                9-6            1     
5     Macari Joyner                 12   The Governor's Academy             9-0            1     
6     Kolby Buddenhagen             9    The Governor's Academy             8-0            1     
7     Josh Taylor                   10   The Governor's Academy             7-0            1     
8     Max Rochford                  10   The Governor's Academy             7-0            1     
9     Janciel Martinez              9    The Governor's Academy             6-0            1     

Girls High Jump  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Alia Bezzari                  10   The Governor's Academy             4-0            1     

Boys High Jump  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Eric Zhu                      9    Eaglebrook School                  5-6            1     
2     James Lyon                    11   Belmont Hill School                5-0            1     

Girls 3000 meter Run  
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Erin Crisafi                  12   The Governor's Academy             13:48.34       1     

Boys Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     Belmont Hill School                159
2     The Governor's Academy             60
3     Eaglebrook School                  21
4     Rivers School                      17
Girls Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     The Governor's Academy             126
2     Rivers School                      27
3     Eaglebrook School                  3