MIAA Division 2 Championships 2014

Boston, MA


For the Real Track & Field Fan, It's Good To Be Home Feb 16, 2014

I would imagine I'm like most people on this website. I love track, I love comparing my team to the best in each division, and I wish I had the time and energy to get in and watch all five divisional meets. But, I have a family I love spending time with, and whatever is left of a social life (in my mid-30's, that is slim pickins these days). So, I have to settle for the next best thing. Watching the meets unfold online.

MIAA D2: Mansfield Teams Topple Elite Fields Feb 15, 2014

The Hornets, though, proved they're at the very top of their respective games by sweeping both team titles at the Reggie Lewis Center.  The Mansfield girls broke the meet record in the 4x400 by ripping off a blazing 4:00.66 behind Maddie Oldow, Lindsay Goulet, Rachel Stier and Mikaila Amerantes to highlight the 67-point win. Derek Rose's squad finished comfortably ahead of runner-up and Hockomock League rival King Philip (56 points). Amerantes (1:36.08) and Goulet (1:36.41) finished 1-2 in the 600 in a key event for the Hornets. Kelsey Ferreira clinched third in the 55 hurdles in 8.74. The 4x200 team also picked up a bronze medal as Caitlin Finnerty, Marissa Horn, Lauren Waters and Jacqueline Dickman raced to a 1:50.17 clocking.