Team scores

Licensed to Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center - Site License
                                                HY-TEK's Meet Manager 1/17/2017
                       Tri County Track & Field  League                        
                         2016-17  Meet #5  - 1/17/2017                         
                              Reggie Lewis Center                              
                      Dual Meet Scores - Through Event 36                      
                                     D2 - COED                                     
           Archbishop Williams   80.00     74.00 Cardinal Spellman             
            Arlington Catholic   83.00     69.00 Austin Prep                   
           Saint Mary's (Lynn)   75.00     51.00 Lowell Catholic               
           Boston College High   55.00     40.00 Saint John's                  
               St. John's Prep   59.00     36.00 Brockton                      
             Xaverian Brothers   77.00     18.00 Malden Catholic