MSTCA Coaches Invitational 2016

Boston, MA

Boys Long Jump

 First Time Out - Contractor License               1/23/2016 - 12:24 PM
       MSTCA 53rd Annual Boys and 39th Annual Girls Invitational       
                  Track and Field Meet   - 1/23/2016                   
                 RLTAC Robert McIntyre Track - Boston                  
Event 18  Boys Long Jump
 Meet Record: * 23-00.25  1/17/1998   Mark Jellison, Reading           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Teal, John                11 Cambridge R&L         21-03.00        
  2 Biegen, Angel             12 Leominster            20-11.25        
  3 Cherenfant, Brian         12 Taunton               20-04.25        
  4 Forte, Derek              12 Burlington            20-03.50        
  5 Blythe, Lukas             11 Central Catholic      20-02.00        
  6 Danti, Nathaniel          12 Groton-Dunstable      20-01.00        
  7 Keene, Sean               12 Lowell                19-11.50        
  8 Goslin, Benjamin          12 Bishop Feehan         19-06.00        
  8 Torres, Kyle              10 Waltham               19-06.00        
 10 Cintron, Juan             12 Central Catholic      19-05.00        
 11 Hogan, Jebediah           12 Gloucester            19-04.50        
 11 Omuemu, Eseosa            11 Foxborough            19-04.50        
 13 Cruz, John                11 Springfield Central   19-04.00        
 14 Rooney, Jacob             11 Plymouth South        19-03.00        
 15 Cirillo, Dominic          12 Pembroke              19-00.25        
 16 Mountzouris, Stephen         St.John's (S)         19-00.00        
 17 Steitz, Nathanial         11 Woburn                18-10.50        
 18 MacAdam, Jack             10 Oliver Ames-Easton    18-10.00        
 19 Goslin, Zachary           12 Bishop Feehan         18-09.00        
 20 Loreus, Daryl             12 Malden                18-08.50        
 21 Panigraphy, Anand         11 Arch. Williams        18-07.00        
 22 Langenfeld, Deven         12 Wilmington            18-06.00        
 22 Akon, Michael             10 Lowell                18-06.00        
 24 King, Kevin               12 Reading Memorial      18-05.50        
 25 Ritchie, Dawson           11 St.John's (S)         18-03.00        
 26 Reilly, Mike              10 Stoneham              18-01.00        
 27 Monteiro, Joel            11 Brockton              18-00.50        
 28 Lara, Joel                10 Snowden               17-09.50        
 29 Leung, Mike               11 Stoneham              17-03.00        
 30 Kwakye, Peter             10 Methuen               16-09.00        
 31 Sheehan, Kieran           12 Methuen               15-09.50        
 -- Theodule, Damion          12 Taunton                   FOUL