Milesplitmass Camp and Clinic Week
More Than Just A Running Camp !

When: August 16th- 21st, 2014
Where: Camp Danbee Peru, Ma.
When the editors at Milesplitmass asked me to write a piece about the Berkshire Running Camp for their annual "Camp Week" series, I wasn't totally sure as to how to sum up the experience of our campers in 2013. I can't compare the BRC experience to anything else. For me, I had never attended a running camp in my illustrious (non-existent) running career, nor had I been to one as a coach, so all I had to go on were the experiences of my athletes, past and present, good and bad, in the camps they attended. When it was time for me and my fellow directors to organize our first week, we knew more about what not to do than what to do. We had some athletes tell us camp had been too strenuous (one former athlete did a 14 mile run at her camp, despite telling the staff that her longest run had been 8), others say their experience wasn't challenging enough. Some said their weeks were too structured, others not structured enough.
So, the directors of the Berkshire Running Camp came together to offer what we consider the perfect experience for our campers. Challenging, but doable, structured, but fun, a learning experience, but not one that gets in the way of your coach's plans for you. With that in mind, I give you the top 14 reasons to attend BRC in 2014.
14) The facility- BRC has moved to bigger and better digs in 2014, Camp Danbee in Hinsdale, MA (www.campdanbee.com). At the end of the 2013 week, we gave our kids an evaluation, and asked what we could do better. While our feedback was almost entirely positive, we paid the most attention to recommendations. The kids wanted a facility to themselves, more running trails on campus, and our own campfire area. They wanted it, they got it. Danbee is bigger, better, and more impressive than we could have imagined.
13) The directors & coaches- We have a coaching staff from Norwell, Pembroke, Needham, Weymouth, Marlborough, Swampscott, and Brandeis University, among other places, that have among them, 8 All State titles, over 20 division titles, and an NCAA title. In addition to that success, our coaches simply know how to interact with our campers to find out what makes them tick as runners, leaders, and people. We want our kids to learn not only how to run faster, but to be better teammates, leaders, and people. And they pale in comparison to our...
12) The College staff- Campers like talking to and learning form coaches, but it doesn't come close to the interaction they get from our incredible college staff, coming from a wide range of schools including Westfield St., Stonehill, Northeastern, Dartmouth, WPI, Sacred Heart, Keene St., Middlebury, Wesleyan, Providence, Lesley, Boston College, Maine, and many, many more. So many of our campers have aspirations of running at the next level, and they can have honest, frank conversations with our staff to find out what that really entails and whether or not it's going to be for them too.
11) The games- Watching 125 kids play a cabin war tournament of elementary and middle school games might not appeal to some people, but watching a tug of war between a freshman girl and sophomore boy go deep into overtime is truly a thing of beauty. Our kids like to work, no doubt about it, but boy, do they like to play. Plus, they get a chance to really practice their whale impressions, among other absurd challenges posed.
10) The food- Forget what you think you know about Camp Food, Danbee brings the heat with a variety of dishes to fuel every runner's needs. BRC 2013 asked us to provide more variety at our meals, and the chef at Camp Danbee has already started putting together a menu to suffice every appetite. In addition to the best salad bar in the Berkshires, there will be stations to provide something for everyone, from sandwiches to hot plates, and much, much more.
9) The strength sessions- Want to know the secret to Pembroke's success? Try a Joe Kelley Workout and you'll know why those guys never seem to tire at the end of a race. Want core strength to sustain you through a long season? Our Yoga instructors are the best there is. The sport is changing, and we need to change with it. A decade ago, a distance runner hadn't seen a medicine ball, hurdle, or resistance band, unless they wandered into a sprint workout for some reason, but BRC teaches strength that can carry you through a long, tough season.
8) The classrooms- BRC believes that the runner's mind has to be opened up to new ideas as much as his body needs to experience new training. The BRC classrooms brought expert college athletes, coaches, and New Balance representatives to teach the campers a variety of things, or simply reinforce what they already knew. We learned from a Marathon Sports technician about Good Form Running, we learned about being recruited by one of our college coaches, we learned about foam rolling and the importance of recovery, we learned some key vocabulary every runner needs to wow his coaches, and so many more things. Because of our unique classroom rotation, every camper gets to experience each classroom session once.
7) The runs- It's a running camp, so yeah, there's some running. In the AM session, runners get to choose a shakeout run, a yoga session, or a rolling and stretching session to keep the body going. In the afternoon, our runs range from 30-90 minutes, feature groups chosen according to the runners' experience and ability, and are fun, competitive training sessions that do more than just "get in the miles". Our college staff is at the lead of each pack, teaching and encouraging along the way. And when the week is done, you might find yourself with a little more confidence and a little more giddy up in your step.
6) The gifts- Our sponsor New Balance was so generous in 2013 to our campers, we know more will be in store in 2014. New Balance, in addition to a free gift for every runner, brings their best and brightest stars to meet the kids, teach, and run with us. Stephanie Garcia and Jack Bolas were among the names we saw in 2013, and 2014 should be no different.
5) The trips- A unique experience you get from BRC is that we don't just settle on running around campus every afternoon, we get in busses, and we find the best places in the Berkshires to bring our kids. Monument Mountain, October Mountain State Park, and Beartown State Forest were only a few of the scenic spots we headed to in 2013, and this year, we are looking at some new and old places to run and have fun.
4) The guest speakers- Think you know Newton South Coach Steve McChesney? Listen to him talk about his experiences and share his speech "Let's Dance" and you'll find out more than you ever knew about this MSTCA Hall of Famer. Think Hall of Famer and Mansfield Coach Julie Collins knows a thing or two? You'll hear her speech "All the Small Things" and find out she knows about a million things. Think you have an idea about legendary starter Tommy Meagher? Hear his words about his Boston Marathon experience and watch 125 kids surround him long after lights out by the campfire, and you'll really get to know this legend. Our guest speakers are so much more than great coaches, they are people who teach life lessons and contribute to our philosophy each night.
3) The evening groups- A part of our experience that we believe is unmatched by any other running camp, each night our campers and staff get into assigned and mixed small groups, and discuss the things that matter most to a high school runner- leadership, decision making, attitude, gratitude, and faith. From Coach Z and my youth group background, we weren't sure how these would be received by the kids. But, we were thrilled to see them dive into it like everything else they do- head first. Many of our kids reported that this was the best part of their week, and created lasting memories and even more importantly...
2) The friendships- Running camps can build team camaraderie, respect for opposing runners, or just relationships that last a lifetime. BRC2013 was no different, as teams came together, cabins went to "war" with one another, new bonds were created in small groups, and new friendships were created on the trails, during the games, and in the classrooms. Not one BRC camper could go home saying he or she didn't create a bond with at least one runner or coach.
1) The philosophy- At the end of the day the camp you choose has to be about more than just miles run or speed gained. Our philosophy at BRC is "Better Teammate, Better Leader, Better Person," because those are the things that matter the most. Every camp experience can give you a running edge, but we hope to give you a little bit more. But hey, I work at the joint, don't take it from me. Check out www.berkshirerunningcamp.com and find out who we are, what we do, and why you should join us in 2014.