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HY-TEK's Meet Manager 12/20/2019 07:57 AM
Dual Valley / SWCL Meets - 12/19/2019
Northbridge High School
Event 1 Women 2 Mile Run
Name Year School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Mungeam, Keely SR Douglas HS 12:50.40
2 Spiezio, Alyssa FR HHS 13:27.70
3 Segatore, Molly Tantasqua 14:18.30
4 Graffeo, Camille FR Assabet 14:36.20
5 Nadolski, Emma FR Nipm 14:44.40
6 Dodge, Hannah SO Sutton 15:21.20
7 Dawood, Jessica FR Sutton 18:42.00
Event 2 Men 2 Mile Run
Name Year School Finals Points
1 DeZutter, Dan SR Nipm 10:25.00
2 Thumann, Joseph JR WCS 10:32.00
3 Spring, Camden SR Assabet 10:46.00
4 Terenzi, Jackson JR HHS 11:08.00
5 Fumia, Joshua JR HHS 11:49.00
6 Squier, Colin FR Douglas HS 12:04.00
7 Romanoff, Eric Tantasqua 12:08.00
8 Sweetser, Nolan JR Holy Name 12:29.00
9 Chaplin, Jacob SR Blackstone-Millv 13:51.00
10 Nagda, Andrew SO Nipm 14:12.00
11 Phelps, Matthew 8 Douglas HS 14:14.00
12 Ashworth, Benjamin FR Douglas HS 14:20.00
Event 3 Women 50 Yard Hurdles
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Ikeda, Sophie SO Holy Name 8.70
2 Ramsdell, Caroline 9 Douglas HS 9.30
3 Sousa, Emily Ann F Assabet 10.70
4 Goode, Alexandra 7 HHS 11.80
Section 2
1 Morrill, Kathryn Tantasqua 8.40
2 Skiba, Olivia FR Nipm 9.00
3 LaChapelle, Emma JR Northbridge High 9.60
4 Choma, Abby 8 Sutton 10.10
Section 3
1 Labonte, Cece SO WCS 8.70
2 Dowrey, Grace SR Blackstone-Millv 10.30
Section 4
1 Wengender, Ava Tantasqua 9.30
2 Our, Annika SR Douglas HS 9.90
3 Stewert, Katherine FR Nipm 10.50
4 Smith, Natalie FR Sutton 10.90
Event 4 Men 50 Yard Hurdles
Name Year School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Lanava, Ben SR Holy Name 7.60
2 Ebers, Dylan JR Assabet 9.00
3 DeGregorio, Nate SR WCS 12.40
Section 2
1 Skiba, Ben JR Nipm 7.70
2 Lightbrown, Luke FR Douglas HS 8.20
3 Dodge, Kyle SR Sutton 8.60
4 Bebawy, Mina JR HHS 9.70
Section 3
1 Robidoux, Casey Tantasqua 7.50
2 Winchell, Cody SR Douglas HS 8.40
3 Chartrand, Gabriel JR Assabet 8.70
4 Morrice, Christian FR Nipm 9.20
Section 4
1 Majewski, Alexander Tantasqua 8.60
2 Kowal, Ethan Tantasqua 8.90
3 Boxell, David SO Assabet 9.60
Event 5 Women 50 Yard Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Umumbu, Berthe JR Blackstone-Millv 6.60
2 DeBarros, Vicky SR WCS 7.00
3 Coonan, Taylor FR Holy Name 8.00
4 Sousa, Emily Ann F Assabet 8.40
Section 2
1 Souphida, Arouny SR Douglas HS 7.00
2 Howe, Caroline FR Sutton 7.30
3 Casey, Catherine JR Nipm 7.70
4 Sacco, Maggie JR HHS 8.30
Section 3
1 Lapierre, Jordan Tantasqua 6.90
2 Clifford, Michaela FR WCS 7.30
3 Brothers, Paige JR Douglas HS 7.70
4 Hoffman, Hayleigh SO Northbridge High 8.00
Section 4
1 Lange, Elizabeth 8 Nipm 6.80
2 Ives, Lila Tantasqua 7.30
3 Ritzer, Anabella SR Sutton 7.60
4 Marshall, Lily 8 Northbridge High 8.60
Section 5
1 Comer, Kali JR Nipm 7.20
2 Johnson, Emma SO WCS 7.60
3 Calkins, Isabella 8 Douglas HS 7.90
4 Hodgdon, Madeline FR HHS 8.60
Section 6
1 Gaul, Ava SO Sutton 7.30
2 Labonte, Jill SO WCS 7.40
3 Cadarette, Brooke Tantasqua 7.60
4 Lamarche, Trysta 8 Northbridge High 8.40
Section 7
1 Riley, Katie Tantasqua 7.70
2 Dolan, Jenna SO WCS 8.50
3 Sheldon, Mia JR Douglas HS 9.50
Section 8
1 Dowling, Elizah SO WCS 7.70
2 Pollitt, Hannah FR WCS 8.20
Event 6 Men 50 Yard Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
Section 1
1 MacGillvray, Michael SR WCS 6.00
2 Hammitt, Sean SR Holy Name 6.30
3 Valdes, Jamie JR Blackstone-Millv 6.60
4 Caabrera, Abraham FR Assabet 6.80
Section 2
1 Paine, Devon SR Nipm 6.20
2 Dunn, Brian JR Sutton 6.30
3 Peck, Gregory JR Douglas HS 6.60
4 Ward, Ethan FR HHS 7.60
Section 3
1 Curtis, Jeff SR WCS 5.90
2 DeGaetano, Robbie 12 Douglas HS 6.10
3 Fitzpatrick, Avant Tantasqua 6.60
4 Chartrand, Gabriel JR Assabet 6.90
Section 4
1 Birdsey, Shamus SR Nipm 6.00
2 O'Rourke, Aidan JR Sutton 6.30
3 Harvey, Andrew SR WCS 6.50
4 Boxell, David SO Assabet 6.80
Section 5
1 Kerr, Alex SR WCS 6.20
2 Buivydas, Linas 8 Douglas HS 6.40
3 Leombruno, Matthew SO Nipm 6.50
4 Cederlund, Jacob FR Sutton 6.90
Section 6
1 Paine, Jack SR Nipm 6.20
2 Buivydas, Darius 8 Douglas HS 6.60
3 Parent, Landon 8 Douglas HS 6.80
4 Graves, Matt FR Sutton 8.00
Section 7
1 Coyle, Eric SO Nipm 6.60
2 Hennessy, Joseph SO Douglas HS 6.90
3 Ghiorse, JonJay JR Nipm 7.10
4 Enoch, Ethan 8 WCS 7.40
Section 8
1 Morrice, Christian FR Nipm 6.80
Event 7 Women 1 Mile Run
Name Year School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Coseno, Jen SR Sutton 5:30.00
2 Wall, Emma SR Douglas HS 5:33.00
3 Magierowski, Olivia Tantasqua 6:13.00
4 Scott, Clara SO Nipm 6:40.00
5 Uthoff, Ava JR Nipm 6:43.00
6 Graffeo, Camille FR Assabet 6:51.00
7 Godek, Claire Tantasqua 7:05.00
8 Walker, Celia SO Northbridge High 7:27.00
9 Rossow, Marissa 8 Sutton 8:23.00
Event 8 Men 1 Mile Run
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Murry, Kyle JR HHS 4:53.00
2 Dobbs, Michael SR HHS 5:07.00
3 Spring, Camden SR Assabet 5:09.00
4 Robrigues, Brandon Tantasqua 5:10.00
5 Thumann, Joseph JR WCS 5:22.00
6 Hearn, Jack JR WCS 5:24.00
7 Tower, Jake JR HHS 5:28.00
8 Russell, Jacob SO HHS 5:34.00
9 Moss, Chrisian SR Nipm 5:52.00
10 Didonna, Noah SO Sutton 5:56.00
11 Stickney, Connor FR Douglas HS 6:09.00
12 LaBonne, Jack SO Nipm 6:23.00
13 Hagan, Cameron FR Nipm 6:25.00
13 Kelley, Sam 8 Sutton 6:25.00
15 Shah, Mohsin JR Blackstone-Millv 6:26.00
16 Rosenkrantz, Jonah 8 Douglas HS 6:33.00
Event 9 Women 300 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Simoncini, Kira FR WCS 48.40
2 Yornopoulos, Gianna FR Nipm 49.20
3 Dansereau, Renee FR Douglas HS 52.10
4 Hodgdon, Madeline FR HHS 58.00
Section 2
1 Ashworth, Mauve Tantasqua 48.20
2 Charbaszcz, Samantha SR Northbridge High 50.70
3 Cofsky, Emma SR Sutton 53.40
4 Sacco, Maggie JR HHS 1:07.20
Section 3
1 Averka, Lauren SR Sutton 51.00
2 Cote, Michelle JR Nipm 51.50
3 Johnson, Emma SO WCS 54.20
4 Wood, Lauren Tantasqua 58.30
Section 4
1 White, Laura SR Sutton 52.20
2 Pollitt, Hannah FR WCS 58.80
3 Alden, Grace Tantasqua 59.30
4 Skiba, Olivia FR Nipm 59.70
Section 5
1 Clifford, Michaela FR WCS 51.80
2 Casamento, Sydney 8 Nipm 55.20
3 Stuart, Alana SO Sutton 58.00
4 Goodwin, Rita Tantasqua 1:01.10
Section 6
1 Brerenton, Julia SO Nipm 56.80
2 Dolan, Jenna SO WCS 1:04.70
Event 10 Men 300 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Worley, Darnell SR WCS 40.00
2 Laren, Noah SR Blackstone-Millv 43.30
3 Burke, Paul SO Assabet 46.00
4 Lightbrown, Luke FR Douglas HS 48.50
Section 2
1 Babiy, Marcus SR Northbridge High 39.40
2 LaCortiglia, Nicolas JR Nipm 41.50
3 Charity, Jacob SO Sutton 42.80
4 Kaden, Crawford HHS 44.70
Section 3
1 Lahousse, Damien SR Blackstone-Millv 40.90
2 Robidoux, Casey Tantasqua 43.70
3 DeGregorio, Nate SR WCS 46.80
4 Tanka, Kanata FR Assabet 53.30
Section 4
1 Bean, Nathan SR HHS 44.60
2 Paine, Jack SR Nipm 45.70
3 Parent, Landon 8 Douglas HS 50.00
4 Connors, Ben FR Sutton 51.30
Section 5
1 Valdes, Jamie JR Blackstone-Millv 44.10
2 Fitzpatrick, Avant Tantasqua 45.00
3 Orlandino, Owen FR Northbridge High 48.90
4 Sousa, Jadyn FR Assabet 1:03.10
Section 6
1 Bebawy, Kirolos JR HHS 44.10
2 Dankwardt, Aidan SO Nipm 47.70
3 Mazzarelli, Alex 8 Northbridge High 49.90
4 Psuik, Nolan SR Douglas HS 52.90
Section 7
1 Kelley, Ryan Tantasqua 45.50
2 Coyle, Eric SO Nipm 46.00
3 Rondeau, Curtis Douglas HS 1:00.40
4 Ward, Ethan FR HHS 1:09.00
Section 8
1 Bigelow, Jacob FR Nipm 49.20
2 Borst, Isaac SO Nipm 51.50
Event 11 Women 600 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
Section 1
1 McCormack, Faith Tantasqua 2:01.20
2 Terando, Sonya JR HHS 2:01.50
3 Dowling, Elizah SO WCS 2:01.80
4 Capuano, Olivia FR Sutton 2:03.70
5 Criasia, Alexandra SO Douglas HS 2:04.30
6 Brodeur, Jessica JR Blackstone-Millv 2:04.90
7 Verra, Grace SR Northbridge High 2:05.40
8 Crotty, Alyssa FR Nipm 2:10.30
Section 2
1 Wood, Victoria SO Nipm 2:07.40
2 Campbell, Carina FR Sutton 2:08.50
3 Adamowicz, Ruby FR Sutton 2:09.20
4 Bolin, Kaylee SO Douglas HS 2:09.60
5 Elliott, Jenna JR Douglas HS 2:13.10
6 Smith, Grace Tantasqua 2:17.20
7 Abraham, Sejal FR HHS 2:17.50
8 Goode, Alexandra 7 HHS 2:19.00
9 Dupre, Rachel JR Nipm 2:27.30
Event 12 Men 600 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Hennedy, Samuel SR Douglas HS 1:34.80
2 Turenne, Joseph JR HHS 1:36.80
3 Moss, Chrisian SR Nipm 1:41.40
4 Harvey, Andrew SR WCS 1:43.80
5 Austin, Mike Tantasqua 1:44.30
6 Poirier, David JR Blackstone-Millv 1:47.70
7 Noone, Aidan SO Sutton 2:15.80
Section 2
1 Hearn, Jack JR WCS 1:35.50
2 Smith, Samuel Tantasqua 1:41.50
3 Hayes, Aidan SR Nipm 1:50.70
4 Enoch, Ethan 8 WCS 1:55.20
5 Baldracchi, Joshua Tantasqua 1:56.90
6 Romanoff, Eric Tantasqua 2:02.50
7 LeBoeuf, Aiden 8 Douglas HS 2:03.50
Event 15 Women 1000 Meter Run
Name Year School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Coseno, Jen SR Sutton 3:19.50
2 Wall, Emma SR Douglas HS 3:21.50
3 Ronan, Emma FR Holy Name 3:31.50
4 Dowling, Becky SO WCS 3:35.60
5 Spiezio, Alyssa FR HHS 3:42.50
6 Mungeam, Keely SR Douglas HS 3:43.10
7 Baumann, Sophia SO Northbridge High 3:48.90
8 Ramos, Celestina JR HHS 3:53.30
9 Howard, Julia Tantasqua 3:59.40
10 Parker, Erin Tantasqua 3:59.60
11 McDermott, Kylie Tantasqua 4:06.50
12 Dodge, Hannah SO Sutton 4:16.80
13 Faugno, Julia Tantasqua 4:32.20
14 D'Amico, Lauren SR Douglas HS 4:39.30
15 Alcott, Paige JR Nipm 4:41.70
16 Todd, Melody SO Nipm 5:02.80
Event 16 Men 1000 Meter Run
Name Year School Finals Points
1 DeZutter, Dan SR Nipm 2:58.50
2 Murphy, Dominic Tantasqua 3:08.80
3 Acocelli, Gavin SO Sutton 3:09.70
4 Tower, Jake JR HHS 3:14.60
5 Leclaire, Luc SR Blackstone-Millv 3:18.50
6 Squier, Andrew 8 Douglas HS 3:33.00
7 Mazzarelli, Alex 8 Northbridge High 3:36.70
8 Ebers, Dylan JR Assabet 4:07.60
Section 2
1 Fumia, Joshua JR HHS 3:15.80
2 Kaden, Crawford HHS 3:19.50
3 Phelps, Matthew 8 Douglas HS 3:37.80
4 Orlandino, Owen FR Northbridge High 3:38.10
5 Ashworth, Benjamin FR Douglas HS 3:38.50
6 Bombara, Samuel JR Nipm 3:39.10
7 Katzen, Jordan 8 Nipm 3:40.30
8 Stickney, Connor FR Douglas HS 3:45.50
9 Mercado, Lorenzo Tantasqua 3:51.70
10 Jensen, Erik Tantasqua 4:02.90
Event 17 Women 4x200 Meter Relay
School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Whitinsville Christian School 'A' 2:03.40
2 Nipmuc 'A' 2:07.20
3 Sutton High School 'A' 2:14.10
4 Douglas HS 'A' 2:19.50
Event 18 Men 4x200 Meter Relay
School Finals Points
1 Whitinsville Christian School 'A' 1:43.30
2 Douglas HS 'A' 1:53.80
3 Hopedale HS 'A' 1:56.50
4 Assabet Valley 'A' 2:14.90
Section 2
1 Sutton High School 'A' 1:56.60
-- Nipmuc 'A' DQ OUT OF ZONE
Event 19 Women 4x400 Meter Relay
School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Sutton High School 'A' 4:52.40
2 Blackstone-Millville Regional 'A' 4:54.70
3 Nipmuc 'A' 5:20.60
4 Douglas HS 'A' 5:22.70
Section 2
1 Tantasqua 'A' 4:56.70
2 Northbridge High School 'A' 5:14.30
Event 20 Men 4x400 Meter Relay
School Finals Points
Section 1
1 Hopedale HS 'A' 4:05.70
2 Blackstone-Millville Regional 'A' 4:13.70
Section 2
1 Sutton High School 'A' 4:15.60
2 Tantasqua 'A' 4:16.40
3 Douglas HS 'A' 4:20.40
4 Nipmuc 'A' 4:36.00
Event 21 Women Shot Put
Name Year School Finals Points
Flight 1
1 Hockenbury, Kathryn SR HHS 32-08.00
2 Behket, Karen JR WCS 32-05.25
3 Boone, Kaitlyn Tantasqua 31-02.50
4 Joseph, Leah SO Sutton 24-09.75
5 Arena, Abby Tantasqua 24-05.00
6 Choma, Abby 8 Sutton 24-02.00
7 Souphida, Arouny SR Douglas HS 24-00.50
8 Gallagher, Camille SR Nipm 23-08.25
8 Frieswick, Isabella SR Nipm 23-08.25
10 Umumbu, Berthe JR Blackstone-Millv 22-07.25
11 Cofsky, Emma SR Sutton 21-09.00
12 D'Amico, Lauren SR Douglas HS 21-03.25
13 Coonan, Taylor FR Holy Name 20-01.00
13 Schofield, Ashley JR WCS 20-01.00
15 Muniz, Isabella 8 Sutton 19-03.00
16 Hodgdon, Madeline FR HHS 18-00.25
17 Sacco, Maggie JR HHS 17-01.75
18 Sheldon, Mia JR Douglas HS 12-08.50
Event 22 Men Shot Put
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Rocheleau, Curtis SR Sutton 47-04.00
2 Boone, Kyle Tantasqua 40-09.00
3 Fenton, Colby SR Holy Name 40-04.00
4 Birdsey, Shamus SR Nipm 39-11.00
5 Wielsma, Jared JR Northbridge High 36-04.00
6 Bean, Nathan SR HHS 34-10.75
7 Lahousse, Damien SR Blackstone-Millv 34-08.00
8 LaCross, Matthew SR Nipm 33-05.25
9 Laren, Noah SR Blackstone-Millv 33-05.00
10 Guertin, Josh JR WCS 31-02.25
11 Hennessy, Joseph SO Douglas HS 31-00.00
12 Baldracchi, Jacob Tantasqua 30-07.25
13 Page, Hayden SR Sutton 30-04.25
14 Psuik, Nolan SR Douglas HS 30-03.00
15 Lataille, Anthony Tantasqua 29-11.25
16 Sullivan, Jon SO WCS 29-10.00
17 Leclaire, Luc SR Blackstone-Millv 29-05.75
18 Paulino, Kevin FR Sutton 28-11.00
19 Dodge, Kyle SR Sutton 28-10.00
20 Alton, John SR Blackstone-Millv 26-07.25
21 Walker, Kyle JR Northbridge High 26-01.75
22 Antonelli, Nick Nipm 24-02.25
23 Rondeau, Curtis Douglas HS 24-00.25
24 Cannistraci, Ben JR WCS 21-07.25
25 Ward, Ethan FR HHS 20-07.50
26 Kelley, Sam 8 Sutton 19-07.25
27 Sousa, Jadyn FR Assabet 16-01.50
Event 23 Women High Jump
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Labonte, Cece SO WCS 4-08.00
1 Morrill, Kathryn Tantasqua 4-08.00
3 Ramos, Celestina JR HHS 4-04.00
3 Wengender, Ava Tantasqua 4-04.00
3 Riley, Katie Tantasqua 4-04.00
3 White, Laura SR Sutton 4-04.00
3 Dowrey, Grace SR Blackstone-Millv 4-04.00
8 Smith, Natalie FR Sutton 4-02.00
9 Frieswick, Isabella SR Nipm 4-00.00
9 Stewert, Katherine FR Nipm 4-00.00
11 Lamarche, Trysta 8 Northbridge High 3-08.00
11 Marshall, Lily 8 Northbridge High 3-08.00
-- Brothers, Paige JR Douglas HS FAIL
Event 24 Men High Jump
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Dodge, Kyle SR Sutton J5-06.00
2 DeZutter, Dan SR Nipm J5-06.00
3 LaCortiglia, Nicolas JR Nipm 5-04.00
4 O'Rourke, Aidan JR Sutton 5-00.00
5 Acocelli, Gavin SO Sutton 4-08.00
Flight 2
1 DeGaetano, Robbie 12 Douglas HS J5-02.00
2 Hennedy, Samuel SR Douglas HS J5-02.00
3 Peck, Gregory JR Douglas HS 5-02.00
4 Kaden, Crawford HHS 5-06.00
18 Lightbrown, Luke FR Douglas HS 4-08.00
Flight 3
1 Lahousse, Damien SR Blackstone-Millv J5-10.00
2 Laren, Noah SR Blackstone-Millv J5-10.00
7 Worley, Darnell SR WCS 5-04.00
7 Curtis, Jeff SR WCS 5-04.00
13 DeGregorio, Nate SR WCS 5-00.00
Flight 4
1 Johnson, Cody SR Northbridge High 5-10.00
13 Majewski, Alexander Tantasqua 5-00.00
16 Murphy, Dominic Tantasqua 4-10.00
-- Kelley, Ryan Tantasqua FAIL
Flight 5
1 Mahlert, Chris JR Holy Name 4-10.00
2 Boxell, David SO Assabet 4-08.00
-- Caabrera, Abraham FR Assabet FAIL