SSPA Twilight Meet Performance List !

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Licensed to Wilbur Race Systems - Contractor License
                                                HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/19/2016
                       2016 South Shore Principals Meet                        
                       Norwell High School  - 5/21/2016                        
                               Performance List                                
Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity (109) Prelims
 Top 8 times to Finals
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Bastien, J'Saun               11 Brighton              10.65 
  2  Bryant, Tyler                 12 Pembroke              10.90 
  3  Garrity, Sean                 11 King Philip           11.00 
  4  Hewins, Jake                  11 Hingham               11.10 
  5  Ramos, Rudiano                10 Brockton              11.10 
  6  McKenzie, Rosean              11 Brockton              11.10 
  7  Nascimento, Issac             10 Wareham               11.10 
  8  Pestana, Josh                 11 Plymouth Nor          11.20 
  9  Marcano, Jordan               11 Brockton              11.20 
 10  Monteiro, Joel                11 Brockton              11.20 
 11  Bonfiglio, Ryan               12 Wareham               11.20 
 12  Moran, Christian              11 Silver Lake           11.20 
 13  Ribeiro, Carlos               12 New Bedford           11.20 
 14  Medina, Edwin                 11 New Bedford           11.20 
 15  Gerring, Clifton              12 Stoughton             11.24 
 16  Turner, Troy                  12 Brighton              11.24 
 17  Brown, Aidan                  12 North Quincy          11.30 
 18  Noel, Shawn                   11 Bridge-Ray            11.30 
 19  Agyare-May, Rodney            11 Burncoat              11.30 
 20  Monteiro, Asante              11 Durfee                11.30 
 21  O'Neil, Dan                   11 Pembroke              11.30 
 22  O'Neil, Christopher           11 King Philip           11.30 
 23  Brown, Khari                  11 Bridge-Ray            11.40 
 24  Chieng, Chris                 11 Franklin              11.40 
 25  Mccray, Antoine               10 Brockton              11.40 
 26  DaSilva, Rey                  10 Plymouth Nor          11.44 
 27  Thomas, Derek                 11 Weymouth              11.50 
 28  Derolus, Nathaniel            10 Brockton              11.50 
 29  Pharell, Jonathan             12 Everett               11.50 
 30  Laterion, Widman              10 Everett               11.50 
 31  Hawthorne, Shorn              10 Quincy                11.50 
 32  Mendez, Demetrius             10 Everett               11.50 
 33  Ellis, Nathan                 10 Dartmouth             11.60 
 34  Patterson, Lashone            12 Brockton              11.60 
 35  Thomas, Shannon               10 Brockton              11.60 
 36  Fong, Eddy                    12 Brockton              11.60 
 37  Simpson, Dominic              11 Brockton              11.60 
 38  Kahaly, Mark                  11 King Philip           11.64 
 39  Ojadi, Toni-Mario             12 Bishop Conno          11.65 
 40  Machado, Nathan-Craig         10 Bishop Conno          11.67 
 41  Amado, Dion                   11 Brockton              11.70 
 42  Balthazard, Nathan            12 Barnstable            11.70 
 43  Marx, Tim                     10 Pembroke              11.70 
 44  Smith, Shaquille              10 West Roxbury          11.70 
 45  Wright, Charles               10 Pembroke              11.70 
 46  Frattasio, Roman              10 Pembroke              11.70 
 47  Alice, Dan                    11 Canton                11.74 
 48  Bagley, Nick                  12 Franklin              11.80 
 49  Fawcett, Christopher          11 Barnstable            11.80 
 50  Loerenzo, Johangel            12 Brockton              11.80 
 51  Greaves, Devante              10 Bridge-Ray            11.80 
 52  Bryant, Billy                 12 Southeastern          11.80 
 53  Lander, Theo                  10 Weymouth              11.84 
 54  Mahn, Woanyen                 12 Canton                11.84 
 55  Masterson, Joe                10 Norwell               11.90 
 56  Bullen, Michael               12 Franklin              11.90 
 57  Murphy, Sean                  11 Hingham               11.90 
 58  Presutti, Grayson             11 Hingham               11.90 
 59  Ryan, Joe                     12 Brockton              11.90 
 60  Moore, Tyrell                 11 Cambridge Ri          11.90 
 61  Marino, Michael               11 Canton                11.94 
 62  Dupie, Dave                   11 Brockton              12.00 
 63  Smith, Andrew                 10 East Bridgew          12.00 
 64  Howie, Nate                   11 Norwell               12.00 
 65  Flaherty, Colin               10 Franklin              12.00 
 66  Higginbottom, Davonte         12 Westwood              12.00 
 67  Leahy, Kiernan                11 Cohasset/Hul          12.10 
 68  DeAraujo, Diogo               10 Weymouth              12.10 
 69  Sambo, Muhammad               11 Canton                12.14 
 70  Mitchell, Paul                10 Brockton              12.20 
 71  Ramos, Scotty                 11 Brockton              12.20 
 72  Phan, Jonny                   11 Westwood              12.30 
 73  Chris, O'Brien                12 Norwell               12.30 
 74  Wolowacki, Jacob              11 Franklin              12.30 
 75  Balkus, Salvador              10 Franklin              12.30 
 76  Asmath, Farley                11 Franklin              12.30 
 77  Giftakis, Nicholas            11 Norwell               12.30 
 78  Rebello, Alec                 11 Dartmouth             12.40 
 79  Gin, Nathan                   10 Dartmouth             12.40 
 80  Okafor, Joseph                11 West Roxbury          12.40 
 81  Kane, Edward                  10 Franklin              12.40 
 82  Green, Malachi                09 Stoughton             12.44 
 83  Fowler, Cam                   11 Brockton              12.50 
 84  Campbell, Isaiah              12 West Roxbury          12.50 
 85  Bell, Dominick                10 Bridge-Ray            12.56 
 86  Washington, Haroun            10 Stoughton             12.64 
 87  Decker, Ethan                 11 Burncoat              12.68 
 88  Pisani, Jason                 12 Tri-County R          12.69 
 89  Cannon, Riley                 11 Franklin              12.70 
 90  Kimani, Kelvin                11 Weymouth              12.74 
 91  Yu, Steven                    09 Weymouth              12.74 
 92  Goebel, Emmett                11 Franklin              12.80 
 93  Malm, Phil                    12 Burncoat              12.80 
 94  Le, Nhan                      11 Burncoat              12.81 
 95  Ruiz, Jamie                   10 Burncoat              12.84 
 96  Cordova, Omar                 11 Burncoat              12.90 
 97  Amado, Marcos                 09 Stoughton             12.94 
 98  Burdett, Mike                 10 Tri-County R          13.00 
 99  Asirifi, Kevin                12 Burncoat              13.00 
100  Rogers, James                 10 Weymouth              13.04 
101  Kerr, Stephen                 10 Franklin              13.10 
102  Blanchette, Harley            09 Tri-County R          13.14 
103  Marino, Hunter                09 Weymouth              13.34 
104  Chery, Jeffrey                12 Stoughton             13.34 
105  Gallagher, Liam               09 Weymouth              13.34 
106  Quaranto, Justin              10 Tri-County R          13.44 
107  Sullivan, Jake                12 Weymouth              13.64 
108  Adams, Johnathan               8 Barnstable            14.00 
109  Vo, Vincent                   09 Weymouth              14.94 
Event 20  Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity (83) Prelims
 Top 8 times to Finals
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Bryant, Tyler                 12 Pembroke              21.80 
  2  Bastien, J'Saun               11 Brighton              22.74 
  3  Diauto, Aaron                 12 Pembroke              22.80 
  4  Bailey, Brady                 11 Norwell               22.80 
  5  Ramos, Rudiano                10 Brockton              22.80 
  6  Pestana, Josh                 11 Plymouth Nor          22.90 
  7  Duhamel, Eric                 10 East Bridgew          22.90 
  8  Medina, Edwin                 11 New Bedford           22.90 
  9  Agyare-May, Rodney            11 Burncoat              23.00 
 10  Rivera, Nasiar                10 West Roxbury          23.00 
 11  Hackett, Curtis               11 West Roxbury          23.20 
 12  O'Neil, Dan                   11 Pembroke              23.20 
 13  Simpson, Dakim                11 Brockton              23.20 
 14  Greaves, Devante              10 Bridge-Ray            23.20 
 15  Boukheir, Peter               11 Dartmouth             23.30 
 16  Noel, Shawn                   11 Bridge-Ray            23.35 
 17  Casassa, Dylan                11 King Philip           23.40 
 18  Mccray, Antoine               10 Brockton              23.50 
 19  Pharell, Jonathan             12 Everett               23.50 
 20  Mendez, Demetrius             10 Everett               23.50 
 21  Derolus, Nathaniel            10 Brockton              23.50 
 22  Turner, Troy                  12 Brighton              23.50 
 23  Hector, Reggie                11 Brockton              23.50 
 24  Laterion, Widman              10 Everett               23.50 
 25  Wright, Charles               10 Pembroke              23.60 
 26  Bastia, Hansen                11 Brockton              23.60 
 27  Mason, Taquaine               10 Cambridge Ri          23.70 
 28  Thomas, Shannon               10 Brockton              23.70 
 29  Perkins, Sean                 12 Walpole               23.74 
 30  Fitzgibbon, Ross              12 Weymouth              23.84 
 31  Brown, Khari                  11 Bridge-Ray            23.86 
 32  Burkhead, Jake                11 Plymouth Nor          23.94 
 33  Carter, Mitchell              12 Bishop Conno          23.98 
 34  Jones, Phil                   12 Burncoat              24.00 
 35  Simmons, Quintin              12 Tri-County R          24.20 
 36  Acloque, Ajani                10 Cambridge Ri          24.20 
 37  Machado, Nathan-Craig         10 Bishop Conno          24.23 
 38  Asmath, Farley                11 Franklin              24.30 
 39  Chevalier, Ryan               12 Barnstable            24.30 
 40  Buczek, Robert                11 Bridge-Ray            24.40 
 41  Bagley, Nick                  12 Franklin              24.40 
 42  Pearce, Ryan                  11 Bridge-Ray            24.50 
 43  Jean, Yves                    10 Everett               24.50 
 44  Dale, Nathaniel               12 Franklin              24.50 
 45  Alice, Dan                    11 Canton                24.64 
 46  Bullen, Michael               12 Franklin              24.70 
 47  Perry, Kyle                   11 East Bridgew          24.84 
 48  Mason III, Brian              11 Pembroke              25.00 
 49  Dickerson-Pells, Makhai       11 Barnstable            25.00 
 50  Marcellin, Carl               10 Brockton              25.00 
 51  Mason, Kashane                11 Everett               25.00 
 52  Kane, Edward                  10 Franklin              25.20 
 53  Hughes, Alex                  10 Walpole               25.20 
 54  Leahy, Kiernan                11 Cohasset/Hul          25.30 
 55  Balkus, Salvador              10 Franklin              25.30 
 56  Dewolfe, Dylan                 8 Wareham               25.30 
 57  Yurov, Victor                 11 East Bridgew          25.50 
 58  Goebel, Emmett                11 Franklin              25.50 
 59  Flaherty, Colin               10 Franklin              25.50 
 60  Marino, Hunter                09 Weymouth              25.60 
 61  Schultz, Zach                 10 Walpole               25.60 
 62  Washington, Haroun            10 Stoughton             25.74 
 63  Bell, Dominick                10 Bridge-Ray            25.80 
 64  Cannon, Riley                 11 Franklin              25.90 
 65  Blanchette, Harley            09 Tri-County R          26.00 
 66  Reynolds, Stephen             11 Everett               26.00 
 67  Dolinsky, Ryan                11 Stoughton             26.04 
 68  Peters, Kyran                 09 Franklin              26.20 
 69  Barone, James                 09 Cohasset/Hul          26.30 
 70  Duval, Timothy                09 Franklin              26.30 
 71  Kerr, Stephen                 10 Franklin              26.30 
 72  Nguyen, Denny                 10 Dartmouth             26.60 
 73  Rogers, James                 10 Weymouth              26.74 
 74  Kurciviez, Jimmy              10 Weymouth              26.90 
 75  MacDermid, John               09 Barnstable            28.00 
 76  Xu, Edward                     8 Barnstable            28.10 
 77  Mason, Tyreke                 10 Burncoat              28.50 
 78  Gallagher, Liam               09 Weymouth              28.54 
 79  Sullivan, Jake                12 Weymouth              28.54 
 80  Da Silva, Bryan                8 Barnstable            29.50 
 81  Dezotell, Jake                10 Tri-County R          29.77 
 82  Quaranto, Justin              10 Tri-County R          31.20 
 83  Vo, Vincent                   09 Weymouth              31.74 
Event 12  Boys 400 Meter Dash Varsity (66)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Roby, Michael                 12 King Philip           49.70 
  2  Horne, Ransom                 11 Marshfield            51.00 
  3  Diauto, Aaron                 12 Pembroke              51.10 
  4  Cabrera, Tyreque              12 Brockton              51.90 
  5  Polynice, Julian              12 Brockton              51.90 
  6  Gill, Joe                     11 Coyle & Cass          52.40 
  7  Teal, John                    11 Cambridge Ri          52.70 
  8  Andrade, Ben                  10 Plymouth Nor          52.80 
  9  Petit, Johnathan              12 Norwell               52.90 
 10  Murphy, Will                  10 Norwell               53.00 
 11  McBirney, Mike                11 East Bridgew          53.10 
 12  Rodriguez, Connor             11 Coyle & Cass          53.30 
 13  Sullivan, Seth                11 King Philip           53.30 
 14  Hanifan, Matt                 10 Weymouth              53.40 
 15  Hickey, Sean                  12 Norwell               53.50 
 16  Kroushl, Paul                 11 Franklin              53.70 
 17  Coffey, Liam                  12 Norwell               53.80 
 18  Mahn, Woanyen                 12 Canton                53.94 
 19  Wagner, Matt                  12 Westwood              54.00 
 20  Scannell, Calvin              11 Cambridge Ri          54.00 
 21  Fairfield, Christopher        12 Norwell               54.00 
 22  Jones, Phil                   12 Burncoat              54.00 
 23  Hession, Patrick              12 Canton                54.14 
 24  Swenson, Eric                 10 Plymouth Nor          54.16 
 25  Porter, Billy                 10 Walpole               54.40 
 26  Mahabir, Rajendrakumar        10 Barnstable            54.50 
 27  Ferrarelli, James             11 Weymouth              54.54 
 28  Sun, Brian                    12 Franklin              54.70 
 29  Souffrant, Cedric             10 Brockton              55.00 
 30  Arendt, Logan                 11 Silver Lake           55.00 
 31  Laurole, Steevens             09 Southeastern          55.70 
 32  Karol, Luke                   10 Pembroke              55.70 
 33  Hawes, David                  10 Weymouth              55.70 
 34  Childress, Josh               12 Wareham               55.90 
 35  Burdett, Mike                 10 Tri-County R          55.90 
 36  Harris, Devon                 11 Barnstable            56.00 
 37  Matos, Ovidio                 12 New Bedford           56.01 
 38  McLean, Aaron                 12 Tri-County R          56.10 
 39  Lalli, John                   12 Abington              56.20 
 40  Connolly, Brendan             12 Weymouth              56.44 
 41  Kurciviez, Jimmy              10 Weymouth              56.70 
 42  Moulding, Alex                10 Wareham               57.00 
 43  Milne, Christopher            10 Canton                57.28 
 44  Laguerre, Ritchy              10 Stoughton             57.34 
 45  Kimani, Kelvin                11 Weymouth              57.40 
 46  Daly, Christopher             10 Bridge-Ray            57.69 
 47  Vishny, Oren                  12 Canton                57.84 
 48  Fernandes, Brice               8 Wareham               58.00 
 49  Salim, Izak                    8 Wareham               58.00 
 50  Cleaves, Connor               10 Rockland              58.00 
 51  Snow, Dominic                 12 Brockton              58.00 
 52  Andrade, Faustino             11 Brockton              58.00 
 53  Jawarakim, Aaron              12 Brighton              58.24 
 54  Messinger, Kevin              12 Canton                58.26 
 55  Dixon, Devin                  10 New Bedford           58.50 
 56  Aridou, Isaih                 11 Everett               58.90 
 57  Foley, Matt                   11 Tri-County R          58.94 
 58  Aube, Perrin                  09 Tri-County R          59.99 
 59  Kaylor, Zakary                10 Dartmouth           1:00.00 
 60  Sparks, Jonathan              10 Dartmouth           1:00.10 
 61  Amico, William                10 Canton              1:01.84 
 62  Plante, Andrew                10 Tri-County R        1:02.21 
 63  Kelly, John                   10 Brockton            1:04.00 
 64  Francois, Antzlee             10 Brockton            1:05.00 
 65  Francois, Quincy              10 Stoughton                NT 
 66  Naidjate, Abdul               11 Abington                 NT 
Event 14  Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity (81)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  O'Driscoll, Kevin             12 Norwell             2:00.00 
  2  Jordan, Jimmy                 11 Marshfield          2:01.00 
  3  Aguiar, John                  10 Bishop Conno        2:01.68 
  4  Sun, Tianrui                  11 Sharon              2:02.00 
  5  McMahon, John                 12 Pembroke            2:03.00 
  6  Brown, Vinny                  10 Weymouth            2:03.40 
  7  Whitty, Carter                12 Durfee              2:03.70 
  8  Pires, Bruno                  11 New Bedford         2:03.80 
  9  Kerrigan, Matthew             12 Brockton            2:04.00 
 10  McCaffrey, Christopher        11 Brockton            2:04.00 
 11  Glavin, Dave                  10 Weymouth            2:04.25 
 12  Horvath, Peter                11 Coyle & Cass        2:04.40 
 13  Cappa, Colton                 10 Pembroke            2:04.50 
 14  Martin, Sam                   12 Weymouth            2:04.50 
 15  Burbic, Jackson               12 Barnstable          2:05.00 
 16  Riley, James                  10 Plymouth Nor        2:05.00 
 17  Zirps, Benjamin               12 Sharon              2:05.80 
 18  Jahn, Connor                  10 Needham             2:05.96 
 19  Lukes, Jay                    12 King Philip         2:06.89 
 20  Talavera, Jovan               10 West Roxbury        2:07.00 
 21  Mason, Mike                   11 East Bridgew        2:07.30 
 22  Spivey-Ortiz, Christopher     12 Bridge-Ray          2:07.30 
 23  Wu, Jeff                      12 Franklin            2:07.50 
 24  Xolotl Alfonso, Cruz-DeJesus  10 Cambridge Ri        2:07.70 
 25  DeCosta, Timothy              12 Barnstable          2:08.00 
 26  Kurciviez, Jimmy              10 Weymouth            2:08.70 
 27  Grubbs-Donovan, Danny         11 Dartmouth           2:08.70 
 28  Martin, Greg                  11 Dartmouth           2:10.00 
 29  Barrett, William              11 Everett             2:10.00 
 30  Ferreira, Zach                11 Stoughton           2:10.10 
 31  Bean, Cameron                 11 Stoughton           2:11.00 
 32  Nacopoulos, Alex              12 Abington            2:11.00 
 33  Aden, Luqumen                 12 Brockton            2:12.00 
 34  Ryan, Nathan                  12 Barnstable          2:12.00 
 35  Oliveira, Jacob               12 Dartmouth           2:12.00 
 36  Lynch, Anthony                10 Brockton            2:12.22 
 37  Contreras, Victor             12 Durfee              2:14.00 
 38  Trask, Dave                   11 East Bridgew        2:14.60 
 39  Jean Loius, Jenias            12 Everett             2:15.00 
 40  Diebold, Nick                 11 Weston              2:15.30 
 41  Cameron, Hugh                 11 Weston              2:15.50 
 42  Camp, Nick                    12 Weston              2:15.50 
 43  Connor, Ryan                  09 King Philip         2:15.60 
 44  Hunter, Tom                   10 Weymouth            2:16.30 
 45  Armstrong, Rob                11 Weston              2:16.70 
 46  Elmhurst, Henry               10 Walpole             2:18.00 
 47  Dolan, Jack                   10 Weymouth            2:18.00 
 48  Angelo, Jack                  11 King Philip         2:18.20 
 49  Powers, Dylan                 09 King Philip         2:18.40 
 50  MacLeod, Duncan               10 Weymouth            2:18.50 
 51  Vera, Emmanuel                10 Burncoat            2:19.00 
 52  Landry, Joshua                10 Burncoat            2:19.00 
 53  Derrick, Noah                 09 Dartmouth           2:19.10 
 54  Rankin, Ethan                 10 Pembroke            2:20.00 
 55  Earner, Coleman               10 Pembroke            2:20.00 
 56  Perry, Cj                     09 Pembroke            2:20.00 
 57  St. Jean, Clifford            12 Brockton            2:20.00 
 58  Palmer, Nick                  10 Pembroke            2:20.00 
 59  Tremblay, Tom                 10 Pembroke            2:20.00 
 60  Hoare, Ben                    11 Pembroke            2:20.00 
 61  Yatsuhashi, Jeffrey           10 King Philip         2:20.90 
 62  Haber, Levente                12 Cohasset/Hul        2:21.00 
 63  Leahy, James                  11 Weymouth            2:22.50 
 64  Gin, Jason                    09 Dartmouth           2:23.10 
 65  Higgins, Matthew              12 Barnstable          2:25.00 
 66  Patel, Krish                  10 Stoughton           2:27.00 
 67  Turpel, Ian                   09 Cohasset/Hul        2:28.00 
 68  Mchugh, John                  10 Weymouth            2:28.90 
 69  Langfield, Mitchell           11 Barnstable          2:30.00 
 70  Andrade, Dante                10 Wareham             2:30.00 
 71  Cefalo, Jason                 11 Everett             2:31.00 
 72  Luster, Darius                 8 Barnstable          2:35.00 
 73  Stanikmes, Ethan              10 Burncoat            2:35.00 
 74  Menacho, Brian                09 Everett             2:36.00 
 75  Moreira, Matheus              12 Stoughton           2:36.30 
 76  Duffy, Cameron                09 Stoughton           2:40.50 
 77  Tavares, Jordan                8 Barnstable          2:50.00 
 78  Prescott, Matt                09 Weymouth            2:55.60 
 79  Soule, Jack                   09 Weymouth            2:56.80 
 80  O'Brien, Tom                  11 King Philip         3:16.00 
 81  JeanMary, Chadwick            11 Everett                  NT 
Event 8  Boys 1 Mile Run Varsity (90)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Wu, Ethan                     11 Norwell             4:30.20 
  2  McCaffrey, Christopher        11 Brockton            4:31.00 
  3  Frantz, Ivan                  12 Hingham             4:31.00 
  4  Savage, Isiah                 12 Pembroke            4:32.00 
  5  O'Driscoll, Steven            10 Norwell             4:35.60 
  6  Brown, Vinny                  10 Weymouth            4:35.96 
  7  Ryder, Bryan                  10 Plymouth Nor        4:36.00 
  8  Klein, Sam                    12 Brookline           4:36.01 
  9  Todoroff, Ray                 12 Barnstable          4:36.81 
 10  Wengryn, Alex                 10 Pembroke            4:38.00 
 11  Spellman, Christopher         10 Pembroke            4:38.50 
 12  Moran, Cody                   11 Weymouth            4:39.08 
 13  Glavin, Dave                  10 Weymouth            4:40.29 
 14  Rothenberg, Ethan             10 Cambridge Ri        4:41.00 
 15  Schutzberg, Hugo              11 Cambridge Ri        4:42.00 
 16  Mahoney, Matt                 11 Needham             4:42.71 
 17  Clancy, Mark                  12 Canton              4:44.20 
 18  Gnaman, Nicolas               11 Franklin            4:44.44 
 19  Chen, Lucas                   10 Cambridge Ri        4:44.74 
 20  Anderson, Cameron             10 Pembroke            4:45.00 
 21  Robbins, Jimmy                12 Franklin            4:45.00 
 22  Zerbouaa, Youssef             10 Cambridge Ri        4:45.31 
 23  Spring, Patrick               11 Pembroke            4:46.00 
 24  Sullivan, Brandon             12 King Philip         4:47.20 
 25  Chen, Jeffrey                 09 Cambridge Ri        4:49.00 
 26  Clark, Charles                09 Plymouth Nor        4:49.00 
 27  Wheeler, Andrew               12 Walpole             4:49.14 
 28  Cannon, Jimmy                 11 North Quincy        4:49.90 
 29  Turpel, Ian                   09 Cohasset/Hul        4:50.00 
 30  Malm, Phil                    12 Burncoat            4:50.00 
 31  O'Toole, Nicholas             10 Barnstable          4:50.00 
 32  Aschale, Nathnael             10 Cambridge Ri        4:50.00 
 33  Connor, Casey                 12 Barnstable          4:51.00 
 34  Celia, Joe                    12 Coyle & Cass        4:51.28 
 35  Radke, Cole                   09 Pembroke            4:52.00 
 36  Gaiser, Justin                10 Pembroke            4:52.00 
 37  Henderson, Everett            11 Franklin            4:53.80 
 38  DeCosta, Timothy              12 Barnstable          4:55.00 
 39  Priest, Cortland              12 Canton              4:55.00 
 40  Barrett, William              11 Everett             4:55.00 
 41  Havey, Mike                   10 Weymouth            4:55.30 
 42  Healey, Jack                  10 Canton              4:56.20 
 43  Marchioni, Tyler              11 Franklin            4:57.00 
 44  Jutras, Brett                 12 East Bridgew        4:58.03 
 45  Cabral, Cameron               10 Durfee              4:59.04 
 46  Martin, Greg                  11 Dartmouth           4:59.90 
 47  Johnson, Matt                 12 Sacred Heart        5:00.00 
 48  Pappas, Yanni                 11 Sacred Heart        5:00.00 
 49  Gren, Chris                   12 Sacred Heart        5:00.00 
 50  Ouellet, Kamden               10 Dartmouth           5:01.90 
 51  Osmers, Otto                  10 Marthas Vine        5:02.00 
 52  Cochran, Colin                11 Stoughton           5:02.46 
 53  Longo, William                11 Bridge-Ray          5:04.29 
 54  Norton, Luke                  12 Cohasset/Hul        5:05.00 
 55  Lane, John                    09 Pembroke            5:05.00 
 56  Clark, Harrison               11 Pembroke            5:05.00 
 57  Slivka, Noah                  10 Coyle & Cass        5:06.30 
 58  Bass, Simon                   11 Weston              5:07.70 
 59  Portillo, Brian               11 Everett             5:10.00 
 60  Novo, Christopher             11 Durfee              5:10.00 
 61  Goldman, George               12 Sharon              5:10.20 
 62  Fischer, Kevin                10 Weymouth            5:11.40 
 63  Horton, Alec                  11 Walpole             5:12.00 
 64  King, Jason                   12 King Philip         5:14.08 
 65  Lynch, Ryan                   11 Norwell             5:15.00 
 66  Jean Loius, Jenias            12 Everett             5:15.17 
 67  Rosczewski, Seth              10 Rockland            5:16.00 
 68  Brash, Keith                  10 Pembroke            5:17.00 
 69  Fabrizio, Kyle                10 Pembroke            5:17.50 
 70  Comeau, Nicholas              10 Stoughton           5:17.63 
 71  Mazzola, Michael              09 Canton              5:17.80 
 72  Nugent, Matthew               10 Pembroke            5:18.00 
 73  Spooner, Anthony              10 West Bridgew        5:18.80 
 74  O'Neil, Charlie               10 Norwell             5:20.00 
 75  Donahue, Pat                  12 Bridge-Ray          5:20.88 
 76  Flaherty, Daniel              10 Bridge-Ray          5:22.40 
 77  Jeanjaquet, Tim               12 Weymouth            5:23.80 
 78  DeWitt, John                  11 King Philip         5:27.00 
 79  Parkman, Bryce                10 Franklin            5:30.00 
 80  Wotton, Evan                  10 Franklin            5:32.00 
 81  Malone, Luke                  10 Bridge-Ray          5:35.00 
 82  Harris, Devon                 11 Barnstable          5:40.00 
 83  Woodward, Chase               12 Barnstable          5:44.63 
 84  Bates, Brian                  11 Norwell             5:51.20 
 85  Mullaney, Paul                11 Weymouth            5:51.40 
 86  Diggins, Jimmy                11 Norwell             5:54.00 
 87  Pashkowsky, Matthew           11 Norwell             5:59.00 
 88  Bostrom, Andrew               11 Norwell             6:01.00 
 89  Cirillo, Andrew               11 Pembroke            6:06.50 
 90  Barnum, Denis                 10 Norwell             6:10.00 
Event 22  Boys 2 Mile Run Varsity (33)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  McNamee, Nick                 10 Plymouth Nor        9:59.00 
  2  Triedman, Hal                 12 Brookline          10:00.29 
  3  Spelman, Ryan                 12 Franklin           10:08.40 
  4  Muldoon, Jack                 11 Hingham            10:10.00 
  5  Sheridan, Trey                11 Bridge-Ray         10:10.70 
  6  Kerrigan, Matthew             12 Brockton           10:20.00 
  7  Turpel, Ian                   09 Cohasset/Hul       10:20.00 
  8  Faszewski, Cameron            11 Barnstable         10:20.00 
  9  Moran, Cody                   11 Weymouth           10:21.80 
 10  Almer, Sebastian              10 Walpole            10:22.15 
 11  Todoroff, Ray                 12 Barnstable         10:25.00 
 12  Barrett, William              11 Everett            10:33.45 
 13  Ross, Evan                    11 East Bridgew       10:42.00 
 14  Brown, Sam                    12 Weymouth           10:42.00 
 15  Regan, Mitchell               09 Franklin           10:44.27 
 16  Aden, Luqumen                 12 Brockton           10:51.73 
 17  Connolly, Brendan             12 Weymouth           10:52.70 
 18  Priest, Cortland              12 Canton             10:58.00 
 19  Martinez, Kyandre             11 Southeastern       11:00.00 
 20  Bushway, Jack                 11 Walpole            11:03.34 
 21  Lynch, Mac                    10 Dartmouth          11:04.00 
 22  Danksewic, Christopher        12 Franklin           11:04.00 
 23  Tolan, Brice                  09 Abington           11:05.00 
 24  St. Germaine, Evan            12 Franklin           11:09.00 
 25  Rocha, Matt                   11 Rockland           11:11.01 
 26  Little, Matt                  10 Coyle & Cass       11:15.00 
 27  Healey, Jack                  10 Canton             11:31.70 
 28  Chaves, Seth                  11 Dartmouth          11:36.60 
 29  Aden, Ahmed                   10 Brockton           11:40.00 
 30  Kearnan, Shea                 11 Everett            11:40.00 
 31  Spooner, Anthony              10 West Bridgew       11:42.00 
 32  Page, Samuel                  10 King Philip        11:44.00 
 33  Bostrom, Andrew               11 Norwell            12:20.00 
Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity (54) Prelims
 Top 8 times to Finals
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Kortkamp, Noah                12 Brookline             14.90 
  2  Fong, Eddy                    12 Brockton              15.00 
  3  Owens, John                   12 New Bedford           15.10 
  4  Tripp, Maxwell                11 Plymouth Nor          15.24 
  5  Allan, Jack                   12 King Philip           15.30 
  6  McCarthy, James               12 Silver Lake           15.60 
  7  Chase, Aaron                  12 Plymouth Nor          15.70 
  8  Dunne, Ethan                  11 King Philip           15.70 
  9  Onujiogu, Josh                12 Wareham               15.70 
 10  Lovell, Dan                   11 East Bridgew          15.90 
 11  Barros, Marcus                12 New Bedford           15.91 
 12  Oliver, Alexander             12 Stoughton             15.94 
 13  Jacobs, William               10 Franklin              16.30 
 14  Bromberg, Benji               10 Brookline             16.36 
 15  Sleiman, Nathan               09 North Quincy          16.50 
 16  Montecino, Edwin              12 Durfee                16.50 
 17  Carter, Will                  11 East Bridgew          16.90 
 18  Donoghue, Cam                 11 Barnstable            16.90 
 19  Gagne-Eldridge, Ryan          12 Brockton              17.00 
 20  Reason, Kyle                  12 Stoughton             17.04 
 21  Bonfiglio, Ryan               12 Wareham               17.14 
 22  Cirillo, Andrew               11 Pembroke              17.20 
 23  Dwyer, Jake                   09 Plymouth Nor          17.30 
 24  Radel, Sebastian              10 Weymouth              17.44 
 25  Laguerre, Ritchy              10 Stoughton             17.50 
 26  Loerenzo, Johangel            12 Brockton              17.50 
 27  Norment, Dan                  11 East Bridgew          17.60 
 28  Perry, Nathan                 11 King Philip           17.74 
 29  Silva, Pat                    10 East Bridgew          17.90 
 30  Williams, Jordan              09 Brockton              17.90 
 31  Angelone, Aeden               10 King Philip           18.00 
 32  Bates, Graham                 10 Hingham               18.10 
 33  Bell, Liam                    10 Bridge-Ray            18.15 
 34  Curney, Xavier                10 Abington              18.24 
 35  Thomasino, Daniel             12 King Philip           18.54 
 36  Lopes, Dajon                  12 Southeastern          18.60 
 37  Zangirolani, Gabriel          11 Franklin              18.70 
 38  Bui, Tommy                    10 Stoughton             18.74 
 39  Paul Carpio, Martin           09 Brockton              19.00 
 40  Gimler, John                  12 Bridge-Ray            19.34 
 41  Fuertes, Noel                 11 Dartmouth             19.50 
 42  Williams, Joey                10 Stoughton             19.54 
 43  Gallinger, Jacob              10 Pembroke              19.70 
 44  Malewicz, Ryan                10 Tri-County R          20.00 
 45  Galligan, Bill                11 Tri-County R          20.00 
 46  Foley, Matt                   11 Tri-County R          20.00 
 47  Hallman, Andrew               11 Bridge-Ray            20.04 
 48  Marquis, Garrett              12 Weston                20.80 
 49  Giarrusso, Max                11 Hingham               21.00 
 50  Allan, William                09 King Philip           21.00 
 51  Dezotell, Jake                10 Tri-County R          24.00 
 52  Hannah, Cade                  09 King Philip           24.00 
 53  Perry, Sean                   12 Stoughton                NT 
 54  Jean, Reginald                10 Everett                  NT 
Event 18  Boys 400 Meter Hurdles Varsity (39)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Owens, John                   12 New Bedford           57.77 
  2  Dunne, Ethan                  11 King Philip           57.90 
  3  Lovell, Dan                   11 East Bridgew          58.10 
  4  Bailey, Brady                 11 Norwell               58.40 
  5  Jacobs, William               10 Franklin              58.80 
  6  Tripp, Maxwell                11 Plymouth Nor          59.44 
  7  Chase, Aaron                  12 Plymouth Nor          59.60 
  8  Montecino, Edwin              12 Durfee              1:00.90 
  9  Cyprien, Shalamah             12 Brockton            1:01.00 
 10  Gozzo, Brian                  12 Weymouth            1:01.32 
 11  Cullinane, Ryan               12 Brookline           1:01.40 
 12  Ralph, John                   12 Westwood            1:01.60 
 13  Feng, Justin                  11 Brookline           1:02.10 
 14  Calley, Brandon               11 Bridge-Ray          1:02.40 
 15  Scannell, Calvin              11 Cambridge Ri        1:03.10 
 16  Hurd, Alec                    11 Franklin            1:03.20 
 17  Reason, Kyle                  12 Stoughton           1:03.54 
 18  Semedo, Edgar                 10 New Bedford         1:03.80 
 19  Dwyer, Jake                   09 Plymouth Nor        1:04.10 
 20  Gagne-Eldridge, Ryan          12 Brockton            1:04.42 
 21  Marrero, Max                  11 Southeastern        1:04.88 
 22  Williams, Jordan              09 Brockton            1:05.00 
 23  Maimon, Adam                  11 Weston              1:05.50 
 24  Woodford, Ryan                11 Bridge-Ray          1:05.70 
 25  Francois, Quincy              10 Stoughton           1:05.94 
 26  Cordova, Omar                 11 Burncoat            1:06.20 
 27  Foley, Matt                   11 Tri-County R        1:07.38 
 28  Etim, Gabriel                 09 Southeastern        1:07.43 
 29  Williams, Joey                10 Stoughton           1:07.74 
 30  Zangirolani, Gabriel          11 Franklin            1:07.77 
 31  Jones, Raven                  10 Wareham             1:10.00 
 32  Bui, Tommy                    10 Stoughton           1:11.24 
 33  Manchuso, James               11 King Philip         1:11.85 
 34  Connolly, Dillon              09 Norwell             1:12.00 
 35  Frederic, Jonathan            09 Stoughton           1:12.04 
 36  Jean, Reginald                10 Everett             1:12.60 
 37  Malewicz, Ryan                10 Tri-County R        1:14.88 
 38  Cine, Lewis                   09 Everett                  NT 
 39  Dominguez, Jeffrey            09 Everett                  NT 
Event 24  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity (30)
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Pembroke  'A'                                          44.50 
  2  Brockton  'A'                                          44.70 
  3  Brockton  'B'                                          44.89 
  4  Hingham  'A'                                           44.90 
  5  New Bedford  'A'                                       45.20 
  6  Bridgewater-Raynham  'A'                               45.50 
  7  Plymouth North  'A'                                    45.54 
  8  Brockton  'C'                                          45.60 
  9  Cambridge Rindge & Latin  'A'                          45.80 
 10  Weymouth  'A'                                          45.84 
 11  Barnstable  'A'                                        45.91 
 12  King Philip  'A'                                       46.00 
 13  Canton  'A'                                            46.04 
 14  Franklin  'A'                                          46.54 
 15  Abington  'A'                                          46.54 
 16  Everett  'A'                                           46.60 
 17  East Bridgewater  'A'                                  46.92 
 18  Westwood  'A'                                          47.00 
 19  Walpole  'A'                                           47.00 
 20  Norwell  'A'                                           47.30 
 21  Cohasset/Hull  'A'                                     47.40 
 22  Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech  'A'                        47.50 
 23  Weston  'A'                                            47.71 
 24  Bishop Connolly  'A'                                   48.36 
 25  Stoughton  'A'                                         49.00 
 26  Burncoat  'A'                                          49.00 
 27  Franklin  'B'                                          49.40 
 28  Bridgewater-Raynham  'B'                               49.50 
 29  Dartmouth  'A'                                         49.60 
 30  Tri-County Rvt  'A'                                    51.80 
Event 28  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity (19)
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Brockton  'A'                                        3:33.70 
  2  Plymouth North  'A'                                  3:38.00 
  3  King Philip  'A'                                     3:38.20 
  4  New Bedford  'A'                                     3:39.00 
  5  Weymouth  'A'                                        3:39.04 
  6  Franklin  'A'                                        3:39.77 
  7  Coyle & Cassidy  'A'                                 3:40.00 
  8  Barnstable  'A'                                      3:40.12 
  9  Brighton  'A'                                        3:41.50 
 10  Brookline  'A'                                       3:42.00 
 11  Norwell  'A'                                         3:42.00 
 12  Silver Lake  'A'                                     3:45.00 
 13  Weston  'A'                                          3:45.19 
 14  East Bridgewater  'A'                                3:45.30 
 15  Bridgewater-Raynham  'A'                             3:47.00 
 16  Tri-County Rvt  'A'                                  3:50.00 
 17  Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech  'A'                      3:51.00 
 18  Everett  'A'                                         3:52.00 
 19  Cohasset/Hull  'A'                                   3:55.00 
Event 26  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity (15)
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Norwell  'A'                                         8:16.00 
  2  Weymouth  'A'                                        8:20.09 
  3  Brookline  'A'                                       8:25.50 
  4  Franklin  'A'                                        8:28.01 
  5  Plymouth North  'A'                                  8:34.00 
  6  Westwood  'A'                                        8:40.00 
  7  Brockton  'A'                                        8:42.71 
  8  Barnstable  'A'                                      8:50.00 
  9  King Philip  'A'                                     8:52.95 
 10  Canton  'A'                                          8:58.06 
 11  Stoughton  'A'                                       9:00.00 
 12  Abington  'A'                                        9:07.41 
 13  Bridgewater-Raynham  'A'                             9:12.00 
 14  Burncoat  'A'                                        9:20.00 
 15  Barnstable  'B'                                      9:30.00 
Event 30  Boys High Jump Varsity (27)
 Opening Height 5'4"
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Radel, Sebastian              10 Weymouth            6-02.00 
  2  Polynice, Julian              12 Brockton            6-02.00 
  3  Boukheir, Peter               11 Dartmouth           6-02.00 
  4  Tumpson, Godson               12 Everett             6-00.00 
  5  Williams, Tru                 09 New Bedford         6-00.00 
  6  Gimler, John                  12 Bridge-Ray          5-11.00 
  7  Hallman, Andrew               11 Bridge-Ray          5-10.00 
  8  Carter, Will                  11 East Bridgew        5-08.00 
  9  Deandrade, Robert             12 Southeastern        5-08.00 
 10  Sainristil, Mike              09 Everett             5-08.00 
 11  Souffrant, Cedric             10 Brockton            5-08.00 
 12  Ellis, Nathan                 10 Dartmouth           5-08.00 
 13  Perry, Sean                   12 Stoughton           5-06.00 
 14  Bouhalloufa, Zac              11 Plymouth Nor        5-06.00 
 15  Walls, Max                    12 Norwell             5-06.00 
 16  Donoghue, Cam                 11 Barnstable          5-05.25 
 17  Aube, Perrin                  09 Tri-County R        5-04.00 
 18  Greeley, Zack                 10 Plymouth Nor        5-04.00 
 19  Cyprien, Shalamah             12 Brockton            5-04.00 
 20  Tabb, Christian               12 Cohasset/Hul        5-04.00 
 21  Woodford, Ryan                11 Bridge-Ray          5-04.00 
 22  Pinto, Socrates               09 Brockton            5-04.00 
 23  Laguerre, Ritchy              10 Stoughton           5-02.00 
 24  Manchuso, James               11 King Philip         5-02.00 
 25  Innocent, Jose                12 Everett             5-02.00 
 26  Pisani, Jason                 12 Tri-County R        5-02.00 
 27  Fernandes, Brice               8 Wareham             5-00.00 
Event 47  Boys Pole Vault Varsity (3)
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Binney, Will                  11 Weston                3.04m 
  2  Faller, Aidan                 11 Weston                3.04m 
  3  Ng, Aaron                     11 Weston                2.59m 
Event 32  Boys Long Jump Varsity (64)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  O'Neil, Dan                   11 Pembroke           21-04.00 
  2  Allan, Jack                   12 King Philip        21-03.00 
  3  Ribeiro, Carlos               12 New Bedford        21-01.00 
  4  Mitchell, Vince               12 Pembroke           20-08.00 
  5  Brown, Aidan                  12 North Quincy       20-08.00 
  6  Ramos, Rudiano                10 Brockton           20-07.00 
  7  Boukheir, Peter               11 Dartmouth          20-03.25 
  8  Feingold-Gardner, Sam         11 Brookline          20-01.00 
  9  Donoghue, Cam                 11 Barnstable         20-00.50 
 10  Laptiste, Doninic             10 Quincy             20-00.00 
 11  Bailey, Brady                 11 Norwell            20-00.00 
 12  Chieng, Chris                 11 Franklin           19-11.50 
 13  Nascimento, Issac             10 Wareham            19-11.00 
 14  Fawcett, Christopher          11 Barnstable         19-08.00 
 15  DaSilva, Rey                  10 Plymouth Nor       19-07.00 
 16  Norton, Drew                  12 Pembroke           19-04.50 
 17  Reason, Kyle                  12 Stoughton          19-04.50 
 18  Monteiro, Joel                11 Brockton           19-04.00 
 19  Bullen, Michael               12 Franklin           19-03.00 
 20  Cirillo, Andrew               11 Pembroke           19-03.00 
 21  Ferrarelli, James             11 Weymouth           19-02.00 
 22  Shirikjian, Max               10 Silver Lake        19-00.50 
 23  Burkhead, Jake                11 Plymouth Nor       19-00.00 
 24  Balthazard, Nathan            12 Barnstable         19-00.00 
 25  McNeil, Marcus                11 Bridge-Ray         18-11.00 
 26  McBirney, Mike                11 East Bridgew       18-10.50 
 27  O'Neil, Christopher           11 King Philip        18-09.50 
 28  Hector, Reggie                11 Brockton           18-09.00 
 29  Smith, Shaquille              10 West Roxbury       18-09.00 
 30  Sleiman, Nathan               09 North Quincy       18-09.00 
 31  Doorandish, Evan              09 Weston             18-08.00 
 32  Hickey, Sean                  12 Norwell            18-08.00 
 33  Bastia, Hansen                11 Brockton           18-08.00 
 34  Oppenheimer, Graham           09 Weston             18-05.00 
 35  Mccray, Antoine               10 Brockton           18-05.00 
 36  Souffrant, Cedric             10 Brockton           18-05.00 
 37  Murphy, Sean                  11 Hingham            18-04.00 
 38  Dewire, Owen                  10 Hingham            18-04.00 
 39  Zouzoua, Niandre              12 Brockton           18-04.00 
 40  Mason, Kashane                11 Everett            18-04.00 
 41  Pierre, Patrickson            12 Everett            18-00.00 
 42  Paul Carpio, Martin           09 Brockton           18-00.00 
 43  Wolowacki, Jacob              11 Franklin           17-08.50 
 44  Jones, Phil                   12 Burncoat           17-06.00 
 45  Luetje, Jacob                 09 Weston             17-06.00 
 46  Chevalier, Ryan               12 Barnstable         17-04.75 
 47  Angelone, Aeden               10 King Philip        17-01.00 
 48  Woodbury, Edward              09 Bridge-Ray         17-00.00 
 49  Aube, Perrin                  09 Tri-County R       17-00.00 
 50  Knox, Richard                 09 Norwell            17-00.00 
 51  Kenlyn, Daniel                09 Barnstable         17-00.00 
 52  Rubin, Christopher             8 Barnstable         17-00.00 
 53  Rivieccio, Anthony            12 Cohasset/Hul       16-08.00 
 54  Hawes, David                  10 Weymouth           16-05.00 
 55  Bui, Tommy                    10 Stoughton          15-11.50 
 56  Fredo, Jack                   09 Barnstable         15-07.00 
 57  Jones, Raven                  10 Wareham            15-06.00 
 58  Bai, Ruiheng                  09 Sharon             15-02.50 
 59  Shelton, Drew                 09 King Philip        14-10.00 
 60  Dezotell, Jake                10 Tri-County R       14-09.25 
 61  Altobello, Eric               09 King Philip        13-00.00 
 62  Pisani, Jason                 12 Tri-County R       13-00.00 
 63  Corey, Cameron                09 King Philip        12-00.00 
 64  Espinoza, Lorenzo             11 Stoughton                ND 
Event 34  Boys Triple Jump Varsity (45)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Allan, Jack                   12 King Philip        42-09.00 
  2  Mitchell, Vince               12 Pembroke           42-09.00 
  3  Teal, John                    11 Cambridge Ri       42-08.00 
  4  Polynice, Julian              12 Brockton           41-11.00 
  5  Lovell, Dan                   11 East Bridgew       41-08.25 
  6  Sleiman, Nathan               09 North Quincy       40-10.50 
  7  Mullen, Cal                   09 Weston             40-06.00 
  8  Hector, Reggie                11 Brockton           40-02.00 
  9  Bonfiglio, Ryan               12 Wareham            39-09.00 
 10  Mancortes, Anhel              10 Southeastern       39-07.25 
 11  Dewire, Owen                  10 Hingham            39-00.75 
 12  Gozzo, Brian                  12 Weymouth           39-00.00 
 13  Bastia, Hansen                11 Brockton           38-11.00 
 14  Oliver, Alexander             12 Stoughton          38-08.00 
 15  Espinoza, Lorenzo             11 Stoughton          38-07.00 
 16  Lopes, Dajon                  12 Southeastern       38-06.00 
 17  Buczek, Robert                11 Bridge-Ray         38-06.00 
 18  Goodine, Ian                  11 Weymouth           38-06.00 
 19  Hawthorne, Shorn              10 Quincy             38-05.00 
 20  Fuertes, Noel                 11 Dartmouth          38-02.50 
 21  McNeil, Marcus                11 Bridge-Ray         38-02.00 
 22  Burbic, Jackson               12 Barnstable         37-07.00 
 23  McNeil, Brandon               10 Dartmouth          37-04.50 
 24  Wang, Steven                  12 Weston             36-08.00 
 25  Chevalier, Ryan               12 Barnstable         36-07.00 
 26  Forrestall, Luke              10 East Bridgew       36-04.00 
 27  Connolly, Dillon              09 Norwell            36-00.00 
 28  Caruso, Matt                  11 Brockton           36-00.00 
 29  Dixon, George                 09 East Bridgew       35-10.00 
 30  Jacobs, William               10 Franklin           35-09.50 
 31  Foley, Matt                   11 Tri-County R       35-09.50 
 32  Pierre, Patrickson            12 Everett            35-04.00 
 33  Trask, Dave                   11 East Bridgew       35-02.00 
 34  Fernandes, Brice               8 Wareham            34-11.00 
 35  Hull, Harry                   09 Hingham            34-06.00 
 36  Dale, Nathaniel               12 Franklin           34-02.00 
 37  Bates, Graham                 10 Hingham            34-00.00 
 38  Tabb, Christian               12 Cohasset/Hul       34-00.00 
 39  Perry, Sean                   12 Stoughton          33-00.75 
 40  Dickerson-Pells, Makhai       11 Barnstable         32-00.00 
 41  Hawes, David                  10 Weymouth           31-09.00 
 42  Aridou, Isaih                 11 Everett            31-08.00 
 43  Le, Denny                     11 Everett            29-09.00 
 44  Galligan, Bill                11 Tri-County R       29-01.00 
 45  Malewicz, Ryan                10 Tri-County R       26-01.00 
Event 40  Boys Shot Put Varsity (71)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Munroe, Mike                  12 Quincy             58-00.00 
  2  Kelly, Nick                   12 North Quincy       48-06.00 
  3  Santos, Jeff                  12 Brookline          48-00.00 
  4  Johnson, Nick                 12 Barnstable         47-05.00 
  5  Burns, Brian                  10 Pembroke           47-00.00 
  6  Proude, Rob                   11 Weymouth           45-00.25 
  7  Ramos, Randall                12 New Bedford        45-00.00 
  8  Olsen, Alex                   11 King Philip        44-10.75 
  9  Kurtz, James                  11 Bridge-Ray         44-06.50 
 10  Smith, Khoury                 11 Brockton           44-03.00 
 11  Davis, Matt                   12 Pembroke           44-02.00 
 12  Zouzoua, Niandre              12 Brockton           43-09.00 
 13  Sandler, Colman               11 Hingham            43-06.00 
 14  Lombardo, Cory                12 King Philip        43-05.00 
 15  Cooke, James                  12 King Philip        42-08.00 
 16  Cronin, Matt                  10 Weymouth           42-00.00 
 17  Richardson, John              12 Weymouth           41-06.25 
 18  McGinty, Aidan                11 Weston             41-03.00 
 19  Tarchara, James               11 Stoughton          41-01.00 
 20  Marques, Nick                 12 Dartmouth          40-05.00 
 21  Watts, Kyle                   10 Pembroke           40-04.00 
 22  DaSilva, Shawn                12 Dartmouth          40-01.00 
 23  Morgan, Zachary               11 Barnstable         40-01.00 
 24  Graham, Ashton                12 Pembroke           39-04.00 
 25  Mackin, Gerry                 10 Weymouth           39-04.00 
 26  Ghantous, Samir               12 Walpole            38-10.00 
 27  Svizzero, James               12 Weymouth           38-10.00 
 28  Reis, Trevor                  12 Bishop Conno       38-09.00 
 29  Richards, William             10 Pembroke           38-06.00 
 30  Raeke, Tim                    11 Stoughton          38-04.50 
 31  Immar, John                   11 East Bridgew       38-04.00 
 32  Ackerman, Ben                 10 Dartmouth          38-02.00 
 33  Gimler, James                 10 Bridge-Ray         38-01.00 
 34  Martir, Eric                  11 Barnstable         38-00.00 
 35  Guzman, Jason                 10 Everett            37-08.00 
 36  Tenaglia, Nicholas            12 King Philip        37-07.00 
 37  Jacobs-Baston, Terrell        09 King Philip        37-05.50 
 38  Chris, O'Brien                12 Norwell            37-00.00 
 39  Spencer, Zack                 10 Tri-County R       36-11.00 
 40  Marquis, Garrett              12 Weston             36-09.75 
 41  Kroon, Joe                    11 Franklin           36-06.00 
 42  Rivieccio, Anthony            12 Cohasset/Hul       36-03.00 
 43  Donahue, Timothy              09 Bridge-Ray         36-02.00 
 44  Dewolfe, Dylan                 8 Wareham            36-02.00 
 45  Metzger, Charlie              12 Norwell            36-00.00 
 46  McMahon, Cole                 11 Abington           35-11.75 
 47  Dessources, Reggie            10 Cambridge Ri       35-03.00 
 48  Rivieccio, Chris              10 Cohasset/Hul       35-02.00 
 49  Sandler, Aidan                10 Hingham            35-01.00 
 50  Caballero, Jorge              10 Everett            35-01.00 
 51  Anderson, Seth                10 Cohasset/Hul       35-00.00 
 52  Bethony, Erik                 09 Norwell            35-00.00 
 53  Chery, Jeffrey                12 Stoughton          34-09.00 
 54  DeVito, Mike                  10 Weston             34-06.00 
 55  Collins, Zanthius             09 Franklin           33-11.00 
 56  Garfinkle, Matthew            10 Weston             32-02.50 
 57  Downing, Matt                 10 Weymouth           32-00.00 
 58  O'Brien, Tom                  11 King Philip        31-05.00 
 59  Farrar, Erik                  12 Barnstable         30-06.00 
 60  Scott-Rawlins, Keith          09 Brockton           30-00.00 
 61  Vo, Steven                    09 Brockton           30-00.00 
 62  Cain, Justin                  09 Stoughton          29-05.00 
 63  Kaulbfleisch, Jake            09 Weymouth           29-01.00 
 64  Walker, Aj                    09 Brockton           29-00.00 
 65  Angelone, Aeden               10 King Philip        28-00.00 
 66  Wilschek, Ray                 12 Tri-County R       27-07.50 
 67  Thomas, Tyler                 12 Tri-County R       25-03.00 
 68  Weinstock IV, Charlie         09 Barnstable         23-00.00 
 69  Farrar, Max                   09 Barnstable         23-00.00 
 70  Dottin, Dorell                10 Everett                  ND 
 71  Nicholas, Walchris            11 Everett                  ND 
Event 36  Boys Discus Throw Varsity (67)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Munroe, Mike                  12 Quincy               154-01 
  2  Johnson, Nick                 12 Barnstable           141-00 
  3  Kurtz, James                  11 Bridge-Ray           131-05 
  4  Dukes, Dylan                  12 Southeastern         130-11 
  5  Onujiogu, Josh                12 Wareham              127-01 
  6  Zouzoua, Niandre              12 Brockton             125-07 
  7  Richardson, John              12 Weymouth             124-07 
  8  Lombardo, Cory                12 King Philip          124-07 
  9  McGinty, Aidan                11 Weston               123-05 
 10  McGinty, Brendan              12 Weston               123-04 
 11  Davis, Dylan                  10 Hingham              122-04 
 12  Proude, Rob                   11 Weymouth             121-07 
 13  DaSilva, Shawn                12 Dartmouth            120-00 
 14  Cleaves, Dylan                09 Rockland             118-02 
 15  Mackin, Gerry                 10 Weymouth             118-01 
 16  Davis, Matt                   12 Pembroke             118-01 
 17  Graham, Ashton                12 Pembroke             117-06 
 18  Reis, Trevor                  12 Bishop Conno         115-01 
 19  Pires, Jeff                   12 Bishop Conno         113-10 
 20  Cooke, James                  12 King Philip          113-06 
 21  Wright, Charles               10 Pembroke             112-01 
 22  Barry, Nick                   11 Dover-Sherbo         110-11 
 23  Immar, John                   11 East Bridgew         110-04 
 24  Donahue, Timothy              09 Bridge-Ray           110-01 
 25  Gimler, James                 10 Bridge-Ray           110-01 
 26  Bernier, Andrei               11 Marthas Vine         110-00 
 27  Cronin, Matt                  10 Weymouth             109-07 
 28  Sandler, Colman               11 Hingham              106-00 
 29  Hirtle, Ben                   12 Hingham              104-06 
 30  Burns, Brian                  10 Pembroke             104-00 
 31  Martiros, Luke                11 Dover-Sherbo         103-10 
 32  Raeke, Tim                    11 Stoughton            102-03 
 33  Richards, William             10 Pembroke             101-08 
 34  Morgan, Zachary               11 Barnstable           101-03 
 35  Trujillo, Jonah               09 North Quincy          99-09 
 36  DaRosa, Irlando               11 Stoughton             98-03 
 37  O'Brien, Tom                  11 King Philip           97-05 
 38  Barone, Richard               11 Cohasset/Hul          96-04 
 39  Metzger, Charlie              12 Norwell               96-00 
 40  Wagner, Wyatt                 10 Weymouth              94-04 
 41  Olsen, Alex                   11 King Philip           93-07 
 42  Rivieccio, Chris              10 Cohasset/Hul          93-04 
 43  Walinjom, Nelson              09 North Quincy          91-00 
 44  Martir, Eric                  11 Barnstable            90-00 
 45  Bethony, Erik                 09 Norwell               90-00 
 46  DeVito, Mike                  10 Weston                89-03 
 47  Dzuba, Anton                  09 Franklin              89-03 
 48  Garfinkle, Matthew            10 Weston                88-11 
 49  Dewolfe, Dylan                 8 Wareham               87-07 
 50  Svizzero, James               12 Weymouth              87-03 
 51  Jacobs-Baston, Terrell        09 King Philip           86-02 
 52  Dessources, Reggie            10 Cambridge Ri          85-00 
 53  Tenaglia, Nicholas            12 King Philip           84-01 
 54  Thomas, Tyler                 12 Tri-County R          81-05 
 55  Downing, Matt                 10 Weymouth              81-03 
 56  Tarchara, James               11 Stoughton          80-04.25 
 57  Cain, Justin                  09 Stoughton             77-01 
 58  Nicholas, Walchris            11 Everett               76-01 
 59  Wilschek, Ray                 12 Tri-County R          74-03 
 60  Spencer, Zack                 10 Tri-County R          73-08 
 61  Quaranto, Justin              10 Tri-County R          69-06 
 62  Caballero, Jorge              10 Everett               59-09 
 63  Farrar, Erik                  12 Barnstable            57-00 
 64  Le, Denny                     11 Everett               56-11 
 65  Farrar, Max                   09 Barnstable            50-02 
 66  Okafor, Joseph                11 West Roxbury        9-09.25 
 67  Guzman, Jason                 10 Everett                  ND 
Event 38  Boys Javelin Throw Varsity (80)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Guzman, Jason                 10 Everett           354-04.25 Obvious Error
  2  Kelly, Nick                   12 North Quincy         181-01 
  3  Gomes, Divell                 11 Brockton             149-00 
  4  Radel, Sebastian              10 Weymouth             146-10 
  5  Watts, Kyle                   10 Pembroke             145-07 
  6  Onujiogu, Josh                12 Wareham              145-00 
  7  Bouhalloufa, Zac              11 Plymouth Nor         145-00 
  8  Nascimento, Issac             10 Wareham              144-00 
  9  Kroon, Joe                    11 Franklin             142-04 
 10  Goncalves, Rui                11 Brockton             142-00 
 11  Reis, Trevor                  12 Bishop Conno         141-08 
 12  Weiler, Alexander             09 Bridge-Ray           140-02 
 13  Vu, Adam                      10 Quincy               137-11 
 14  Ryan, Nathan                  12 Barnstable           137-09 
 15  Gimler, John                  12 Bridge-Ray           135-00 
 16  Bernier, Andrei               11 Marthas Vine         133-09 
 17  Szteliga, Max                 11 Dartmouth            133-00 
 18  Gordon, Noah                  10 Pembroke             131-02 
 19  Pisani, Jason                 12 Tri-County R         130-00 
 20  Blauner, Nick                 12 East Bridgew         130-00 
 21  Snelgrove, Noah               11 Bridge-Ray           130-00 
 22  Celia, Noah                   11 Bridge-Ray           130-00 
 23  Caruso, Matt                  11 Brockton             130-00 
 24  Ciccio, Jeff                  09 Bridge-Ray           130-00 
 25  Layden, Tim                   09 North Quincy         129-06 
 26  McGirr, Jack                  11 Hingham              129-00 
 27  Moriarty, Collin              12 Plymouth Nor         128-02 
 28  Breen, Mike                   09 Hingham              127-03 
 29  Chamberlain, Will             12 Coyle & Cass         127-00 
 30  d Entremont, William          10 Silver Lake          126-09 
 31  Chiocca, Alex                 10 Weston               126-04 
 32  Gilbert, Colby                11 Silver Lake          125-01 
 33  Hansen, Marcus                10 Brockton             125-00 
 34  Ferreira, Zach                11 Stoughton            124-00 
 35  Burdett, Mike                 10 Tri-County R         123-00 
 36  DaRosa, Irlando               11 Stoughton            120-07 
 37  Fredo, Matthew                09 Barnstable           120-01 
 38  Andrade, Tiago                12 New Bedford          120-00 
 39  Childress, Josh               12 Wareham              120-00 
 40  Collins, Zanthius             09 Franklin             119-01 
 41  Dixon, Devin                  10 New Bedford          118-00 
 42  Clark Jr., Patrick (Charlie)  09 Barnstable           117-00 
 43  Langfield, Mitchell           11 Barnstable           116-05 
 44  DeAraujo, Diogo               10 Weymouth             115-10 
 45  Smith, Aiden                  12 Pembroke             115-05 
 46  Pace, Mike                    11 Hingham              115-00 
 47  Hussey, Owen                  09 Pembroke             114-00 
 48  Taylor, Noah                  11 Pembroke             111-11 
 49  Armstrong, Rob                11 Weston               111-05 
 50  Dolinsky, Ryan                11 Stoughton            111-00 
 51  Chris, O'Brien                12 Norwell              111-00 
 52  Naidjate, Abdul               11 Abington             110-08 
 53  Norton, Luke                  12 Cohasset/Hul         110-05 
 54  Wilschek, Ray                 12 Tri-County R         110-00 
 55  McLean, Aaron                 12 Tri-County R         110-00 
 56  Cefalo, Jason                 11 Everett              107-01 
 57  Cleaves, Dylan                09 Rockland             106-01 
 58  Chery, Jeffrey                12 Stoughton            106-00 
 59  Grimes, Benjamin              09 Cohasset/Hul         105-00 
 60  Dunne, Ethan                  11 King Philip          105-00 
 61  Mortimer, Alex                11 Weston               103-03 
 62  Comeau, Nicholas              10 Stoughton            102-00 
 63  Plunkett, Tom                 11 Coyle & Cass         101-03 
 64  Fredo, Jack                   09 Barnstable           101-00 
 65  Galligan, Bill                11 Tri-County R         100-00 
 66  Jones, Raven                  10 Wareham               98-07 
 67  Cleaves, Connor               10 Rockland              97-07 
 68  Andrade, Dante                10 Wareham               90-00 
 69  Bruno, Sten                   09 Brockton              90-00 
 70  Jenkins, Xavier               10 Wareham               85-00 
 71  Spencer, Zack                 10 Tri-County R          82-02 
 72  Wojtowicz, Graeme             09 Barnstable            71-11 
 73  Innocent, Jose                12 Everett               70-00 
 74  Thomas, Tyler                 12 Tri-County R          70-00 
 75  Coombs, Craig                 09 Barnstable            70-00 
 76  Dottin, Dorell                10 Everett               66-04 
 77  Epstein, Dan                  12 King Philip           54-02 
 78  Okafor, Joseph                11 West Roxbury        9-09.25 
 79  Caballero, Jorge              10 Everett                  ND 
 80  Nicholas, Walchris            11 Everett                  ND 
Event 41  Boys 100 Meter Dash Freshman (69) Prelims
 Top 8 times to Finals
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Cine, Lewis                   09 Everett               11.60 
  2  Sainristil, Mike              09 Everett               11.70 
  3  Kenlyn, Daniel                09 Barnstable            11.80 
  4  Tierney, Ryan                 09 Silver Lake           11.80 
  5  Santos, Ryan                  09 Brockton              11.80 
  6  Tran, Win                     09 North Quincy          11.90 
  7  Pinto, Socrates               09 Brockton              11.90 
  8  Cundari, Francis              09 Hingham               11.90 
  9  Woodbury, Edward              09 Bridge-Ray            12.00 
 10  Dos Santos, Marquis           09 Brockton              12.00 
 11  Bradley, Ed                   09 Hingham               12.00 
 12  Jonasson, Garrett             09 Norwell               12.10 
 13  Whitson, David                09 North Quincy          12.10 
 14  Doorandish, Evan              09 Weston                12.20 
 15  McDermott, Nick                8 East Bridgew          12.20 
 16  Hendrickson, John             10 Pembroke              12.20 
 17  Jacobs, Sam                   09 Pembroke              12.20 
 18  Morris, Malcolm               09 Brockton              12.20 
 19  Weiler, Alexander             09 Bridge-Ray            12.20 
 20  Jackson, Tori                 09 Brockton              12.20 
 21  Mullenhoff, Ethan             10 Cohasset/Hul          12.30 
 22  O'Meara, Jack                 09 Walpole               12.30 
 23  Donohue, Kevin                09 Silver Lake           12.30 
 24  Carney, Peter                 09 Norwell               12.30 
 25  Luetje, Jacob                 09 Weston                12.40 
 26  Lambrecht, Erik               09 Weston                12.40 
 27  Oliver, Nate                  09 Dartmouth             12.40 
 28  Green, Malachi                09 Stoughton             12.44 
 29  Bai, Ruiheng                  09 Sharon                12.44 
 30  Hinton, Paddy                 09 Walpole               12.50 
 31  Phillips, Ben                 09 Norwell               12.50 
 32  Peters, Kyran                 09 Franklin              12.50 
 33  Egan, Gabe                    09 Cohasset/Hul          12.50 
 34  Boatwright, Jaeden            09 Brockton              12.50 
 35  Gianibis, Peter               10 Cohasset/Hul          12.50 
 36  Robert, Giuffre               09 Bridge-Ray            12.50 
 37  Giuffre, Joseph               09 Bridge-Ray            12.50 
 38  Giuffre, Robert               09 Bridge-Ray            12.50 
 39  Locantore, Nicholas           09 Burncoat              12.60 
 40  Oppenheimer, Graham           09 Weston                12.60 
 41  Duval, Timothy                09 Franklin              12.70 
 42  Nakayama, Ryuto               09 Dartmouth             12.70 
 43  Amissah, Matthew              09 Burncoat              12.70 
 44  Dzuba, Anton                  09 Franklin              12.80 
 45  Babcock-Gillis, Conner        10 East Bridgew          12.80 
 46  Collins, Zanthius             09 Franklin              12.80 
 47  Amado, Marcos                 09 Stoughton             12.94 
 48  Hague, Harry                  09 Norwell               13.00 
 49  Lang, Kasey                   09 East Bridgew          13.00 
 50  Trask, Joe                     8 East Bridgew          13.00 
 51  Joseph, Jordan                09 King Philip           13.04 
 52  Cain, Justin                  09 Stoughton             13.04 
 53  Barnum, Simon                 09 Norwell               13.10 
 54  Wagner, Ethan                 11 Cohasset/Hul          13.40 
 55  Coombs, Craig                 09 Barnstable            13.60 
 56  Barone, James                 09 Cohasset/Hul          13.80 
 57  Shelton, Drew                 09 King Philip           13.90 
 58  Fredo, Jack                   09 Barnstable            14.00 
 59  Da Silva, Bryan                8 Barnstable            14.00 
 60  Wojtowicz, Graeme             09 Barnstable            14.00 
 61  Allan, William                09 King Philip           14.00 
 62  Xu, Edward                     8 Barnstable            14.20 
 63  Rufo, Daniel                   8 Barnstable            14.50 
 64  Alpert, Ethan                 09 King Philip           14.54 
 65  MacDermid, John               09 Barnstable            15.00 
 66  Altobello, Eric               09 King Philip           15.40 
 67  Corey, Cameron                09 King Philip           15.44 
 68  Hannah, Cade                  09 King Philip           15.90 
 69  Frederic, Jonathan            09 Stoughton                NT 
Event 43  Boys 400 Meter Dash Freshman (45)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Dorielan, Peterlee            09 Cambridge Ri          52.10 
  2  Kehoe, Dylan                  09 Franklin              55.20 
  3  Roderick, Mark                09 Plymouth Nor          55.34 
  4  Strong, Aaron                 09 Sharon                55.85 
  5  Hull, Harry                   09 Hingham               56.10 
  6  Locantore, Nicholas           09 Burncoat              56.50 
  7  Amissah, Matthew              09 Burncoat              56.50 
  8  Rubin, Christopher             8 Barnstable            56.50 
  9  Lo, Justin                    09 Westwood              56.70 
 10  Deehan, Jack                  09 Westwood              56.90 
 11  Balboa, Aaron                 09 Burncoat              57.00 
 12  Yu, Steven                    09 Weymouth              57.14 
 13  Dixon, George                 09 East Bridgew          57.80 
 14  Fredo, Matthew                09 Barnstable            58.00 
 15  Seebeck, Jared                09 Cohasset/Hul          58.00 
 16  Clark Jr., Patrick (Charlie)  09 Barnstable            58.00 
 17  Shue, Larry                   09 Westwood              58.00 
 18  Green, Flevor                 10 West Roxbury          58.00 
 19  Maggiore, Cameron             09 Pembroke              58.20 
 20  Morris, Malcolm               09 Brockton              59.00 
 21  Fratalia, Matthew             09 Bridge-Ray            59.80 
 22  Knox, Richard                 09 Norwell             1:00.00 
 23  Anderson, Seth                10 Cohasset/Hul        1:00.20 
 24  Aikeins, Karl                 09 Bridge-Ray          1:00.20 
 25  Foley, Matt                   09 Bridge-Ray          1:00.60 
 26  Mccall, Elijah                09 Cambridge Ri        1:01.00 
 27  Phillips, Ben                 09 Norwell             1:02.00 
 28  DelGuidice, Michael           09 Cohasset/Hul        1:02.00 
 29  Mullenhoff, Ethan             10 Cohasset/Hul        1:02.00 
 30  Driscoll, Sean                09 Bridge-Ray          1:02.10 
 31  Hague, Harry                  09 Norwell             1:02.10 
 32  Beneski, Joseph               09 Bridge-Ray          1:02.30 
 33  Jonasson, Garrett             09 Norwell             1:03.10 
 34  Berglund, Cooper              09 Norwell             1:03.10 
 35  Anderson, John Paul           09 Norwell             1:03.10 
 36  Frederic, Jonathan            09 Stoughton           1:03.14 
 37  Carney, Peter                 09 Norwell             1:03.70 
 38  Ferron, Chad                  09 East Bridgew        1:04.20 
 39  Lewis, Ian                    09 Sharon              1:04.34 
 40  DeSota, Joel                   8 Burncoat            1:05.00 
 41  Ortiz, John                   09 Stoughton           1:05.80 
 42  Barnum, Simon                 09 Norwell             1:10.20 
 43  Duffy, Cameron                09 Stoughton           1:14.00 
 44  Huot, Brent                   09 Sharon              1:15.04 
 45  Freedman, Ethan               09 Stoughton                NT 
Event 45  Boys 1 Mile Run Freshman (47)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Hagen, Michael                09 Franklin            4:52.48 
  2  Balboa, Aaron                 09 Burncoat            4:57.00 
  3  Balsamo, Giovanni             09 Bridge-Ray          4:59.66 
  4  Krivitsky, Jacob              09 Norwell             5:00.00 
  5  Krivitsky, Joe                09 Norwell             5:00.00 
  6  Sethi, Kanishka               09 Sharon              5:00.53 
  7  Hayes, Ethan                  09 Norwell             5:01.00 
  8  LeFaivre, Sergei              09 Brookline           5:02.74 
  9  Fusco, Jason                  09 Bridge-Ray          5:03.90 
 10  McCormick, William            09 Brookline           5:04.49 
 11  Jenkins, Matt                 09 Plymouth Nor        5:05.00 
 12  Jacques, Lucas                 8 Coyle & Cass        5:05.20 
 13  Rioux, Ben                    09 Dartmouth           5:05.40 
 14  Diaz, Jon                     09 Brookline           5:10.50 
 15  Judge, Brian                  09 Barnstable          5:11.00 
 16  Katilus, Bryan                09 East Bridgew        5:13.98 
 17  Garber, Andrew                09 Cambridge Ri        5:15.00 
 18  Ring, Aidan                   09 North Quincy        5:15.50 
 19  O'Toole, Ben                   8 Barnstable          5:17.00 
 20  Haber, Ben                    09 Brookline           5:17.90 
 21  Weiner, Ethan                  8 Barnstable          5:19.68 
 22  Dewan, Binnie                  8 Barnstable          5:20.00 
 23  Geyer, Liam                   10 Cohasset/Hul        5:21.00 
 24  Goldman, Ryan                 09 Franklin            5:22.68 
 25  Wieland, Noah                 09 Sharon              5:23.30 
 26  Wojciechowski, Colin           8 Barnstable          5:25.00 
 27  Wenzel, Joshua                09 Norwell             5:25.00 
 28  Abbott, Nicolas               09 Weymouth            5:28.40 
 29  DeSota, Joel                   8 Burncoat            5:29.00 
 30  Simpson, Jake                 09 Hingham             5:30.00 
 31  Grimes, Benjamin              09 Cohasset/Hul        5:33.00 
 32  Zaffino, Nicholas             09 Franklin            5:37.00 
 33  Ortiz, John                   09 Stoughton           5:39.00 
 34  Owen, Jack                    09 Weymouth            5:39.30 
 35  Sullivan, Nick                09 Hingham             5:45.00 
 36  Ahern, Rory                   09 Hingham             5:45.00 
 37  Lemieux, Brendan              09 King Philip         5:52.00 
 38  Freedman, Ethan               09 Stoughton           5:54.00 
 39  Knox, Richard                 09 Norwell             6:00.00 
 40  Armstrong, Guillermo          09 King Philip         6:02.00 
 41  Clark, George                 09 Norwell             6:11.00 
 42  Fitzgerald, Ryan              09 Burncoat            6:16.88 
 43  Petrie, Andrew                09 Burncoat            6:20.00 
 44  Le, Johnny                    09 Burncoat            6:20.00 
 45  Wojtowicz, Ian                09 Barnstable          6:20.00 
 46  Fuss, Patrick                 09 Weymouth            6:57.40 
 47  Macdonald, Peter              09 Everett             7:30.00 

Licensed to Wilbur Race Systems - Contractor License
                                                HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/19/2016
                       2016 South Shore Principals Meet                        
                       Norwell High School  - 5/21/2016                        
                               Performance List                                
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity (106) Prelims
 Top 8 times to Finals
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Endyke, Sarah                 12 Hingham               12.20 
  2  Fitzgerald, Breagh            12 Pembroke              12.30 
  3  Gallagher, Morgen             12 Norwell               12.40 
  4  McCormack, Emily               8 East Bridgew          12.50 
  5  Hall, Emily                   10 Pembroke              12.60 
  6  Redfearn, Ciara               09 Cohasset/Hul          12.70 
  7  Williams, Jaleigha            09 Milton                12.74 
  8  Jean-Baptiste, Abigail        11 Milton                12.79 
  9  Bradley, Bridget              11 Marshfield            12.80 
 10  Marino, Isabelle              11 Weymouth              12.90 
 11  Wallace, Angela               10 Sharon                12.94 
 12  Charles, Paola                12 Milton                12.96 
 13  Sousa, Alyssa                 11 Bridge-Ray            13.00 
 14  Freeley, Lauren               10 Pembroke              13.00 
 15  Balunos, Hannah               10 King Philip           13.00 
 16  Hart, Margaret                10 Plymouth Nor          13.00 
 17  Bartlett, Nichole             10 East Bridgew          13.10 
 18  Moreta, Sabrina               11 Everett               13.10 
 19  LaBree, Victoria              11 Dartmouth             13.10 
 20  Silvestri, Hannah             10 King Philip           13.10 
 21  Bean, Molly                   12 Weymouth              13.10 
 22  Hernandez, Ashley             12 Everett               13.10 
 23  Bojar, Alana                  11 Newton South          13.10 
 24  Ewing, Chayla                 11 Wareham               13.10 
 25  Sheehan, Erin                 10 Pembroke              13.10 
 26  Hilaire, Kim                  11 Southeastern          13.10 
 27  Brown, Nicole                 09 Canton                13.14 
 28  Antonellis, Victoria          11 Plymouth Nor          13.30 
 29  Alston, Janessa               11 Cambridge Ri          13.30 
 30  Goon, Victoria                09 Hingham               13.30 
 31  Wong, Allison                 10 North Quincy          13.30 
 32  Maloney, Sarah                12 Bridge-Ray            13.34 
 33  Bastien, Tanya                12 Canton                13.34 
 34  Anderson, Jasmine             12 West Bridgew          13.35 
 35  Ritchie, Brooke               12 Abington              13.40 
 36  Forbes, Delaney               11 Tri-County R          13.40 
 37  Jack, Adiva                   11 Brockton              13.42 
 38  Brookbank, Claire             11 Cohasset/Hul          13.50 
 39  Fedna, Ewnie                  11 Everett               13.50 
 40  Anane, Nana                   10 Burncoat              13.50 
 41  O'Connor, Quinn               10 Braintree             13.54 
 42  Ford, Shanel                  12 Stoughton             13.54 
 43  Vo, Hanganh                   09 Milton                13.54 
 44  Tonetti, Isabella             11 Braintree             13.54 
 45  Ronan, Aubree                 12 Franklin              13.54 
 46  Joseph, Prisca                12 Canton                13.54 
 47  Keener, Alison                11 Fontbonne Ac          13.55 
 48  Craig, Shannon                10 Weymouth              13.60 
 49  Love, Jenese                  10 West Roxbury          13.60 
 50  Kern, Sarah                   09 Newton South          13.60 
 51  Arruda, Allison               11 Newton South          13.60 
 52  Carroll, Lillian              10 Dartmouth             13.60 
 53  Roache, Dayajna               10 Milton                13.60 
 54  Boucher, Abbie                10 West Bridgew          13.70 
 55  Pearson, Chellsie             11 Bishop Conno          13.73 
 56  Perry, Sahrina                10 Stoughton             13.74 
 57  Cummings, Brianna             10 Franklin              13.74 
 58  Yung, Celine                  10 Newton South          13.75 
 59  Jemedy, Cheneda               11 Brockton              13.80 
 60  Hart, Audrey                  11 Cohasset/Hul          13.80 
 61  Mazzulli, Lauren              12 Norwell               13.80 
 62  Nwasu, Julieth                09 Brockton              13.80 
 63  Kelley, Erica                 11 Bridge-Ray            13.80 
 64  Provo, Izzy                   12 Plymouth Nor          13.80 
 65  Diaz, Gabriela                09 Stoughton             13.84 
 66  Brandes, Rachel               10 Sharon                13.84 
 67  Murphy, Mary                  10 Burncoat              13.90 
 68  Mendes, Niani                 11 Brighton              13.90 
 69  Thibeault, Erin               10 Tri-County R          13.93 
 70  Emile, Victoria               12 Stoughton             13.94 
 71  Hector, Rayna                 10 Brockton              14.00 
 72  Perkins, Destiny              11 Milton                14.00 
 73  Sedar, Chelsea                11 Bridge-Ray            14.00 
 74  Sullivan, Kelley              10 Franklin              14.04 
 75  Harvell, Mercedes             10 Milton                14.10 
 76  Yeo, Emily                    12 West Bridgew          14.20 
 77  Pasquale, Katie               10 Burncoat              14.20 
 78  Mills, Bridget                11 West Bridgew          14.20 
 79  Marc, Christelle              11 Weymouth              14.30 
 80  Pineiro, Alaina               10 Weymouth              14.40 
 81  Hewes, Kristen                10 Franklin              14.50 
 82  Clarke, Gillian               11 Milton                14.50 
 83  Riggs, Abigail                10 King Philip           14.64 
 84  Bangura, Janet                10 Stoughton             14.64 
 85  Akpone, Ify                   10 Brockton              14.70 
 86  Alves, Djeny                  11 Stoughton             14.94 
 87  Lemanski, Grace               11 Franklin              14.94 
 88  Barry, Camryn                 11 Bridge-Ray            15.00 
 89  Santos-Silva, Chloe           11 Bridge-Ray            15.00 
 90  Boothe, Brianna               10 Tri-County R          15.00 
 91  Martin, Kately                09 Stoughton             15.04 
 92  Makova, Anna                  12 King Philip           15.20 
 93  Fofanova, Irina               10 Sharon                15.44 
 94  Curran, Madelyn               10 Mount Alvern          15.50 
 95  Kwong, Amanda                 09 Milton                15.50 
 96  Smith, Dalane                 12 Stoughton             15.64 
 97  Samuels, Rickelia             09 Stoughton             15.84 
 98  Petrie, Shannon               09 Stoughton             15.84 
 99  Presti, Cinzia                12 Mount Alvern          15.85 
100  Hawkins, Jordan               11 Tri-County R          16.00 
101  Cronin, Elizabeth             11 Mount Alvern          16.18 
102  Rempelakis, Kasandra          09 Tri-County R          16.50 
103  Stanton, Kelly                 7 Mount Alvern          16.70 
104  Cardillo, Angelina             8 Mount Alvern          17.83 
105  Alves, Stefany                10 Brockton                 NT 
106  Berlo, Katrina                 8 Mount Alvern             NT 
Event 19  Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity (97) Prelims
 Top 8 times to Finals
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Gilliard, Jahphiah            10 West Roxbury          25.09 
  2  Fitzgerald, Breagh            12 Pembroke              25.60 
  3  Hall, Emily                   10 Pembroke              25.70 
  4  Walkes, Elizabeth             12 Newton South          26.04 
  5  Tavekelian, Jadyn             10 Plymouth Nor          26.20 
  6  Haley, Caitlin                10 Plymouth Nor          26.20 
  7  Gallagher, Morgen             12 Norwell               26.50 
  8  Hernandez, Ashley             12 Everett               26.60 
  9  McCormack, Emily               8 East Bridgew          26.60 
 10  Claflin, Emily                09 Pembroke              26.70 
 11  Love, Jenese                  10 West Roxbury          26.73 
 12  Lazare, Calene                11 Newton South          26.74 
 13  Marlow-Benedick, Emma         12 Weston                26.76 
 14  Williams, Jaleigha            09 Milton                26.88 
 15  Daly, Alexis                  09 Milton                27.00 
 16  Bartlett, Nichole             10 East Bridgew          27.00 
 17  Sousa, Alyssa                 11 Bridge-Ray            27.00 
 18  Ewing, Chayla                 11 Wareham               27.00 
 19  Hiltunen, Devin               10 North Quincy          27.00 
 20  Pierre, Atheana               11 Milton                27.10 
 21  Perry, Coral                  11 Dartmouth             27.10 
 22  Aime, Biancha                 11 Brockton              27.20 
 23  Bojar, Alana                  11 Newton South          27.21 
 24  Bean, Molly                   12 Weymouth              27.27 
 25  Sledge, Jade                  10 West Roxbury          27.40 
 26  Cho, Selena                   11 Canton                27.44 
 27  deGrasse, Brianna             11 Marshfield            27.50 
 28  Marino, Isabelle              11 Weymouth              27.55 
 29  Redfearn, Ciara               09 Cohasset/Hul          27.70 
 30  Bechtold, Drew                10 Weymouth              27.70 
 31  Moreta, Sabrina               11 Everett               27.71 
 32  Price, Brianna                10 Pembroke              27.80 
 33  Jacques, Ashley               12 Franklin              27.84 
 34  Pierre, Daniella              09 Franklin              27.89 
 35  LaPlante, Ashlyn              11 Coyle & Cass          27.90 
 36  Doran, Katie                  11 Weymouth              27.90 
 37  Guerrier, Nashadee            12 Stoughton             27.94 
 38  Douyon, Nataly                10 Everett               28.00 
 39  Sarantopolous, Olivia         11 West Bridgew          28.03 
 40  Diaz, Gabriela                09 Stoughton             28.04 
 41  Merigo, Amanda                10 Tri-County R          28.05 
 42  Barros Mendes, Julia          11 Brockton              28.10 
 43  Joyce, Bridget                11 East Bridgew          28.20 
 44  Sullivan, Emma                12 Weymouth              28.20 
 45  Shubert, Abrie'elle           09 Weymouth              28.30 
 46  Craig, Shannon                10 Weymouth              28.30 
 47  Brown, Nicole                 09 Canton                28.34 
 48  Armstrong, Taylor             10 Pembroke              28.40 
 49  Keener, Alison                11 Fontbonne Ac          28.40 
 50  Aboli, Moye                   09 Weymouth              28.44 
 51  Moreis, Madison               11 Marthas Vine          28.50 
 52  Sullivan, Julianne            11 King Philip           28.60 
 53  Correiro, Charlotte           09 Dartmouth             28.60 
 54  Francois, Mikayla             09 Walpole               28.66 
 55  Moniz, Maisha                 09 Brockton              28.70 
 56  Jorge, Sarah                  09 Dartmouth             28.70 
 57  Kelly, Meredith               11 King Philip           28.74 
 58  McSherry, Ryann               09 Wareham               28.80 
 59  Vasil, Taylor                 11 Coyle & Cass          29.00 
 60  Rose, Kristen                 10 Milton                29.00 
 61  Perkins, Destiny              11 Milton                29.00 
 62  Formichella, Grace            10 Littleton             29.10 
 63  Pasquale, Katie               10 Burncoat              29.10 
 64  Colgan, Alexandra             11 King Philip           29.14 
 65  Murphy, Selena                10 Weymouth              29.20 
 66  Etro, Mia                     11 Bridge-Ray            29.50 
 67  Harvell, Mercedes             10 Milton                29.50 
 68  Stultz, Brianna               11 Brighton              29.50 
 69  Hill, Sade                    09 Southeastern          29.77 
 70  LaPlante, Alexis              11 Coyle & Cass          29.78 
 71  Motley, Jordan                10 Stoughton             29.84 
 72  Garfinkle, Alexa              10 Sharon                29.84 
 73  Thibeault, Erin               10 Tri-County R          29.90 
 74  Barratt, Ashley               10 Tri-County R          30.00 
 75  Rempelakis, Kasandra          09 Tri-County R          30.00 
 76  Monteiro, Savanh              09 Tri-County R          30.00 
 77  Cherisol, Danika              10 Everett               30.02 
 78  Miller, Samantha              09 Sharon                30.14 
 79  Robbins, Margot               11 Cohasset/Hul          30.20 
 80  Canonico, Katie               11 Franklin              30.50 
 81  Conlon, Callie                11 Franklin              30.54 
 82  Stovall, Kennedy              11 King Philip           30.60 
 83  Cazeau, Vanessa               12 Everett               30.66 
 84  Pineiro, Alaina               10 Weymouth              31.00 
 85  Marc, Christelle              11 Weymouth              31.20 
 86  Peterson, Erin                11 Weymouth              31.60 
 87  McGrath, Alexandra            10 Weymouth              32.20 
 88  Kwong, Amanda                 09 Milton                33.00 
 89  Boothe, Brianna               10 Tri-County R          33.20 
 90  St Pierre, Lily               09 Burncoat              33.49 
 91  McLaughlin, Jill              11 Mount Alvern          36.46 
 92  Reyes, Kyanna                 10 Burncoat              37.34 
 93  Joseph, Vanessa               12 Everett                  NT 
 94  Lorjuste, Djenny              12 Everett                  NT 
 95  Stanton, Kelly                 7 Mount Alvern             NT 
 96  Nolan, Gabrielle              09 Mount Alvern             NT 
 97  Mendes, Anna                  10 Everett                  NT 
Event 11  Girls 400 Meter Dash Varsity (60)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Sullivan, Jacklyn             12 Plymouth Nor          57.90 
  2  O'Leary, Elise                09 Milton                58.05 
  3  Haley, Caitlin                10 Plymouth Nor          59.50 
  4  Walkes, Elizabeth             12 Newton South          59.80 
  5  Kroushl, Jessica              10 Franklin              59.84 
  6  Link, Hannah                  11 Canton              1:00.34 
  7  Hurley, Erin                  12 Hingham             1:01.05 
  8  Doran, Katie                  11 Weymouth            1:01.15 
  9  Thorpe, Krystal               11 Burncoat            1:01.50 
 10  Lazare, Calene                11 Newton South        1:01.50 
 11  Duggan, Ciara                 11 Weymouth            1:01.59 
 12  Lapointe, Alexis              12 Abington            1:02.00 
 13  Hutchinson, Sarina            10 Stoughton           1:02.14 
 14  Burleigh, Emma                11 Hingham             1:02.32 
 15  Kindle, Saron                 11 Milton              1:02.93 
 16  Hochberg, Liza                12 Newton South        1:03.12 
 17  Post, Mackenzie               11 Plymouth Nor        1:03.20 
 18  Hayman, Madeline              12 Burncoat            1:03.50 
 19  Sullivan, Julianne            11 King Philip         1:03.74 
 20  Barrett, Caroline             10 Weymouth            1:03.80 
 21  Boyd, Mackenzie               11 Norwell             1:03.90 
 22  Connelly, Genevieve           10 Milton              1:04.09 
 23  Sullivan, Emma                12 Weymouth            1:04.40 
 24  Czarniak, Katy                12 East Bridgew        1:04.50 
 25  Leach, Brenna                 10 Weymouth            1:04.53 
 26  Delano, Giana                 09 Plymouth Nor        1:04.60 
 27  Jrolf, Maeve                  11 Milton              1:05.00 
 28  Donahue, Gabby                10 Walpole             1:05.30 
 29  Murphy, Meghan                10 Braintree           1:05.44 
 30  Pearce, Carley                10 Bridge-Ray          1:05.50 
 31  Andrade, Lara                 12 Brockton            1:05.50 
 32  Degnan, Olivia                11 Norwell             1:05.80 
 33  Marando, Katherine            09 Abington            1:06.00 
 34  Roof, Ellie                   10 Hingham             1:06.30 
 35  Wright, Shannon               11 Brockton            1:06.50 
 36  Murphy, Selena                10 Weymouth            1:07.20 
 37  Burns, Devin                  11 Bridge-Ray          1:07.50 
 38  Mendes, Olivia                09 Dartmouth           1:07.62 
 39  Mitchell, Kryssa              11 Norwell             1:08.00 
 40  Reid, Jada                    11 Southeastern        1:08.29 
 41  Thermidor-Payne, Ashley       10 Milton              1:08.36 
 42  Donahue, Meghan               10 Bridge-Ray          1:08.50 
 43  Gillis, Rachel                10 Franklin            1:08.84 
 44  Regan, Olivia                 10 Milton              1:08.90 
 45  Joseph, Valery                12 Everett             1:09.00 
 46  Alexander, Eyan               12 Southeastern        1:09.07 
 47  Giffen, Jess                  11 Walpole             1:09.30 
 48  Mirochnik, Karina             10 Sharon              1:09.80 
 49  Astino, Lili                  11 Cohasset/Hul        1:10.00 
 50  Savignano, Maria              11 Bridge-Ray          1:10.10 
 51  Gutierrez, Briana             11 Everett             1:10.30 
 52  Plante, Jillian               09 Tri-County R        1:11.00 
 53  Monteiro, Savanh              09 Tri-County R        1:11.80 
 54  Berkowsky, Alyssa             11 Stoughton           1:11.94 
 55  Naff, Elizabeth               09 Tri-County R        1:12.00 
 56  Huynh, Stephanie              11 Burncoat            1:12.00 
 57  Cazeau, Vanessa               12 Everett             1:12.64 
 58  Leonardi, Isabella            10 Tri-County R        1:14.00 
 59  Sprague, Emerson              10 Stoughton           1:14.64 
 60  Callery, Sam                  10 Burncoat            1:15.00 
Event 13  Girls 800 Meter Run Varsity (76)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Martin, Clare                 11 Newton South        2:16.00 
  2  Roffman, Sarah                09 Littleton           2:21.94 
  3  King, Paige                   12 Hingham             2:22.64 
  4  MacKinnon, Marina             11 Marshfield          2:22.70 
  5  Messner, Carliegh             11 Pembroke            2:23.00 
  6  Strohschneider, Hannah        11 Plymouth Nor        2:23.00 
  7  Bulczynski, Emily             10 Newton South        2:23.80 
  8  Fisher, Kate                  11 Plymouth Nor        2:24.20 
  9  Robinson, Brittany            12 Franklin            2:24.60 
 10  Hartnett, Katherine           10 Franklin            2:25.56 
 11  Layne, Erica                  11 King Philip         2:25.80 
 12  Linscott, Heather             10 Hingham             2:25.89 
 13  Nagle, Tess                   12 Pembroke            2:26.50 
 14  Wengryn, Erin                 12 Pembroke            2:27.00 
 15  Nagle, Charlotte              11 Pembroke            2:27.00 
 16  Collins, Sarah                09 Canton              2:27.34 
 17  Fraser, Hannah                10 Newton South        2:27.60 
 18  Tormey, Sarah                 10 Pembroke            2:28.00 
 19  Doherty, Meghan               11 Franklin            2:28.10 
 20  Hamilton, Lucy                11 King Philip         2:28.70 
 21  Cepkauskas, Krista            10 King Philip         2:28.81 
 22  Mahoney, Kristen              11 Ashland             2:29.00 
 23  Cousineau, Josie              10 Milton              2:29.00 
 24  Federspiel, Laura             09 Pembroke            2:29.90 
 25  Recupero, Carolyn             12 Ursuline Aca        2:29.95 
 26  O'Rourke, Alley               12 Braintree           2:30.00 
 27  Wyman, Alison                 12 West Bridgew        2:30.20 
 28  Gieg, Maria                   10 Sharon              2:30.30 
 29  Pistorino, Frances            10 Braintree           2:30.38 
 30  Roffman, Kaitlyn              09 Littleton           2:30.40 
 31  Aymar, Kiley                  11 Hingham             2:30.60 
 32  Goodman, Samantha             10 Pembroke            2:32.00 
 33  Greenway, Shawna              11 Cohasset/Hul        2:32.40 
 34  Fortin, Severine              12 Hingham             2:33.97 
 35  Ortega, Marissa               10 East Bridgew        2:34.50 
 36  McNeil, Andrea                10 Canton              2:34.54 
 37  Ryan, Delia                   12 Ursuline Aca        2:34.58 
 38  Gutkowski, Ella               10 Franklin            2:34.90 
 39  Pearce, Carley                10 Bridge-Ray          2:35.00 
 40  Magane, Riley                 10 King Philip         2:35.10 
 41  Allen, Maggie                 10 West Bridgew        2:36.00 
 42  Billo, Jennifer               12 Stoughton           2:37.30 
 43  Holden, Colleen               12 Hingham             2:37.60 
 44  Song, Catherine               12 Canton              2:38.00 
 45  Gin, Rachel                   12 Dartmouth           2:38.47 
 46  Masters, Sabrina              10 Franklin            2:40.00 
 47  Donelan, Lauren               10 Milton              2:40.00 
 48  MacDonald, Nicole             12 Norwell             2:40.00 
 49  Alexis, Sansha                11 Brockton            2:40.00 
 50  Reid, Megan                   09 Abington            2:41.00 
 51  Sharp, Hannah                 09 Hingham             2:41.20 
 52  Freking, Greta                12 Milton              2:42.00 
 53  Sullivan, Maddison            11 Pembroke            2:43.00 
 54  Osborne, Brandi               09 Franklin            2:43.30 
 55  Sullivan, Makena              11 Pembroke            2:44.00 
 56  Williams, Marissa             12 Stoughton           2:45.20 
 57  Kelley, Lynne                 12 King Philip         2:46.00 
 58  Umeh, Antonnea                11 Milton              2:46.65 
 59  Davis, Elizabeth              09 Franklin            2:47.00 
 60  O'Connor, Shannon             09 King Philip         2:48.94 
 61  Farrell, Sophie               09 Pembroke            2:49.00 
 62  Cleary, Maeve                 09 Pembroke            2:49.00 
 63  Neal, Beth                    12 Franklin            2:49.37 
 64  Jefferson, Chaylese           11 Brockton            2:50.00 
 65  Fitzgerald, Linzi             11 Burncoat            2:50.00 
 66  Jackson, Caroline             10 Franklin            2:50.00 
 67  Leonardi, Isabella            10 Tri-County R        2:54.30 
 68  Eckler, Katie                 12 Stoughton           2:55.00 
 69  Alves, Alisha                 11 Brockton            2:55.00 
 70  Smith, Ashley                 10 Bridge-Ray          2:58.00 
 71  Maloney, Jillian              10 King Philip         3:00.00 
 72  Iwuala, Jessy                 11 Milton              3:02.00 
 73  Bergier, Valenia              11 Burncoat            3:05.00 
 74  Morgan, Hannah                11 Stoughton           3:07.00 
 75  Joyce, Kelli                  11 Stoughton           3:10.00 
 76  Flores, Diana                 12 Everett             3:30.18 
Event 7  Girls 1 Mile Run Varsity (84)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Martin, Clare                 11 Newton South        5:02.12 
  2  Grusby, Rebecca               12 Newton South        5:02.29 
  3  Roffman, Sarah                09 Littleton           5:10.98 
  4  O'Leary, Colette              11 Milton              5:13.00 
  5  Tarantino, Emma               11 Pembroke            5:16.67 
  6  Clermont, Nicole              10 Franklin            5:17.90 
  7  Collins, Katherine            11 Newton South        5:19.00 
  8  Roffman, Kaitlyn              09 Littleton           5:19.72 
  9  Laughlin, Shannon             10 Newton South        5:23.00 
 10  Barry, Caroline               10 Newton South        5:23.00 
 11  Affanato, Ella                09 Milton              5:24.00 
 12  Marshall, Elizabeth           09 Plymouth Nor        5:25.00 
 13  Bulczynski, Emily             10 Newton South        5:26.00 
 14  DeBruin, Emily                11 Bridge-Ray          5:28.00 
 15  Sarro, Caroline               11 Bridge-Ray          5:28.00 
 16  Fisher, Kate                  11 Plymouth Nor        5:29.00 
 17  Frazier, Emma                 11 Bridge-Ray          5:30.00 
 18  O'Donnell, Eliza              09 Milton              5:30.00 
 19  Silvia, Kristina              11 Weymouth            5:31.00 
 20  Wyman, Alison                 12 West Bridgew        5:33.26 
 21  Negassi, Naomi                11 Milton              5:35.88 
 22  Wengryn, Erin                 12 Pembroke            5:36.56 
 23  Tormey, Sarah                 10 Pembroke            5:37.29 
 24  Husband, Ailish               10 Plymouth Nor        5:38.80 
 25  Song, Catherine               12 Canton              5:39.00 
 26  Lynch, Maddie                 11 Dartmouth           5:39.10 
 27  Schewe, Emme                  09 Milton              5:42.00 
 28  Nagler, Madeline              10 Brookline           5:43.00 
 29  Coyle, Aly                    10 Pembroke            5:43.40 
 30  Dambruch, Mairead             12 Milton              5:44.00 
 31  Filine, Elizabeth             12 Brookline           5:44.00 
 32  Chilcott, Olivia              10 Pembroke            5:45.00 
 33  Chilcott, Tess                10 Pembroke            5:46.00 
 34  Dwyer, Grace                  09 Milton              5:47.00 
 35  Valeri, Grace                 09 Pembroke            5:48.20 
 36  Barry, Molly                   7 East Bridgew        5:48.20 
 37  Mulinge, Patriciah            12 Brockton            5:48.88 
 38  Sullivan, Jessie              11 Pembroke            5:50.49 
 39  Bonwitt, Alison               09 Pembroke            5:52.00 
 40  Sitarski, Nina                10 King Philip         5:52.00 
 41  Laenen, Diana                 10 Weymouth            5:52.20 
 42  Naganuma-Carreras, Julia      10 Cambridge Ri        5:53.51 
 43  Katz-Christy, Nina            11 Cambridge Ri        5:54.53 
 44  McNeil, Andrea                10 Canton              5:55.00 
 45  Bobeck, Julia                 12 Stoughton           5:57.90 
 46  Polsgrove, James              10 Canton              6:00.50 
 47  Betts, Audrey                 11 Weymouth            6:00.86 
 48  Knapp, Jordan                 11 Weymouth            6:01.20 
 49  Laenen, Julia                 11 Weymouth            6:01.64 
 50  Vaccari, Cassidy              10 Dartmouth           6:02.80 
 51  El Sayed, Amena               12 Milton              6:03.00 
 52  Rondeau, Carly                12 Franklin            6:03.00 
 53  Williams, Caroline            09 Cambridge Ri        6:05.00 
 54  McKenna, Sara                 11 Pembroke            6:05.00 
 55  Scully, Colleen               10 Marshfield          6:08.08 
 56  Mucciarone, Nicole            12 Franklin            6:08.80 
 57  Welch, Alexandra              10 King Philip         6:11.00 
 58  Fofana, Saron                 10 Brockton            6:12.70 
 59  Donovan, Kelly                11 Weymouth            6:12.90 
 60  Fortin, Margeaux              10 Hingham             6:13.00 
 61  Strehle, Margaret             10 Hingham             6:13.60 
 62  Hogan, Susan                  10 Weymouth            6:14.00 
 63  Cunniff, Hanna                10 Franklin            6:15.00 
 64  Regnier, Elise                11 King Philip         6:15.00 
 65  Ridge, Christina              10 Weymouth            6:15.00 
 66  Cochran, Amelia               11 Stoughton           6:15.80 
 67  Mirochnik, Karina             10 Sharon              6:16.00 
 68  Berardinelli, Elyse           12 Walpole             6:24.00 
 69  Goldberg, Carly               09 Abington            6:24.00 
 70  Smith, Ally                   10 Bridge-Ray          6:25.00 
 71  Nandrajog, Meenakshi          11 Weymouth            6:26.00 
 72  Duffy, Aoife                  11 Weymouth            6:26.50 
 73  Carroll, Natalie              10 Milton              6:35.00 
 74  Cusumano, Giulia              12 Brookline           6:35.00 
 75  Pedone, Hannah                11 Hingham             6:36.35 
 76  Norling, Julianna             10 Weymouth            6:42.40 
 77  Casey, Claire                 10 Milton              6:43.06 
 78  Levrero, Clara                10 Brookline           6:45.00 
 79  Flores, Diana                 12 Everett             6:58.00 
 80  Prajaetijr, Prima             12 Everett             7:08.26 
 81  Epstein, Rebecca              10 King Philip         7:14.00 
 82  Rainone, Kelsie               11 Tri-County R        7:15.06 
 83  Kenyon, Katherine             10 King Philip         7:18.00 
 84  Westperry, Dayshawna          12 Brighton            7:37.16 
Event 21  Girls 2 Mile Run Varsity (34)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Grusby, Rebecca               12 Newton South       11:07.00 
  2  Grela, Erin                   12 Ursuline Aca       11:10.57 
  3  Corcoran, Clodagh             09 Milton             11:38.43 
  4  Callahan, Jordan              12 Plymouth Nor       11:40.00 
  5  Curtin, Sam                   11 Plymouth Nor       11:41.48 
  6  Sarro, Caroline               11 Bridge-Ray         11:57.60 
  7  DeBruin, Emily                11 Bridge-Ray         12:02.10 
  8  Frazier, Emma                 11 Bridge-Ray         12:02.10 
  9  Song, Catherine               12 Canton             12:03.19 
 10  Roche, Sabrina                12 Franklin           12:07.03 
 11  Sangiolo, Midori              11 Newton South       12:09.54 
 12  Filine, Elizabeth             12 Brookline          12:17.00 
 13  Owen, Olivia                  12 Weymouth           12:18.00 
 14  Lederer, Madeline             09 Norwell            12:20.00 
 15  Ferrara, Katherine            12 Ursuline Aca       12:28.20 
 16  Saksena, Caroline             09 Newton South       12:28.91 
 17  Quinn, Erin                   10 King Philip        12:40.00 
 18  Quinn, Leia                   10 King Philip        12:41.00 
 19  Aliabadi, Noosha              12 Newton South       12:44.00 
 20  McPherson, Laurel             10 Plymouth Nor       12:45.00 
 21  Barry, Molly                   7 East Bridgew       12:45.80 
 22  Williams, Dafna               09 Brookline          12:57.74 
 23  Carr, Nina                    11 Brookline          12:59.00 
 24  McKenna, Emily                10 Norwell            13:00.00 
 25  Sullivan, Courtney            11 Bridge-Ray         13:10.10 
 26  Pascal, Nadine                11 Brockton           13:13.33 
 27  Panico, Danielle              10 Abington           13:18.50 
 28  Butts, Sarah                  11 King Philip        13:30.00 
 29  Allen, Sophie                 11 Brookline          13:32.00 
 30  Kemp, Susanna                 10 Brookline          13:34.00 
 31  Marchetti, Ellen              12 Norwell            14:00.00 
 32  Headley, Atara                09 Southeastern       14:02.00 
 33  Levrero, Clara                10 Brookline          14:28.00 
 34  Prajaetijr, Prima             12 Everett            15:07.27 
Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity (71) Prelims
 Top 8 times to Finals
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  McNeil, Hannah                12 King Philip           15.70 
  2  Watts, Julieanne              11 Pembroke              16.00 
  3  Volmar, Sara                  12 Stoughton             16.31 
  4  Flaherty, Isabelle            11 North Quincy          16.40 
  5  Bedard, Emma                  11 West Bridgew          16.49 
  6  Schneider, Jackie             12 Weymouth              16.50 
  7  Colby, Alexandra              10 Hingham               16.70 
  8  Olson, Katie                  11 Marshfield            16.80 
  9  Bowen, Delaney                11 Plymouth Nor          16.90 
 10  Sarantopolous, Olivia         11 West Bridgew          17.00 
 11  Sands, Serenity               09 East Bridgew          17.10 
 12  Gannon, Bridget               09 Pembroke              17.20 
 13  Gomes, Cierra                 09 King Philip           17.30 
 14  Horgan, Kiki                  11 Marshfield            17.30 
 15  Madden, Savannah              11 Milton                17.40 
 16  Koslowsky, Madison            11 Wareham               17.40 
 17  Berdos, Ashley                12 King Philip           17.40 
 18  Alston, Janessa               11 Cambridge Ri          17.50 
 19  Holleran, Tessa               11 Norwell               17.50 
 20  Belisle, Clairemarie          10 Canton                17.54 
 21  Burke, Catarina               12 Bridge-Ray            17.70 
 22  Dunne, Abigail                09 King Philip           17.70 
 23  DePatie, Amanda               09 Plymouth Nor          17.70 
 24  Koplik, Samantha              12 Canton                17.74 
 25  Smith, Miranda                10 Franklin              17.75 
 26  Kilban, Kaitlyn               11 Weymouth              17.80 
 27  Bierenbaum, Janet             11 Newton South          17.82 
 28  Hanley, Marge                 11 Pembroke              18.00 
 29  Picot, Danielle               11 Cohasset/Hul          18.00 
 30  McDonnell, Nicole             10 Franklin              18.03 
 31  McLaughlin, Meghan            10 Weymouth              18.20 
 32  Doherty, Isabel               09 Quincy                18.20 
 33  Hoffses, Madeline             10 Hingham               18.20 
 34  Forbes, Delaney               11 Tri-County R          18.28 
 35  Jack, Adiva                   11 Brockton              18.40 
 36  Belsher, Peyton               09 Hingham               18.40 
 37  Mackillop, Sydney             12 Bridge-Ray            18.50 
 38  Sullivan, Lauren              09 Weymouth              18.50 
 39  Khouzami, Cintia              09 Stoughton             18.54 
 40  Hurley, Mary Kate             10 Hingham               18.70 
 41  Kehoe, Dallis                 09 Norwell               18.80 
 42  Beauciquot, Mithlema          11 Everett               18.80 
 43  Stone, Erika                  11 Franklin              18.84 
 44  Nailor, Meredith              10 Dartmouth             18.90 
 45  Soilson, Becky                12 Plymouth Nor          19.00 
 46  Hardiman, Holly               11 Weston                19.00 
 47  Bommer, Franca                11 Cambridge Ri          19.00 
 48  Lopes, Kelly                  12 Southeastern          19.40 
 49  Innis-Lemar, Destinee         10 Southeastern          19.40 
 50  Connelly, Katelyn             10 Franklin              19.54 
 51  Maddalena, Heather            09 Stoughton             19.67 
 52  Burns, Taylor                 11 Milton                19.74 
 53  Umeh, Antonnea                11 Milton                19.77 
 54  Clancey, Justice              10 Bridge-Ray            19.80 
 55  Oakley, Tatum                 09 Hingham               19.90 
 56  Briggs, Marissa               09 Pembroke              20.00 
 57  Patel, Jill                   09 Sharon                20.04 
 58  Izydorczak, Emma              09 King Philip           20.34 
 59  McDonald, Alex                10 Tri-County R          20.44 
 60  McSherry, Brett               11 Wareham               20.70 
 61  Finnerty, Samantha            10 Hingham               20.70 
 62  Merigo, Amanda                10 Tri-County R          20.84 
 63  Farnan, Lauren                12 Franklin              20.84 
 64  Harris, Phoenix               11 Milton                21.00 
 65  Holden, Hanna                 09 Stoughton             21.04 
 66  Mills, Kiana                  09 Stoughton             21.34 
 67  O'Connor, Shannon             09 King Philip           21.61 
 68  Oliveira, Gabriella           09 Stoughton             21.64 
 69  Plante, Jillian               09 Tri-County R          24.00 
 70  Zogalis, Shannon              09 Tri-County R          24.50 
 71  Douyon, Nataly                10 Everett                  NT 
Event 17  Girls 400 Meter Hurdles Varsity (39)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Demers, Caitlyn               12 Dartmouth           1:05.95 
  2  McNeil, Hannah                12 King Philip         1:06.40 
  3  Bedard, Emma                  11 West Bridgew        1:08.17 
  4  O'Leary, Elise                09 Milton              1:08.80 
  5  Doran, Katie                  11 Weymouth            1:09.00 
  6  Whichard, Fahra               10 King Philip         1:09.10 
  7  Cousineau, Josie              10 Milton              1:09.30 
  8  Stevens, Nicole               10 Needham             1:09.60 
  9  Jrolf, Maeve                  11 Milton              1:10.40 
 10  Bowen, Delaney                11 Plymouth Nor        1:11.40 
 11  Page, Kelly                   11 Bridge-Ray          1:11.50 
 12  Kehoe, Dallis                 09 Norwell             1:12.20 
 13  Duggan, Ciara                 11 Weymouth            1:12.20 
 14  Shevchenko, Viktoria          10 Newton South        1:12.20 
 15  Holleran, Tessa               11 Norwell             1:12.30 
 16  Barrett, Caroline             10 Weymouth            1:12.44 
 17  Holly, Nisa                   12 O'Bryant            1:12.50 
 18  Skoko, Gabrijela              09 Sharon              1:12.64 
 19  Lehman, Vivian                11 Weston              1:12.87 
 20  Sinewick, Lexi                10 Plymouth Nor        1:13.50 
 21  Koplik, Samantha              12 Canton              1:13.54 
 22  Gillis, Caroline              09 Norwell             1:13.80 
 23  Rowe, Sydney                  12 Brockton            1:15.00 
 24  Hopkins, Danielle             11 Marthas Vine        1:15.44 
 25  Klincewicz, Julia             10 North Quincy        1:15.47 
 26  Belisle, Clairemarie          10 Canton              1:17.24 
 27  Brooks, Kendall               10 Bridge-Ray          1:18.90 
 28  Bommer, Franca                11 Cambridge Ri        1:19.00 
 29  Richards, Alanna              09 Stoughton           1:20.04 
 30  Bogan, Christy                09 Bishop Conno        1:21.16 
 31  Mathias, Debra                11 Everett             1:21.30 
 32  Gomes, Andrea                 11 Southeastern        1:22.23 
 33  Plante, Jillian               09 Tri-County R        1:22.44 
 34  Turner, Molly                 09 Stoughton           1:22.84 
 35  Leonardi, Isabella            10 Tri-County R        1:24.00 
 36  Mendes, Anna                  10 Everett             1:25.35 
 37  Zogalis, Shannon              09 Tri-County R        1:36.57 
 38  Bond, Naella                  09 Everett                  NT 
 39  Vilmont, Janeka               09 Everett                  NT 
Event 23  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity (27)
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Weston  'A'                                            49.98 
  2  Pembroke  'A'                                          50.00 
  3  Plymouth North  'A'                                    50.20 
  4  Milton  'A'                                            50.24 
  5  Hingham  'A'                                           51.69 
  6  Canton  'A'                                            51.84 
  7  King Philip  'A'                                       52.20 
  8  Weymouth  'A'                                          52.37 
  9  Sharon  'A'                                            52.54 
 10  Brockton  'A'                                          52.73 
 11  Bridgewater-Raynham  'A'                               52.84 
 12  Everett  'A'                                           52.88 
 13  Stoughton  'A'                                         53.14 
 14  Franklin  'A'                                          53.44 
 15  Brockton  'B'                                          54.00 
 16  West Roxbury Academy  'A'                              54.27 
 17  East Bridgewater  'A'                                  54.30 
 18  West Bridgewater  'A'                                  54.41 
 19  Cohasset/Hull  'A'                                     54.50 
 20  Abington  'A'                                          54.90 
 21  Burncoat  'A'                                          55.00 
 22  Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech  'A'                        55.16 
 23  Dartmouth  'A'                                         55.20 
 24  Coyle & Cassidy  'A'                                   55.20 
 25  Norwell  'A'                                           56.00 
 26  Tri-County Rvt  'A'                                    59.36 
 27  Mount Alvernia  'A'                                  1:00.00 
Event 27  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity (15)
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Plymouth North  'A'                                  4:06.02 
  2  Weymouth  'A'                                        4:16.00 
  3  King Philip  'A'                                     4:16.40 
  4  Norwell  'A'                                         4:18.00 
  5  Canton  'A'                                          4:19.20 
  6  Franklin  'A'                                        4:20.00 
  7  Stoughton  'A'                                       4:23.50 
  8  West Bridgewater  'A'                                4:24.74 
  9  Milton  'A'                                          4:25.00 
 10  East Bridgewater  'A'                                4:25.80 
 11  Bridgewater-Raynham  'A'                             4:28.00 
 12  Cohasset/Hull  'A'                                   4:29.00 
 13  Brockton  'A'                                        4:35.00 
 14  Dartmouth  'A'                                       4:35.70 
 15  Tri-County Rvt  'A'                                  4:56.15 
Event 25  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity (8)
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Plymouth North  'A'                                  9:29.14 
  2  Weymouth  'A'                                        9:40.00 
  3  Franklin  'A'                                        9:56.14 
  4  Bridgewater-Raynham  'A'                            10:00.10 
  5  King Philip  'A'                                    10:01.36 
  6  West Bridgewater  'A'                               10:25.64 
  7  Brockton  'A'                                       10:41.88 
  8  Norwell  'A'                                        10:55.65 
Event 29  Girls High Jump Varsity (44)
 Opening Height 4'4"
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Thompson, Samantha            12 Weston              5-06.00 
  2  Iwuala, Jessy                 11 Milton              5-04.00 
  3  Waters, Maria                 12 Cohasset/Hul        5-04.00 
  4  Demers, Caitlyn               12 Dartmouth           5-02.00 
  5  Dainton, Zoe                  10 Hingham             5-01.00 
  6  Flaherty, Isabelle            11 North Quincy        5-00.00 
  7  Sullivan, Courtney            11 Bridge-Ray          5-00.00 
  8  Maloney, Sarah                12 Bridge-Ray          4-11.00 
  9  Tonetti, Isabella             11 Braintree           4-11.00 
 10  Berdos, Ashley                12 King Philip         4-10.00 
 11  Miller, Aureanna              11 Newton South        4-10.00 
 12  Stone, Erika                  11 Franklin            4-10.00 
 13  McKeown, Abigail              10 King Philip         4-10.00 
 14  Yeo, Emily                    12 West Bridgew        4-10.00 
 15  Ferrini, Mikayla              12 Bridge-Ray          4-10.00 
 16  Remy, Sarah                   11 Brockton            4-10.00 
 17  Walsh, Megan                  09 Newton South        4-10.00 
 18  Burke, Catarina               12 Bridge-Ray          4-10.00 
 19  Oakley, Tatum                 09 Hingham             4-09.00 
 20  Hoffses, Madeline             10 Hingham             4-09.00 
 21  Farnan, Lauren                12 Franklin            4-08.00 
 22  Forbes, Delaney               11 Tri-County R        4-08.00 
 23  Hanley, Marge                 11 Pembroke            4-08.00 
 24  Bastien, Tanya                12 Canton              4-08.00 
 25  Charrier, Kira                10 Dartmouth           4-08.00 
 26  Laenen, Diana                 10 Weymouth            4-07.00 
 27  Ion, Ana                      09 Newton South        4-07.00 
 28  Schneider, Jackie             12 Weymouth            4-07.00 
 29  Russell, Julia                09 Stoughton           4-06.00 
 30  Gillis, Caroline              09 Norwell             4-06.00 
 31  Terrell, Kate                 10 Braintree           4-06.00 
 32  Robinson, Aliaya              11 Stoughton           4-06.00 
 33  O'Neil, Alea                  09 Pembroke            4-06.00 
 34  Pasquale, Katie               10 Burncoat            4-06.00 
 35  Sands, Serenity               09 East Bridgew        4-06.00 
 36  Takang, Telma                 09 Brockton            4-05.00 
 37  Beauciquot, Mithlema          11 Everett             4-04.00 
 38  Belsher, Peyton               09 Hingham             4-04.00 
 39  Callery, Sam                  10 Burncoat            4-04.00 
 40  Merigo, Amanda                10 Tri-County R        4-04.00 
 41  Masters, Sabrina              10 Franklin            4-04.00 
 42  Gordon, Ariana                09 Brockton            4-03.00 
 43  Naff, Elizabeth               09 Tri-County R        4-02.00 
 44  Smith, Miranda                10 Franklin            4-02.00 
Event 48  Girls Pole Vault Varsity (4)
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Pham, Caraline                12 Newton South          2.74m 
  2  Mathews, Arianna              10 Newton South          2.43m 
  3  Rich, Katie                   12 Weston                2.43m 
  4  Belsher, Peyton               09 Hingham               2.28m 
Event 31  Girls Long Jump Varsity (62)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Endyke, Sarah                 12 Hingham            18-04.00 
  2  Hall, Emily                   10 Pembroke           18-03.00 
  3  Sullivan, Jacklyn             12 Plymouth Nor       17-05.00 
  4  Jean-Baptiste, Abigail        11 Milton             17-05.00 
  5  Fitzgerald, Breagh            12 Pembroke           17-04.00 
  6  Thompson, Samantha            12 Weston             17-00.50 
  7  Watts, Julieanne              11 Pembroke           16-11.25 
  8  Tonetti, Isabella             11 Braintree          16-11.00 
  9  Gallagher, Morgen             12 Norwell            16-08.00 
 10  Thompson, Alia                12 Weston             16-06.00 
 11  Kroushl, Jessica              10 Franklin           16-05.50 
 12  Marino, Isabelle              11 Weymouth           16-03.00 
 13  Williams, Jaleigha            09 Milton             16-03.00 
 14  Post, Mackenzie               11 Plymouth Nor       16-02.00 
 15  Perry, Coral                  11 Dartmouth          16-00.25 
 16  Burke, Catarina               12 Bridge-Ray         15-11.00 
 17  Wabrek, Danielle              11 Bridge-Ray         15-11.00 
 18  Iwuala, Jessy                 11 Milton             15-09.00 
 19  Bond, Naella                  09 Everett            15-09.00 
 20  Fukuda, Naomi                 10 Brookline          15-08.50 
 21  Joyce, Bridget                11 East Bridgew       15-08.00 
 22  Gay, Isabelle                 09 Hingham            15-07.50 
 23  Brigham, Megan                09 Walpole            15-07.50 
 24  Loftus, Brigid                12 Sharon             15-07.50 
 25  Volmar, Sara                  12 Stoughton          15-06.25 
 26  Vo, Hanganh                   09 Milton             15-06.00 
 27  Joseph, Prisca                12 Canton             15-05.00 
 28  Goon, Victoria                09 Hingham            15-04.50 
 29  Balunos, Hannah               10 King Philip        15-04.00 
 30  Miller, Aureanna              11 Newton South       15-01.00 
 31  Howe, Katherine               10 Stoughton          15-01.00 
 32  Sarantopolous, Olivia         11 West Bridgew       15-00.00 
 33  Goodine, Natalia              09 West Bridgew       14-10.00 
 34  Dacey, Victoria               09 Bridge-Ray         14-10.00 
 35  Rowe, Sydney                  12 Brockton           14-10.00 
 36  Burns, Taylor                 11 Milton             14-07.50 
 37  McLaughlin, Meghan            10 Weymouth           14-06.50 
 38  Oakley, Tatum                 09 Hingham            14-06.00 
 39  Lafontant, Denesha            09 Brockton           14-06.00 
 40  Garfinkle, Alexa              10 Sharon             14-05.75 
 41  Hurley, Mary Kate             10 Hingham            14-05.00 
 42  Hoffses, Madeline             10 Hingham            14-04.50 
 43  Ronan, Aubree                 12 Franklin           14-04.00 
 44  Hardiman, Holly               11 Weston             14-04.00 
 45  Pineiro, Alaina               10 Weymouth           14-02.00 
 46  O'Connor, Shannon             09 King Philip        14-00.25 
 47  Motley, Jordan                10 Stoughton          13-11.50 
 48  Murphy, Emery                 09 Walpole            13-11.00 
 49  Joseph, Valery                12 Everett            13-11.00 
 50  Gibson, Emily                 09 Bridge-Ray         13-10.00 
 51  DeAndrade, Madelyn            09 Bridge-Ray         13-10.00 
 52  Forbes, Delaney               11 Tri-County R       13-08.00 
 53  McDonald, Alex                10 Tri-County R       13-08.00 
 54  Maloney, Jillian              10 King Philip        13-06.00 
 55  Khouzami, Cintia              09 Stoughton          13-05.50 
 56  Joseph, Vanessa               12 Everett            13-04.75 
 57  Boothe, Brianna               10 Tri-County R       12-09.00 
 58  Monteiro, Savanh              09 Tri-County R       12-08.50 
 59  Marando, Katherine            09 Abington           12-04.00 
 60  Thibeault, Erin               10 Tri-County R       11-07.25 
 61  Cronin, Elizabeth             11 Mount Alvern       11-05.00 
 62  Curran, Madelyn               10 Mount Alvern             ND 
Event 33  Girls Triple Jump Varsity (56)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Sullivan, Jacklyn             12 Plymouth Nor       36-05.00 
  2  Dainton, Zoe                  10 Hingham            35-10.50 
  3  Watts, Julieanne              11 Pembroke           35-09.00 
  4  Bedard, Emma                  11 West Bridgew       34-08.00 
  5  Felder, Imari                 12 Southeastern       34-07.00 
  6  Cummings, Brianna             10 Franklin           34-06.00 
  7  Duggan, Ciara                 11 Weymouth           34-05.50 
  8  Charles, Paola                12 Milton             33-11.25 
  9  Page, Kelly                   11 Bridge-Ray         33-09.00 
 10  Gay, Isabelle                 09 Hingham            33-06.50 
 11  Cho, Selena                   11 Canton             33-06.00 
 12  Roche, Sabrina                12 Franklin           33-03.00 
 13  Hart, Julia                   11 Marthas Vine       33-02.50 
 14  Lucas, Kayla                  11 Weston             33-02.25 
 15  Gomes, Cierra                 09 King Philip        32-11.50 
 16  LaBree, Victoria              11 Dartmouth          32-10.00 
 17  Ferrini, Mikayla              12 Bridge-Ray         32-07.00 
 18  Meehan, Romy                  10 Brookline          32-05.00 
 19  Bond, Naella                  09 Everett            32-05.00 
 20  Ewas, Emma                    11 Brookline          32-03.00 
 21  Loftus, Brigid                12 Sharon             32-02.00 
 22  Lapointe, Alexis              12 Abington           32-00.00 
 23  Brookbank, Claire             11 Cohasset/Hul       32-00.00 
 24  Waters, Maria                 12 Cohasset/Hul       31-09.00 
 25  Cass, Acadia                  09 Bishop Conno       31-09.00 
 26  Klincewicz, Julia             10 North Quincy       31-08.00 
 27  McSherry, Brett               11 Wareham            31-07.25 
 28  Elsyee, Marie                 10 Brockton           31-06.00 
 29  Lafontant, Denesha            09 Brockton           31-04.00 
 30  Bartlett, Nichole             10 East Bridgew       31-02.00 
 31  Holleran, Tessa               11 Norwell            30-08.00 
 32  Sullivan, Julianne            11 King Philip        30-07.00 
 33  Cook, Jaidyn                  10 Dartmouth          30-06.00 
 34  Garfinkle, Alexa              10 Sharon             30-03.50 
 35  Abreu, Aryana                 09 Brockton           30-02.00 
 36  Hart, Audrey                  11 Cohasset/Hul       29-11.00 
 37  Gannon, Bridget               09 Pembroke           29-10.00 
 38  Goodine, Natalia              09 West Bridgew       29-09.00 
 39  Xu, Jennifer                  09 Weston             29-08.50 
 40  Dacey, Victoria               09 Bridge-Ray         29-08.00 
 41  Rec, Emma                     10 Bridge-Ray         29-08.00 
 42  Barrett, Caroline             10 Weymouth           29-06.00 
 43  Roman, Anna                   09 Norwell            29-04.00 
 44  Stovall, Kennedy              11 King Philip        29-02.00 
 45  Riggs, Abigail                10 King Philip        29-00.50 
 46  Lemanski, Grace               11 Franklin           28-11.00 
 47  Sullivan, Lauren              09 Weymouth           28-11.00 
 48  McDonald, Alex                10 Tri-County R       28-03.50 
 49  Dimella, Audrey               09 Franklin           27-09.00 
 50  Cherisol, Danika              10 Everett            26-09.00 
 51  Gutierrez, Briana             11 Everett            26-05.50 
 52  Goldberg, Carly               09 Abington           26-00.00 
 53  Naff, Elizabeth               09 Tri-County R       24-00.00 
 54  Leonardi, Isabella            10 Tri-County R       22-00.00 
 55  Sprague, Emerson              10 Stoughton                ND 
 56  Robinson, Aliaya              11 Stoughton                ND 
Event 39  Girls Shot Put Varsity (63)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Barthelmes, Skylar            12 Dartmouth          41-01.00 
  2  Umoren, Melody                11 North Quincy       37-07.00 
  3  Romain, Khadija               09 Cambridge Ri       36-06.00 
  4  Schlager, Madeline            10 Pembroke           36-00.00 
  5  Gunther, Kelsey               12 Weymouth           35-02.00 
  6  Piatelli, Jenna               10 Coyle & Cass       35-01.00 
  7  Jorgenson, Nicole             12 Quincy             33-10.00 
  8  Kelleher, Courtney            11 King Philip        33-07.50 
  9  Calvin, Lexie                 12 Wareham            33-03.00 
 10  Cole, Kourtni                 12 Plymouth Nor       33-02.50 
 11  Hunter, Gayla                 12 Brockton           32-06.00 
 12  Ugwuakazi, Angel              11 Brockton           32-06.00 
 13  Goodermuth, Sarah             10 Franklin           32-05.50 
 14  Bosworth, Charlotte           12 Pembroke           31-07.25 
 15  Stasis, Taylor                12 Plymouth Nor       31-07.00 
 16  Smith, Miranda                10 Franklin           31-00.00 
 17  Morcy, Daphnie                11 Weymouth           31-00.00 
 18  Wells, Cassandra              11 Bridge-Ray         31-00.00 
 19  Clarke, Gillian               11 Milton             30-07.00 
 20  Gaughan, Sam                  11 Weymouth           30-04.00 
 21  Evans, Kelly                  11 Pembroke           29-10.00 
 22  Coffey, Sara                  12 Coyle & Cass       29-08.00 
 23  Gould, Morgan                 12 Tri-County R       29-03.50 
 24  Juzyca, Helene                10 Milton             29-00.00 
 25  Nwasu, Julieth                09 Brockton           28-04.00 
 26  Schneider, Jackie             12 Weymouth           28-02.00 
 27  O Connell, Madison            09 Abington           28-01.00 
 28  Mlenga, Kenzia                10 Quincy             27-10.00 
 29  Rizoli, Allison               10 Franklin           27-10.00 
 30  Peters, Cassidy               12 Franklin           27-09.00 
 31  Hines, Erianna                10 Milton             27-08.00 
 32  Salley, Ivy                   11 Stoughton          27-07.00 
 33  Kaplan, Brittany              10 Stoughton          27-02.00 
 34  Crisafulli, Cassondra         11 Weymouth           26-11.00 
 35  Ebongue, Ornella              10 Milton             26-11.00 
 36  Brundage, Jessica             09 Abington           26-07.00 
 37  Che, Stephanie                11 Milton             26-02.00 
 38  Durant, Zaria                 11 Stoughton          26-01.00 
 39  Harrington, Emma              10 Stoughton          25-11.50 
 40  Boyer, Anaika                 11 Stoughton          25-10.00 
 41  Butka, Jen                    10 North Quincy       25-09.00 
 42  Slamin, Olivia                11 Tri-County R       25-08.50 
 43  Mullen, Rebecca               09 Rockland           25-06.00 
 44  Devitt, Faith                 10 Cohasset/Hul       25-00.00 
 45  Gannon, Bridget               09 Pembroke           25-00.00 
 46  Ryan, Liz                     12 Tri-County R       24-05.00 
 47  Villadobos, Danielle          09 Everett            24-00.00 
 48  Mathias, Debra                11 Everett            24-00.00 
 49  Neal, Beth                    12 Franklin           23-00.00 
 50  Maloney, Jillian              10 King Philip        23-00.00 
 51  Johnson, Tyanna               10 Stoughton          22-05.00 
 52  Umeh, Antonnea                11 Milton             22-03.00 
 53  Burns, Taylor                 11 Milton             22-02.00 
 54  McNeil, Jordan                11 Dartmouth          22-01.00 
 55  Howarth, Sabrina              09 Tri-County R       22-00.00 
 56  Weiner, Rachel                09 Stoughton          21-11.00 
 57  Arvanitis, Evangelia           8 Mount Alvern       20-11.50 
 58  Hawkins, Jordan               11 Tri-County R       20-00.00 
 59  Ryan, Olivia                  10 Tri-County R       20-00.00 
 60  Nolan, Gabrielle              09 Mount Alvern       17-07.00 
 61  Crosby, Morgan                09 Mount Alvern             ND 
 62  Ortiz, Beatrice               10 Everett                  ND 
 63  Abreu, Damaris                 8 Mount Alvern             ND 
Event 35  Girls Discus Throw Varsity (65)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Barthelmes, Skylar            12 Dartmouth            107-09 
  2  Wabrek, Danielle              11 Bridge-Ray           101-00 
  3  Bosworth, Charlotte           12 Pembroke              98-09 
  4  Evans, Kelly                  11 Pembroke              95-08 
  5  Cole, Kourtni                 12 Plymouth Nor          95-08 
  6  Kelleher, Courtney            11 King Philip           95-04 
  7  Gunther, Kelsey               12 Weymouth              93-10 
  8  Hurley, Erin                  12 Hingham               93-08 
  9  Schlager, Madeline            10 Pembroke              92-02 
 10  Ryan, Liz                     12 Tri-County R          91-10 
 11  Wells, Cassandra              11 Bridge-Ray            91-00 
 12  Hunter, Gayla                 12 Brockton              91-00 
 13  Berardinelli, Clarice         10 Braintree             90-04 
 14  Gould, Morgan                 12 Tri-County R          89-10 
 15  Ebongue, Ornella              10 Milton                89-07 
 16  Campos, Sara                  09 Southeastern          88-01 
 17  Yates, Faithe                 12 Brockton              87-06 
 18  Romain, Khadija               09 Cambridge Ri          87-02 
 19  Stasis, Taylor                12 Plymouth Nor          86-09 
 20  Cavanaugh, Casey              11 Hingham            86-08.50 
 21  Jorgenson, Nicole             12 Quincy                85-07 
 22  Katz, Hannah                  10 Newton South          85-01 
 23  Hernandez-Smith, Nia          12 Plymouth Nor          84-11 
 24  Ugwuakazi, Angel              11 Brockton              84-01 
 25  Hines, Erianna                10 Milton                84-00 
 26  Rizoli, Allison               10 Franklin              82-09 
 27  Sacco, Nina                   09 Walpole               80-09 
 28  Heath, Rachael                11 Weymouth              80-03 
 29  Nwasu, Julieth                09 Brockton              80-00 
 30  Ricardo, Natalie              11 Cambridge Ri          79-02 
 31  Stanley, Isabelle             11 Franklin              79-01 
 32  Che, Stephanie                11 Milton                79-01 
 33  Peters, Cassidy               12 Franklin              78-05 
 34  Celentano, Kelli              12 Walpole               77-09 
 35  Durant, Zaria                 11 Stoughton             77-07 
 36  Diemer, Hannah                10 Cohasset/Hul          75-06 
 37  Butka, Jen                    10 North Quincy          75-02 
 38  Morcy, Daphnie                11 Weymouth              73-10 
 39  Panico, Danielle              10 Abington              71-04 
 40  Rappoli, Samantha             12 Stoughton             70-06 
 41  Feit, Perri                   09 Norwell               70-00 
 42  Moore, Alison                 11 Norwell               70-00 
 43  Mullen, Rebecca               09 Rockland              68-10 
 44  Ford, Shanel                  12 Stoughton             66-10 
 45  Goodermuth, Sarah             10 Franklin              66-07 
 46  Black, Sarah                  12 Norwell               66-00 
 47  Kaplan, Brittany              10 Stoughton             65-09 
 48  Pierre-Louis, Birica          12 Stoughton             65-08 
 49  Brown, Nicole                 09 Norwell               65-00 
 50  Mahoney, Jessica              10 Norwell               65-00 
 51  Shields, Kerri                12 Norwell               65-00 
 52  Brodeur, Candis               10 Tri-County R          64-09 
 53  Villadobos, Danielle          09 Everett               64-06 
 54  Slamin, Olivia                11 Tri-County R          63-01 
 55  Christoforo, AbbyJayne        09 Abington              63-00 
 56  O Connell, Madison            09 Abington              62-03 
 57  Kmito, Olivia                 09 Bridge-Ray            62-00 
 58  Knous, Avery                  09 Franklin              61-04 
 59  Marcellus, Shelbbie           10 Stoughton             61-00 
 60  Doucette, Erin                09 Bridge-Ray            60-00 
 61  Mathias, Debra                11 Everett               60-00 
 62  Brundage, Jessica             09 Abington              58-00 
 63  Howarth, Sabrina              09 Tri-County R          56-05 
 64  Ryan, Olivia                  10 Tri-County R          48-07 
 65  Hawkins, Jordan               11 Tri-County R          37-00 
Event 37  Girls Javelin Throw Varsity (58)
 Top 8 and ties to Final Round
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Jorgenson, Nicole             12 Quincy               116-04 
  2  Crisafulli, Cassondra         11 Weymouth             108-04 
  3  Juzyca, Helene                10 Milton               107-07 
  4  Alexandre, Taisha             12 Quincy               107-06 
  5  Crosby, Morgan                09 Mount Alvern         105-00 
  6  Donahoe, Meghan               12 Braintree            103-03 
  7  Cavanaugh, Casey              11 Hingham              100-10 
  8  Arias, LaQueen                12 Quincy               100-06 
  9  Sitarski, Nina                10 King Philip           98-05 
 10  Allen, Maggie                 10 West Bridgew          95-08 
 11  Lucas, Kayla                  11 Weston                94-03 
 12  Wabrek, Danielle              11 Bridge-Ray            93-00 
 13  Lopes, Cai Lee                10 Bridge-Ray            91-00 
 14  Rappoli, Samantha             12 Stoughton             90-11 
 15  Jarvis, Alyssa                12 Cohasset/Hul          90-10 
 16  Bolduc, Haleigh               11 King Philip           90-00 
 17  Arruda, Allison               11 Newton South          89-09 
 18  Blumberg, Phoebe              09 Newton South          89-04 
 19  Czarniak, Katy                12 East Bridgew          86-02 
 20  Callinan, Annmarie            11 Bridge-Ray            85-00 
 21  Laenen, Diana                 10 Weymouth              84-11 
 22  Pantano, Mikayla              12 East Bridgew          82-11 
 23  Travassos, Julia              11 Plymouth Nor          82-07 
 24  Shoap, Molly                  11 Brookline             81-05 
 25  Howarth, Sabrina              09 Tri-County R          81-03 
 26  Stasis, Miciah                10 Plymouth Nor          80-06 
 27  Harrington, Emma              10 Stoughton             80-05 
 28  Yates, Faithe                 12 Brockton              80-03 
 29  Weinacht, Sydney              10 Walpole               79-09 
 30  Thurber, Julia                09 Bridge-Ray            77-00 
 31  Logiudice, Nora               09 Bridge-Ray            77-00 
 32  Fallon, Victoria              10 Stoughton             75-11 
 33  Stanley, Isabelle             11 Franklin              75-10 
 34  Knight, Moriah                09 Norwell               75-07 
 35  Siam, Divine                  09 Stoughton             74-02 
 36  Stayrook-Johnson, Madeline    09 Bridge-Ray            73-00 
 37  Panico, Danielle              10 Abington              72-00 
 38  Devitt, Faith                 10 Cohasset/Hul          72-00 
 39  Crisafulli, Marissa           09 Weymouth              70-10 
 40  Connolly, Katie               09 Norwell               70-00 
 41  Stone, Erika                  11 Franklin              70-00 
 42  Holden, Hanna                 09 Stoughton             69-01 
 43  Sutherland, Olivia            09 Bridge-Ray            68-00 
 44  Pierre, Saika                 09 Brockton              65-00 
 45  Weiner, Rachel                09 Stoughton             63-01 
 46  Samuels, Rickelia             09 Stoughton             61-03 
 47  Reid, Megan                   09 Abington              60-10 
 48  Christoforo, AbbyJayne        09 Abington              58-06 
 49  Pierre-Louis, Birica          12 Stoughton             55-06 
 50  Slamin, Olivia                11 Tri-County R          51-00 
 51  Ryan, Olivia                  10 Tri-County R          50-00 
 52  Queenan, Kelan                11 Stoughton             46-09 
 53  Abreu, Damaris                 8 Mount Alvern          42-09 
 54  Hawkins, Jordan               11 Tri-County R          40-00 
 55  Arvanitis, Evangelia           8 Mount Alvern          40-00 
 56  Berlo, Katrina                 8 Mount Alvern          34-08 
 57  Villadobos, Danielle          09 Everett                  ND 
 58  McLaughlin, Jill              11 Mount Alvern             ND 
Event 42  Girls 100 Meter Dash Freshman (58) Prelims
 Top 8 times to Finals
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Coughlin, Kelsey              09 North Quincy          13.00 
  2  Dunne, Abigail                09 King Philip           13.10 
  3  Guarachi, Sarah               09 Norwell               13.30 
  4  Brigham, Megan                09 Walpole               13.30 
  5  Gomes, Cierra                 09 King Philip           13.50 
  6  McSherry, Ryann               09 Wareham               13.50 
  7  Shubert, Abrie'elle           09 Weymouth              13.50 
  8  Brown, Nicole                 09 Norwell               13.50 
  9  Clifford, Lilly               09 Norwell               13.50 
 10  Birolini, Carly               09 Pembroke              13.60 
 11  Herbert, Avonia               09 Sharon                13.64 
 12  Santos, Adrianna               8 Wareham               13.70 
 13  Aboli, Moye                   09 Weymouth              13.70 
 14  Regan, Erin                   09 Walpole               13.73 
 15  Manu, Stephanie               09 Burncoat              13.80 
 16  Fedna, Shakira                09 Everett               13.80 
 17  Murphy, Emery                 09 Walpole               13.80 
 18  Chieng, Juliana               09 North Quincy          13.80 
 19  Kmito, Olivia                 09 Bridge-Ray            14.00 
 20  Dacey, Victoria               09 Bridge-Ray            14.00 
 21  Daley, Sarah                  09 Bridge-Ray            14.00 
 22  Bailey, Zalanna               09 Bridge-Ray            14.00 
 23  James, Jordan                 09 Bridge-Ray            14.00 
 24  Davis, Grace                  09 Pembroke              14.00 
 25  Pickett, Savonne              09 Burncoat              14.00 
 26  Francois, Mikayla             09 Walpole               14.10 
 27  Flynn, Alexa                  09 Norwell               14.10 
 28  McCarthy, Heather             09 Franklin              14.20 
 29  Dion, Sydney                  09 Franklin              14.24 
 30  Goodine, Natalia              09 West Bridgew          14.30 
 31  Bui-Tran, Britney             09 North Quincy          14.30 
 32  DeAndrade, Madelyn            09 Bridge-Ray            14.50 
 33  Harrington, Sarah             09 Bridge-Ray            14.50 
 34  Gibson, Emily                 09 Bridge-Ray            14.50 
 35  Miller, Samantha              09 Sharon                14.54 
 36  Peterson, Emma                09 King Philip           14.54 
 37  Siam, Divine                  09 Stoughton             14.64 
 38  Dimella, Audrey               09 Franklin              14.74 
 39  Patel, Jill                   09 Sharon                14.74 
 40  Izydorczak, Emma              09 King Philip           14.80 
 41  Vigreau, Lydia                09 Cohasset/Hul          14.80 
 42  Niles, Beth                   09 Bridge-Ray            15.00 
 43  Beauvais, Marisa              09 Bridge-Ray            15.00 
 44  Stasiuk, Hailey               09 Bridge-Ray            15.00 
 45  Trott, Anna                    7 West Bridgew          15.01 
 46  Russell, Julia                09 Stoughton             15.04 
 47  Knight, Moriah                09 Norwell               15.10 
 48  Goodine, Julia                 7 West Bridgew          15.50 
 49  Borelli, Maria                09 Burncoat              15.50 
 50  Borelli, Celia                09 Burncoat              15.50 
 51  Knous, Avery                  09 Franklin              15.80 
 52  Sangarie, Fatimah              8 Burncoat              16.00 
 53  Mahoney, Jessica              10 Norwell               16.40 
 54  Connolly, Katie               09 Norwell               16.80 
 55  Davis, Ella                   09 Norwell               16.80 
 56  Abreu, Aryana                 09 Brockton                 NT 
 57  Khouzami, Cintia              09 Stoughton                NT 
 58  Xu, Jennifer                  09 Weston                   NT 
Event 44  Girls 400 Meter Dash Freshman (22)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Walbert, Katrina              10 Franklin            1:02.50 
  2  Roman, Anna                   09 Norwell             1:03.01 
  3  Williams, Liz                 09 West Bridgew        1:03.10 
  4  Claflin, Emily                09 Pembroke            1:03.60 
  5  Scalzulli, Mary               09 Norwell             1:04.50 
  6  Naples, Samantha              09 Cohasset/Hul        1:05.00 
  7  Pierre, Daniella              09 Franklin            1:05.94 
  8  Stayrook-Johnson, Madeline    09 Bridge-Ray          1:06.50 
  9  Collins, Sade                 09 Brockton            1:07.49 
 10  Murray, Kathryn               09 Bridge-Ray          1:08.00 
 11  Mendonca, Morgan              09 Bridge-Ray          1:08.00 
 12  Griffin, Cathrine             09 Sharon              1:08.00 
 13  Sullivan, Lauren              09 Weymouth            1:08.90 
 14  Egan, Hailey                  09 Stoughton           1:09.44 
 15  Doherty, Sabrina              09 Franklin            1:11.94 
 16  Bialkin, Sarah                09 Burncoat            1:12.00 
 17  Savoie, Victoria               8 Coyle & Cass        1:12.30 
 18  Cunliffe, Kristina            09 Bridge-Ray          1:15.00 
 19  Osorio, Brysa                 09 Brockton            1:15.00 
 20  McDonald, Lindsay             09 Stoughton           1:16.74 
 21  Smith, Olivia                 10 Cohasset/Hul        1:17.00 
 22  Vilmont, Janeka               09 Everett                  NT 
Event 46  Girls 1 Mile Run Freshman (36)
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Marshall, Elizabeth           09 Plymouth Nor        5:25.00 
  2  Murphy, Abby                  09 Quincy              5:37.90 
  3  Soule, Sara                   09 Weymouth            5:43.15 
  4  Glavin, Julie                 09 Weymouth            5:45.00 
  5  Ryder, Kaitlyn                09 Plymouth Nor        5:49.00 
  6  O'Connell, Abigail            09 Norwell             6:00.00 
  7  Johannes, Caroline            09 Hingham             6:00.45 
  8  Griffin, Cathrine             09 Sharon              6:03.00 
  9  McCarthy, Devyn               09 West Bridgew        6:03.00 
 10  Clifford, Emma                09 Franklin            6:04.72 
 11  Fratalia, Abby                09 Bridge-Ray          6:05.00 
 12  Doherty, Jillian              09 Bridge-Ray          6:05.00 
 13  McGrath, Caitlin              09 West Bridgew        6:05.10 
 14  Haney, Claire                 09 Hingham             6:13.00 
 15  Reaman, Charlotte             09 Hingham             6:13.10 
 16  Crisafulli, Marissa           09 Weymouth            6:14.40 
 17  Regan, Rachel                 09 Cohasset/Hul        6:15.00 
 18  Tantillo, Brianna             09 Weymouth            6:15.29 
 19  Mancusi, Sophia               09 Bridge-Ray          6:20.00 
 20  Sullivan, Claire              09 Walpole             6:20.10 
 21  Howe, Alexandra               09 Stoughton           6:20.40 
 22  Henderson, Alison             09 Hingham             6:21.79 
 23  Forgeron, Skyla               09 Weymouth            6:22.75 
 24  Whearty, Leah                 09 Walpole             6:23.00 
 25  Swardstrom, Grace             09 Brookline           6:24.30 
 26  Pino, Hannah                  09 Bridge-Ray          6:25.00 
 27  Botsford, Annabel             09 Milton              6:31.00 
 28  DeFilippo, Julia              09 Milton              6:32.00 
 29  Larosa, Maggie                09 Weymouth            6:35.00 
 30  Adams, Alison                  7 West Bridgew        6:35.00 
 31  Needham, Rachel               09 Weymouth            6:36.00 
 32  Salvucci, Julia               09 Hingham             6:37.10 
 33  Dwyer, Adeline                 8 Burncoat            6:40.00 
 34  Hammond, Emily                09 Bridge-Ray          6:45.00 
 35  Westgate, Jordan              09 Wareham             6:47.80 
 36  Winkler, Anna                 09 Brockton                 NT