Complete Results

Licensed to Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center - Site License
                                                          HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                       Tri County Track & Field  League                        
                        2014-15  Meet #2  - 12/16/2014                         
                              Reggie Lewis Center                              
Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Section  1  
  1   811 Gilligan, Collin    11 Lowell Catho              7.22  
  2   312 Mirra, Cameron      11 Bishop Fenwi              7.41  
  3   248 Carlson, Shawn      10 Bishop Fenwi              7.59  
  4   812 Gitei, Andre        12 Lowell Catho              7.63  
  5   232 Alexander, Conor    12 Bishop Fenwi              8.08  
  6     3 Chaudhary, Jay      11 Archbishop W              8.30  
  7     8 Gregg, Cameron      10 Archbishop W              8.32  
 --   808 Falardeau, Corey    11 Lowell Catho                FS  
Section  2  
  1   176 Connolly, Joe       12 Austin Prep               7.02  
  2   193 Morgan, Matt        12 Austin Prep               7.14  
  3   126 Reginald, Satish    12 Arlington Ca              7.36  
  4    91 Donovan, Mark       12 Arlington Ca              7.50  
  5   109 Laurendeau, Matt    10 Arlington Ca              7.50  
  6   177 Conroy, Devin       11 Austin Prep               7.54  
  7   191 McCarthy, Sean      09 Austin Prep               9.47  
Section  3  
  1   659 Williams, Samir     12 Cardinal Spe              6.87  
  2  1176 Toe, Abraham        10 St Mary's                 7.18  
  3  1151 Donahue, Brendan    10 St Mary's                 7.53  
  4   601 Alexis, Ramyrge     12 Cardinal Spe              7.68  
  5  1175 Scott, Marlon        9 St Mary's                 7.91  
  6  1141 Blaise, Fred        10 St Mary's                 7.94  
Section  4  
  1   985 Jarrell, Matt       12 Saint John's              6.97  
  2   978 Fitzpatrick, Joe    10 Saint John's              7.15  
  3  1020 Smith, Tim          10 Saint John's              7.34  
  3  1014 Rosseau, Rob        12 Saint John's              7.34  
  5   861 Albert, Cam         10 Malden Catho              7.52  
  6   862 Augustin, James     11 Malden Catho              7.57  
  7   863 Barros, Andrew      12 Malden Catho              7.57  
  8   896 St. Gourdin, Andre  10 Malden Catho              7.93  
Section  5  
  1   469 Turner, Tyrik       12 Boston Colle              6.96  
  2   404 Djusberg, Oskar     11 Boston Colle              6.97  
  3   383 Cady, Conor         10 Boston Colle              7.03  
  4   481 Johnson, Will       11 Boston Colle              7.73  
  5  1088 McGinnis, Sean      11 St John's Prep            7.79  
  6  1072 Garbarino, Al       11 St John's Prep            8.10  
Section  6  
  1  1416 Mitchell, Giani     11 Xaverian Bro              6.89  
  2   684 Brown, Marcus       12 Catholic Mem              6.99  
  3  1457 Williams, CJ        11 Xaverian Bro              7.12  
  4  1443 Sicard, Laurent     11 Xaverian Bro              7.32  
  5   718 Techiera, Nick      10 Catholic Mem              7.37  
  6   687 Dalton, Jim         12 Catholic Mem              7.45  
Section  7  
  1   524 Derolus, Jonathan   12 Brockton                  6.65  
  2   530 Dos Santos, Grace   11 Brockton                  6.85  
  3  3015 Charles, Louidji    12 Cambridge                 6.93  
  4  3062 Teixeira, Mauro     11 Cambridge                 7.30  
  5  3049 Moore, Tyrell       10 Cambridge                 7.45  
  6   579 Shirley, Davonte    11 Brockton                  7.51  
  7  3047 Mijangos, Miguel    11 Cambridge                 7.53  
  8   571 Ranger, Errodane    11 Brockton                  7.67  
Boys 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Section  1  
  1   328 Rivers, Mitch       11 Bishop Fenwi             38.34  
  2   241 Blanchard, John     12 Bishop Fenwi             41.29  
  3   340 Testa, Will         11 Bishop Fenwi             45.68  
  4   933 Perez, Johan        11 Marian                   46.56  
  5   932 Oconnor, Tom        10 Marian                   52.20  
Section  2  
  1   812 Gitei, Andre        12 Lowell Catho             40.33  
  2   811 Gilligan, Collin    11 Lowell Catho             41.72  
  3    10 Henault, Andrew     10 Archbishop W             42.56  
  4   806 Dube, Joe           12 Lowell Catho             43.62  
  5    50 Tran, Francis       11 Archbishop W             44.80  
  6     8 Gregg, Cameron      10 Archbishop W             45.52  
Section  3  
  1   187 Liberacki, Matt     11 Austin Prep              38.00  
  2   129 Richardson, Matt    12 Arlington Ca             39.62  
  3   201 Rajaratnam, Nick    11 Austin Prep              40.02  
  4   175 Chaykovsky, Eric    12 Austin Prep              42.27  
  5    91 Donovan, Mark       12 Arlington Ca             43.20  
Section  4  
  1   208 Sullivan, Sean      12 Austin Prep              45.98  
  2   182 Hatzis, Panos       10 Austin Prep              49.30  
  3   110 Looney, Brendan     09 Arlington Ca             49.35  
  4    77 Cammarano, John     09 Arlington Ca             55.15  
Section  5  
  1   627 Grant, Bernard      11 Cardinal Spe             40.70  
  2   618 Dauphin, Freddy     11 Cardinal Spe             42.27  
  3  1176 Toe, Abraham        10 St Mary's                43.24  
  4  1175 Scott, Marlon        9 St Mary's                45.35  
  5   651 Royal, Zack         09 Cardinal Spe             50.63  
Section  6  
  1   997 Lefebvre, Derek     11 Saint John's             39.24  
  2   897 Ventola, Peter      11 Malden Catho             39.55  
  3  1000 McNeil, Liam        12 Saint John's             39.60  
  4  1014 Rosseau, Rob        12 Saint John's             40.92  
  5   878 Kelly, Devin        11 Malden Catho             41.46  
  6   882 Mastrocola, Ron     11 Malden Catho             43.37  
Section  7  
  1  1013 Ritchie, Dawson     10 Saint John's             40.23  
  2   877 Holmberg, Stephen   09 Malden Catho             42.06  
  3  1001 Mikule, Bailey      09 Saint John's             45.14  
  4   830 Perez, Nathan       11 Lowell Catho             47.92  
  5   825 McCullough, Sean    09 Lowell Catho             52.95  
  6   834 Silva, Brandon      09 Lowell Catho             55.00  
Section  8  
  1   433 Marcantonio, Justi  12 Boston Colle             36.39  
  2   383 Cady, Conor         10 Boston Colle             38.92  
  3   404 Djusberg, Oskar     11 Boston Colle             39.66  
  4  1061 Coutu, Andrew       09 St John's Prep           40.15  
  5  1086 Magazzu, Robert     09 St John's Prep           42.69  
Section  9  
  1  1120 Vance, Boozie       11 St John's Prep           39.91  
  2   392 Cipullo, Joe        11 Boston Colle             40.79  
  3  1115 Weist, Eric         11 St John's Prep           43.36  
  4  1067 DePasquale, Andrew  09 St John's Prep           44.02  
  5   446 Montefusco, Matt    11 Boston Colle             44.31  
  6   385 Carroll, Collin     10 Boston Colle             44.68  
Section  10  
  1  1435 Quereux, Mark       10 Xaverian Bro             38.30  
  2  1453 Thorbahn, Peter     11 Xaverian Bro             39.08  
  3   717 Suleiman, Abubakar  10 Catholic Mem             39.66  
  4   690 Denny, Christian    09 Catholic Mem             41.28  
  5  1394 Hayes, Ryan         10 Xaverian Bro             41.48  
  6   706 Lynch, Kevin        12 Catholic Mem             42.29  
Section  11  
  1  1349 Barnes, Patrick     09 Xaverian Bro             41.19  
  2   699 Gray, Christian     09 Catholic Mem             43.50  
  3  1362 Cataldo, Nathanial  11 Xaverian Bro             44.32  
  4  1422 O'Brien, Ewan       12 Xaverian Bro             44.70  
  5   702 Hughes, Dan         11 Catholic Mem             49.19  
Section  12  
  1  3059 Shimizu, Christoph  12 Cambridge                40.07  
  2   523 DePina, Anderson    12 Brockton                 40.48  
  3  3028 Fulweiler, Samuel   12 Cambridge                42.43  
  4  3045 McKinnon, Luke H    11 Cambridge                42.62  
  5   522 Delgado, Erivaldo   11 Brockton                 43.12  
  6   528 Docanto, Ardlley    10 Brockton                 44.49  
Section  13  
  1   552 Joseph, DeChristop  12 Brockton                 39.97  
  2  3010 Borden, Bryce       11 Cambridge                41.54  
  3   545 Hector, Reginald    10 Brockton                 42.18  
  4  3016 Clement, Joshua     12 Cambridge                43.20  
  5   529 Dos Santos, Djosue  10 Brockton                 44.68  
Boys 600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Section  1  
  1   349 Walsh, Patrick      12 Bishop Fenwi           1:36.84  
  2   936 Wenger, Christian   11 Marian                 1:41.53  
  3   307 Mahoney, John       09 Bishop Fenwi           1:48.34  
  4   259 Cook, Michael       09 Bishop Fenwi           1:53.98  
Section  2  
  1   831 Peterson, Brian     12 Lowell Catho           1:36.79  
  2   803 Diciaccio, Alec     11 Lowell Catho           1:40.24  
  3   819 Lefebure, Timothy   11 Lowell Catho           1:40.37  
  4    38 Panigraphy, Anand   10 Archbishop W           1:41.13  
  5   833 Rodriguez, Manu     09 Lowell Catho           1:47.68  
  6     5 Ferrie, Ryan        10 Archbishop W           1:52.21  
Section  3  
  1    80 Chaffee, Dalton     12 Arlington Ca           1:35.39  
  2    97 Foulk, Daniel       11 Arlington Ca           1:35.70  
  3   169 Blake, Peter        11 Austin Prep            1:37.30  
  4   212 Fernandes, Jeffer   11 Austin Prep            1:40.92  
  5    73 Bardascino, Marc    10 Arlington Ca           1:45.85  
  6   100 Hanley, Matt        09 Arlington Ca           1:46.53  
Section  4  
  1   658 Williams, Ben       12 Cardinal Spe           1:34.90  
  2  1168 McManus, Matt       11 St Mary's              1:37.43  
  3   617 Daley, Cooper       11 Cardinal Spe           1:41.50  
  4   628 Hansbury, Patrick   10 Cardinal Spe           1:43.36  
  5   328 Rivers, Mitch       11 Bishop Fenwi           1:44.25  
  6   648 Paige, Alex         11 Cardinal Spe           1:44.88  
Section  5  
  1   976 Ennis, Jackson      11 Saint John's           1:28.77  
  2   870 Curran, Matt        12 Malden Catho           1:29.23  
  3   974 Doran, Sean         11 Saint John's           1:30.76  
  4   965 Canfield, Jeremy    12 Saint John's           1:32.11  
  5  1010 Puglia, Mark        12 Saint John's           1:36.84  
  6   891 Ronayne, Francis    09 Malden Catho           1:43.32  
  7   864 Blanchard, Derek    09 Malden Catho           1:46.36  
Section  6  
  1  1083 Luongo, Joe         12 St John's Prep         1:26.74  
  2   434 Mastrocola, AJ      12 Boston Colle           1:30.51  
  3   459 Plouffe, William    12 Boston Colle           1:32.18  
  4   462 Sideropoulos, Luke  10 Boston Colle           1:34.00  
  5  1111 Sweeney, Nate       12 St John's Prep         1:35.50  
  6  1063 Degan, Tim          10 St John's Prep         1:39.69  
  7  1118 Woolston, Andrew    09 St John's Prep         1:43.72  
Section  7  
  1   705 Lara, John          10 Catholic Mem           1:26.78  
  2  1357 Buhler, Alex        11 Xaverian Bro           1:31.68  
  3  1437 Rombalski, Matthew  12 Xaverian Bro           1:32.89  
  4  1343 Andreassi, Mike     11 Xaverian Bro           1:40.67  
  5  1384 Fletcher, Matt      12 Xaverian Bro           1:47.29  
  6   722 McCarthy, Matt      11 Catholic Mem           1:47.48  
Section  8  
  1   539 Frederick, Collin   11 Brockton               1:30.24  
  2  3005 Astesano, Jeremy    12 Cambridge              1:31.64  
  3   538 Frederick, Camden   12 Brockton               1:32.32  
  4  3039 MacArthur, William  11 Cambridge              1:32.47  
  5   504 Andre, Jackson      12 Brockton               1:33.33  
  6   570 Polynice, Julian    11 Brockton               1:34.66  
Boys 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Section  1  
  1   387 Catinella, Leo      12 Boston Colle           2:44.21  
  2  1085 MacMullin, Evan     12 St John's Prep         2:48.03  
  3  1025 Walling, Cole       10 Saint John's           2:50.97  
  4   961 Adams, Ben          12 Saint John's           2:54.25  
  5   397 Cosentino, Nick     12 Boston Colle           2:56.69  
  6  1077 Ho, Nathan          12 St John's Prep         2:57.11  
  7   390 Chinnaswamy, trent  11 Boston Colle           3:00.10  
  8   998 Magsino, Jared      10 Saint John's           3:03.16  
  9   432 MacNeill, Conor     12 Boston Colle           3:28.22  
 10  1100 Rodriquez, David    12 St John's Prep         3:28.82  
Section  2  
  1  3000 Alemseged, Estiya   11 Cambridge              2:39.87  
  2  3031 Ingersoll, Sam      12 Cambridge              2:41.35  
  3   541 Gomes, Filipe       12 Brockton               2:49.26  
  4  1396 Henry, Alex         12 Xaverian Bro           2:54.74  
  5  1395 Hellard, Roger      11 Xaverian Bro           2:57.98  
  6  3011 Brill-Weil, Jacob   11 Cambridge              2:59.70  
  7   581 Thomas, Nyeme       12 Brockton               3:00.07  
  8  1368 Crognale, Joe       12 Xaverian Bro           3:02.76  
  9  1407 Kumar, Aditya       11 Xaverian Bro           3:04.62  
 10   546 Hendrigan, Samuel   09 Brockton               3:12.66  
 11  1386 Foster, Wes         12 Xaverian Bro           3:31.39  
 12   553 Kelly, John         09 Brockton               3:35.73  
Boys 1 Mile Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Section  1  
  1   919 Carreiro, Jannerro  10 Marian                 5:20.05  
  2   306 Loehle, Matthew     11 Bishop Fenwi           5:21.54  
  3   807 Dubuc, Chris        11 Lowell Catho           5:37.21  
  4    53 Hudgins, Jared      12 Archbishop W           5:44.01  
  5   826 Mehan, Kyle         10 Lowell Catho           5:45.48  
  6    20 Lynch, Stephen      10 Archbishop W           5:49.81  
  7    28 Mensching, James    09 Archbishop W           6:01.90  
  8   823 Marchand, Andy      11 Lowell Catho           6:08.32  
  9   802 Desriusseaux, Jaco  10 Lowell Catho           6:22.58  
Section  2  
  1   169 Blake, Peter        11 Austin Prep            5:03.31  
  2   604 Bergin, Conor       11 Cardinal Spe           5:11.34  
  3  1171 Mwangi, Anthony     11 St Mary's              5:12.74  
  4   612 Concannon, Joe      10 Cardinal Spe           5:13.67  
  5   653 Ryan, Tim           09 Cardinal Spe           5:14.08  
  6  1170 Murtagh, Cody       11 St Mary's              5:15.10  
  7   171 Burgholzer, Jake    12 Austin Prep            5:18.62  
  8   105 Kirkpatrick, Phil   12 Arlington Ca           5:29.83  
  9  1148 Coyle, Cullen       12 St Mary's              5:34.42  
 10    83 Cordero, James      10 Arlington Ca           5:41.52  
 11   655 Suneson, Gus        10 Cardinal Spe           5:45.92  
 12    90 Donovan, Justin     11 Arlington Ca           5:50.11  
 13   119 Morgan, Brian       09 Arlington Ca           5:51.18  
 14  1144 Carroll, Jack        9 St Mary's              5:51.27  
 15   626 Goyuk, Evan         11 Cardinal Spe           5:51.53  
Section  3  
  1   968 Couture, Alex       12 Saint John's           4:46.06  
  2  1396 Henry, Alex         12 Xaverian Bro           4:46.07  
  3  1395 Hellard, Roger      11 Xaverian Bro           4:51.73  
  4  1018 Schroeder, Alex     12 Saint John's           4:52.92  
  5   691 DeSilva, Brandon    10 Catholic Mem           4:53.75  
  6  1399 Houser, Matt        12 Xaverian Bro           5:14.98  
  7  1015 Sagerstrom, Tyler   12 Saint John's           5:15.21  
  8   990 Knox, Michael       11 Saint John's           5:24.50  
  9   894 Silveira, Marshall  12 Malden Catho           5:29.09  
 10   893 Scannell, Dennis    11 Malden Catho           5:37.73  
Section  4  
  1  3002 Aschale, Daniel     11 Cambridge              4:33.60  
  2  1096 Raposa, Josh        12 St John's Prep         4:38.59  
  3   413 Feeney, Colm        11 Boston Colle           4:47.76  
  4   388 Chandler, Colin     12 Boston Colle           4:50.04  
  5  1104 Shelgren, Tristen   09 St John's Prep         4:50.33  
  6   560 McCaffrey, Christo  10 Brockton               4:52.76  
  7   466 Stover, Joe         10 Boston Colle           4:53.79  
  8   407 Duduch, Tim         10 Boston Colle           4:59.55  
  9   453 O'Donnell, Jack     11 Boston Colle           5:01.75  
 10  3069 Watt, David         11 Cambridge              5:05.99  
 11   454 O'Donnell, Matt     11 Boston Colle           5:08.58  
 12   580 Spivey-Ortiz, Chri  11 Brockton               5:11.99  
 13  1106 Smith, Cameron      10 St John's Prep         5:12.03  
 14  1116 Williams, Sean      10 St John's Prep         5:29.86  
 15  1095 Olds, John          10 St John's Prep         5:37.76  
Boys 2 Mile Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Section  1  
  1  1450 Taxter, Lucas       12 Xaverian Bro           9:52.57  
  2  3060 Stubbs, Sam         11 Cambridge              9:57.91  
  3   403 Djerf, Brian        12 Boston Colle          10:31.76  
  4   561 McCall, Stephen     12 Brockton              10:33.66  
  5  1105 Skelly, Jackson     11 St John's Prep        10:44.83  
  6   422 Ioffredo, Anthony   11 Boston Colle          10:45.57  
  7  1047 Bissaillon, McGrat  11 St John's Prep        10:51.18  
  8  1408 Lawlor, Jiggs       12 Xaverian Bro          11:03.58  
  9  1101 Rogers, Liam        12 St John's Prep        11:15.35  
 10   969 Crowley, Zach       11 Saint John's          11:19.75  
 11  3037 Lane-Flehinger, Ca  11 Cambridge             11:33.17  
 12   710 McLaughlin, John    11 Catholic Mem          11:42.78  
 13   502 Aden, Luqumen       10 Brockton              11:56.52  
 14   879 Leone, Nicholas     11 Malden Catho          12:04.38  
 15   986 Joe, Michael        10 Saint John's          12:04.45  
 --  3057 Scarlett, Matthew   11 Cambridge                  DNF  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   808 Falardeau, Corey    11 Lowell Catho              9.26  
  2   250 Carrillo, Robert    12 Bishop Fenwi              9.65  
  3   209 Vinchesi, Scott     12 Austin Prep               9.88  
  4   792 Bakas, Chris        10 Lowell Catho              9.92  
  5    50 Tran, Francis       11 Archbishop W             10.03  
  6   124 Passatempo, Michae  12 Arlington Ca             12.20  
Section  2  
  1   610 Cavanaugh, Ryan     11 Cardinal Spe              9.80  
  2  1172 O'Neill, Shane      11 St Mary's                10.00  
  3   617 Daley, Cooper       11 Cardinal Spe             10.30  
  4  1046 Begin, Zack         10 St John's Prep           10.35  
  5  1160 Lang, Dan           11 St Mary's                10.39  
Section  3  
  1  1097 Reilly, Aiden       11 St John's Prep            8.35  
  2   456 Pham, Nick          12 Boston Colle              8.51  
  3   478 Williams, Rashad    12 Boston Colle              8.57  
  4  1109 Sullivan, John      12 St John's Prep            8.73  
  5  1071 Flynn, Matt         11 St John's Prep            9.30  
  6  1094 Nickerson, Andrew   11 St John's Prep            9.87  
Section  4  
  1  1457 Williams, CJ        11 Xaverian Bro              8.25  
  2   707 Malone, Matt        12 Catholic Mem              8.59  
  3  1434 Quereux, Chris      12 Xaverian Bro             10.02  
  4  1005 Mountzouris, Steph  10 Saint John's             10.24  
  5  1349 Barnes, Patrick     09 Xaverian Bro             11.13  
  6   984 Hopping, Tyler      09 Saint John's             11.21  
  7  1345 Ashe, Chris         10 Xaverian Bro             11.23  
Section  5  
  1   534 Fong, Eddy          11 Brockton                  8.27  
  2   540 Gagne-Eldridge, Ry  11 Brockton                  9.41  
  3   517 Cyprien, Shalamah   11 Brockton                 10.16  
  4   549 Jiminez, Brandon    11 Brockton                 10.26  
  5  3035 Josephs, Najae       9 Cambridge                12.43  
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
Section  1  
  1 Austin Prep  'A'                                    1:38.24  
  2 Lowell Catholic  'A'                                1:45.71  
  3 Archbishop Williams  'A'                            1:50.04  
  4 St Mary's  'A'                                      2:03.71  
 -- Cardinal Spellman  'A'                                   DQ  
Section  2  
  1 Brockton  'A'                                       1:38.09  
  2 Saint John's  'A'                                   1:40.36  
  3 Cambridge  'A'                                      1:41.10  
  4 Catholic Memorial  'A'                              1:44.37  
  5 Malden Catholic  'A'                                1:44.59  
  6 Boston College High  'A'                            1:51.48  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
Section  1  
  1 Bishop Fenwick  'A'                                 3:47.22  
  2 Arlington Catholic  'A'                             3:49.03  
  3 Austin Prep  'A'                                    3:58.81  
  4 Cardinal Spellman  'A'                              4:04.42  
  5 Lowell Catholic  'A'                                4:07.13  
  6 St Mary's  'A'                                      4:09.89  
  7 Archbishop Williams  'A'                            4:54.30  
Section  2  
  1 Boston College High  'A'                            3:35.57  
  2 Cambridge  'A'                                      3:37.74  
  3 Brockton  'A'                                       3:42.46  
  4 Saint John's  'A'                                   3:44.10  
  5 Saint John's Prep  'A'                              3:45.18  
  6 Catholic Memorial  'A'                              3:45.29  
  7 Xaverian Brothers  'A'                              3:50.23  
 -- Malden Catholic  'A'                                    DNF  
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Flight  1  
  1   328 Rivers, Mitch       11 Bishop Fenwi           5-05.00  
  2   241 Blanchard, John     12 Bishop Fenwi           4-11.00  
Flight  2  
 --   792 Bakas, Chris        10 Lowell Catho                NH  
Flight  3  
  1   176 Connolly, Joe       12 Austin Prep            5-09.00  
  2   126 Reginald, Satish    12 Arlington Ca           5-03.00  
  3   172 Carey, Brendan      11 Austin Prep            5-01.00  
Flight  4  
  1   661 Esikumo, Henry      11 Cardinal Spe           5-07.00  
  2   627 Grant, Bernard      11 Cardinal Spe           5-01.00  
  3  1168 McManus, Matt       11 St Mary's              4-11.00  
 --   610 Cavanaugh, Ryan     11 Cardinal Spe                NH  
Flight  5  
  1  1026 Wicks, Eric         11 Saint John's          J5-10.00  
  2   967 Cimino, Tom         12 Saint John's           5-10.00  
 --  1010 Puglia, Mark        12 Saint John's                NH  
Flight  6  
  1   478 Williams, Rashad    12 Boston Colle           6-06.00  
  2   382 Byrne, Andrew       11 Boston Colle           5-08.00  
  3  1071 Flynn, Matt         11 St John's Prep         5-04.00  
  3   456 Pham, Nick          12 Boston Colle           5-04.00  
  5  1094 Nickerson, Andrew   11 St John's Prep         5-02.00  
 --  1046 Begin, Zack         10 St John's Prep              NH  
Flight  7  
  1  1429 Perez, Peter        12 Xaverian Bro          J5-10.00  
  2  1412 MacDonald, Kevin    12 Xaverian Bro          J5-04.00  
  3  1376 Doherty, Michael    12 Xaverian Bro          J5-04.00  
Flight  8  
  1   570 Polynice, Julian    11 Brockton              J5-10.00  
  2  3020 Dade, Jean          11 Cambridge             J5-08.00  
  3  3010 Borden, Bryce       11 Cambridge             J5-04.00  
  3   559 Mancortes, Isaiah   11 Brockton              J5-04.00  
  5  3028 Fulweiler, Samuel   12 Cambridge             J5-04.00  
  6   517 Cyprien, Shalamah   11 Brockton              J5-02.00  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Flight  1  
  1  1026 Wicks, Eric         11 Saint John's          19-04.50  
  2   878 Kelly, Devin        11 Malden Catho          18-06.50  
  3  1005 Mountzouris, Steph  10 Saint John's          16-00.00  
  4   862 Augustin, James     11 Malden Catho          15-09.50  
  5   890 Rodriguez, Nichola  12 Malden Catho          13-05.00  
Flight  2  
  1  1089 Mejias, Mike        12 St John's Prep        19-03.00  
  2   460 Rindini, Jack       09 Boston Colle          18-00.50  
  3   467 Teixeira, Noah      11 Boston Colle          17-08.00  
  4   481 Johnson, Will       11 Boston Colle          17-05.25  
  5  1109 Sullivan, John      12 St John's Prep        17-03.50  
Flight  3  
  1   248 Carlson, Shawn      10 Bishop Fenwi          16-07.50  
  2   312 Mirra, Cameron      11 Bishop Fenwi          15-00.25  
  3   933 Perez, Johan        11 Marian                13-01.25  
Flight  4  
  1   808 Falardeau, Corey    11 Lowell Catho          18-02.50  
  2   792 Bakas, Chris        10 Lowell Catho          16-03.00  
  3    38 Panigraphy, Anand   10 Archbishop W          15-07.50  
  4     3 Chaudhary, Jay      11 Archbishop W          15-03.50  
  5   811 Gilligan, Collin    11 Lowell Catho          14-09.50  
  6    10 Henault, Andrew     10 Archbishop W          13-06.50  
Flight  5  
  1  1435 Quereux, Mark       10 Xaverian Bro          19-06.50  
  2  1457 Williams, CJ        11 Xaverian Bro          18-07.00  
  3  1411 Leroux, Billy       12 Xaverian Bro          17-08.50  
Flight  6  
  1   524 Derolus, Jonathan   12 Brockton              19-05.00  
  2  3053 Pierre, Wilkerson   11 Cambridge             18-04.50  
  3  3049 Moore, Tyrell       10 Cambridge             17-00.50  
  4   563 Monteiro, Joel      10 Brockton              16-04.00  
  5   523 DePina, Anderson    12 Brockton              16-01.00  
  6  3007 Bhembe, Phesheya    11 Cambridge             14-01.00  
Flight  7  
  1   618 Dauphin, Freddy     11 Cardinal Spe          19-01.50  
  2   659 Williams, Samir     12 Cardinal Spe          17-00.00  
  3  1160 Lang, Dan           11 St Mary's             14-09.00  
  4  1175 Scott, Marlon        9 St Mary's             14-06.00  
  5  1151 Donahue, Brendan    10 St Mary's             13-07.75  
  6   651 Royal, Zack         09 Cardinal Spe          12-11.00  
Flight  8  
  1   126 Reginald, Satish    12 Arlington Ca          17-03.00  
  2   209 Vinchesi, Scott     12 Austin Prep           16-06.00  
  3   109 Laurendeau, Matt    10 Arlington Ca          15-03.50  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Flight  1  
  1   818 Kyle, Christian     12 Lowell Catho          30-02.50  
  2   813 Goulette, Liam      09 Lowell Catho          22-06.25  
  3   795 Bhabisnu, Bhabesh   10 Lowell Catho          16-05.00  
Flight  2  
  1   343 Tremblay, Dan       12 Bishop Fenwi          36-07.25  
  2   285 Gonzalez, Simon     09 Bishop Fenwi          33-09.00  
  3   350 Wood, Benjamin      10 Bishop Fenwi          31-06.75  
  4   233 Andrade, Justice    11 Bishop Fenwi          29-08.50  
  5   931 McNeil, Cam         09 Marian                19-03.00  
Flight  3  
  1   168 Barry, Brendan      10 Austin Prep           42-07.00  
  2   177 Conroy, Devin       11 Austin Prep           35-04.25  
  3    99 Graves-Cribbs, Ahs  11 Arlington Ca          32-11.00  
  4   142 Wever, Matthew      11 Arlington Ca          30-06.00  
  5   103 Judge, Jay          11 Arlington Ca          29-10.00  
  6   144 Wilcox, Nathan      11 Arlington Ca          28-05.00  
  7   208 Sullivan, Sean      12 Austin Prep           28-02.00  
  8   210 Murphy, Cole         9 Austin Prep           25-06.00  
  9   136 Sousa, Jake         11 Arlington Ca          24-05.50  
Flight  4  
  1  1055 Chiapinni, Tom      12 St John's Prep        48-01.00  
  2  1069 Doherty, Kevin      11 St John's Prep        42-08.50  
  3   386 Carroll, Nick       12 Boston Colle          41-11.75  
  4   479 Yau, Ethan          12 Boston Colle          41-02.00  
  5  1051 Brandin, Ciarin     11 St John's Prep        38-11.50  
  6   457 Pitts, Pat          12 Boston Colle          37-02.50  
  7   423 Issner, Andrew      12 Boston Colle          36-08.00  
  8  1062 Dankert, Peter      11 St John's Prep        36-02.75  
  9   404 Djusberg, Oskar     11 Boston Colle          36-00.50  
 10  1121 Gratiano, Jack      11 St John's Prep        35-06.75  
Flight  5  
  1   975 Early, Mitch        12 Saint John's          33-08.50  
  2  1023 Stansky, Matt       10 Saint John's          31-06.00  
  3  1010 Puglia, Mark        12 Saint John's          30-06.00  
  4   992 Kostiw, Nick        12 Saint John's          29-09.00  
  5   973 Doran, Liam         09 Saint John's          29-00.00  
  6   865 Bono, Michael       09 Malden Catho          27-05.00  
  7   873 Ferretti, Domenic   09 Malden Catho          18-08.50  
Flight  6  
  1   654 Sagun, John Edward  12 Cardinal Spe          43-11.25  
  2   601 Alexis, Ramyrge     12 Cardinal Spe          35-04.25  
  3  1141 Blaise, Fred        10 St Mary's             33-09.50  
  4   603 Barclay, Ryan       10 Cardinal Spe          32-09.00  
  5   615 Cournan, Ryan       10 Cardinal Spe          31-10.00  
  6   622 Dorinvil, Daniel    10 Cardinal Spe          31-05.00  
  7  1154 Fahey, Patrick      11 St Mary's             31-00.00  
  8  1167 McCarthy, Brendan    9 St Mary's             28-06.00  
Flight  7  
  1  1382 Feldman, Dan        12 Xaverian Bro          46-09.00  
  2  1369 Crossley, Craig     11 Xaverian Bro          41-04.00  
  3  1427 Pekkarinen, Thomas  12 Xaverian Bro          33-10.00  
  4  1378 Donnellan, Jake     11 Xaverian Bro          31-05.00  
  5  1392 Hallamore, Nolan    11 Xaverian Bro          30-06.50  
Flight  8  
  1   508 Blair, Milari       10 Brockton              36-09.50  
  2   527 Dixon, Cawin        12 Brockton              36-05.00  
  3  3062 Teixeira, Mauro     11 Cambridge             36-02.00  
  4  3006 Bernard, Jovohn H   10 Cambridge             34-04.50  
  5  3045 McKinnon, Luke H    11 Cambridge             33-10.50  
  6   516 Clifford, Ryan      11 Brockton              31-06.50  
  7  3066 Vasquez, Angel      10 Cambridge             30-00.25  
 --  3030 Goto, Yuri H        12 Cambridge                   ND  
 --   505 Barthelemy, Lucken  10 Brockton                    ND