Coach Miller made his predictions known in August for the upcoming fall season, and while he nailed his share, boy was he off on a few. The burly coach revisits his predictions in this divisional meet preview and points out what he hit on, what he missed on, and where he wasn't even in the ballpark of. The West Region kicks us off.
DI West Preseason Top 10:
1- Westfield
2- Ludlow
3- Northampton
4- Amherst
5- Holyoke
6- Minnechaug
7- Agawam
8- E. Longmeadow
9- Pittsfield
10- Longmeadow
Hits: Westfield
Misses: Northampton, Amherst, Minnechaug
Revised Top 5: Westfield, Amherst, Holyoke, Minnechaug, Ludlow
Coach Miller's Grade: C+ (counting out Amherst preseason is a fool's errand)
DII West Preseason Top 10:
1- Mount Greylock
2- Lenox
3- Hoosac Valley
4- Monson
5- Monument Mountain
6- Palmer
7- Greenfield
8- Sabis
9- Hampshire
10- Cathedral
Hits: Lenox, Hoosac Valley
Misses: Mount Greylock
Revised Top 5: Lenox, Hoosac Valley, Mount Greylock, Monson, Monument Mountain
Coach Miller's Grade: D (Full disclosure, finding WMass results is no easy task, so I still don't know enough about these teams, but I should have known Scotty Carpenter would get the Millionaires to the promised land)
DI West Preseason Top 10:
1- Amherst
2- Longmeadow
3- Ludlow
4- Northampton
5- Pittsfield
6- Agawam
7- Minnechaug
8- E. Longmeadow
9- Belchertown
10- Westfield
Hits: Amherst, Longmeadow, Ludlow, Northampton
Misses: Pittsfield
Revised Top 5: Amherst, Longmeadow, Ludlow, Northampton, Agawam
Coach Miller's Grade: A+ (getting the top 4 out West is no small feat!)
DII West Preseason Top 10:
1- Mount Greylock
2- Lenox
3- Holyoke Catholic
4- Mohawk Trail
5- Hoosac Valley
6- Hampshire
7- Frontier
8- Southwick-Toland
9- Monument Mountain
10- Gateway
Hits: Lenox, Holyoke Catholic
Misses: Mount Greylock (for now), Mohawk Trail
Revised Top 5: Holyoke Catholic, Lenox, Mount Greylock, Hampshire, Frontier
Coach Miller's Grade: B- (Slow-starting Mount Greylock should make me look better in a week or so)