What if EMass was one big race?

Note:  The girls results have been updated because a Masconomet runner was missed in the original team scores.  It moves them from 15th to 5th; an inadvertent example of the power of the 5th runner.  


For just one minute let’s dabble in the hypothetical.  What if the EMass meet was one big race for each gender? 

Since it will never happen, the closest we can get is merging the results and rescoring it.  Now, before your traditionalists get in an uproar, we understand that weather, course conditions, and racing tactics vary from race to race.  Remember…….it’s hypothetical.



RaceTab 3 by MileSplit               Registered to: Patrick Bendzick, MassRunners.com

                EMass Championships Combined - 11/13/2011 12:57:53 PM                
                              Franklin Park, Boston, MA                              

                        Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run                        
     Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
   1 Nick Christensen             Peabody                    15:46.00     1
   2 Wesley Gallagher             Pembroke High School       15:50.00     2
   3 Mike Mcconville              Hingham High School        15:54.00     3
   4 Stephen Robertson            Wakefield Memorial High S  15:54.00     4
   5 James Sullivan               Acton-Boxborough High Sch  15:56.00     5
   6 Christopher Allen            King Philip Regional High  15:57.00     6
   7 Nathaniel Adams              Lexington High School      16:02.00     7
   8 Mike O'donnell               Methuen High School        16:03.00     8
   9 Christian Stafford           Pembroke High School       16:08.00     9
  10 David Allen                  Sandwich High School       16:18.00    10
  11 Pat Ryan                     Whitman Hanson Regional H  16:19.00    11
  12 Brendan Sullivan             Foxboro High School        16:21.00    12
  13 Kevin Thomas                 Marshfield High School     16:21.00    13
  14 Joel Hubbard                 Marshfield High School     16:21.00    14
  15 John Valeri                  Pembroke High School       16:22.00    15
  16 Zack Ganshirt                Walpole High School        16:22.00    16
  17 Ryan Cooney                  Andover High School        16:23.00    17
  18 Ben Groleau                  Framingham High School     16:24.00    18
  19 Alex Andujar                 Lowell High School         16:25.00    19
  20 Drew Beck                    Oliver Ames High School    16:26.00    20
  21 Justin Keefe                 Newton North High School   16:27.00    21
  22 Nolan Parsley                Weymouth High School       16:28.00    22
  23 Quinten Stipp                Arlington High School      16:31.00    23
  24 Mark Perry                   Brookline High School      16:31.00    24
  25 Michael Wood                 Bishop Feehan High School  16:33.00    25
  26 Nathan Mccarthy              Lowell High School         16:33.00    26
  27 Patrick Coppinger            Lowell High School         16:34.00    27
  28 Daniel Mcdonald Meteer       Arlington High School      16:35.00    28
  29 David Taranto                Burlington High School     16:35.00    29
  30 Seamus Lawlor                Concord Carlisle High Sch  16:36.00    30
  31 Noah Mondello                Gloucester High School     16:36.00    31
  32 Evan Grandfield              Bishop Feehan High School  16:37.00    32
  33 Rich Moschella               Bishop Feehan High School  16:37.00    33
  34 Owen Gonser                  King Philip Regional High  16:39.00    34
  35 John Fr Burns                Brockton High School       16:40.00    35
  36 Nathan Stephansky            Whitman Hanson Regional H  16:40.00    36
  37 Mike Hanley                  Bishop Feehan High School  16:41.00    37
  38 Chernet Sisay                Brookline High School      16:41.00    38
  39 Matthew Goroff               Brookline High School      16:41.00    39
  40 Matt Herzig                  Weston High School         16:41.00    40
  41 Aaron Klein                  Brookline High School      16:42.00    41
  42 James Eisenstein             Wellesley High School      16:42.00    42
  43 Peter Hale                   Swampscott High School     16:44.00    43
  44 Henry Dodge                  Bishop Feehan High School  16:46.00    44
  45 Robert Massey                Chelmsford High School     16:46.00    45
  46 Bobby Mclaughlin             Westwood High School       16:46.00    46
  47 Matt Barnes                  Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   16:47.00    47
  48 Alex Sullivan                North Andover High School  16:47.00    48
  49 Eli Hoenig                   Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   16:48.00    49
  50 Liban Mohammed               Brockton High School       16:49.00    50
  51 Dan Caughey                  Mansfield High School      16:50.00    51
  52 Connor Daly                  Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   16:51.00    52
  53 Timothy Cox                  Acton-Boxborough High Sch  16:52.00    53
  54 Justin Connolly              Walpole High School        16:52.00    54
  55 Allen Shiu                   Newton South High School   16:54.00    55
  56 Joe Vercollone               Pembroke High School       16:54.00    56
  57 Evan Sternstein              Brookline High School      16:55.00    57
  58 Dennis Muldoon               Catholic Memorial High Sc  16:55.00    58
  59 Ricardo Torres               Lowell High School         16:55.00    59
  60 Tanner Picklus               East Bridgewater High Sch  16:57.00    60
  61 Mike Wyman                   Old Rochester Regional Hi  16:57.00    61
  62 Ian O'Leary                  Boston College High Schoo  16:57.00    62
  63 Paul Green                   Belmont High School        16:59.00    63
  64 Brian Amaral                 Tewksbury Memorial High S  16:59.00    64
  65 Aaron Lucci                  Wakefield Memorial High S  16:59.00    65
  66 Bijan Mazaheri               Wellesley High School      16:59.00    66
  67 Alex Conway                  Bishop Feehan High School  17:00.00    67
  68 Brendan McCarthy             Mansfield High School      17:01.00    68
  69 Pat Mulrey                   Whitman Hanson Regional H  17:01.00    69
  70 Paul Hogan                   Burlington High School     17:02.00    70
  71 Quinn Cooney                 Chelmsford High School     17:02.00    71
  72 Drew Fossa                   Peabody                    17:02.00    72
  73 Danny O'connell              Central Catholic High Sch  17:03.00    73
  74 Paolo Tavares                New Bedford High School    17:03.00    74
  75 Bashir Saddique              Acton-Boxborough High Sch  17:04.00    75
  76 Adam Gidley                  Central Catholic High Sch  17:04.00    76
  77 Mitch Negus                  Mansfield High School      17:04.00    77
  78 Keith Conway                 Newburyport High School    17:04.00    78
  79 Gabe Montague                Newton North High School   17:04.00    79
  80 Billy Tucker                 Reading Memorial High Sch  17:04.00    80
  81 David Regan                  Sandwich High School       17:04.00    81
  82 Tim Allen                    Central Catholic High Sch  17:05.00    82
  83 Jack Moses                   Medfield High School       17:05.00    83
  84 Tommy Kelley                 Needham High School        17:05.00    84
  85 Mike Curley                  North Attleboro High Scho  17:05.00    85
  86 Michael Maldari              Andover High School        17:06.00    86
  87 Brian Hebert                 Danvers High School        17:06.00    87
  88 Luke Devin                   Westwood High School       17:06.00    88
  89 Wes Dunn                     Gloucester High School     17:07.00    89
  90 Henry Daniels-koch           Sandwich High School       17:07.00    90
  91 Cooper Chapman               Marthas Vineyard Regional  17:08.00    91
  92 Paul Gannett                 Sandwich High School       17:08.00    92
  93 Danie Palladino              Wellesley High School      17:08.00    93
  94 Nick Carleo                  Newburyport High School    17:09.00    94
  95 Ty Enos                      Dighton Rehoboth Regional  17:10.00    95
  96 Michael Mcnaughton           Haverhill High School      17:10.00    96
  97 Lucas Parsons                Methuen High School        17:10.00    97
  98 Patrick Cunningham           Pembroke High School       17:10.00    98
  99 Andre Lacroix                Westford Academy           17:10.00    99
 100 David Freeman                Weston High School         17:10.00   100
 101 Connor Dean                  Bishop Feehan High School  17:11.00   101
 102 Ethan Levine                 Marblehead High School     17:11.00   102
 103 Craig Dicesare               Marshfield High School     17:11.00   103
 104 Sean Nee                     Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   17:12.00   104
 105 Marco Caserta                Masconomet Regional High   17:12.00   105
 106 Christian Gentile            Melrose High School        17:12.00   106
 107 Nick Green                   Stoughton High School      17:12.00   107
 108 Dan Nolan                    Chelmsford High School     17:13.00   108
 109 Ian Robertson                Medfield High School       17:13.00   109
 110 Tim Loehner                  St. John's Prep            17:13.00   110
 111 Jim Sullivan                 Oliver Ames High School    17:15.00   111
 112 Andrew Kerester              Oliver Ames High School    17:16.00   112
 113 Michael Vaz                  Greater New Bedford Regio  17:17.00   113
 114 Nicholas Mcardle             Lowell High School         17:17.00   114
 115 Liam Davis                   Masconomet Regional High   17:17.00   115
 116 Dan Moverman                 Oliver Ames High School    17:17.00   116
 117 Tom O'shea                   St. John's Prep            17:17.00   117
 118 Matt O'brien                 Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   17:18.00   118
 119 Nick Pacheco                 Old Rochester Regional Hi  17:18.00   119
 120 Sean Gorham                  Oliver Ames High School    17:18.00   120
 121 T.j. D'Amato                 Peabody                    17:18.00   121
 122 Cam Loughlin                 Triton Regional High Scho  17:18.00   122
 123 Brian Rich                   Concord Carlisle High Sch  17:20.00   123
 124 Greg Holman                  Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   17:20.00   124
 125 Michael Schroeder            Marthas Vineyard Regional  17:20.00   125
 126 Nick Hartmann                Swampscott High School     17:20.00   126
 127 Patrick Levenson             Hopkinton High School      17:21.00   127
 128 Owen Wiggins                 Norwell High School        17:21.00   128
 129 Gabe Kline                   Acton-Boxborough High Sch  17:22.00   129
 130 Jesse Fine                   Pembroke High School       17:22.00   130
 131 Colin Merrill                Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   17:23.00   131
 132 Kham Haleudeth               Mansfield High School      17:24.00   132
 133 Russell Walton               Concord Carlisle High Sch  17:25.00   133
 134 Andrew Hood                  Franklin High School       17:25.00   134
 135 James Wigglesworth           Marblehead High School     17:25.00   135
 136 Chris Suprin                 Newburyport High School    17:25.00   136
 137 Billy Stafford               Pembroke High School       17:25.00   137
 138 James Wegman                 Sandwich High School       17:25.00   138
 139 Kurt Joyce                   Weymouth High School       17:25.00   139
 140 Dennis Maclaine              Oliver Ames High School    17:26.00   140
 141 Jason Henrich                Taunton High School        17:26.00   141
 142 Connor Neill                 Concord Carlisle High Sch  17:27.00   142
 143 Nick Neilson                 Hingham High School        17:27.00   143
 144 Max Higson                   Chelmsford High School     17:28.00   144
 145 Joe Santo                    Newburyport High School    17:28.00   145
 146 Jacob Johns                  North Andover High School  17:28.00   146
 147 Mike Mullaney                North Quincy High School   17:28.00   147
 148 Danny Branco                 Sandwich High School       17:28.00   148
 149 Daniel Mcsolla               Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  17:29.00   149
 150 Max Almono                   North Andover High School  17:29.00   150
 151 Maxwell Bassett              Plymouth South High Schoo  17:29.00    --
 152 Mark Waller                  Andover High School        17:30.00   151
 153 Patrick Burns                Billerica Memorial High S  17:30.00   152
 154 Tom Vafiades                 Norwell High School        17:30.00   153
 155 Micheal Fitzpatrick          Revere High School         17:30.00   154
 156 Matt Reissfelder             Westwood High School       17:30.00   155
 157 Bob Leon                     Xaverian Brothers High Sc  17:30.00   156
 158 Matt Bullock                 Acton-Boxborough High Sch  17:31.00   157
 159 Conor Clark                  Methuen High School        17:31.00   158
 160 Brendan Whalen               Abington High School       17:32.00   159
 161 Gregoriy Gressel             Brookline High School      17:32.00   160
 162 Tyler Hagen                  Needham High School        17:32.00   161
 163 Kip Horahan                  Tewksbury Memorial High S  17:32.00   162
 164 Ryan Blake                   Boston College High Schoo  17:32.00   163
 165 Jacob Hume                   Brockton High School       17:33.00   164
 166 Jam Polakiewicz              Masconomet Regional High   17:33.00   165
 167 Derick Noland                Silver Lake Regional High  17:33.00   166
 168 Matt Dickson                 Weymouth High School       17:33.00   167
 169 Lucas Taxter                 Xaverian Brothers High Sc  17:33.00   168
 170 John Sweeney                 Boston College High Schoo  17:33.00   169
 171 Conor Bloomer                Lexington High School      17:34.00   170
 172 Sam Bradford                 New Bedford High School    17:35.00   171
 173 James Bridges                Wakefield Memorial High S  17:35.00   172
 174 Patrick Turpin               Westford Academy           17:35.00   173
 175 Nick Arena                   Chelmsford High School     17:36.00   174
 176 Felix Cancre                 Lexington High School      17:36.00   175
 177 Russel Gens                  Lexington High School      17:36.00   176
 178 Zach Frazier                 Mansfield High School      17:36.00   177
 179 Brendan Cunningham           North Quincy High School   17:36.00   178
 180 Matt Mahoney                 Swampscott High School     17:36.00   179
 181 Collin Pham                  Newton South High School   17:37.00   180
 182 Kyle Lockwood                Reading Memorial High Sch  17:37.00   181
 183 Anthony Detommaso            Weymouth High School       17:37.00   182
 184 Lucas Roy                    Bourne High School         17:38.00   183
 185 Jake Moorman                 Masconomet Regional High   17:38.00   184
 186 Jon Long                     Newton North High School   17:38.00   185
 187 Ian Flanagan                 North Attleboro High Scho  17:38.00   186
 188 Cody Farragher               Plymouth North High Schoo  17:38.00   187
 189 Colin Monahan                St. John's Prep            17:38.00   188
 190 Chris Conley                 Walpole High School        17:38.00   189
 191 David Swider                 Wilmington High School     17:38.00   190
 192 Will Sullivan                Arlington High School      17:39.00   191
 193 Ryan Chan                    Wellesley High School      17:39.00   192
 194 John Colfer                  Dracut High School         17:40.00   193
 195 Anthony Tedescucci           Peabody                    17:40.00   194
 196 Corey Thomas                 Tewksbury Memorial High S  17:40.00   195
 197 Andrew Swanson               Lexington High School      17:41.00   196
 198 Nate Michener                Mansfield High School      17:41.00   197
 199 Luke Davin                   Marshfield High School     17:41.00   198
 200 Matt Murphy                  Weymouth High School       17:41.00   199
 201 Erik Alatalo                 Wilmington High School     17:41.00   200
 202 Will Klein                   Andover High School        17:42.00   201
 203 Michael Quint                Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   17:42.00   202
 204 Dillon McGee                 Westford Academy           17:42.00   203
 205 Paul O'donahue               Franklin High School       17:43.00   204
 206 Benjamin Martell             Lexington High School      17:43.00   205
 207 Christopher Rodts            Marblehead High School     17:43.00   206
 208 Liam Dow                     St. John's Prep            17:43.00   207
 209 Tom O'Donnell                Boston College High Schoo  17:43.00   208
 210 Benjamin Jacobso             Lexington High School      17:44.00   209
 211 Danny Jamieson               Natick High School         17:44.00   210
 212 Greg Macarthur               North Andover High School  17:44.00   211
 213 Tim Contois                  St. John's Prep            17:44.00   212
 214 Colby Correira               Taunton High School        17:44.00   213
 215 Nick Bowden                  Central Catholic High Sch  17:45.00   214
 216 Sean Foley                   Tewksbury Memorial High S  17:45.00   215
 217 Dylan Foureau                Whitman Hanson Regional H  17:45.00   216
 218 Colin Tonelli                Xaverian Brothers High Sc  17:45.00   217
 219 Chris Schwab                 Xaverian Brothers High Sc  17:45.00   218
 220 Damian Collins               Taunton High School        17:46.00   219
 221 Matt Elia                    Central Catholic High Sch  17:47.00   220
 222 Matt Arseneault              Chelmsford High School     17:47.00   221
 223 Teddy Mosher                 Dover Sherborn Regional H  17:47.00   222
 224 Brendan Lee                  Sharon High School         17:47.00   223
 225 Brendan Blair                Tewksbury Memorial High S  17:47.00   224
 226 Mike Reimer                  Whitman Hanson Regional H  17:47.00   225
 227 Max Shore                    Brookline High School      17:48.00   226
 228 Andrew Krause                Malden Catholic High Scho  17:48.00   227
 229 Chris Saccardo               Natick High School         17:48.00   228
 230 Sean Burke                   Westford Academy           17:48.00   229
 231 Logan David                  King Philip Regional High  17:49.00   230
 232 Ben Braz                     Peabody                    17:49.00   231
 233 Will Suslovic                Cambridge Rindge and Lati  17:50.00   232
 234 Conor Muldoon                Catholic Memorial High Sc  17:50.00   233
 235 Tim Poitras                  Dracut High School         17:50.00   234
 236 Devon Strok                  Franklin High School       17:50.00   235
 237 Jim Terzian                  Westwood High School       17:50.00   236
 238 Matt Ferri                   Dracut High School         17:51.00   237
 239 Robert Patrylo               Lowell High School         17:51.00   238
 240 James Macvarish              Norfolk County Agricultur  17:51.00   239
 241 Briton Copley                Oliver Ames High School    17:51.00   240
 242 Brendan Creane               Winchester High School     17:51.00   241
 243 James Silverman              Sandwich High School       17:52.00   242
 244 Jake Reynolds                Scituate High School       17:52.00   243
 245 Tavin Cintron                Diman Regional Vocational  17:53.00   244
 246 John Ruymann                 Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   17:53.00   245
 247 David Friedman               Old Rochester Regional Hi  17:53.00   246
 248 Chris Orlando                Newburyport High School    17:54.00   247
 249 David Demerest               Newton North High School   17:54.00   248
 250 Adam Petti                   West Bridgewater High Sch  17:54.00   249
 251 Dominic Defuria              Acton-Boxborough High Sch  17:55.00   250
 252 Dan O'flynn                  Ipswich High School        17:55.00   251
 253 Sam Oslyn                    Marthas Vineyard Regional  17:55.00   252
 254 David Wortham                Newton South High School   17:55.00   253
 255 Ryan Kelly                   Swampscott High School     17:55.00   254
 256 Simon Serrano                Central Catholic High Sch  17:56.00   255
 257 Nate Fowler                  Marblehead High School     17:56.00   256
 258 Dylan Shuler                 Newton South High School   17:56.00   257
 259 Andrew Whitney               Lowell High School         17:57.00   258
 260 Mike Tautiva                 Marshfield High School     17:57.00   259
 261 Jason Tavoletti              Reading Memorial High Sch  17:57.00   260
 262 Nick Fecteau                 St. John's Prep            17:57.00   261
 263 Jake Rogers                  Taunton High School        17:57.00   262
 264 Evan Opolski                 Haverhill High School      17:58.00   263
 265 Benjamin Griswold            Wellesley High School      17:58.00   264
 266 Sam Toulman                  Acton-Boxborough High Sch  17:59.00   265
 267 Kevin Aldrich                Foxboro High School        17:59.00   266
 268 Jake Smith                   St. John's Prep            17:59.00   267
 269 Kevin Connors                Arlington Catholic High S  18:00.00   268
 270 Taylor Days-merrill          Greater New Bedford Regio  18:00.00   269
 271 Dan Von Staats               Hamilton-Wenham Regional   18:00.00   270
 272 Jeremy Alley-tarter          Marthas Vineyard Regional  18:00.00   271
 273 Ben Ryter                    Sharon High School         18:00.00   272
 274 Christian Freniere           Wellesley High School      18:00.00   273
 275 Nick Coates                  Billerica Memorial High S  18:01.00   274
 276 Matt Norton                  Cardinal Spellman          18:01.00   275
 277 John Redmond                 Cardinal Spellman          18:01.00   276
 278 Brian Bourne                 Medford High School        18:01.00   277
 279 Jonathan Miksis              Wakefield Memorial High S  18:01.00   278
 280 John Mcwade                  Bourne High School         18:02.00   279
 281 Chris Vasquez                Central Catholic High Sch  18:02.00   280
 282 Kevin Mccallum               Hingham High School        18:02.00   281
 283 Jacob Lytle                  Hingham High School        18:02.00   282
 284 Max Vye                      Newburyport High School    18:02.00   283
 285 Steven Lamonde               Hingham High School        18:03.00   284
 286 Ben Williamson               Hingham High School        18:03.00   285
 287 Zach Frahlich                North Andover High School  18:03.00   286
 288 Adam Selsman                 Sharon High School         18:03.00   287
 289 Noel Feeney                  Boston College High Schoo  18:03.00   288
 290 Wesley Viola                 Austin Prep School         18:04.00   289
 291 Jonathan Chester             Framingham High School     18:04.00   290
 292 Matt Gillis                  Hamilton-Wenham Regional   18:04.00   291
 293 Dylan Crowley                Woburn High School         18:04.00   292
 294 Doug Lewis                   Andover High School        18:05.00   293
 295 David Blake                  Austin Prep School         18:05.00   294
 296 Christos Saledas             Burlington High School     18:05.00   295
 297 Andrew Burke                 Nauset Regional High Scho  18:05.00   296
 298 Anthony Divirgili            Walpole High School        18:05.00   297
 299 Kevin Freidland              Marshfield High School     18:06.00   298
 300 Matt Marchand                Methuen High School        18:06.00   299
 301 Orlando Nick                 Milton High School         18:06.00   300
 302 Andrew Herwig                Nauset Regional High Scho  18:06.00   301
 303 Jacob Holsher                Gloucester High School     18:07.00   302
 304 Andrew Goncalves             New Bedford High School    18:07.00   303
 305 Jared Geller                 Wakefield Memorial High S  18:07.00   304
 306 Michae Scarlett              Cambridge Rindge and Lati  18:08.00   305
 307 Jack Blatchford              Hamilton-Wenham Regional   18:08.00   306
 308 Austin Gatcomb               King Philip Regional High  18:08.00   307
 309 Mike Harper                  Marblehead High School     18:08.00   308
 310 Marc George                  Marian High School         18:08.00   309
 311 Tene Paquin                  Middleboro High School     18:08.00   310
 312 Matt Tolley                  Newburyport High School    18:08.00   311
 313 Sean Blanchard               Cardinal Spellman          18:09.00   312
 314 Dan Metcalfe                 Concord Carlisle High Sch  18:09.00   313
 315 Brendan Gareri               East Bridgewater High Sch  18:09.00   314
 316 Nick Accardi                 Seekonk High School        18:09.00   315
 317 Harris Eric                  North Attleboro High Scho  18:10.00   316
 318 Zak Attenborough             Malden Catholic High Scho  18:10.00   317
 319 Nick Seymour                 Marian High School         18:10.00   318
 320 Taylor Quinn                 Medway High School         18:10.00   319
 321 Zachary Bohn                 New Bedford High School    18:10.00   320
 322 Richie Fournier              Peabody                    18:10.00   321
 323 Jonathan Earle               Sturgis Charter            18:10.00   322
 324 Joey Schultz                 Billerica Memorial High S  18:11.00   323
 325 Niko Emack-Bazelais          Cambridge Rindge and Lati  18:11.00   324
 326 Miles McCarthy               Catholic Memorial High Sc  18:11.00   325
 327 Keith Barnatchez             Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   18:11.00   326
 328 Joshua Gangi                 Methuen High School        18:11.00   327
 329 David Buzby                  Newton North High School   18:11.00   328
 330 Cody Picardy                 Peabody                    18:11.00   329
 331 Justin Halley                Reading Memorial High Sch  18:11.00   330
 332 Kyle Sullivan                Woburn High School         18:11.00   331
 333 Sean Lazzeri                 Franklin High School       18:12.00   332
 334 John Dowd                    Franklin High School       18:12.00   333
 335 Chris Nevins                 Hingham High School        18:12.00   334
 336 Yadin Rosen                  Sharon High School         18:12.00   335
 337 Eric Zandrow                 Xaverian Brothers High Sc  18:12.00   336
 338 Michael Flaherty             Boston College High Schoo  18:12.00   337
 339 Evan Gaj                     Andover High School        18:13.00   338
 340 Matthew Driscoll             Concord Carlisle High Sch  18:13.00   339
 341 Paul Lapre                   Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  18:13.00   340
 342 Michael Riddle               Ipswich High School        18:13.00   341
 343 Chris Birotte                Lynn English High School   18:13.00   342
 344 Dan Mendes                   Seekonk High School        18:13.00   343
 345 Brian Sullivan               Archbishop Williams        18:14.00   344
 346 Chon Yoon                    Marian High School         18:14.00   345
 347 Labrecque Tom                Pentucket Regional Senior  18:14.00   346
 348 John Page                    Beverly High School        18:15.00   347
 349 Andrew Drinkwater            Lynnfield High School      18:15.00   348
 350 Ben Baron                    Needham High School        18:15.00   349
 351 Connor Whooley               Ipswich High School        18:16.00   350
 352 Ryan Raphael                 Masconomet Regional High   18:16.00   351
 353 Thomas Hynes                 Norwell High School        18:16.00   352
 354 Gavin Mcewen                 Weston High School         18:16.00   353
 355 Max Galat                    Andover High School        18:17.00   354
 356 Zack Viera                   Greater New Bedford Regio  18:17.00   355
 357 Tyler Fink                   Hopkinton High School      18:17.00   356
 358 Vargas Bryan                 Lawrence High School       18:17.00    --
 359 Zak Heier                    Needham High School        18:17.00   357
 360 Ty Hagen                     Reading Memorial High Sch  18:17.00   358
 361 Jim Nickerson                Silver Lake Regional High  18:17.00   359
 362 Greg Campion                 Westwood High School       18:17.00   360
 363 Jonathan Geromini            Franklin High School       18:18.00   361
 364 Berhanu Tsige                Malden High School         18:18.00   362
 365 Pat Mahoney                  Newton South High School   18:18.00   363
 366 Brian Alkins                 Archbishop Williams        18:19.00   364
 367 Matt Berg                    Arlington High School      18:19.00   365
 368 Chris Whitty                 Durfee                     18:19.00   366
 369 James Roddy                  Marthas Vineyard Regional  18:19.00   367
 370 Billy Sullivan               Norton High School         18:19.00   368
 371 Andrew Mccluskey             Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  18:20.00   369
 372 Scott Tran                   Taunton High School        18:20.00   370
 373 Derek Robbie                 Bellingham High School     18:21.00    --
 374 Bryan Mendes                 Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  18:21.00   371
 375 Sam Liebech                  Concord Carlisle High Sch  18:21.00   372
 376 Cameron Holley               Manchester High School     18:21.00    --
 377 Jared Kimler                 Natick High School         18:21.00   373
 378 Jeff Hayworth                North Attleboro High Scho  18:22.00   374
 379 Peter Noenickx               Scituate High School       18:22.00   375
 380 Ryan Morris                  Walpole High School        18:22.00   376
 381 Alex Greco                   Beverly High School        18:23.00   377
 382 Jake Fruci                   Canton High School         18:23.00   378
 383 Zach Downs                   Foxboro High School        18:23.00   379
 384 Kyle Joba-woodruff           Marthas Vineyard Regional  18:23.00   380
 385 Bryan Rockwood               Walpole High School        18:23.00   381
 386 Nick Barberio                Waltham High School        18:23.00   382
 387 Joe Souza                    West Bridgewater High Sch  18:23.00   383
 388 Tim Keohane                  Xaverian Brothers High Sc  18:23.00   384
 389 Ethan Fullerton              North Attleboro High Scho  18:24.00   385
 390 Matt Moussamih               Diman Regional Vocational  18:24.00   386
 391 Nick Comei                   Haverhill High School      18:24.00   387
 392 Paul Fleming                 Sharon High School         18:24.00   388
 393 Anthony Federico             Shawsheen Valley Technica  18:24.00   389
 394 Henning Muller-fahlbusch     Wellesley High School      18:24.00   390
 395 Luke Vicente                 Barnstable High School     18:25.00   391
 396 Chris Cao                    Burlington High School     18:25.00   392
 397 Mike Andersson               Dracut High School         18:25.00   393
 398 Patrick Casey                Marblehead High School     18:25.00   394
 399 Job Deforrest                Marthas Vineyard Regional  18:25.00   395
 400 Jon Maher                    Milton High School         18:25.00   396
 401 Alex Bonitto                 Lynn English High School   18:26.00   397
 402 Mike Duggan                  Mansfield High School      18:26.00   398
 403 Cam Pavao                    Methuen High School        18:26.00   399
 404 Stephen Gomez                Nauset Regional High Scho  18:26.00   400
 405 Corey Hebert                 New Bedford High School    18:26.00   401
 406 Nicholas Sciuto              Westford Academy           18:26.00   402
 407 Christian White              Haverhill High School      18:27.00   403
 408 Will Beauvais                Ipswich High School        18:27.00   404
 409 Ben Lueders                  Needham High School        18:27.00   405
 410 Logan Patenaude              Dartmouth High School      18:28.00   406
 411 Trevor Chistolin             Dover Sherborn Regional H  18:28.00   407
 412 Dylan Mcfadden               Georgetown High School     18:28.00   408
 413 Patrick Dec                  Needham High School        18:28.00   409
 414 Andrew Marshall              North Andover High School  18:28.00   410
 415 Michael Dupuis               Sharon High School         18:28.00   411
 416 Corey Branch                 Hopkinton High School      18:29.00   412
 417 Ben Goldman                  Masconomet Regional High   18:29.00   413
 418 Matt Salit                   Seekonk High School        18:29.00   414
 419 Chris Czepiel                Taunton High School        18:29.00   415
 420 Stephen Halas                Wilmington High School     18:29.00   416
 421 Lincoln Brown                Hopkinton High School      18:30.00   417
 422 Phillip Jewers               Norfolk County Agricultur  18:30.00   418
 423 Mark Steinbach               Burlington High School     18:31.00   419
 424 Kenneth Sepulveda            Greater New Bedford Regio  18:31.00   420
 425 Kurtis Dreher                Greater New Bedford Regio  18:31.00   421
 426 Kevin Rutigliano             Hamilton-Wenham Regional   18:31.00   422
 427 Rocky Hayden                 Masconomet Regional High   18:31.00   423
 428 Ryan Tirbassi                Shawsheen Valley Technica  18:31.00   424
 429 Ben Bashaw                   Triton Regional High Scho  18:31.00   425
 430 Connor Mclaughlin            Weymouth High School       18:31.00   426
 431 Robert Marcantonio           Xaverian Brothers High Sc  18:31.00   427
 432 Jake Barry                   Falmouth High School       18:32.00   428
 433 Riley Wilkins                Nauset Regional High Scho  18:32.00   429
 434 Kevin Mcneeley               Plymouth North High Schoo  18:32.00   430
 435 Parker Traugot               Reading Memorial High Sch  18:32.00   431
 436 Tom Whearty                  Tri County Regional Vocat  18:32.00   432
 437 Christopher Haddad           Wakefield Memorial High S  18:32.00   433
 438 Robert Bridgeman             New Bedford High School    18:33.00   434
 439 Tim Koufogazos               Dracut High School         18:33.00   435
 440 Dawit Aynalam                Malden High School         18:33.00   436
 441 George Bradley               North Attleboro High Scho  18:33.00   437
 442 Nick Nadeau                  Old Rochester Regional Hi  18:33.00   438
 443 Dan Regan                    Westford Academy           18:33.00   439
 444 Alex Healey                  Billerica Memorial High S  18:34.00   440
 445 Tim Conley                   Walpole High School        18:34.00   441
 446 Chris Londergan              Whitman Hanson Regional H  18:34.00   442
 447 Michael Allara               Hamilton-Wenham Regional   18:35.00   443
 448 Tyler Reiss                  North Reading High School  18:35.00   444
 449 Alek Andrews                 Plymouth North High Schoo  18:35.00   445
 450 Christopher Kelleher         Waltham High School        18:35.00   446
 451 Mike Mckeon                  Woburn High School         18:35.00   447
 452 Isaac Singer                 New Bedford High School    18:36.00   448
 453 Mike Ward                    Boston Latin School        18:36.00   449
 454 Caleb Winn                   Natick High School         18:36.00   450
 455 Danny Scribner               Sharon High School         18:36.00   451
 456 Michael Malynn               Westford Academy           18:36.00   452
 457 Hunter Silva                 Bourne High School         18:37.00   453
 458 Nicholas West                Hopkinton High School      18:37.00   454
 459 Ayodeji Johnson              Marian High School         18:37.00   455
 460 Mike Newfield                Needham High School        18:37.00   456
 461 Connor Medeiros-sweet        Old Rochester Regional Hi  18:37.00   457
 462 Stephen Smart                Whitman Hanson Regional H  18:37.00   458
 463 Patrick Franco               Winchester High School     18:37.00   459
 464 Luke Fr Kelly                Dartmouth High School      18:38.00   460
 465 Casey Gonsolves              Falmouth High School       18:38.00   461
 466 Michael Costello             Newton South High School   18:38.00   462
 467 Nathaniel Fuchs              Old Rochester Regional Hi  18:38.00   463
 468 Ryan Matheson                Braintree High School      18:39.00   464
 469 Ben Brea                     Dover Sherborn Regional H  18:39.00   465
 470 Tom Mulligan                 Georgetown High School     18:39.00   466
 471 Philip Mccarty               King Philip Regional High  18:39.00   467
 472 Anthony Christopher          Winchester High School     18:39.00   468
 473 Matt Cianmetaro              Gloucester High School     18:40.00   469
 474 Hansel Santo                 Greater Lawrence Tech      18:40.00   470
 475 Adam Winters                 Sturgis Charter            18:40.00   471
 476 Nick Frazier                 East Bridgewater High Sch  18:41.00   472
 477 Aaron Basiliere              Methuen High School        18:41.00   473
 478 Sam Crimmins                 Swampscott High School     18:41.00   474
 479 Geoffrey Pendergast          Weston High School         18:41.00   475
 480 Kyle Litteral                Dracut High School         18:42.00   476
 481 Andrew Gramigna              Framingham High School     18:42.00   477
 482 Joe Brunco                   Malden Catholic High Scho  18:42.00   478
 483 Mike Kellaher                North Attleboro High Scho  18:42.00   479
 484 Shuyo Sato                   Cambridge Rindge and Lati  18:43.00   480
 485 Danny Gould                  Malden High School         18:43.00   481
 486 Brendan Mullen               Seekonk High School        18:43.00   482
 487 Joseph Fichera               Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  18:44.00   483
 488 Alden Foelsche               Dighton Rehoboth Regional  18:44.00   484
 489 Nyrel Stroup                 Durfee                     18:44.00   485
 490 Sean Quinn                   Falmouth High School       18:44.00   486
 491 Tyler Hogan                  King Philip Regional High  18:44.00   487
 492 Cory Price                   Taunton High School        18:44.00   488
 493 Billy Keane                  Braintree High School      18:45.00   489
 494 Dave Rosenberg               Canton High School         18:45.00   490
 495 Andrew Morahan               Medfield High School       18:45.00   491
 496 Austin Cooney                Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  18:46.00   492
 497 Lucas Cruz Nasci             Hamilton-Wenham Regional   18:46.00   493
 498 Noah Bitterman               Marblehead High School     18:46.00   494
 499 Dan Boudreau                 Shawsheen Valley Technica  18:46.00   495
 500 Kevin Bunszell               Abington High School       18:47.00   496
 501 Thomas Cunningham            Barnstable High School     18:47.00   497
 502 Ben Gordan                   Cardinal Spellman          18:47.00   498
 503 Stephen Mayfield             Dover Sherborn Regional H  18:47.00   499
 504 Joshua Klingenstein          Franklin High School       18:47.00   500
 505 Wily Pierce                  Gloucester High School     18:47.00   501
 506 Jake Meredith                Nauset Regional High Scho  18:47.00   502
 507 Keegan Throop                Bourne High School         18:48.00   503
 508 Michael Brady                Medway High School         18:48.00   504
 509 Eli Spicer                   North Reading High School  18:48.00   505
 510 Jimmy White                  West Bridgewater High Sch  18:48.00   506
 511 Christopher Day              Framingham High School     18:49.00   507
 512 Greg Lyons                   Medfield High School       18:49.00   508
 513 Ryan Stopka                  Old Colony Regional Vocat  18:49.00    --
 514 Trevor Whelan                Swampscott High School     18:49.00   509
 515 Paul Capparella              Barnstable High School     18:50.00   510
 516 Kevin Sawyer                 Woburn High School         18:50.00   511
 517 Chris Ricciuti               Milton High School         18:51.00   512
 518 Christopher Dalke            North Andover High School  18:51.00   513
 519 Tim Salit                    Seekonk High School        18:51.00   514
 520 Kevin Twombly                Billerica Memorial High S  18:52.00   515
 521 Aaron Gentile                Holliston High School      18:52.00   516
 522 Dylan Heaney                 Medfield High School       18:52.00   517
 523 Alton Barbehenn              New Bedford High School    18:53.00    --
 524 Michael O'connor             Hanover High School        18:53.00   518
 525 Ryan Santos                  Boston College High Schoo  18:53.00   519
 526 Matt Mckinnon                Dracut High School         18:54.00   520
 527 Labrecque Joe                Pentucket Regional Senior  18:54.00   521
 528 Demeule Alex                 Pentucket Regional Senior  18:54.00   522
 529 Tyler Staford                Silver Lake Regional High  18:54.00   523
 530 Curme Eli                    Weston High School         18:54.00   524
 531 Alex Fr Boswell              Dartmouth High School      18:55.00   525
 532 Nicholas Souza               Tewksbury Memorial High S  18:55.00   526
 533 Alec Holland                 Watertown High School      18:55.00   527
 534 Dan Flockton                 Carver High School         18:56.00   528
 535 Russell Santos               Marshfield High School     18:56.00   529
 536 Kevin Mullen                 Seekonk High School        18:56.00   530
 537 Ian Chaney                   Bishop Connolly High Scho  18:57.00    --
 538 Josh Perez                   Hopkinton High School      18:58.00   531
 539 Ben Askers                   North Attleboro High Scho  18:59.00    --
 540 Kevin O'donnell              Canton High School         18:59.00   532
 541 Kenneth Jr Camara            Greater New Bedford Regio  18:59.00   533
 542 Matthew Okscin               North Reading High School  19:00.00   534
 543 Zach Angell                  Ipswich High School        19:01.00   535
 544 Beau Gagnon                  Barnstable High School     19:02.00   536
 545 Ethan Biron                  Dartmouth High School      19:02.00   537
 546 Greg Litle                   Dover Sherborn Regional H  19:02.00   538
 547 Graham King                  Natick High School         19:02.00   539
 548 Max Marcotte                 Norton High School         19:02.00   540
 549 Chase Davidson               Lynnfield High School      19:03.00   541
 550 Chris Gonzalez               Melrose High School        19:03.00   542
 551 Walker Fuchs                 Old Rochester Regional Hi  19:03.00   543
 552 Andrew Kerr                  Tri County Regional Vocat  19:03.00   544
 553 Rokas Piragis                Brockton High School       19:04.00   545
 554 Mike Vartanian               Canton High School         19:04.00   546
 555 Derek Kielty                 Dartmouth High School      19:04.00   547
 556 Billy Clark                  Foxboro High School        19:04.00   548
 557 Samuel Perakis               Ipswich High School        19:04.00   549
 558 Allen La                     Malden High School         19:04.00   550
 559 Zach Kelso                   Mystic Valley              19:04.00   551
 560 John Whittemore              Canton High School         19:05.00   552
 561 Alec Stewart                 Duxbury High School        19:05.00   553
 562 Tate Allen                   Duxbury High School        19:06.00   554
 563 Tyler Colbert                Triton Regional High Scho  19:06.00   555
 564 Shawn Connolly               Woburn High School         19:06.00   556
 565 Mitchell Nixon               North Attleboro High Scho  19:07.00    --
 566 Sam Scott                    Holliston High School      19:07.00   557
 567 Ian Carrick                  Natick High School         19:07.00   558
 568 Felix Marte                  Greater Lawrence Tech      19:08.00   559
 569 Derek Owen                   Lynnfield High School      19:08.00   560
 570 David Kibazo                 Malden High School         19:08.00   561
 571 Aidan Mcmorrow               North Quincy High School   19:08.00   562
 572 Kevin Eskici                 Watertown High School      19:08.00   563
 573 John Grubner                 Catholic Memorial High Sc  19:09.00   564
 574 James Rider                  Dartmouth High School      19:09.00   565
 575 Matt Breslow                 Lynnfield High School      19:09.00   566
 576 Joe Terranova                Malden Catholic High Scho  19:09.00   567
 577 Jack O'connor                Natick High School         19:09.00   568
 578 Brandon Sullivan             West Bridgewater High Sch  19:09.00   569
 579 John Andres                  Barnstable High School     19:10.00   570
 580 Thomas Casey                 Boston Latin School        19:10.00   571
 581 Rob Ruggeri                  Bourne High School         19:10.00   572
 582 Alex Macdonald               Hamilton-Wenham Regional   19:10.00   573
 583 Mike Scott                   Beverly High School        19:11.00   574
 584 Daniel Deschenes             Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  19:11.00   575
 585 Tyler Cohen                  Boston Latin School        19:11.00   576
 586 William Wong                 Malden High School         19:11.00   577
 587 Alec Debenedictis            Malden Catholic High Scho  19:11.00   578
 588 Oliver Wallace               Norwell High School        19:11.00   579
 589 Matt Nardiello               Swampscott High School     19:11.00   580
 590 Aaron Filipe                 North Attleboro High Scho  19:12.00    --
 591 Michael Varney               Dighton Rehoboth Regional  19:12.00   581
 592 Winslow Powers               Gloucester High School     19:12.00   582
 593 Ethan Leclair                Watertown High School      19:12.00   583
 594 Stephen Gage                 Falmouth High School       19:13.00   584
 595 Joe Tierney                  Foxboro High School        19:13.00   585
 596 Deven Mckee                  Pentucket Regional Senior  19:13.00   586
 597 Derek Shay                   Weston High School         19:13.00   587
 598 Bryce Wynn                   Chelmsford High School     19:14.00   588
 599 Gabe Putnam                  Arlington High School      19:15.00   589
 600 Bart Buurman                 Arlington High School      19:15.00   590
 601 Paul Dougherty               Dover Sherborn Regional H  19:15.00   591
 602 Jameson Luskay               Holliston High School      19:15.00   592
 603 Connor Stearns               Middleboro High School     19:15.00   593
 604 Nick Catalan                 Reading Memorial High Sch  19:15.00   594
 605 Richard Silk                 Shawsheen Valley Technica  19:15.00   595
 606 Josh Mccarthy                Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  19:17.00   596
 607 Christopher Bray             Danvers High School        19:17.00   597
 608 Lewis Siilletto              Belmont High School        19:18.00   598
 609 Matt Mann                    Shawsheen Valley Technica  19:18.00   599
 610 Jack Daly                    New Bedford High School    19:19.00    --
 611 Steve Mcclelland             Norwell High School        19:19.00   600
 612 Wayne Barnaby                Stoughton High School      19:19.00   601
 613 Brenda Sullivan              Austin Prep School         19:20.00   602
 614 Joseph Arroyo                Chelsea High School        19:20.00   603
 615 Evan Berry                   Medfield High School       19:20.00   604
 616 James Stuart                 Cambridge Rindge and Lati  19:21.00   605
 617 Riley Woolson                Plymouth North High Schoo  19:21.00   606
 618 Vincent Ye                   Winchester High School     19:21.00   607
 619 Peter Kirk                   Ashland High School        19:22.00   608
 620 James Sullivan               Lowell Catholic            19:22.00   609
 621 Graham Lehman                Lynnfield High School      19:22.00   610
 622 Sam Boyles                   Sacred Heart High School   19:22.00   611
 623 Scott Mccluskey              Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  19:23.00   612
 624 Andrew Raftery               Rockland High School       19:23.00    --
 625 Kevin Doherty                Billerica Memorial High S  19:24.00   613
 626 Mike Trembley                Lynnfield High School      19:24.00   614
 627 Evan Covell                  Saugus High School         19:24.00   615
 628 Francisco Colindres          Chelsea High School        19:25.00   616
 629 Anthony Panciocco            Danvers High School        19:25.00   617
 630 Brett Powers                 Hanover High School        19:25.00   618
 631 Jeff Stone                   Holliston High School      19:25.00   619
 632 Peter Eberhardt              Milton High School         19:25.00   620
 633 Pat Mcpherson                Mystic Valley              19:25.00   621
 634 Jack Mcmurrer                Harwich High School        19:26.00   622
 635 Brendan Faulkner             Minuteman Regional High S  19:26.00   623
 636 Daniel Cutright              Newton South High School   19:26.00   624
 637 Matt Cubberly                North Attleboro High Scho  19:26.00    --
 638 Greg O'Brien                 Plymouth South High Schoo  19:26.00    --
 639 Richard Haywood              Silver Lake Regional High  19:26.00   625
 640 John Mirandi                 Triton Regional High Scho  19:26.00   626
 641 Robbie Galvin                Woburn High School         19:26.00   627
 642 Craig Oconnell               Dighton Rehoboth Regional  19:27.00   628
 643 Campbell Fackre              Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  19:27.00   629
 644 Andrew Driscoll              Melrose High School        19:27.00   630
 645 Mike Bambrick                Plymouth North High Schoo  19:27.00   631
 646 Matt O'rourke                Arlington High School      19:28.00   632
 647 Edgar Ocana                  Chelsea High School        19:28.00   633
 648 Sam Auwerda                  Triton Regional High Scho  19:28.00   634
 649 Jeff Laguerre                Winthrop High School       19:28.00   635
 650 Tyl Petroccione              Beverly High School        19:29.00   636
 651 Mitchell Ian                 Pentucket Regional Senior  19:29.00   637
 652 Luke Ferriera                Cardinal Spellman          19:30.00   638
 653 Chris Lotz                   Diman Regional Vocational  19:30.00   639
 654 Michael Tierney              Norton High School         19:30.00   640
 655 Luke Mcdonough               Winchester High School     19:30.00   641
 656 Joe Sherlock                 Haverhill High School      19:31.00   642
 657 Jake O'connell               North Reading High School  19:31.00   643
 658 Adam Dvorak                  Weston High School         19:31.00   644
 659 Nick Robinson                Beverly High School        19:32.00   645
 660 Andrew Moses                 Foxboro High School        19:32.00   646
 661 Jose Benscome                Lawrence High School       19:32.00    --
 662 Alex Wilson                  Melrose High School        19:32.00   647
 663 Mason Rouillard              Norton High School         19:32.00   648
 664 Mattia Pizzagalli            Winchester High School     19:32.00   649
 665 Samuel Murray                North Attleboro High Scho  19:33.00    --
 666 Colin Stievater              Belmont High School        19:33.00   650
 667 Ryan Richard                 Harwich High School        19:33.00   651
 668 Dylan Cullen                 Lowell Catholic            19:33.00   652
 669 Gordie Jarvis                Milton High School         19:33.00   653
 670 James Digregegorio           Norwell High School        19:33.00   654
 671 Jon Davis                    Danvers High School        19:34.00   655
 672 Nick Condry                  Wayland High School        19:34.00   656
 673 Adam Brewster                Falmouth High School       19:35.00   657
 674 Tim O'toole                  Foxboro High School        19:35.00   658
 675 Joseph Martinez              Bourne High School         19:36.00   659
 676 Harry Stor                   Dover Sherborn Regional H  19:36.00   660
 677 Jacob Benoit                 New Bedford High School    19:37.00    --
 678 Elliot Hirsch                New Bedford High School    19:38.00    --
 679 Timothy Siracusa             Belmont High School        19:38.00   661
 680 Kaleb Mikami                 Braintree High School      19:38.00   662
 681 Greg Karpacz                 Wayland High School        19:38.00   663
 682 Campbell Wood                Beverly High School        19:39.00   664
 683 Mike Rota                    Canton High School         19:39.00   665
 684 Nathan Louro                 Dighton Rehoboth Regional  19:39.00   666
 685 Bryan Salit                  Seekonk High School        19:39.00   667
 686 Justin Rassetta              Abington High School       19:40.00   668
 687 Kevin Hebert                 Danvers High School        19:40.00   669
 688 Bryce Turner                 Wayland High School        19:40.00   670
 689 Liam Gallagher               Amesbury High School       19:41.00   671
 690 Eric Fossa                   Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  19:41.00   672
 691 Cam Murphy                   Shawsheen Valley Technica  19:41.00   673
 692 Timmy Conklin                Tewksbury Memorial High S  19:41.00   674
 693 Jon Fleet                    Dighton Rehoboth Regional  19:42.00   675
 694 Jeremy So Floger             Durfee                     19:42.00   676
 695 Michael Rice                 Waltham High School        19:42.00   677
 696 Shane Healy                  West Bridgewater High Sch  19:42.00   678
 697 Larry Keating                Medford High School        19:43.00   679
 698 Matthew O'brien              North Reading High School  19:43.00   680
 699 Travis Cohen                 Framingham High School     19:44.00   681
 700 Luke Sirois                  Ipswich High School        19:44.00   682
 701 Cameron Eisnor               Norton High School         19:44.00   683
 702 Andrew Hamel                 Bishop Stang High School   19:45.00    --
 703 Dylan Rich                   Brockton High School       19:45.00   684
 704 Tyler Macinnis               Danvers High School        19:45.00   685
 705 Do Hyun Kim                  Dartmouth High School      19:45.00   686
 706 Andre Fay                    Falmouth High School       19:45.00   687
 707 Cooper Carifio               Pentucket Regional Senior  19:45.00   688
 708 Drew Capener                 Pentucket Regional Senior  19:45.00   689
 709 Nick Campanele               Plymouth North High Schoo  19:46.00   690
 710 Lucas Machamer               Somerset High School       19:46.00   691
 711 Duncan Locke                 Melrose High School        19:47.00   692
 712 Cameron Locke                Melrose High School        19:47.00   693
 713 Miles Tuohy-Bedford          Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   19:48.00   694
 714 Matt White                   Matignon High School       19:48.00   695
 715 Nate Shannon                 Plymouth North High Schoo  19:48.00   696
 716 Jamie Driscoll               Falmouth High School       19:49.00   697
 717 Devin Sanford                Holliston High School      19:49.00   698
 718 Shilo Chaves                 King Philip Regional High  19:49.00   699
 719 Zach Meszoely                Boston Latin School        19:50.00   700
 720 Matt Blaney                  Lynn English High School   19:50.00   701
 721 Alec Denapoli                Stoughton High School      19:50.00   702
 722 Jack Kahrs                   Scituate High School       19:51.00   703
 723 Tom Bogue                    Framingham High School     19:52.00   704
 724 Joseph O'connor              Norwood High School        19:52.00   705
 725 Sawyer Jones                 Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   19:53.00   706
 726 Brendan Moer                 Hanover High School        19:54.00   707
 727 Joe Butler                   Medway High School         19:54.00   708
 728 Pat Moran                    Mystic Valley              19:54.00   709
 729 Chris Laffey                 Arlington Catholic High S  19:55.00   710
 730 Nick Van Alfen               Braintree High School      19:55.00   711
 731 Mike Schlichting             Newton North High School   19:55.00   712
 732 Brian Collins                Revere High School         19:55.00   713
 733 Seth Guillotte               Fairhaven High School      19:56.00   714
 734 David Lucas                  Tri County Regional Vocat  19:56.00   715
 735 Adam Bacchiocchi             North Attleboro High Scho  19:57.00    --
 736 Daniel Shin                  Watertown High School      19:57.00   716
 737 Tommy Hoopes                 Wayland High School        19:57.00   717
 738 Andrew Sears                 Wilmington High School     19:57.00   718
 739 Alex Silva                   Danvers High School        19:58.00   719
 740 Ryan Hayes                   Silver Lake Regional High  19:58.00   720
 741 Greg Labella                 Weymouth High School       19:58.00   721
 742 Kunal Mukherjee              Woburn High School         19:58.00   722
 743 Matt Woods                   Arlington Catholic High S  19:59.00   723
 744 Tom Norton                   Ashland High School        19:59.00   724
 745 Owen Mccartney               Cambridge Rindge and Lati  19:59.00   725
 746 Conor Patterson              Cambridge Rindge and Lati  19:59.00   726
 747 Kevin Quigley                Malden Catholic High Scho  19:59.00   727
 748 Nick Constantine             Wayland High School        19:59.00   728
 749 Chester Rath                 Chelsea High School        20:00.00   729
 750 Zach Fournier                East Bridgewater High Sch  20:00.00   730
 751 Devin Low                    Sturgis Charter            20:00.00   731
 752 Spencer Feuerbach            Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  20:01.00   732
 753 Tyler Malone                 Stoneham High School       20:01.00   733
 754 Joel Murphy                  Bristol County Ag          20:02.00   734
 755 Casey Reale                  Georgetown High School     20:02.00   735
 756 Georg Markarian              Watertown High School      20:02.00   736
 757 David Lynch                  Silver Lake Regional High  20:03.00   737
 758 Kevin Mawe                   Dedham High School         20:04.00   738
 759 Kyle Bessette                Harwich High School        20:04.00   739
 760 Matt Tagan                   Melrose High School        20:04.00   740
 761 Christopher Brandon          Norfolk County Agricultur  20:04.00   741
 762 Tyler Kelleher               North Reading High School  20:04.00   742
 763 Jamal Mccabe                 New Bedford High School    20:05.00    --
 764 Evan McGuinness              Brockton High School       20:05.00   743
 765 Max Rodier                   Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  20:05.00   744
 766 Charlie Davis                Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  20:05.00   745
 767 Marc Bucchieri               Wakefield Memorial High S  20:05.00   746
 768 Rob Enge                     Marian High School         20:06.00   747
 769 Bobby Derbes                 Abington High School       20:07.00   748
 770 Arthur Babayan               Waltham High School        20:07.00   749
 771 Jake Miller                  Austin Prep School         20:08.00   750
 772 Kristi Nushi                 Revere High School         20:08.00   751
 773 Brett Kowtowski              Stoneham High School       20:08.00   752
 774 Kevin Windheuser             Hopkinton High School      20:09.00   753
 775 Alex Paduch                  Middleboro High School     20:09.00   754
 776 Josh Smith                   Tri County Regional Vocat  20:09.00   755
 777 Dylan Staid                  Beverly High School        20:10.00   756
 778 Doug Wilson                  Essex Agricultural & Tech  20:10.00   757
 779 Tyler Anderson               Norton High School         20:10.00   758
 780 Peter Perry                  Brockton High School       20:11.00   759
 781 Anthony Maclellan            Tri County Regional Vocat  20:11.00   760
 782 Kellogg Samuel               Winchester High School     20:11.00   761
 783 Steven Mahoney               Medford High School        20:12.00   762
 784 Ben Cautela                  Westwood High School       20:12.00   763
 785 Ryan Belson                  New Bedford High School    20:13.00    --
 786 Kevin Andrew                 Medford High School        20:13.00   764
 787 Mitchell Kimber              Sturgis Charter            20:13.00   765
 788 Tyler Comer                  Lynn English High School   20:15.00   766
 789 Hunter Bradanese             Shawsheen Valley Technica  20:15.00   767
 790 Craig Feeney                 Duxbury High School        20:16.00   768
 791 Ben Taylor                   Cape Cod Academy           20:17.00   769
 792 Robert Theberge              Diman Regional Vocational  20:17.00   770
 793 Jo Potter-furey              Lynnfield High School      20:17.00   771
 794 Bobby Zahar                  Middleboro High School     20:17.00   772
 795 Sebas Bissereth              Arlington Catholic High S  20:18.00   773
 796 Danny Schadt                 Nauset Regional High Scho  20:18.00   774
 797 Brennen Costa                New Bedford High School    20:18.00    --
 798 Camden Lwanichi              Somerset High School       20:18.00   775
 799 Ryan O'connor                Apponequet Regional High   20:19.00   776
 800 Brian Mingels                Scituate High School       20:19.00   777
 801 Karim Sahila                 Revere High School         20:20.00   778
 802 Conor Mcgovern               Medford High School        20:21.00   779
 803 Dillan Hoyt                  Tri County Regional Vocat  20:21.00   780
 804 Ben Rangel                   Abington High School       20:22.00   781
 805 Leo Jonas                    Cardinal Spellman          20:22.00   782
 806 Roberto Soto                 Lawrence High School       20:22.00    --
 807 Tucker Evans                 Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  20:22.00   783
 808 James Phillips               Georgetown High School     20:23.00   784
 809 Austin Stevens               Triton Regional High Scho  20:23.00   785
 810 Zacker Fernandes             Apponequet Regional High   20:24.00   786
 811 Jared Oulette                Carver High School         20:24.00   787
 812 Nick Glang                   Wayland High School        20:24.00   788
 813 Walter Doan                  Burlington High School     20:25.00   789
 814 Patrick Hachey               East Bridgewater High Sch  20:25.00   790
 815 Tyler Kane                   Harwich High School        20:25.00   791
 816 James O'donnell              Norwood High School        20:25.00   792
 817 Ryan Mirely                  Amesbury High School       20:26.00   793
 818 Nick Cafarelli               Harwich High School        20:28.00   794
 819 Ariel Torres                 Lawrence High School       20:28.00    --
 820 Ryan Donegan                 North Reading High School  20:28.00   795
 821 Riley Grant                  Belmont High School        20:29.00   796
 822 Claude Bonnet                Malden High School         20:29.00   797
 823 Ryan Leonard                 Holliston High School      20:30.00   798
 824 Aidan Scrimgeour             Salem High School          20:30.00   799
 825 Chris Monteforte             Wilmington High School     20:30.00   800
 826 Michael Ksander              St. Mary's Lynn            20:31.00   801
 827 Paulo Pedreiro               Bristol County Ag          20:32.00   802
 828 Robert Keating               Cape Cod Academy           20:32.00   803
 829 Alex Napolitan               Barnstable High School     20:33.00   804
 830 Andrew Perrino               Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   20:34.00   805
 831 Ernie Meads                  Hanover High School        20:34.00   806
 832 Dan Goldman                  Sacred Heart High School   20:34.00   807
 833 Kevin Warren                 Catholic Memorial High Sc  20:35.00   808
 834 Jonathan Powers              Mystic Valley              20:35.00   809
 835 Mohamed Bensadok             Revere High School         20:35.00   810
 836 Liam Rose                    Archbishop Williams        20:36.00   811
 837 Alex Mazerole                Medway High School         20:36.00   812
 838 Joe Souza                    Diman Regional Vocational  20:37.00   813
 839 George Meltzer               Norwood High School        20:37.00   814
 840 John Moloney                 Norwood High School        20:39.00   815
 841 Grant Gadbois                Fairhaven High School      20:40.00   816
 842 Jonathon Paul                Mystic Valley              20:40.00   817
 843 Josh Babb                    Winthrop High School       20:40.00   818
 844 Justin Kinan                 Rockland High School       20:41.00    --
 845 Paul Svensen                 Scituate High School       20:41.00   819
 846 Tom O'conell                 Braintree High School      20:42.00   820
 847 Christian Pina               Bristol County Ag          20:42.00   821
 848 Sam Estes                    Carver High School         20:42.00   822
 849 Bond Ho                      North Quincy High School   20:42.00   823
 850 Jay Pedrero                  Chelsea High School        20:44.00   824
 851 Tim Good                     Hanover High School        20:44.00   825
 852 Nick Monaco                  Saugus High School         20:44.00   826
 853 Kevin Ma                     Somerville High School     20:44.00   827
 854 Myles Fr Dias                Greater New Bedford Regio  20:45.00   828
 855 Joe Gay                      Lynn English High School   20:46.00   829
 856 John Cocce                   Wayland High School        20:46.00   830
 857 Joseph Cane                  Minuteman Regional High S  20:47.00   831
 858 Raymond Villa                Notre Dame (Lawrence)      20:47.00    --
 859 Ray Hamilton                 Billerica Memorial High S  20:48.00   832
 860 Josh Silva                   Bristol County Ag          20:48.00   833
 861 Bob Davis                    Dighton Rehoboth Regional  20:49.00   834
 862 Dominick Pacelli             North Attleboro High Scho  20:49.00    --
 863 Brian Acker                  Norton High School         20:50.00   835
 864 Keven Martin                 Bellingham High School     20:51.00    --
 865 Peter Staub                  Belmont High School        20:51.00   836
 866 Jacob Howe                   Sturgis Charter            20:51.00   837
 867 Alex Longo                   Bourne High School         20:52.00   838
 868 Edward Dwyer                 Carver High School         20:52.00   839
 869 Paul Presbrey                Cape Cod Academy           20:53.00   840
 870 Kenniston Dorr               Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   20:53.00   841
 871 Yuta Belmont                 Boston Latin School        20:54.00   842
 872 Ethan Eastwood               Canton High School         20:54.00   843
 873 Andrew Harrington            Medway High School         20:55.00   844
 874 Brent Munyon                 Braintree High School      20:56.00   845
 875 Jeffrey Estrada              Chelsea High School        20:56.00   846
 876 Ri Yan                       Lynn English High School   20:56.00   847
 877 Owen Smith                   Norwood High School        20:56.00   848
 878 Nolan Field                  Watertown High School      20:56.00   849
 879 John Lazenby                 Belmont High School        20:57.00   850
 880 Nick Dhimitri                East Bridgewater High Sch  21:00.00   851
 881 Cody Leonard                 Waltham High School        21:00.00   852
 882 Oussama Hamouti              Boston Latin School        21:01.00   853
 883 Brian Peterson               Lowell Catholic            21:01.00   854
 884 Alex O'dowd                  Hanover High School        21:02.00   855
 885 Kyle Hanson                  Mystic Valley              21:02.00   856
 886 Nathan Scalise               Nauset Regional High Scho  21:02.00   857
 887 James Souza                  Durfee                     21:03.00   858
 888 Gabrie Hollings              Medford High School        21:03.00   859
 889 Conor Disher                 Plymouth South High Schoo  21:03.00    --
 890 Andrew Linker                Scituate High School       21:03.00   860
 891 Alex Brannon                 Georgetown High School     21:04.00   861
 892 Jonathan Ellen               Amesbury High School       21:05.00   862
 893 Tyler Amaral                 Durfee                     21:05.00   863
 894 Cameron Warren               Somerset High School       21:05.00   864
 895 Martin Heavey                West Bridgewater High Sch  21:05.00   865
 896 Jason Marshall               Stoughton High School      21:07.00   866
 897 Kevin O'rourke               Duxbury High School        21:08.00   867
 898 Hector Payano                Greater Lawrence Tech      21:08.00   868
 899 Anand Patel                  Salem High School          21:08.00   869
 900 Dmitri Hunt                  Triton Regional High Scho  21:08.00   870
 901 Jimmy Friedeborn             Westwood High School       21:08.00   871
 902 Bob Lawler                   Catholic Memorial High Sc  21:09.00   872
 903 Derek Fortuna                Revere High School         21:09.00   873
 904 Tyler Lobisser               Tri County Regional Vocat  21:09.00   874
 905 James Mcgarry                Marian High School         21:10.00   875
 906 Matthew Johnson              Somerset High School       21:10.00   876
 907 Jacob Santos                 Bishop Stang High School   21:11.00    --
 908 Brandon Casul                Bristol County Ag          21:11.00   877
 909 Brendan Sasse                Bishop Connolly High Scho  21:12.00    --
 910 Mike Tilton                  Essex Agricultural & Tech  21:13.00   878
 911 Aaron Brodeur                Norfolk County Agricultur  21:14.00   879
 912 Jai Willaims                 Rockland High School       21:15.00    --
 913 Nick Floyd                   Winthrop High School       21:16.00   880
 914 Tom Doherty                  Austin Prep School         21:17.00   881
 915 Fedir Teplyuke               Boston Latin School        21:17.00   882
 916 Dave Desmond                 Braintree High School      21:17.00   883
 917 Michael Mansfield            Saugus High School         21:18.00   884
 918 Joe Buccheri                 Arlington Catholic High S  21:19.00   885
 919 Matt Brown                   Bristol County Ag          21:19.00   886
 920 Seth Overhoff                Medway High School         21:19.00   887
 921 Adam Degrazia                Middleboro High School     21:19.00   888
 922 Jack Donohoe                 Pope John Paul II High Sc  21:20.00    --
 923 Dylan Sullivan               West Bridgewater High Sch  21:21.00   889
 924 John Blake                   Norwood High School        21:22.00   890
 925 Conner Donavan               Ashland High School        21:24.00   891
 926 Mike Humphreys               Burlington High School     21:24.00   892
 927 Matthew Joyce                Norfolk County Agricultur  21:24.00   893
 928 Evan Spangler                Somerset High School       21:24.00   894
 929 Dan Stevens                  Holliston High School      21:25.00   895
 930 Nat Dempkowski               Somerville High School     21:25.00   896
 931 Justin Larosa                Wilmington High School     21:25.00   897
 932 Daniel Jacobson              Minuteman Regional High S  21:26.00   898
 933 Chris Bundock                Austin Prep School         21:28.00   899
 934 Sean Napier                  Medford High School        21:28.00   900
 935 Ryan Kennedy                 Georgetown High School     21:29.00   901
 936 Ross Frankel                 Harwich High School        21:29.00   902
 937 Eric Smith                   Matignon High School       21:29.00   903
 938 Jackson Kulik                Amesbury High School       21:31.00   904
 939 Dennis Falcione              Hanover High School        21:31.00   905
 940 John Bushman                 Cardinal Spellman          21:32.00   906
 941 Richard Finch                Middleboro High School     21:32.00   907
 942 Tyler Trant                  Stoneham High School       21:32.00   908
 943 Justin Borges                Fairhaven High School      21:33.00   909
 944 Stanley Martinez             Greater Lawrence Tech      21:33.00   910
 945 Connor Frost                 Pope John Paul II High Sc  21:34.00    --
 946 Steven Francis-burnell       Sturgis Charter            21:35.00   911
 947 Matt Hartford                Georgetown High School     21:36.00   912
 948 Kevin Welch                  Framingham High School     21:37.00   913
 949 Michael Swanson              Saugus High School         21:37.00   914
 950 Ricky Baez                   Greater Lawrence Tech      21:39.00   915
 951 Thomas Homand                Sturgis Charter            21:40.00   916
 952 David Lockhart               Stoughton High School      21:41.00   917
 953 Jack Brackett                Watertown High School      21:43.00   918
 954 Ben Clifford                 Amesbury High School       21:44.00   919
 955 Tom Burke                    Norwood High School        21:44.00   920
 956 Liam Macdonald               Duxbury High School        21:47.00   921
 957 Rian Dalton                  Essex Agricultural & Tech  21:49.00   922
 958 Ken Mei                      Whittier Regional Vocatio  21:49.00    --
 959 Joe DeBassio                 Minuteman Regional High S  21:50.00   923
 960 John Conlin                  Stoneham High School       21:50.00   924
 961 Ej Mcglynn                   Medway High School         21:53.00   925
 962 Ben Garman                   Scituate High School       21:53.00   926
 963 Everes Crawford              Gloucester High School     21:55.00   927
 964 Max Charette                 Fairhaven High School      21:56.00   928
 965 Faisal Nasimi                Chelsea High School        21:58.00   929
 966 Brian Nguyen                 Archbishop Williams        21:59.00   930
 967 Craig Lewis                  Fairhaven High School      21:59.00   931
 968 Gabriel Rurycz               Barnstable High School     22:00.00   932
 969 James Stone                  Amesbury High School       22:02.00   933
 970 Eric Loehle                  Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  22:02.00   934
 971 Wei He                       North Quincy High School   22:02.00   935
 972 Ben Littlefield              Apponequet Regional High   22:05.00   936
 973 Jay Ebersole                 Marian High School         22:05.00   937
 974 Kenneth Pham                 Lowell Catholic            22:06.00   938
 975 Chris O'keffe                Amesbury High School       22:07.00   939
 976 Jake O'connor                Duxbury High School        22:07.00   940
 977 Jonathan Infante             Greater Lawrence Tech      22:08.00   941
 978 Harry Helbock                Hull High School           22:09.00    --
 979 Allen Judd                   Arlington Catholic High S  22:10.00   942
 980 Emilio Beato                 Salem High School          22:10.00   943
 981 Josh Capello                 Bristol County Ag          22:11.00   944
 982 Christopher O'brien          Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  22:12.00   945
 983 Sean So Walkama              Plymouth South High Schoo  22:12.00    --
 984 Rob Simpson                  East Bridgewater High Sch  22:15.00   946
 985 Evan Le                      Salem High School          22:16.00   947
 986 Brian Tracy                  Bishop Connolly High Scho  22:17.00    --
 987 Bryan Nelson                 Saugus High School         22:17.00   948
 988 Chase Quinn                  Cape Cod Academy           22:19.00   949
 989 William Hayes                Randolph High School       22:23.00   950
 990 Jack D'addieco               Stoughton High School      22:23.00   951
 991 Alex Cordiero                Whittier Regional Vocatio  22:25.00    --
 992 Sean Townsend                Carver High School         22:28.00   952
 993 Adrian Beato                 Salem High School          22:32.00   953
 994 Brian Manning                Winthrop High School       22:32.00   954
 995 Thadius Makuch               Diman Regional Vocational  22:33.00   955
 996 Sean Kineavy                 Dedham High School         22:34.00   956
 997 Cullen Coyle                 St. Mary's Lynn            22:35.00   957
 998 Richard Silva                Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  22:41.00   958
 999 Wesley Lemar                 Diman Regional Vocational  22:41.00   959
1000 Sebastia Russell             Essex Agricultural & Tech  22:41.00   960
1001 Matt Souza                   Apponequet Regional High   22:42.00   961
1002 Patrick Wiencek              Ashland High School        22:42.00   962
1003 Anthony Lorenzo              Somerville High School     22:42.00   963
1004 Ryan Jewell                  Apponequet Regional High   22:43.00   964
1005 Dante Clark-morg             Matignon High School       22:43.00   965
1006 Joseph Listro                Matignon High School       22:44.00   966
1007 Jake Dushame                 Whittier Regional Vocatio  22:44.00    --
1008 Liam Foley                   St. Mary's Lynn            22:44.00   967
1009 Brandon Kelso                Mystic Valley              22:46.00   968
1010 Andrew Cabral                Randolph High School       22:47.00   969
1011 Jay Meyer                    Sacred Heart High School   22:47.00   970
1012 Mussie Petros                Somerville High School     22:49.00   971
1013 Matt Baker                   Durfee                     22:56.00   972
1014 Richard Carnell              Archbishop Williams        23:00.00   973
1015 Keegan Schofield             Dedham High School         23:01.00   974
1016 Daniel Sullivan              Dedham High School         23:01.00   975
1017 Jimmy Lawless                Dedham High School         23:01.00   976
1018 Ken Sheppard                 Essex Agricultural & Tech  23:06.00   977
1019 Benja Lescault               Bishop Stang High School   23:09.00    --
1020 Spencer Berube               Lowell Catholic            23:09.00   978
1021 Kyle Madden                  Whittier Regional Vocatio  23:09.00    --
1022 Weisberg David               Salem High School          23:11.00   979
1023 Tim Barrett                  Matignon High School       23:15.00   980
1024 Matt Warr                    Apponequet Regional High   23:19.00   981
1025 Kevin Clyne                  Salem High School          23:19.00   982
1026 Bhaju Khanal                 Somerville High School     23:19.00   983
1027 Matthew Altekruse            Matignon High School       23:22.00   984
1028 Cam Foley                    Minuteman Regional High S  23:22.00   985
1029 Nick Nowell                  Arlington Catholic High S  23:25.00   986
1030 Albert Wang                  Ashland High School        23:26.00   987
1031 Zach Panaro                  Rockland High School       23:26.00    --
1032 Daniel Crosby                Norfolk County Agricultur  23:27.00   988
1033 Bill Barber                  Old Colony Regional Vocat  23:27.00    --
1034 Tyler Silva                  Bellingham High School     23:28.00    --
1035 Brian Schindler              Carver High School         23:29.00   989
1036 Griff Desmarais              Fairhaven High School      23:32.00   990
1037 Thomas Mackin                St. Mary's Lynn            23:37.00   991
1038 Nicholas Iebba               Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  23:51.00   992
1039 Joseph Dellamorte            Pope John Paul II High Sc  23:52.00    --
1040 Rolando Jimenez              Greater Lawrence Tech      23:53.00   993
1041 Jack Cashman                 Abington High School       24:03.00   994
1042 Matt Menice                  Hull High School           24:06.00    --
1043 Timmy Hoang                  Randolph High School       24:06.00   995
1044 Keelan Murphy                Duxbury High School        24:10.00   996
1045 Justin Doyle                 Archbishop Williams        24:13.00   997
1046 Henry Maynard                Minuteman Regional High S  24:15.00   998
1047 Parker Stearns               Middleboro High School     24:18.00   999
1048 Joe Blauss                   Carver High School         24:19.00  1000
1049 Robert Sawyer                Matignon High School       24:32.00  1001
1050 Garret Sullivan              Norfolk County Agricultur  24:33.00  1002
1051 Cesar Ramirez                Randolph High School       24:35.00  1003
1052 Matt Regan                   Matignon High School       24:36.00    --
1053 Joe Bosco                    Winthrop High School       24:40.00  1004
1054 Brendan Kineavy              Dedham High School         24:42.00  1005
1055 Matt Turner                  Stoneham High School       24:45.00  1006
1056 Stephen Bennett              Saugus High School         24:46.00  1007
1057 Brendan Taylor               Cape Cod Academy           24:48.00  1008
1058 Tyler Allen                  Cape Cod Academy           25:21.00  1009
1059 Nicholas Costa               Old Colony Regional Vocat  25:29.00    --
1060 Alex Maghsoudi               St. Mary's Lynn            25:30.00  1010
1061 Zack Stueve                  St. Mary's Lynn            25:35.00  1011
1062 Peter Trefry                 Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  25:41.00  1012
1063 Mike Gennaco                 Winthrop High School       25:45.00  1013
1064 Justin Marino                Sacred Heart High School   25:54.00  1014
1065 Nick Lee                     Minuteman Regional High S  26:12.00  1015
1066 Patrick Naylor               Bellingham High School     26:18.00    --
1067 Brian Bureau                 St. Mary's Lynn            26:20.00  1016
1068 Mike Nee                     Sacred Heart High School   26:37.00  1017
1069 Tommy Hoang                  Randolph High School       26:46.00  1018
1070 Colin Gear                   Stoneham High School       28:13.00  1019
1071 Austin Chinal                Matignon High School       28:14.00    --
1072 Brian Nguyen                 Randolph High School       29:20.00  1020
1073 Nick Ford                    Stoneham High School       29:20.00  1021
1074 Garry Wu                     Randolph High School       29:21.00  1022
1075 Kristophe Surprenant         Cohasset High School       30:42.00    --

                  Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores                  
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Bishop Feehan High School   171    25   32   33   37   44   67   101 
      Total Time: 1:23:14      Average: 16:38.80      1-5 Split: 13
  2 Pembroke High School        180     2    9   15   56   98   130  137 
      Total Time: 1:22:24      Average: 16:28.80      1-5 Split: 1:20
  3 Brookline High School       199    24   38   39   41   57   160  226 
      Total Time: 1:23:30      Average: 16:42.00      1-5 Split: 24
  4 Lowell High School          245    19   26   27   59   114  238  258 
      Total Time: 1:23:44      Average: 16:44.80      1-5 Split: 52
  5 Lincoln-Sudbury Regional    390    47   49   52   118  124  202  245 
      Total Time: 1:25:04      Average: 17:00.80      1-5 Split: 33
  6 Sandwich High School        411    10   81   90   92   138  148  242 
      Total Time: 1:25:02      Average: 17:00.40      1-5 Split: 1:07
  7 Acton-Boxborough High Sch   419     5   53   75   129  157  250  265 
      Total Time: 1:24:45      Average: 16:57.00      1-5 Split: 1:35
  8 Oliver Ames High School     479    20   111  112  116  120  140  240 
      Total Time: 1:25:32      Average: 17:06.40      1-5 Split: 52
  9 Mansfield High School       505    51   68   77   132  177  197  398 
      Total Time: 1:25:55      Average: 17:11.00      1-5 Split: 46
 10 Chelmsford High School      542    45   71   108  144  174  221  588 
      Total Time: 1:26:05      Average: 17:13.00      1-5 Split: 50
 11 Whitman Hanson Regional H   557    11   36   69   216  225  442  458 
      Total Time: 1:25:32      Average: 17:06.40      1-5 Split: 1:28
 12 Marshfield High School      587    13   14   103  198  259  298  529 
      Total Time: 1:25:31      Average: 17:06.20      1-5 Split: 1:36
 13 Peabody                     619     1   72   121  194  231  321  329 
      Total Time: 1:25:35      Average: 17:07.00      1-5 Split: 2:03
 14 Wellesley High School       657    42   66   93   192  264  273  390 
      Total Time: 1:26:26      Average: 17:17.20      1-5 Split: 1:16
 15 Central Catholic High Sch   665    73   76   82   214  220  255  280 
      Total Time: 1:26:44      Average: 17:20.80      1-5 Split: 44
 16 Newburyport High School     700    78   94   136  145  247  283  311 
      Total Time: 1:27:00      Average: 17:24.00      1-5 Split: 50
 17 Weymouth High School        709    22   139  167  182  199  426  721 
      Total Time: 1:26:44      Average: 17:20.80      1-5 Split: 1:13
 18 Lexington High School       724     7   170  175  176  196  205  209 
      Total Time: 1:26:29      Average: 17:17.80      1-5 Split: 1:39
 19 Concord Carlisle High Sch   741    30   123  133  142  313  339  372 
      Total Time: 1:26:57      Average: 17:23.40      1-5 Split: 1:33
 20 Andover High School         748    17   86   151  201  293  338  354 
      Total Time: 1:26:46      Average: 17:21.20      1-5 Split: 1:42
 21 Wakefield Memorial High S   823     4   65   172  278  304  433  746 
      Total Time: 1:26:36      Average: 17:19.20      1-5 Split: 2:13
 22 St. John's Prep             834    110  117  188  207  212  261  267 
      Total Time: 1:27:35      Average: 17:31.00      1-5 Split: 31
 23 North Andover High School   841    48   146  150  211  286  410  513 
      Total Time: 1:27:31      Average: 17:30.20      1-5 Split: 1:16
 24 Tewksbury Memorial High S   860    64   162  195  215  224  526  674 
      Total Time: 1:27:43      Average: 17:32.60      1-5 Split: 48
 25 Newton North High School    861    21   79   185  248  328  712   -  
      Total Time: 1:27:14      Average: 17:26.80      1-5 Split: 1:44
 26 Westwood High School        885    46   88   155  236  360  763  871 
      Total Time: 1:27:29      Average: 17:29.80      1-5 Split: 1:31
 27 Methuen High School         889     8   97   158  299  327  399  473 
      Total Time: 1:27:01      Average: 17:24.20      1-5 Split: 2:08
 28 Boston College High Schoo   890    62   163  169  208  288  337  519 
      Total Time: 1:27:48      Average: 17:33.60      1-5 Split: 1:06
 29 Masconomet Regional High    920    105  115  165  184  351  413  423 
      Total Time: 1:27:56      Average: 17:35.20      1-5 Split: 1:04
 30 Walpole High School         932    16   54   189  297  376  381  441 
      Total Time: 1:27:19      Average: 17:27.80      1-5 Split: 2:00
 31 Hingham High School         993     3   143  281  282  284  285  334 
      Total Time: 1:27:28      Average: 17:29.60      1-5 Split: 2:09
 32 Marblehead High School     1007    102  135  206  256  308  394  494 
      Total Time: 1:28:23      Average: 17:40.60      1-5 Split: 57
 33 King Philip Regional High  1044     6   34   230  307  467  487  699 
      Total Time: 1:27:12      Average: 17:26.40      1-5 Split: 2:42
 34 Swampscott High School     1076    43   126  179  254  474  509  580 
      Total Time: 1:28:16      Average: 17:39.20      1-5 Split: 1:57
 35 Xaverian Brothers High Sc  1095    156  168  217  218  336  384  427 
      Total Time: 1:28:45      Average: 17:45.00      1-5 Split: 42
 36 Marthas Vineyard Regional  1106    91   125  252  271  367  380  395 
      Total Time: 1:28:42      Average: 17:44.40      1-5 Split: 1:11
 37 Westford Academy           1106    99   173  203  229  402  439  452 
      Total Time: 1:28:41      Average: 17:44.20      1-5 Split: 1:16
 38 Newton South High School   1108    55   180  253  257  363  462  624 
      Total Time: 1:28:40      Average: 17:44.00      1-5 Split: 1:24
 39 Arlington High School      1196    23   28   191  365  589  590  632 
      Total Time: 1:28:19      Average: 17:39.80      1-5 Split: 2:44
 40 Taunton High School        1205    141  213  219  262  370  415  488 
      Total Time: 1:29:13      Average: 17:50.60      1-5 Split: 54
 41 Burlington High School     1205    29   70   295  392  419  789  892 
      Total Time: 1:28:38      Average: 17:43.60      1-5 Split: 1:56
 42 Reading Memorial High Sch  1209    80   181  260  330  358  431  594 
      Total Time: 1:29:06      Average: 17:49.20      1-5 Split: 1:13
 43 Franklin High School       1238    134  204  235  332  333  361  500 
      Total Time: 1:29:22      Average: 17:52.40      1-5 Split: 47
 44 New Bedford High School    1269    74   171  303  320  401  434  448 
      Total Time: 1:29:21      Average: 17:52.20      1-5 Split: 1:23
 45 Old Rochester Regional Hi  1321    61   119  246  438  457  463  543 
      Total Time: 1:29:18      Average: 17:51.60      1-5 Split: 1:40
 46 North Attleboro High Scho  1346    85   186  316  374  385  437  479 
      Total Time: 1:29:39      Average: 17:55.80      1-5 Split: 1:19
 47 Needham High School        1356    84   161  349  357  405  409  456 
      Total Time: 1:29:36      Average: 17:55.20      1-5 Split: 1:22
 48 Gloucester High School     1392    31   89   302  469  501  582  927 
      Total Time: 1:29:17      Average: 17:51.40      1-5 Split: 2:11
 49 Brockton High School       1478    35   50   164  545  684  743  759 
      Total Time: 1:29:51      Average: 17:58.20      1-5 Split: 3:05
 50 Dracut High School         1492    193  234  237  393  435  476  520 
      Total Time: 1:30:19      Average: 18:03.80      1-5 Split: 53
 51 Weston High School         1492    40   100  353  475  524  587  644 
      Total Time: 1:29:42      Average: 17:56.40      1-5 Split: 2:13
 52 Sharon High School         1505    223  272  287  335  388  411  451 
      Total Time: 1:30:26      Average: 18:05.20      1-5 Split: 37
 53 Greater New Bedford Regio  1578    113  269  355  420  421  533  828 
      Total Time: 1:30:36      Average: 18:07.20      1-5 Split: 1:14
 54 Billerica Memorial High S  1704    152  274  323  440  515  613  832 
      Total Time: 1:31:08      Average: 18:13.60      1-5 Split: 1:22
 55 Medfield High School       1708    83   109  491  508  517  604   -  
      Total Time: 1:30:44      Average: 18:08.80      1-5 Split: 1:47
 56 Hamilton-Wenham Regional   1732    270  291  306  422  443  493  573 
      Total Time: 1:31:18      Average: 18:15.60      1-5 Split: 35
 57 Hopkinton High School      1766    127  356  412  417  454  531  753 
      Total Time: 1:31:14      Average: 18:14.80      1-5 Split: 1:16
 58 Foxboro High School        1790    12   266  379  548  585  646  658 
      Total Time: 1:31:00      Average: 18:12.00      1-5 Split: 2:52
 59 Haverhill High School      1791    96   263  387  403  642   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:31:30      Average: 18:18.00      1-5 Split: 2:21
 60 Natick High School         1800    210  228  373  450  539  558  568 
      Total Time: 1:31:31      Average: 18:18.20      1-5 Split: 1:18
 61 Norwell High School        1812    128  153  352  579  600  654   -  
      Total Time: 1:31:37      Average: 18:19.40      1-5 Split: 1:58
 62 Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  1833    149  340  369  483  492  596  612 
      Total Time: 1:31:32      Average: 18:18.40      1-5 Split: 1:17
 63 Ipswich High School        1881    251  341  350  404  535  549  682 
      Total Time: 1:31:52      Average: 18:22.40      1-5 Split: 1:06
 64 Nauset Regional High Scho  1928    296  301  400  429  502  774  857 
      Total Time: 1:31:56      Average: 18:23.20      1-5 Split: 42
 65 Cambridge Rindge and Lati  1946    232  305  324  480  605  725  726 
      Total Time: 1:32:13      Average: 18:26.60      1-5 Split: 1:31
 66 Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   1961    104  131  326  694  706  805  841 
      Total Time: 1:32:27      Average: 18:29.40      1-5 Split: 2:41
 67 Framingham High School     1973    18   290  477  507  681  704  913 
      Total Time: 1:31:43      Average: 18:20.60      1-5 Split: 3:20
 68 Catholic Memorial High Sc  1988    58   233  325  564  808  872   -  
      Total Time: 1:32:40      Average: 18:32.00      1-5 Split: 3:40
 69 Bourne High School         1990    183  279  453  503  572  659  838 
      Total Time: 1:32:15      Average: 18:27.00      1-5 Split: 1:32
 70 Cardinal Spellman          1999    275  276  312  498  638  782  906 
      Total Time: 1:32:28      Average: 18:29.60      1-5 Split: 1:29
 71 Seekonk High School        2068    315  343  414  482  514  530  667 
      Total Time: 1:32:25      Average: 18:29.00      1-5 Split: 42
 72 Dover Sherborn Regional H  2131    222  407  465  499  538  591  660 
      Total Time: 1:32:43      Average: 18:32.60      1-5 Split: 1:15
 73 Woburn High School         2137    292  331  447  511  556  627  722 
      Total Time: 1:32:46      Average: 18:33.20      1-5 Split: 1:02
 74 Malden Catholic High Scho  2167    227  317  478  567  578  727   -  
      Total Time: 1:33:00      Average: 18:36.00      1-5 Split: 1:23
 75 Marian High School         2174    309  318  345  455  747  875  937 
      Total Time: 1:33:15      Average: 18:39.00      1-5 Split: 1:58
 76 Plymouth North High Schoo  2299    187  430  445  606  631  690  696 
      Total Time: 1:33:33      Average: 18:42.60      1-5 Split: 1:49
 77 Wilmington High School     2324    190  200  416  718  800  897   -  
      Total Time: 1:34:15      Average: 18:51.00      1-5 Split: 2:52
 78 Triton Regional High Scho  2362    122  425  555  626  634  785  870 
      Total Time: 1:33:49      Average: 18:45.80      1-5 Split: 2:10
 79 East Bridgewater High Sch  2366    60   314  472  730  790  851  946 
      Total Time: 1:34:12      Average: 18:50.40      1-5 Split: 3:28
 80 West Bridgewater High Sch  2385    249  383  506  569  678  865  889 
      Total Time: 1:33:56      Average: 18:47.20      1-5 Split: 1:48
 81 Malden High School         2390    362  436  481  550  561  577  797 
      Total Time: 1:33:46      Average: 18:45.20      1-5 Split: 50
 82 Silver Lake Regional High  2393    166  359  523  625  720  737   -  
      Total Time: 1:34:08      Average: 18:49.60      1-5 Split: 2:25
 83 Winchester High School     2416    241  459  468  607  641  649  761 
      Total Time: 1:33:58      Average: 18:47.60      1-5 Split: 1:39
 84 Dighton Rehoboth Regional  2454    95   484  581  628  666  675  834 
      Total Time: 1:34:12      Average: 18:50.40      1-5 Split: 2:29
 85 Dartmouth High School      2475    406  460  525  537  547  565  686 
      Total Time: 1:34:07      Average: 18:49.40      1-5 Split: 36
 86 Milton High School         2481    300  396  512  620  653   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:34:20      Average: 18:52.00      1-5 Split: 1:27
 87 Canton High School         2498    378  490  532  546  552  665  843 
      Total Time: 1:34:16      Average: 18:51.20      1-5 Split: 42
 88 Shawsheen Valley Technica  2502    389  424  495  595  599  673  767 
      Total Time: 1:34:14      Average: 18:50.80      1-5 Split: 54
 89 Barnstable High School     2504    391  497  510  536  570  804  932 
      Total Time: 1:34:14      Average: 18:50.80      1-5 Split: 45
 90 Beverly High School        2579    347  377  574  636  645  664  756 
      Total Time: 1:34:50      Average: 18:58.00      1-5 Split: 1:17
 91 Pentucket Regional Senior  2612    346  521  522  586  637  688  689 
      Total Time: 1:34:44      Average: 18:56.80      1-5 Split: 1:15
 92 Falmouth High School       2616    428  461  486  584  657  687  697 
      Total Time: 1:34:42      Average: 18:56.40      1-5 Split: 1:03
 93 Melrose High School        2617    106  542  630  647  692  693  740 
      Total Time: 1:35:01      Average: 19:00.20      1-5 Split: 2:35
 94 Lynnfield High School      2625    348  541  560  566  610  614  771 
      Total Time: 1:34:57      Average: 18:59.40      1-5 Split: 1:07
 95 Danvers High School        2625    87   597  617  655  669  685  719 
      Total Time: 1:35:02      Average: 19:00.40      1-5 Split: 2:34
 96 North Quincy High School   2645    147  178  562  823  935   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:36:56      Average: 19:23.20      1-5 Split: 4:34
 97 Belmont High School        2768    63   598  650  661  796  836  850 
      Total Time: 1:35:57      Average: 19:11.40      1-5 Split: 3:30
 98 North Reading High School  2806    444  505  534  643  680  742  795 
      Total Time: 1:35:37      Average: 19:07.40      1-5 Split: 1:08
 99 Austin Prep School         2816    289  294  602  750  881  899   -  
      Total Time: 1:36:54      Average: 19:22.80      1-5 Split: 3:13
100 Diman Regional Vocational  2852    244  386  639  770  813  955  959 
      Total Time: 1:36:41      Average: 19:20.20      1-5 Split: 2:44
101 Abington High School       2852    159  496  668  748  781  994   -  
      Total Time: 1:36:28      Average: 19:17.60      1-5 Split: 2:50
102 Norton High School         2879    368  540  640  648  683  758  835 
      Total Time: 1:36:07      Average: 19:13.40      1-5 Split: 1:25
103 Scituate High School       2917    243  375  703  777  819  860  926 
      Total Time: 1:37:05      Average: 19:25.00      1-5 Split: 2:49
104 Holliston High School      2982    516  557  592  619  698  798  895 
      Total Time: 1:36:28      Average: 19:17.60      1-5 Split: 57
105 Lynn English High School   3035    342  397  701  766  829  847   -  
      Total Time: 1:37:30      Average: 19:30.00      1-5 Split: 2:33
106 Waltham High School        3106    382  446  677  749  852   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:37:47      Average: 19:33.40      1-5 Split: 2:37
107 Watertown High School      3125    527  563  583  716  736  849  918 
      Total Time: 1:37:14      Average: 19:26.80      1-5 Split: 1:07
108 Sturgis Charter            3126    322  471  731  765  837  911  916 
      Total Time: 1:37:54      Average: 19:34.80      1-5 Split: 2:41
109 Boston Latin School        3138    449  571  576  700  842  853  882 
      Total Time: 1:37:41      Average: 19:32.20      1-5 Split: 2:18
110 Braintree High School      3146    464  489  662  711  820  845  883 
      Total Time: 1:37:39      Average: 19:31.80      1-5 Split: 2:03
111 Norfolk County Agricultur  3170    239  418  741  879  893  988 1002 
      Total Time: 1:39:03      Average: 19:48.60      1-5 Split: 3:33
112 Medway High School         3187    319  504  708  812  844  887  925 
      Total Time: 1:38:23      Average: 19:40.60      1-5 Split: 2:45
113 Stoughton High School      3193    107  601  702  866  917  951   -  
      Total Time: 1:39:09      Average: 19:49.80      1-5 Split: 4:29
114 Tri County Regional Vocat  3206    432  544  715  755  760  780  874 
      Total Time: 1:37:51      Average: 19:34.20      1-5 Split: 1:39
115 Revere High School         3206    154  713  751  778  810  873   -  
      Total Time: 1:38:28      Average: 19:41.60      1-5 Split: 3:05
116 Durfee                     3248    366  485  676  858  863  972   -  
      Total Time: 1:38:53      Average: 19:46.60      1-5 Split: 2:46
117 Georgetown High School     3254    408  466  735  784  861  901  912 
      Total Time: 1:38:36      Average: 19:43.20      1-5 Split: 2:36
118 Medford High School        3261    277  679  762  764  779  859  900 
      Total Time: 1:38:30      Average: 19:42.00      1-5 Split: 2:20
119 Middleboro High School     3317    310  593  754  772  888  907  999 
      Total Time: 1:39:08      Average: 19:49.60      1-5 Split: 3:11
120 Arlington Catholic High S  3359    268  710  723  773  885  942  986 
      Total Time: 1:39:31      Average: 19:54.20      1-5 Split: 3:19
121 Chelsea High School        3405    603  616  633  729  824  846  929 
      Total Time: 1:38:57      Average: 19:47.40      1-5 Split: 1:24
122 Archbishop Williams        3422    344  364  811  930  973  997   -  
      Total Time: 1:42:08      Average: 20:25.60      1-5 Split: 4:46
123 Wayland High School        3434    656  663  670  717  728  788  830 
      Total Time: 1:38:48      Average: 19:45.60      1-5 Split: 25
124 Hanover High School        3474    518  618  707  806  825  855  905 
      Total Time: 1:39:30      Average: 19:54.00      1-5 Split: 1:51
125 Mystic Valley              3507    551  621  709  809  817  856  968 
      Total Time: 1:39:38      Average: 19:55.60      1-5 Split: 1:36
126 Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  3522    629  672  732  744  745  783   -  
      Total Time: 1:39:19      Average: 19:51.80      1-5 Split: 38
127 Harwich High School        3597    622  651  739  791  794  902   -  
      Total Time: 1:39:56      Average: 19:59.20      1-5 Split: 1:02
128 Duxbury High School        3663    553  554  768  867  921  940  996 
      Total Time: 1:41:22      Average: 20:16.40      1-5 Split: 2:42
129 Greater Lawrence Tech      3722    470  559  868  910  915  941  993 
      Total Time: 1:42:08      Average: 20:25.60      1-5 Split: 2:59
130 Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  3783    371  575  934  945  958  992 1012 
      Total Time: 1:44:27      Average: 20:53.40      1-5 Split: 4:20
131 Carver High School         3928    528  787  822  839  952  989 1000 
      Total Time: 1:43:22      Average: 20:40.40      1-5 Split: 3:32
132 Norwood High School        3974    705  792  814  815  848  890  920 
      Total Time: 1:42:29      Average: 20:29.80      1-5 Split: 1:04
133 Lowell Catholic            4031    609  652  854  938  978   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:45:11      Average: 21:02.20      1-5 Split: 3:47
134 Bristol County Ag          4067    734  802  821  833  877  886  944 
      Total Time: 1:43:15      Average: 20:39.00      1-5 Split: 1:09
135 Somerset High School       4100    691  775  864  876  894   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:43:43      Average: 20:44.60      1-5 Split: 1:38
136 Amesbury High School       4149    671  793  862  904  919  933  939 
      Total Time: 1:44:27      Average: 20:53.40      1-5 Split: 2:03
137 Ashland High School        4172    608  724  891  962  987   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:46:53      Average: 21:22.60      1-5 Split: 4:04
138 Saugus High School         4187    615  826  884  914  948 1007   -  
      Total Time: 1:45:20      Average: 21:04.00      1-5 Split: 2:53
139 Minuteman Regional High S  4260    623  831  898  923  985  998 1015 
      Total Time: 1:46:51      Average: 21:22.20      1-5 Split: 3:56
140 Winthrop High School       4291    635  818  880  954 1004 1013   -  
      Total Time: 1:48:36      Average: 21:43.20      1-5 Split: 5:12
141 Fairhaven High School      4298    714  816  909  928  931  990   -  
      Total Time: 1:46:04      Average: 21:12.80      1-5 Split: 2:03
142 Stoneham High School       4323    733  752  908  924 1006 1019 1021 
      Total Time: 1:48:16      Average: 21:39.20      1-5 Split: 4:44
143 Cape Cod Academy           4369    769  803  840  949 1008 1009   -  
      Total Time: 1:48:49      Average: 21:45.80      1-5 Split: 4:31
144 Sacred Heart High School   4419    611  807  970 1014 1017   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:55:14      Average: 23:02.80      1-5 Split: 7:15
145 Apponequet Regional High   4423    776  786  936  961  964  981   -  
      Total Time: 1:48:13      Average: 21:38.60      1-5 Split: 2:24
146 Essex Agricultural & Tech  4494    757  878  922  960  977   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:48:59      Average: 21:47.80      1-5 Split: 2:56
147 Matignon High School       4509    695  903  965  966  980  984 1001 
      Total Time: 1:49:59      Average: 21:59.80      1-5 Split: 3:27
148 Salem High School          4511    799  869  943  947  953  979  982 
      Total Time: 1:48:36      Average: 21:43.20      1-5 Split: 2:02
149 Dedham High School         4619    738  956  974  975  976 1005   -  
      Total Time: 1:51:41      Average: 22:20.20      1-5 Split: 2:57
150 Somerville High School     4640    827  896  963  971  983   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:50:59      Average: 22:11.80      1-5 Split: 2:35
151 St. Mary's Lynn            4726    801  957  967  991 1010 1011 1016 
      Total Time: 1:54:57      Average: 22:59.40      1-5 Split: 4:59
152 Randolph High School       4935    950  969  995 1003 1018 1020 1022 
      Total Time: 2:00:37      Average: 24:07.40      1-5 Split: 4:23

                       Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run                       
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Catarina Rocha               Peabody                    18:06.00     1
  2 Jordan O'Dea                 Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   18:34.00     2
  3 Maggie Mullins               Andover High School        18:41.00     3
  4 Abbey Mcnulty                Bishop Feehan High School  18:44.00     4
  5 Katie Powell                 Bishop Feehan High School  18:59.00     5
  6 Olivia Brackett              Weston High School         19:09.00     6
  7 Sarah Keiran                 Ipswich High School        19:13.00     7
  8 Alexandria Giese             Franklin High School       19:14.00     8
  9 Priyanka Fouda               Wellesley High School      19:15.00     9
 10 Christine Davis              Acton-Boxborough High Sch  19:18.00    10
 11 Mackenzie Shelgr             Masconomet Regional High   19:20.00    11
 12 Erin Svensen                 Bishop Feehan High School  19:21.00    12
 13 Rebecca Morse                Pentucket Regional Senior  19:23.00    13
 14 Kerry Phelan                 Hamilton-Wenham Regional   19:24.00    14
 15 Lauren O'neil                Falmouth High School       19:27.00    15
 16 Charlotte Walmsley           Weston High School         19:27.00    16
 17 Megan Rattclife              Concord Carlisle High Sch  19:32.00    17
 18 Abigail Pohl                 Weston High School         19:32.00    18
 19 Lauren Hagen                 Franklin High School       19:33.00    19
 20 Grace Ndungu                 Lowell High School         19:33.00    20
 21 Jackie Solimine              Haverhill High School      19:34.00    21
 22 Julie Mcconville             Hingham High School        19:36.00    22
 23 Margaret Blatchford          Hamilton-Wenham Regional   19:37.00    23
 24 Saaya Maeda                  Lexington High School      19:37.00    24
 25 Pheobe Morss                 Wayland High School        19:37.00    25
 26 Emily Weigand                Hamilton-Wenham Regional   19:38.00    26
 27 Shelby Aarden                Hopkinton High School      19:38.00    27
 28 Chelsea Savage               Pembroke High School       19:39.00    28
 29 Leila Aruri                  Andover High School        19:42.00    29
 30 Lizzy Mcdermott              Austin Prep School         19:42.00    --
 31 Katie Lascaleia              Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   19:42.00    30
 32 Caroline Sun                 Sharon High School         19:42.00    31
 33 Megan Mahoney                Billerica Memorial High S  19:43.00    32
 34 Lee Milne                    Dover Sherborn Regional H  19:44.00    33
 35 Sarah Saccoach               Archbishop Williams        19:45.00    34
 36 Bryanna Allison              Lowell High School         19:45.00    35
 37 Emily Horgan                 Hamilton-Wenham Regional   19:46.00    36
 38 Emily Riggiero               Westford Academy           19:46.00    37
 39 Abby Baker                   Whitman Hanson Regional H  19:46.00    38
 40 Anna Rhatigan                Newton South High School   19:47.00    39
 41 Lucrecia Aguilar             Newton South High School   19:47.00    40
 42 Alli Wood                    Chelmsford High School     19:48.00    41
 43 Tory Sivco                   Sandwich High School       19:48.00    42
 44 Ashley Betts                 Weymouth High School       19:49.00    43
 45 Olivia Cannon                Dover Sherborn Regional H  19:50.00    44
 46 Bridget Twomey               Haverhill High School      19:50.00    45
 47 Lily D'agostino              Masconomet Regional High   19:51.00    46
 48 Shannon Hickey               Oliver Ames High School    19:53.00    47
 49 Brynna Harum                 Bishop Feehan High School  19:54.00    48
 50 Dominick Catalina            Danvers High School        19:55.00    49
 51 Evie Heffernan               Newton North High School   19:55.00    50
 52 Tia Caldwell                 Westford Academy           19:55.00    51
 53 Taylor Worthy                Medfield High School       19:57.00    52
 54 Jessica Currier              Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   19:58.00    53
 55 Julie Tevenan                Weymouth High School       19:58.00    54
 56 Jenn Dimascio-donohue        Whitman Hanson Regional H  19:58.00    55
 57 Lexi Buonfiglio              Lynnfield High School      19:59.00    56
 58 Kim Cosgrove                 Masconomet Regional High   19:59.00    57
 59 Megan Ritchie                Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  20:00.00    58
 60 Anna Laurence                Newton South High School   20:01.00    59
 61 Zoe Snow                     Weston High School         20:01.00    60
 62 Charlene Huyler              Bishop Stang High School   20:02.00    61
 63 Claire Pacione               Hamilton-Wenham Regional   20:02.00    62
 64 Samantha Kelleher            Haverhill High School      20:02.00    63
 65 Bridget Jaklitsch            Weymouth High School       20:02.00    64
 66 Elizabeth Blanchard          North Attleboro High Scho  20:03.00    65
 67 Sarah Foster                 Lexington High School      20:04.00    66
 68 Caroline Turner              Needham High School        20:04.00    67
 69 Emily Bryson                 North Quincy High School   20:04.00    68
 70 Stacey Wojcik                King Philip Regional High  20:06.00    69
 71 Marika Crowe                 Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   20:06.00    70
 72 Claire Doyle                 Arlington High School      20:09.00    --
 73 Nicole Borofski              Plymouth North High Schoo  20:09.00    71
 74 Gianna Cacciatore            Whitman Hanson Regional H  20:09.00    72
 75 Nicole Demars                Beverly High School        20:12.00    73
 76 Kaitlin Mccauley             Arlington Catholic High S  20:17.00    74
 77 Mary Kauffman                Marblehead High School     20:17.00    75
 78 Kelsey Tierney               Whitman Hanson Regional H  20:17.00    76
 79 Janelle Solviletti           Arlington Catholic High S  20:18.00    77
 80 Kelsey Whitaker              Notre Dame Academy-Hingha  20:18.00    78
 81 Lauren Barrett               Peabody                    20:18.00    79
 82 Meghan Mcphee                Andover High School        20:20.00    80
 83 Shelby Cuddeback             North Attleboro High Scho  20:21.00    81
 84 Caroline Mulrey              Whitman Hanson Regional H  20:21.00    82
 85 Megan Collins                Masconomet Regional High   20:22.00    83
 86 Emily Stickles               Franklin High School       20:23.00    84
 87 Sam Allen                    Peabody                    20:23.00    85
 88 Caitlin Lawlor               Concord Carlisle High Sch  20:25.00    86
 89 Erin Donovan                 Lowell High School         20:25.00    87
 90 Edom Wessenyeleh             Weston High School         20:25.00    88
 91 Sarah Lagan                  Marian High School         20:27.00    89
 92 Kelli Halligan               Melrose High School        20:27.00    90
 93 Elissa Ladwig                Chelmsford High School     20:28.00    91
 94 Sarah Duffy                  Hamilton-Wenham Regional   20:28.00    92
 95 Morgan Sullivan              Hingham High School        20:30.00    93
 96 Grace Vogelzang              Lexington High School      20:30.00    94
 97 Read Allen                   Weston High School         20:31.00    95
 98 Kate Svense                  Bishop Feehan High School  20:33.00    96
 99 Nora Smith                   Westwood High School       20:34.00    97
100 Ashely Campisano             Medfield High School       20:35.00    98
101 Elizabeth Costantino         Notre Dame Academy-Hingha  20:35.00    99
102 Kelsi Mcnamara               Pentucket Regional Senior  20:35.00   100
103 Alison Wyman                 West Bridgewater High Sch  20:35.00   101
104 Casey Taylor                 Chelmsford High School     20:36.00   102
105 Callie O'connell             Wilmington High School     20:36.00   103
106 Hannah Beaulieu              King Philip Regional High  20:37.00   104
107 Fiona Davis                  Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  20:37.00   105
108 Meghan Grela                 Ursuline Academy           20:38.00   106
109 Emily Senning                Hamilton-Wenham Regional   20:39.00   107
110 Norah Griffin                Ursuline Academy           20:39.00   108
111 Sierra Zambarano             Acton-Boxborough High Sch  20:40.00   109
112 Sofie Brown                  Acton-Boxborough High Sch  20:41.00   110
113 Danielle Mullaney            North Quincy High School   20:41.00   111
114 Erin Murphy                  Natick High School         20:42.00   112
115 Arianna Maida                Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  20:43.00   113
116 Brianna Bisson               Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   20:43.00   114
117 Emily Knaul                  Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   20:43.00   115
118 Emily Curley                 Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  20:45.00   116
119 Kelsey Mcginnis              Somerset High School       20:45.00   117
120 Amy Kelly                    Stoughton High School      20:46.00   118
121 Jennifer Sapanaro            Wakefield Memorial High S  20:46.00   119
122 Rebecca Harris               Belmont High School        20:47.00   120
123 Kathryn Cooney               Chelmsford High School     20:47.00   121
124 Morgan Fitzgibbon            Weymouth High School       20:48.00   122
125 Mary O'brien                 Billerica Memorial High S  20:49.00   123
126 Maggie Harding               Oliver Ames High School    20:49.00   124
127 Katya Querfurth              Wellesley High School      20:49.00   125
128 Mary Stafford                Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   20:50.00   126
129 Coralea Geranigtis           Nauset Regional High Scho  20:50.00   127
130 Julia Bryson                 North Quincy High School   20:50.00   128
131 Charlotte Cole               Brookline High School      20:51.00   129
132 Tiffany Simione              Central Catholic High Sch  20:51.00   130
133 Carly Robb                   Marblehead High School     20:51.00   131
134 Kerry O'neil                 Stoughton High School      20:51.00   132
135 Kylie Reardon                Billerica Memorial High S  20:54.00   133
136 Sarah Nicoll                 Marshfield High School     20:55.00   134
137 Alicia Cutter                East Bridgewater High Sch  20:56.00   135
138 Petty Kim                    Methuen High School        20:57.00   136
139 Jennifer Asci                Rockland High School       20:58.00   137
140 Abbey Macbeth                Bishop Feehan High School  20:59.00   138
141 Emma Payne                   Cambridge Rindge and Lati  20:59.00    --
142 Samantha Albanese            Lynnfield High School      20:59.00   139
143 Haley Dyer                   Danvers High School        21:00.00   140
144 Lauren Humphreys             Norwell High School        21:00.00   141
145 Megan Fitzgerald             Oliver Ames High School    21:00.00   142
146 Sara May                     Peabody                    21:00.00   143
147 Hannah King                  Swampscott High School     21:00.00   144
148 Jessica Lu                   Brookline High School      21:01.00   145
149 Meghan Hutch                 Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  21:01.00   146
150 Alison Barker                Danvers High School        21:01.00   147
151 Emma Cashman                 West Bridgewater High Sch  21:01.00   148
152 Molly Barker                 Weymouth High School       21:01.00   149
153 Isabelle Williams            Concord Carlisle High Sch  21:02.00   150
154 Emily Caggiano               Newton South High School   21:02.00   151
155 Cassie Peterson              Lexington High School      21:03.00   152
156 Daniela Hargus               Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   21:03.00   153
157 Jill Rosati                  Holliston High School      21:04.00   154
158 Vanessa Lyle                 Norwell High School        21:04.00   155
159 Robin Leowald                Oliver Ames High School    21:04.00   156
160 Kate Groton                  Westwood High School       21:04.00   157
161 Ally Turner                  Chelmsford High School     21:05.00   158
162 Haylee Krenzer               Haverhill High School      21:05.00   159
163 Natalie Mazur                Hopkinton High School      21:05.00   160
164 Tina Keiran                  Ipswich High School        21:05.00   161
165 Haley Dowdie                 Malden High School         21:05.00   162
166 Olivia Nolan                 Needham High School        21:05.00   163
167 Mary Fuhlbrigge              Brookline High School      21:06.00   164
168 Maddie Wolfe                 Ursuline Academy           21:06.00   165
169 Hyatt Benkiran               Winchester High School     21:06.00   166
170 Lauren Bittrich              Duxbury High School        21:07.00   167
171 Shivonne Schofield           Marthas Vineyard Regional  21:07.00   168
172 Emily Sarkisian              Mansfield High School      21:08.00   169
173 Marissa Richards             Lowell High School         21:09.00   170
174 Lilly Neville                Marthas Vineyard Regional  21:09.00   171
175 Rebecca Trayner              Newton North High School   21:09.00   172
176 Caroline Keefe               Scituate High School       21:09.00   173
177 Jessica Graham               Lowell High School         21:10.00   174
178 Cairo Thompson               Billerica Memorial High S  21:11.00   175
179 Conway Kelly                 Newburyport High School    21:11.00   176
180 Jillian Mcauliffe            Oliver Ames High School    21:11.00   177
181 Sydney May                   Peabody                    21:12.00   178
182 Sarah Vetrano                Franklin High School       21:13.00   179
183 Mary Cavanaugh               Hopkinton High School      21:13.00   180
184 Emma Houston                 Lexington High School      21:13.00   181
185 Rachel Baker                 Whitman Hanson Regional H  21:13.00   182
186 Eliza Louis                  Andover High School        21:14.00   183
187 Katie Anne Hayes             Central Catholic High Sch  21:14.00   184
188 Julia Neville                Marthas Vineyard Regional  21:16.00   185
189 Christina Dick               Tewksbury Memorial High S  21:16.00   186
190 Kelsey Colbert               Norwood High School        21:17.00   187
191 Betsy Waisel                 Wellesley High School      21:17.00   188
192 Leanne Go                    Lexington High School      21:18.00   189
193 Mila Zernich                 Masconomet Regional High   21:18.00   190
194 Katelyn Thomas               North Andover High School  21:18.00   191
195 Zoe Miller                   Lexington High School      21:19.00   192
196 Katisha Bellegarde           Methuen High School        21:19.00   193
197 Annie Mcelaney               Natick High School         21:19.00   194
198 Liz Wilmonton                Triton Regional High Scho  21:19.00   195
199 Kristen Coyne                Walpole High School        21:19.00   196
200 Katie Salley                 Holliston High School      21:20.00   197
201 Brook Blackshaw              Acton-Boxborough High Sch  21:21.00   198
202 Lily Corcoran                Needham High School        21:21.00   199
203 Erin Carroll                 Newburyport High School    21:21.00   200
204 Kristen Young                Chelmsford High School     21:22.00   201
205 Samantha Wise                Haverhill High School      21:22.00   202
206 Molly Madden                 Milton High School         21:22.00   203
207 Keely Higgins                Beverly High School        21:24.00   204
208 Emily Brown                  Brookline High School      21:24.00   205
209 Sarah Mepham                 Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   21:24.00   206
210 Anna Kelly                   Lincoln-Sudbury Regional   21:24.00   207
211 Megan Lazaro                 Somerset High School       21:24.00   208
212 Casey Egan                   Whitman Hanson Regional H  21:24.00   209
213 Ashlynne Xiahros             Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   21:25.00   210
214 Kiley Knowlton               Newburyport High School    21:25.00   211
215 Brittney Beaulieu            North Attleboro High Scho  21:25.00   212
216 Noa Randall                  Cambridge Rindge and Lati  21:26.00    --
217 Katie Lukes                  King Philip Regional High  21:26.00   213
218 Kristin Mackie               Newburyport High School    21:26.00   214
219 Siobahn Murphy               Norwell High School        21:26.00   215
220 Sarah Breenan                Notre Dame Academy-Hingha  21:26.00   216
221 Faye Haley                   Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  21:27.00   217
222 Margaret Hayes               Norwell High School        21:27.00   218
223 Lia Aftandilian              Belmont High School        21:28.00   219
224 Katie Colfer                 Dracut High School         21:28.00   220
225 Maggi Mcfarland              Hingham High School        21:28.00   221
226 Fallon Bushee                Mystic Valley              21:28.00   222
227 Brianna Repke                Pentucket Regional Senior  21:28.00   223
228 Brittany Frederick           Billerica Memorial High S  21:29.00   224
229 Rebecca Stanton              Sacred Heart High School   21:29.00   225
230 Kelly Ledoux-walsh           Wakefield Memorial High S  21:29.00   226
231 Rebecca Terrett              Dover Sherborn Regional H  21:30.00   227
232 Kelly Bandera                Hingham High School        21:30.00   228
233 Shannon Lozier               Pentucket Regional Senior  21:30.00   229
234 Jennifer Pisarik             Chelmsford High School     21:31.00   230
235 Wiloh Maynard                Marthas Vineyard Regional  21:31.00   231
236 Jessica Oknin                Sharon High School         21:31.00   232
237 Ali Rabideau                 Natick High School         21:32.00   233
238 Julia Schiantarelli          Newton North High School   21:32.00   234
239 Andrea Simi                  Westwood High School       21:32.00   235
240 Michelle Alessan             Dover Sherborn Regional H  21:33.00   236
241 Hannah Friedman              Newton South High School   21:33.00   237
242 Meg Nero                     Acton-Boxborough High Sch  21:35.00   238
243 Katie Driscoll               Concord Carlisle High Sch  21:35.00   239
244 Meredith Reynolds            Medway High School         21:36.00   240
245 Maria Schwab                 Marian High School         21:37.00   241
246 Emma Marchant                Pentucket Regional Senior  21:37.00   242
247 Kate Pearce                  Weymouth High School       21:37.00   243
248 Marybeth Nametz              Bishop Feehan High School  21:38.00   244
249 Meghan Bellerose             Newton North High School   21:38.00   245
250 Caroline Macdonald           Central Catholic High Sch  21:39.00   246
251 Alanna Grondine              Dracut High School         21:39.00   247
252 Lucy Armstrong               Reading Memorial High Sch  21:39.00   248
253 Molly Curtin                 Cardinal Spellman          21:40.00   249
254 Beth O'hanley                Hingham High School        21:40.00   250
255 Sophie Gorton                Plymouth North High Schoo  21:41.00   251
256 Megan Peterson               Walpole High School        21:41.00   252
257 Hannah Daly                  Ashland High School        21:42.00    --
258 Emma Campbell                Walpole High School        21:42.00   253
259 Charlotte Allen              West Bridgewater High Sch  21:42.00   254
260 Joling Campo                 Acton-Boxborough High Sch  21:43.00   255
261 Caitlin Pigott               Arlington High School      21:43.00    --
262 Lauren Benoit                Malden High School         21:43.00   256
263 Sarah Rothman                Andover High School        21:44.00   257
264 Maddie Seibert               New Bedford High School    21:44.00   258
265 Sabrina Lee                  Brookline High School      21:44.00   259
266 Laura Blelloch               Oliver Ames High School    21:45.00   260
267 Caroline Kelley              Pembroke High School       21:45.00   261
268 Cayla Kalinowski             Ursuline Academy           21:45.00   262
269 Sarah Sinesi                 Brockton High School       21:46.00   263
270 Sally Todd                   Medfield High School       21:46.00   264
271 Kristen Gaudreau             Norwell High School        21:46.00   265
272 Sara Ketchum                 Norfolk County Agricultur  21:47.00   266
273 Rachel Ehlers                Concord Carlisle High Sch  21:48.00   267
274 Katie O'driscoll             Marshfield High School     21:48.00   268
275 Kelsey Burke                 Wayland High School        21:48.00   269
276 Ani Chilingirian             Winchester High School     21:48.00   270
277 Emma Lamoreaux               Andover High School        21:49.00   271
278 Anna Mannello                Holliston High School      21:50.00   272
279 Michaela Ng                  Pembroke High School       21:50.00   273
280 Corrine Ohm                  Sturgis Charter            21:51.00   274
281 Molly Perskey                Woburn High School         21:51.00   275
282 Elizabeth Lombard            Austin Prep School         21:52.00    --
283 Shauna Owen                  Notre Dame Academy-Hingha  21:52.00   276
284 Elysa Bond                   Reading Memorial High Sch  21:52.00   277
285 Audrey Lewis                 Dover Sherborn Regional H  21:53.00   278
286 Hannah Moore                 Marthas Vineyard Regional  21:53.00   279
287 Katie Horton                 Needham High School        21:53.00   280
288 Danielle Poto                North Andover High School  21:53.00   281
289 Angelica Kartsounis          Lynnfield High School      21:54.00   282
290 Lindsey Foster               Oliver Ames High School    21:54.00   283
291 Jessica Gomes                Beverly High School        21:55.00   284
292 Jenessa Mccabe               New Bedford High School    21:56.00   285
293 Theresa Gallagher            Bishop Stang High School   21:56.00   286
294 Elizabeth Sypek              Hingham High School        21:56.00   287
295 Emily Ducharme               North Attleboro High Scho  21:56.00   288
296 Aliana Ohm                   Sturgis Charter            21:56.00   289
297 Lori Merlo                   New Bedford High School    21:57.00   290
298 Betsy Richards               Wellesley High School      21:57.00   291
299 Lauren O'neill               Arlington Catholic High S  21:59.00   292
300 Rachel Flynn                 Franklin High School       22:00.00   293
301 Samantha Barrett             Old Rochester Regional Hi  22:00.00   294
302 Belinda Bechtold             Weymouth High School       22:00.00   295
303 Catherine Benson             Acton-Boxborough High Sch  22:01.00   296
304 Julia Lenef                  Belmont High School        22:01.00   297
305 Lauren Mcgillvary            Cardinal Spellman          22:01.00   298
306 Shana Nolan                  Pembroke High School       22:01.00   299
307 Emily Hood                   Franklin High School       22:02.00   300
308 Clara King                   Notre Dame Academy-Hingha  22:03.00   301
309 Sara Harland                 Pembroke High School       22:03.00   302
310 Shannon Beaton               Masconomet Regional High   22:04.00   303
311 Amanda Frankel               Brookline High School      22:05.00   304
312 Julia Pearson                Dover Sherborn Regional H  22:05.00   305
313 Rachel Ducharme              North Attleboro High Scho  22:05.00   306
314 Ashley Testa                 Reading Memorial High Sch  22:05.00   307
315 Erica Koljonen               Needham High School        22:06.00   308
316 Sarah Carrigan               Wellesley High School      22:06.00   309
317 Nicole Bowen                 East Bridgewater High Sch  22:07.00   310
318 Samantha Pinkham             Hingham High School        22:07.00   311
319 Emily Neuenhaus              Masconomet Regional High   22:07.00   312
320 Lindsey Hamblet              Methuen High School        22:07.00   313
321 Kate Mignosa                 Reading Memorial High Sch  22:07.00   314
322 Kelsey Fr Sayers             Canton High School         22:08.00   315
323 Victoria Wasylak             Academy of Notre Dame      22:09.00   316
324 Mary Keogh                   Dover Sherborn Regional H  22:09.00   317
325 Margalit Glasgow             Newton South High School   22:09.00   318
326 Julia Varoutsos              North Andover High School  22:09.00   319
327 Courtney Angel               Billerica Memorial High S  22:10.00   320
328 Rebecca Colfer               Dracut High School         22:10.00   321
329 Brittany Reed                Plymouth South High Schoo  22:10.00   322
330 Meredith Coccoluto           Stoneham High School       22:10.00   323
331 Alison Carr                  Swampscott High School     22:10.00   324
332 King Karyssa                 Swampscott High School     22:10.00   325
333 Kaylee Kozubal               Holliston High School      22:11.00   326
334 Tia Patterson                Lynnfield High School      22:11.00   327
335 Emily Chandran               North Attleboro High Scho  22:11.00   328
336 Jessica Bouzan               Notre Dame Academy-Hingha  22:11.00   329
337 Paige Santos                 Old Rochester Regional Hi  22:11.00   330
338 Dominique Mendes             Taunton High School        22:11.00   331
339 Josie Jacob-dolan            Arlington High School      22:12.00    --
340 Lucey Gorrill                Barnstable High School     22:12.00   332
341 Madeline Cutrone             Newburyport High School    22:12.00   333
342 Carolyn Babeu                Pentucket Regional Senior  22:12.00   334
343 Kiera Mcmanus                North Andover High School  22:13.00   335
344 Elise Mitchell               Triton Regional High Scho  22:13.00   336
345 Ledonne Annalisa             Ursuline Academy           22:13.00   337
346 Emily Sullivan               King Philip Regional High  22:14.00   338
347 Kayla Sepe                   Foxboro High School        22:15.00   339
348 Olivia Gaeta                 Marshfield High School     22:15.00   340
349 Liz Tavares                  Seekonk High School        22:15.00   341
350 Jade Paul                    Stoughton High School      22:15.00   342
351 Alex Piatelli                Dracut High School         22:16.00   343
352 Sarah Perfeteo               Norwell High School        22:16.00   344
353 Lily Gaehde                  Brookline High School      22:17.00   345
354 Sarah Macdonald              Melrose High School        22:17.00   346
355 Ellie Bucknell               New Bedford High School    22:17.00   347
356 Lina Makino                  Weston High School         22:17.00   348
357 Sarah Warne                  Andover High School        22:18.00   349
358 Liz Jordan                   Cardinal Spellman          22:19.00   350
359 Sarah Skillin                Durfee                     22:19.00    --
360 Colie Smigliano              Hanover High School        22:19.00   351
361 Lily Roberts                 Marblehead High School     22:19.00   352
362 Cara Menchin                 Needham High School        22:19.00   353
363 Anneka Paelink               Academy of Notre Dame      22:20.00   354
364 Kathleen Mclaughlin          Arlington Catholic High S  22:20.00   355
365 Isabella Caruso              Concord Carlisle High Sch  22:20.00   356
366 Jillian Meserve              Haverhill High School      22:20.00   357
367 Sydnee Russo                 Wilmington High School     22:20.00   358
368 Julia Merchant               Peabody                    22:21.00   359
369 Allie Phillips               Newton North High School   22:22.00   360
370 Jennifer Beattie             Westford Academy           22:23.00   361
371 Edie Sharon                  Winchester High School     22:23.00   362
372 Ellie Holman                 Natick High School         22:24.00   363
373 Diane Laquidara              Ashland High School        22:25.00    --
374 Kristy Robertson             Haverhill High School      22:25.00   364
375 Catherine Stack              Norwell High School        22:25.00   365
376 Sara Bent                    Ursuline Academy           22:25.00   366
377 Calista Diehl                Watertown High School      22:25.00   367
378 Taylor Black                 Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  22:26.00   368
379 Parson Meg                   Concord Carlisle High Sch  22:26.00   369
380 Elizabe Karpacz              Wayland High School        22:26.00   370
381 Kelly Mcguire                Bourne High School         22:27.00   371
382 Abby Hogan                   Cardinal Spellman          22:27.00   372
383 Shaia Palmer                 Scituate High School       22:27.00   373
384 Danielle Famularo            Archbishop Williams        22:28.00   374
385 Kelsey Kowal                 Central Catholic High Sch  22:28.00   375
386 Kerrin Carney                Dracut High School         22:28.00   376
387 Renee Vigneault              Amesbury High School       22:29.00   377
388 Caisie Wynot                 Braintree High School      22:29.00   378
389 Brittany Reeves              Reading Memorial High Sch  22:29.00   379
390 Lee Drown                    Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   22:30.00   380
391 Katie Doherty                Franklin High School       22:30.00   381
392 Hannah Rogers                Bristol County Ag          22:31.00   382
393 Michaela Kelly               Canton High School         22:31.00   383
394 Kaylee Spitaels              Newton North High School   22:31.00   384
395 Mackenzie Mello              North Andover High School  22:31.00   385
396 Courtney Garvey              Pembroke High School       22:31.00   386
397 Sandra Sgroi                 Reading Memorial High Sch  22:31.00   387
398 Ashley Bryant                Medfield High School       22:32.00   388
399 Nikki Nelson                 Revere High School         22:32.00    --
400 Deirdre Simms                Stoughton High School      22:32.00   389
401 Laura O'hanlon               Dedham High School         22:33.00   390
402 Rose Hart                    Newburyport High School    22:33.00   391
403 Rebecc Broadbant             Bristol County Ag          22:34.00   392
404 Emily Curran                 Wakefield Memorial High S  22:34.00   393
405 Kristine Mclarney            Central Catholic High Sch  22:35.00   394
406 Courtney Urlage              Hopkinton High School      22:35.00   395
407 Antonia Eidmann              Winchester High School     22:35.00   396
408 Toni Joy                     Central Catholic High Sch  22:36.00   397
409 Shannon Grossman             Harwich High School        22:36.00    --
410 Lily Talerman                King Philip Regional High  22:36.00   398
411 Ileana Medina                Lowell High School         22:36.00   399
412 Hannah Byrne                 Natick High School         22:36.00   400
413 Haley Defillipis             Malden High School         22:37.00   401
414 Laura Dellechiaie            North Andover High School  22:37.00   402
415 Kyle Schroeder               Westwood High School       22:37.00   403
416 Virginia Hanstad             Holliston High School      22:38.00   404
417 Marguerite Belcher           North Quincy High School   22:38.00   405
418 Rachael Mccabe               Tewksbury Memorial High S  22:39.00   406
419 Cali Warner                  Dartmouth High School      22:41.00   407
420 Alyssa Mauriello             Swampscott High School     22:41.00   408
421 Jacqueline Bornemann         Taunton High School        22:41.00   409
422 Tyla DaPonte                 Taunton High School        22:41.00   410
423 Carly Freitas                West Bridgewater High Sch  22:41.00   411
424 Samantha Sinesi              Brockton High School       22:42.00   412
425 Shelby Ferry                 Marthas Vineyard Regional  22:42.00   413
426 Sarah Jacqz                  Newburyport High School    22:42.00   414
427 Leda Olia                    Newton South High School   22:43.00   415
428 Brigid Kirkpatrick           Arlington Catholic High S  22:44.00   416
429 Rachel Hatch                 East Bridgewater High Sch  22:44.00   417
430 Jenna Burk                   Tri County Regional Vocat  22:44.00    --
431 Kaylee Shepherd              Dracut High School         22:45.00   418
432 Abaigeal Wright              Mansfield High School      22:45.00   419
433 Sarah Bock                   Medfield High School       22:45.00   420
434 Briana Goddard               North Reading High School  22:45.00   421
435 Beth Gomes                   Sandwich High School       22:45.00   422
436 Mikayla Dreher               Dartmouth High School      22:46.00   423
437 Kelsey Sipple                Medfield High School       22:46.00   424
438 Cassidy Cabral               Somerset High School       22:46.00   425
439 Emily Graca                  Somerset High School       22:46.00   426
440 Courtney Loughane            Canton High School         22:47.00   427
441 Jackie Nassar                Central Catholic High Sch  22:48.00   428
442 Kerry Cullinan               East Bridgewater High Sch  22:48.00   429
443 Kacie Quinn                  Gloucester High School     22:48.00   430
444 Molly Dempsey                Milton High School         22:48.00   431
445 Barber Caitline              Winchester High School     22:48.00   432
446 Grace Barter                 Sandwich High School       22:49.00   433
447 Talia Flores                 Watertown High School      22:49.00   434
448 Macky Ohara                  Nauset Regional High Scho  22:50.00   435
449 Hannah Vieira                Old Rochester Regional Hi  22:50.00   436
450 Molly Kennedy                Sandwich High School       22:50.00   437
451 Emily Hammond                Wakefield Memorial High S  22:50.00   438
452 Bridget Mccusker             Westford Academy           22:51.00   439
453 Radner Zoe                   Westwood High School       22:51.00   440
454 Alannah O'Brien              Boston Latin School        22:52.00   441
455 Kathleen Leahy               Cardinal Spellman          22:52.00   442
456 Sarah Kiamie                 Boston Latin School        22:53.00   443
457 Brianna Polvere              Brockton High School       22:53.00   444
458 Sarah Miller                 Mansfield High School      22:53.00   445
459 Khrisna Corpuz               Salem High School          22:53.00   446
460 Gina Daddario                Woburn High School         22:53.00   447
461 Sevan Dulgarian              New Bedford High School    22:54.00   448
462 Janaya Randall               Marblehead High School     22:54.00   449
463 Maggie Ryan                  Natick High School         22:54.00   450
464 Bridget Wack                 Waltham High School        22:54.00    --
465 Amanda Walsh                 Woburn High School         22:54.00   451
466 Sydney Vaughn                Lowell High School         22:55.00   452
467 Jamie Kelleher               Scituate High School       22:55.00   453
468 Abbey Smith                  Somerset High School       22:55.00   454
469 Emma Lugten                  Ursuline Academy           22:55.00   455
470 Olja Repaic                  Waltham High School        22:55.00    --
471 Keara Maccorkle              Wilmington High School     22:55.00   456
472 Molly Sweeney                Marblehead High School     22:56.00   457
473 Jasmine Neilan               West Bridgewater High Sch  22:56.00   458
474 Chenoa Schatzki-mcclai       Belmont High School        22:57.00   459
475 Kelsey Pratt                 Pentucket Regional Senior  22:57.00   460
476 Kiann Chevalier              Pope John Paul II High Sc  22:57.00    --
477 Annika Nesal                 New Bedford High School    22:58.00   461
478 Keagan Colmer                Dennis-Yarmouth Regional   22:58.00   462
479 Kellie Roach                 Ipswich High School        22:58.00   463
480 Kim Mccarty                  King Philip Regional High  22:58.00   464
481 Hannah Smith                 Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  22:59.00   465
482 Ashley Romano                Burlington High School     22:59.00   466
483 Anni Zampitella              Ipswich High School        22:59.00   467
484 Hannah Fisher                North Attleboro High Scho  22:59.00   468
485 Jennie Segal                 New Bedford High School    23:00.00   469
486 Kate Mcclintock              Canton High School         23:00.00   470
487 Mairead Bagley               Canton High School         23:00.00   471
488 Stacie Hestand               Lowell Catholic            23:00.00   472
489 Rebecca Dyckes               Norwood High School        23:00.00   473
490 Kate Richardson              Wilmington High School     23:00.00   474
491 Hilary Gonneville            Sandwich High School       23:01.00   475
492 Mara Roth                    Wellesley High School      23:01.00   476
493 Rachel Frazier               Mansfield High School      23:02.00   477
494 Rebecca Godfrey              Danvers High School        23:03.00   478
495 Jennifer Miranda             Greater New Bedford Regio  23:03.00    --
496 Erika Roy                    Pembroke High School       23:03.00   479
497 Elena Chiulli                Westwood High School       23:03.00   480
498 Cecilia Moreira              Winthrop High School       23:04.00   481
499 Mega Freiberger              Ipswich High School        23:05.00   482
500 Jocelyn Hubbard              Marshfield High School     23:05.00   483
501 Katarin Frazier              Melrose High School        23:05.00   484
502 Sarah Brunelle               Westford Academy           23:05.00   485
503 Robyn Stanley                New Bedford High School    23:06.00    --
504 Emma Hazen                   Marian High School         23:06.00   486
505 Patty Kloza                  Lynnfield High School      23:07.00   487
506 Julianne McShane             Notre Dame Academy-Hingha  23:07.00   488
507 Lucy Howard                  Wakefield Memorial High S  23:07.00   489
508 Gabbi Petruzziell            Walpole High School        23:07.00   490
509 Jessamyn Biette              Belmont High School        23:08.00   491
510 Micaela Nannery              Canton High School         23:08.00   492
511 Maura Mccormick              Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  23:08.00   493
512 Maeve Norton                 Academy of Notre Dame      23:09.00   494
513 Kathleen Silk                Shawsheen Valley Technica  23:09.00   495
514 Katie Pedersen               Wellesley High School      23:09.00   496
515 Corrine Mcgilliduddy         Falmouth High School       23:10.00   497
516 Jessica Orlando              Rockland High School       23:10.00   498
517 Wendi Marciano               Beverly High School        23:11.00   499
518 Morgan Zabinski              Dighton Rehoboth Regional  23:11.00   500
519 Lau Tramontozzi              Melrose High School        23:11.00   501
520 Ysabel Figueroa              Salem High School          23:11.00   502
521 Leah Chevalier               Westford Academy           23:11.00   503
522 Isobel Heck                  Canton High School         23:12.00   504
523 Jessica Greco                Norton High School         23:12.00   505
524 Susanna Noe                  Stoughton High School      23:12.00   506
525 Josie Guarino                Marshfield High School     23:13.00   507
526 Tess Fr Walter               Scituate High School       23:13.00   508
527 Noelle Villa                 Marblehead High School     23:14.00   509
528 Isabella Reilly              Newton North High School   23:14.00   510
529 Courtney Dobrott             Somerset High School       23:14.00   511
530 Paola Yerxa                  Walpole High School        23:15.00   512
531 Liz Morgan                   Abington High School       23:16.00   513
532 Julie Schultz                Billerica Memorial High S  23:16.00   514
533 Caroline Mellen              Wayland High School        23:17.00   515
534 Paige Lesslauer              Hopkinton High School      23:18.00   516
535 Leena Aurora                 Lynnfield High School      23:18.00   517
536 Adrianne Stelmack            Stoneham High School       23:18.00   518
537 Anne Gowan                   Framingham High School     23:19.00    --
538 Danisa Medina                Greater Lawrence Tech      23:19.00    --
539 Taylor Lynch                 Shawsheen Valley Technica  23:19.00   519
540 Cecily Francis               Gloucester High School     23:20.00   520
541 Keira Malone                 Woburn High School         23:20.00   521
542 Justine Morelli              Academy of Notre Dame      23:21.00   522
543 Alleiagh Correia             Dighton Rehoboth Regional  23:21.00   523
544 Marissa Perez                Reading Memorial High Sch  23:21.00   524
545 Juliana Graham               Westford Academy           23:21.00   525
546 Haley Vanness                Nauset Regional High Scho  23:23.00   526
547 Maureen Moore                Triton Regional High Scho  23:23.00   527
548 Rachel Mandeville            Woburn High School         23:24.00   528
549 Maggie Lynch                 Middleboro High School     23:25.00    --
550 Caroline Cobb                Falmouth High School       23:26.00   529
551 Mariah Mckenna               Plymouth South High Schoo  23:27.00   530
552 Kara Mccormack               Woburn High School         23:27.00   531
553 Grace O'brien                Boston Latin School        23:28.00   532
554 Joanna Garry                 Walpole High School        23:28.00   533
555 Isabel Schwartz              Wayland High School        23:28.00   534
556 Sarah Hynes                  Falmouth High School       23:29.00   535
557 Kelly Gair                   Medfield High School       23:30.00   536
558 Lindsey Mccauley             Sandwich High School       23:30.00   537
559 Allison Gordon               Plymouth North High Schoo  23:31.00   538
560 Ashley Eccelston             Plymouth South High Schoo  23:31.00   539
561 Katie Burke                  Braintree High School      23:32.00   540
562 Cynthia Goulart              Taunton High School        23:32.00   541
563 Emily Katz                   Hopkinton High School      23:33.00   542
564 Chaela Hood                  Plymouth North High Schoo  23:33.00   543
565 Sam Mcgouldrick              Tewksbury Memorial High S  23:34.00   544
566 Madison Estes                Triton Regional High Scho  23:34.00   545
567 Julia Schlich                Amesbury High School       23:36.00   546
568 Summer Jones                 East Bridgewater High Sch  23:36.00   547
569 Jessica Jezard               East Bridgewater High Sch  23:36.00   548
570 Bianca Paiva                 Diman Regional Vocational  23:37.00   549
571 Carina Burgland              Tewksbury Memorial High S  23:37.00   550
572 Megan Borkowski              Amesbury High School       23:38.00   551
573 Jae Drolet                   Natick High School         23:38.00   552
574 Caley Shea                   West Bridgewater High Sch  23:38.00   553
575 Ariana Gillen                Burlington High School     23:39.00   554
576 Caroline Kliss               Marblehead High School     23:39.00   555
577 Nora Doherty                 Burlington High School     23:40.00   556
578 Katie Cosman                 Melrose High School        23:42.00   557
579 Alicia Tatone                Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  23:43.00   558
580 Allison Moylan               Lowell Catholic            23:43.00   559
581 Kaitlin Elwood               Stoughton High School      23:43.00   560
582 Katie Muldoon                Taunton High School        23:43.00   561
583 Mckenzie Bowden              Silver Lake Regional High  23:44.00   562
584 Hannah Palkimas              Belmont High School        23:45.00   563
585 Chidera Onyeoziri            Brockton High School       23:45.00   564
586 Janice Weldon                Old Rochester Regional Hi  23:45.00   565
587 Christina Nee                Hanover High School        23:46.00   566
588 Samantha Doonan              Ipswich High School        23:46.00   567
589 Kristen Branguynne           Mansfield High School      23:46.00   568
590 Hannah Singleman             Melrose High School        23:46.00   569
591 Leanne Trischitta            North Reading High School  23:46.00   570
592 Claire Deely                 Barnstable High School     23:47.00   571
593 Holly Alibrandi              Braintree High School      23:47.00   572
594 Sarah Ryan                   St. Mary's Lynn            23:47.00   573
595 Janean Curtis                Cardinal Spellman          23:48.00   574
596 Kellie Goodell               Sacred Heart High School   23:48.00   575
597 Samantha Kaplan              Sharon High School         23:48.00   576
598 Miranda Groux                Lowell Catholic            23:49.00   577
599 Faith Whooley                North Quincy High School   23:49.00   578
600 Cadance Simmons              Sturgis Charter            23:49.00   579
601 Charlotte Sweed              Academy of Notre Dame      23:50.00   580
602 Morgan Carney                Dartmouth High School      23:50.00   581
603 Chelsea Dubin                Holliston High School      23:50.00   582
604 Grace Canavan                Tewksbury Memorial High S  23:50.00   583
605 Nicole Romanzo               Wilmington High School     23:50.00   584
606 Caroline Klusza              Swampscott High School     23:51.00   585
607 Mariah Christ-kirkpatr       Beverly High School        23:52.00   586
608 Leigha Sweeney               Braintree High School      23:52.00   587
609 Sophia Black                 Gloucester High School     23:52.00   588
610 Amanda Lawlor                Hanover High School        23:52.00   589
611 Jacqueline Bouley            Malden High School         23:52.00   590
612 Marino Francesca             Wakefield Memorial High S  23:52.00   591
613 Courtney Wjr Fay             Westwood High School       23:52.00   592
614 Emily Cleland                Plymouth North High Schoo  23:53.00   593
615 Siobhan O'malley             Marshfield High School     23:54.00   594
616 Alanna Keady                 Norwood High School        23:54.00   595
617 Jocelyn Bates                East Bridgewater High Sch  23:56.00   596
618 Lucy Norris                  Marthas Vineyard Regional  23:56.00   597
619 Aubrey Mcdonough             Nauset Regional High Scho  23:56.00   598
620 Julia Schnabel               Norfolk County Agricultur  23:56.00   599
621 Ainsley Ryan                 Carver High School         23:57.00   600
622 Mikala Korbey                Hopkinton High School      23:57.00   601
623 Erin Mclaughlin              Carver High School         23:58.00   602
624 Devan Egan                   Marian High School         23:59.00   603
625 Anne Roseman                 Old Rochester Regional Hi  23:59.00   604
626 Robin Platt-stegman          Boston Latin School        24:00.00   605
627 Erin O'leary                 Hanover High School        24:00.00   606
628 Caroline Kelley              King Philip Regional High  24:00.00   607
629 Julia Francisco-simoes       Dartmouth High School      24:01.00   608
630 Maggie Gourville             Wakefield Memorial High S  24:01.00   609
631 Emily Alkinsen               Abington High School       24:04.00   610
632 Abby Hiller                  Old Rochester Regional Hi  24:04.00   611
633 Alison Swanson               North Andover High School  24:05.00   612
634 Brittany Leonard             North Reading High School  24:05.00   613
635 Haley Mcdevitt               Swampscott High School     24:05.00   614
636 Rachel Brown                 Sandwich High School       24:06.00   615
637 Jane Darby                   Academy of Notre Dame      24:07.00   616
638 Rita Musello-kelliher        Somerville High School     24:07.00    --
639 Maeve Sullivan               Wilmington High School     24:07.00   617
640 Savanah Page                 Beverly High School        24:08.00   618
641 Christine Hought             Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  24:08.00   619
642 Kiana Weary                  Brockton High School       24:08.00   620
643 Brianna MacDonald            Burlington High School     24:08.00   621
644 Harriott Bass                Silver Lake Regional High  24:08.00   622
645 Grace Murphy                 Wayland High School        24:08.00   623
646 Faith Shanley                Carver High School         24:09.00   624
647 Kate Lessard                 Framingham High School     24:09.00    --
648 Mariah James                 Braintree High School      24:10.00   625
649 Hallie Young                 Foxboro High School        24:10.00   626
650 Jacqueline Bailey            Foxboro High School        24:10.00   627
651 Melissa Lafave               St. Mary's Lynn            24:10.00   628
652 Leah McLaughlin              Taunton High School        24:11.00   629
653 Katherine Bartlett           Watertown High School      24:11.00   630
654 Kristina Atsalis             Barnstable High School     24:12.00   631
655 Tatyana Almedia              Chelsea High School        24:12.00   632
656 Lauren McGrath               Marian High School         24:12.00   633
657 Caroline Weber               Marshfield High School     24:12.00   634
658 Kristen White                Silver Lake Regional High  24:12.00   635
659 Lansing Lucia                Academy of Notre Dame      24:14.00   636
660 Meghan Curran                Medway High School         24:14.00   637
661 Erin Cunningham              Cardinal Spellman          24:15.00   638
662 Sara Treen                   North Attleboro High Scho  24:15.00    --
663 Sydney Strzempko             Holliston High School      24:16.00   639
664 Irene Lynch                  Nauset Regional High Scho  24:16.00   640
665 Melanie Hawes                Plymouth South High Schoo  24:17.00   641
666 Kiran Khan                   Watertown High School      24:18.00   642
667 Meghan Breslow               Lynnfield High School      24:19.00   643
668 Staci Linfield               Norton High School         24:21.00   644
669 Pierce Brooke                Carver High School         24:22.00   645
670 Kathryn Lawton               Walpole High School        24:22.00   646
671 Erin Carr                    Hanover High School        24:23.00   647
672 Marielle Colt                Malden High School         24:24.00   648
673 Sarah Connor                 Middleboro High School     24:24.00    --
674 Jenna Heaps                  Ashland High School        24:25.00    --
675 Lauren Coe                   Apponequet Regional High   24:26.00   649
676 Megan Doherty                Matignon High School       24:27.00    --
677 Kerri Sullivan               Mansfield High School      24:28.00   650
678 Dayo Hall                    Boston Latin School        24:29.00   651
679 Elizabeth Aleo               Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  24:29.00   652
680 Danielle Cote                Dighton Rehoboth Regional  24:29.00   653
681 Emma Greenwalt               Milton High School         24:29.00   654
682 Helen Friedman               Dartmouth High School      24:31.00   655
683 Mia Leone                    Woburn High School         24:31.00   656
684 Sara Demello                 Old Rochester Regional Hi  24:32.00   657
685 Jessica Maki                 Taunton High School        24:32.00   658
686 Gurpreet Kaur                Watertown High School      24:32.00   659
687 Morrisa Estrada              Minuteman Regional High S  24:33.00   660
688 Katie D'onofrio              Norton High School         24:33.00   661
689 Jane Marks                   Nauset Regional High Scho  24:34.00   662
690 Cristina Gallotto            North Reading High School  24:34.00   663
691 Kathleen Mason               Pope John Paul II High Sc  24:34.00    --
692 Joan Lewenstein              Watertown High School      24:34.00   664
693 Andrea Kenna                 Essex Agricultural & Tech  24:35.00   665
694 Chelsea Willis               Plymouth North High Schoo  24:35.00   666
695 Rebecca Lewis                Bourne High School         24:36.00   667
696 Brittany Cayer               Methuen High School        24:36.00   668
697 Emaly Dasilva                Brockton High School       24:37.00   669
698 Julie Shoener                Foxboro High School        24:37.00   670
699 Samantha Baturin             Norwood High School        24:37.00   671
700 Jillian Miller               Apponequet Regional High   24:38.00   672
701 Paige Sirois                 Ipswich High School        24:38.00   673
702 Hannah Wunderlich            Methuen High School        24:38.00   674
703 Danielle Souza               West Bridgewater High Sch  24:38.00   675
704 Arandeni Ramos               Chelsea High School        24:39.00   676
705 Hadley Doubleday             Silver Lake Regional High  24:39.00   677
706 Annie Romanzo                Wilmington High School     24:39.00   678
707 Mae-chu O'connell            Winchester High School     24:39.00   679
708 Abigail O'connor             Swampscott High School     24:40.00   680
709 Carly Gillis                 Burlington High School     24:42.00   681
710 Kellie Fone                  Essex Agricultural & Tech  24:42.00   682
711 Alexandria Fisher            St. Mary's Lynn            24:42.00   683
712 Julia Whitten                Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  24:43.00   684
713 Allyson Delano               Shawsheen Valley Technica  24:43.00   685
714 Katilyn Gilligan             Lowell Catholic            24:44.00   686
715 Neris Yanes                  Chelsea High School        24:45.00   687
716 Megan Keating                Falmouth High School       24:45.00   688
717 Haley Albert                 Beverly High School        24:46.00   689
718 Karina Shepherd              Dracut High School         24:46.00   690
719 Sarah Mori                   Plymouth South High Schoo  24:46.00   691
720 Caitlyn Caramello            Revere High School         24:46.00    --
721 Kelsey Demild                North Reading High School  24:47.00   692
722 Corrine Delouise             Gloucester High School     24:48.00   693
723 Kara O'leary                 Duxbury High School        24:49.00   694
724 Dominick Cimbria             Danvers High School        24:50.00   695
725 Danielle Wfr Bavoux          Medway High School         24:50.00   696
726 Kaitlyn Muldowney            Triton Regional High Scho  24:50.00   697
727 Ellen Rollfs                 North Reading High School  24:52.00   698
728 Alece Demetriades            Scituate High School       24:52.00   699
729 Sara Pinchieri               Stoughton High School      24:53.00   700
730 Brianna Lynch                Shawsheen Valley Technica  24:54.00   701
731 Angela Turco                 Shawsheen Valley Technica  24:55.00   702
732 Michelle Kearny              Silver Lake Regional High  24:55.00   703
733 Deusa Cabral                 Brockton High School       24:56.00   704
734 Chantelle Lampert            Georgetown High School     24:56.00    --
735 Megan Mcissac                Milton High School         24:56.00   705
736 Amanda Grice                 Winchester High School     24:58.00   706
737 Christina Discipio           Malden High School         25:00.00   707
738 Abigail Smith                Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  25:01.00   708
739 Michele Newby                Bourne High School         25:01.00   709
740 Rachel Button                Duxbury High School        25:01.00   710
741 Ashley Dallaire              Archbishop Williams        25:02.00   711
742 Carmen Rivera                Greater Lawrence Tech      25:02.00    --
743 Olivia Cotton                Bourne High School         25:03.00   712
744 Michaela Nee                 Hanover High School        25:03.00   713
745 Caroli Bittrich              Duxbury High School        25:04.00   714
746 Brittany Lin                 Mystic Valley              25:04.00   715
747 Amanda Yao                   North Quincy High School   25:05.00   716
748 Julia Renaud                 Nauset Regional High Scho  25:06.00   717
749 Gabrielle Mcdonough          Stoneham High School       25:06.00   718
750 Alison Pflanz                Burlington High School     25:07.00   719
751 Murielle Baille              Austin Prep School         25:10.00    --
752 Julia Kelly                  Stoneham High School       25:13.00   720
753 April Drafts-Johnson         Melrose High School        25:14.00   721
754 Elise Commons                Sharon High School         25:15.00   722
755 Samantha West                Bristol County Ag          25:16.00   723
756 Lauren Jendrock              Lowell Catholic            25:16.00   724
757 Olivia Cordingly             Silver Lake Regional High  25:16.00   725
758 Mallory Jinks                Dighton Rehoboth Regional  25:17.00   726
759 Stephanie O'gara             Dighton Rehoboth Regional  25:17.00   727
760 Kall Whritenour              Sturgis Charter            25:18.00   728
761 Sommer Lafrance              Diman Regional Vocational  25:20.00   729
762 Megan Muldowney              Triton Regional High Scho  25:21.00   730
763 Brittany Alioto              Norton High School         25:22.00   731
764 Shannon Callanan             Scituate High School       25:22.00   732
765 Amanda Leonard               Shawsheen Valley Technica  25:22.00   733
766 Elizab Sullivan              Bishop Stang High School   25:23.00   734
767 Hannah Lord                  Bristol County Ag          25:23.00   735
768 Jessica Stefanelli           Essex Agricultural & Tech  25:25.00   736
769 Kyley Steidle                Norfolk County Agricultur  25:25.00   737
770 Anjolina Cronshaw            Norfolk County Agricultur  25:25.00   738
771 Sydney Cochran               Plymouth South High Schoo  25:25.00   739
772 Andrea White                 Framingham High School     25:26.00    --
773 Lauren Burnham               Mansfield High School      25:26.00   740
774 Alicia Pierozzi              Barnstable High School     25:27.00   741
775 Lindsey Sumner               Norfolk County Agricultur  25:27.00   742
776 Kelly Allen                  Sacred Heart High School   25:27.00   743
777 Andrea Umana                 Chelsea High School        25:28.00   744
778 Samantha Richardson          Shawsheen Valley Technica  25:29.00   745
779 Madeleine Nelson             Amesbury High School       25:30.00   746
780 Megan Yarmalovicz            Apponequet Regional High   25:30.00   747
781 Jessica Higgins              Arlington Catholic High S  25:31.00   748
782 Erin Coyne                   Sturgis Charter            25:31.00   749
783 Kaitlin Wright               Whittier Regional Vocatio  25:31.00   750
784 Gabby D'avolio               Peabody                    25:32.00   751
785 Emily Mcnamara               Stoneham High School       25:32.00   752
786 Annie Gagnon                 Seekonk High School        25:33.00   753
787 Emily Pugh                   Amesbury High School       25:34.00   754
788 Kimberly Keating             Cape Cod Academy           25:35.00   755
789 Raquel Pozsgai               Medway High School         25:35.00   756
790 Devin Bartlett               Norwood High School        25:36.00   757
791 Marguerite Carey             Middleboro High School     25:37.00    --
792 Brianna Geppner              Somerset High School       25:37.00   758
793 Sally Routree                Falmouth High School       25:39.00   759
794 Jessica Mathhews             Gloucester High School     25:39.00   760
795 Selena Barreira              Seekonk High School        25:39.00   761
796 Yareli Sanchez-arenos        Chelsea High School        25:41.00   762
797 Jessica Pieterson            Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  25:42.00   763
798 Marlena Udden                Salem High School          25:43.00   764
799 Shannon Mahoney              Winthrop High School       25:43.00   765
800 Automn Moitoso               North Attleboro High Scho  25:44.00    --
801 Courtney Mitchell            Whittier Regional Vocatio  25:44.00   766
802 Jean Marie Saudade           Sturgis Charter            25:47.00   767
803 Rachel Biedek                Bristol County Ag          25:50.00   768
804 Amanda Walsh                 Sacred Heart High School   25:50.00   769
805 Molly Murphy                 Cape Cod Academy           25:51.00   770
806 Brianna Amaral               New Bedford High School    25:51.00    --
807 Erin Mcgegyen                Braintree High School      25:52.00   771
808 Casey West                   Bristol County Ag          25:52.00   772
809 Alice Pearl                  Carver High School         25:52.00   773
810 Julie James                  Stoneham High School       25:52.00   774
811 Kelly Geddis                 Hanover High School        25:55.00   775
812 Molly Woods                  Falmouth High School       25:56.00   776
813 Selena Tran                  Lowell Catholic            25:58.00   777
814 Maria Santos                 Middleboro High School     25:59.00    --
815 Abbey Hilling                Bishop Stang High School   26:00.00   778
816 Madeline Terrio              Cape Cod Academy           26:00.00   779
817 Amy DeFrancesco              Tewksbury Memorial High S  26:00.00   780
818 Amelia Mccaffrey             Archbishop Williams        26:01.00   781
819 Haley Driscoll               Dedham High School         26:04.00   782
820 Kathelyn Carr                Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  26:05.00   783
821 Sarah Mccullough             Amesbury High School       26:07.00   784
822 Hannah Mclellan              Rockland High School       26:07.00   785
823 Kira Hallberg                Foxboro High School        26:08.00   786
824 Iris Feng                    Malden High School         26:09.00   787
825 Stephanie Ignarosa           Randolph High School       26:10.00    --
826 Donna Creighton              Abington High School       26:11.00   788
827 Hannah Mackenzie             Bourne High School         26:11.00   789
828 Sara Berndt                  Matignon High School       26:11.00    --
829 Sarah Newton                 Braintree High School      26:12.00   790
830 Anna Heinzelman              Dartmouth High School      26:12.00   791
831 Shannon Kelley               Sturgis Charter            26:13.00   792
832 Sinead O'connor              Milton High School         26:18.00   793
833 Shannon Davis                Salem High School          26:18.00   794
834 Megan Stoutenburgh           Bourne High School         26:21.00   795
835 Rachel Breen                 Danvers High School        26:21.00   796
836 Elise Sheehan                Mystic Valley              26:23.00   797
837 Allison Supple               Silver Lake Regional High  26:25.00   798
838 Tatiana Chiu                 Cape Cod Academy           26:26.00   799
839 Sarah Collins                Dedham High School         26:26.00   800
840 Sidney Kats                  Sharon High School         26:27.00   801
841 Sam Hughes                   Carver High School         26:28.00   802
842 Justine Maloberti            Georgetown High School     26:30.00    --
843 Sarah Adams                  Scituate High School       26:30.00   803
844 Lianna Hebert                Danvers High School        26:31.00   804
845 Allison Giles                Tewksbury Memorial High S  26:33.00   805
846 Angel Hernandez              New Bedford High School    26:37.00    --
847 Christie Mendes              Seekonk High School        26:37.00   806
848 Lilly Margolis               Rockland High School       26:40.00   807
849 Candace Bevilacqua           Apponequet Regional High   26:41.00   808
850 Corrine Borges               Diman Regional Vocational  26:41.00   809
851 Haley Sabella                North Reading High School  26:41.00   810
852 Christine Hamilton           Minuteman Regional High S  26:42.00   811
853 Ginny Yeatts                 Barnstable High School     26:44.00   812
854 Monica Hernandez             Chelsea High School        26:45.00   813
855 Emily Willey                 Triton Regional High Scho  26:45.00   814
856 Allison Alioto               Norton High School         26:46.00   815
857 Sarah Days-merrill           Greater New Bedford Regio  26:48.00    --
858 Sarah Farley                 Minuteman Regional High S  26:49.00   816
859 Emily Wfr Hammond            Medway High School         26:50.00   817
860 Julie Weiss                  Duxbury High School        26:54.00   818
861 Jaklyn Baum                  Ashland High School        26:57.00    --
862 Maddie Conway                Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  26:57.00   819
863 Daniela Brouwer              Apponequet Regional High   26:58.00   820
864 Sally Philbin                Foxboro High School        26:58.00   821
865 Kelly Shine                  Foxboro High School        26:59.00   822
866 Kaira Colman                 Salem High School          26:59.00   823
867 Cassie Gagliardi             Whittier Regional Vocatio  26:59.00   824
868 Stephanie John               Seekonk High School        27:02.00   825
869 Rebecca van Sciver           Cape Cod Academy           27:03.00   826
870 Kristyn Marino               Sacred Heart High School   27:04.00   827
871 Laura Vieira                 New Bedford High School    27:06.00    --
872 Molly Atkinson               Abington High School       27:07.00   828
873 Nicole Vieira                New Bedford High School    27:07.00    --
874 Ashley O'neill               Burlington High School     27:10.00   829
875 Jackie Connor                Apponequet Regional High   27:11.00   830
876 Emily Mei                    Somerville High School     27:13.00    --
877 Sarah Slocum                 Whittier Regional Vocatio  27:14.00   831
878 Erin Mcnulty                 Medway High School         27:16.00   832
879 Lisa Chan                    New Bedford High School    27:17.00    --
880 Aila Murphy                  Norfolk County Agricultur  27:24.00   833
881 Michaela Dibiase             Sacred Heart High School   27:24.00   834
882 Diana Estrada                Whittier Regional Vocatio  27:26.00   835
883 Anna Lindo                   Framingham High School     27:28.00    --
884 Raybryana Dasher             New Bedford High School    27:28.00    --
885 Rebekah Sargent              Norton High School         27:28.00   836
886 Patricia Guardado            Chelsea High School        27:30.00   837
887 Hannah Murphy                Medway High School         27:34.00   838
888 Brittany Taylor              Bristol County Ag          27:37.00   839
889 Brooke Sheehan               Dedham High School         27:38.00   840
890 Alyssa Docouto               Fairhaven High School      27:38.00    --
891 Ali Phair                    Abington High School       27:41.00   841
892 Alexandria Gdansky           Bishop Stang High School   27:44.00   842
893 Jen Santucci                 Marian High School         27:47.00   843
894 Nicole Jameson               St. Mary's Lynn            27:47.00   844
895 Kelsey Wakelin               Minuteman Regional High S  27:50.00   845
896 Gabby Elmousoui              Mystic Valley              27:55.00   846
897 Gina Meuse                   Matignon High School       28:00.00    --
898 Renee Leavitt                Austin Prep School         28:01.00    --
899 Erin Benoit                  Diman Regional Vocational  28:02.00   847
900 Kiani Conley-wilson          Rockland High School       28:02.00   848
901 Kristen Asci                 Rockland High School       28:03.00   849
902 Madison Raposa               Diman Regional Vocational  28:06.00   850
903 Courtney Bolivar             Wayland High School        28:07.00   851
904 Kaitlyn Barry                Archbishop Williams        28:08.00   852
905 Alys Masciarelli             Dighton Rehoboth Regional  28:08.00   853
906 Sydney Quirk                 Plymouth South High Schoo  28:12.00   854
907 Megan Donohue                Bishop Stang High School   28:13.00   855
908 Laura Cabral                 Durfee                     28:18.00    --
909 Kellie Rocculo               Fairhaven High School      28:18.00    --
910 Chelsea Love                 Diman Regional Vocational  28:19.00   856
911 Abby Kendall                 Stoneham High School       28:19.00   857
912 Jessica Trang                Randolph High School       28:21.00    --
913 Olivi Pappalardo             Whittier Regional Vocatio  28:21.00   858
914 Nicole Fraser                Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  28:24.00   859
915 Monic Ballarano              Dedham High School         28:24.00   860
916 Melanie Morris               Norton High School         28:25.00   861
917 Devan Rabidou                Marian High School         28:26.00   862
918 Kayla Mei                    Mystic Valley              28:34.00   863
919 Mccarthy Michaela            Winthrop High School       28:37.00   864
920 Emma Lavenberg               Cape Cod Academy           28:42.00   865
921 Ashley Pierce                Carver High School         28:43.00   866
922 Cristina Nunez               Notre Dame (Lawrence)      28:43.00    --
923 Kayla Finamore               Georgetown High School     28:45.00    --
924 Torre Heisler                Georgetown High School     28:46.00    --
925 Jordan Griffiths             Winthrop High School       28:50.00   867
926 Katie Nolan                  Dedham High School         28:52.00   868
927 Lisa Wilms                   Minuteman Regional High S  28:53.00   869
928 Meghan Goddard               Dedham High School         28:56.00   870
929 Seana Carrigan               Dighton Rehoboth Regional  28:59.00   871
930 Julia Wallace                Winthrop High School       29:05.00   872
931 Dorothy Sawyer               Matignon High School       29:12.00    --
932 Miles Wentzell               Mystic Valley              29:12.00   873
933 Emily Ericson                Tri County Regional Vocat  29:13.00    --
934 Ava Asai-sarris              Mystic Valley              29:18.00   874
935 Miranda Boyles               Sacred Heart High School   29:23.00   875
936 Emily Hatchovel              St. Mary's Lynn            29:25.00   876
937 Cass Charpentier             Greater New Bedford Regio  29:27.00    --
938 Abby Evans                   Winthrop High School       29:27.00   877
939 Esther Ssozi                 St. Mary's Lynn            29:29.00   878
940 Brandi Lavoie                Salem High School          29:33.00   879
941 Annie O'meara                Bourne High School         29:37.00   880
942 Kailee Silva                 Essex Agricultural & Tech  29:37.00   881
943 Rebecca Norton               Essex Agricultural & Tech  29:38.00   882
944 Kerri Bemis                  Archbishop Williams        30:01.00   883
945 Joann Fernandez              Pope John Paul II High Sc  30:03.00    --
946 Breanna O'connor             Apponequet Regional High   30:09.00   884
947 Cindy Mei                    Somerville High School     30:14.00    --
948 Alex Ferri                   Winthrop High School       30:53.00   885
949 Juliana Paulette             Essex Agricultural & Tech  31:27.00   886
950 Carolyn Ryan                 Essex Agricultural & Tech  31:27.00   887
951 Amanda Ribeiro               Somerville High School     32:11.00    --
952 Lindsey Potter               Pope John Paul II High Sc  32:37.00    --
953 Briana Pelton                Fairhaven High School      33:25.00    --
954 Michell Jean-baptiste        Randolph High School       33:31.00    --
955 Jennifer Haugh               Durfee                     34:17.00    --

                 Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores                 
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Hamilton-Wenham Regional    161    14   23   26   36   62   92   107 
      Total Time: 1:38:27      Average: 19:41.40      1-5 Split: 38
  2 Bishop Feehan High School   165     4    5   12   48   96   138  244 
      Total Time: 1:37:31      Average: 19:30.20      1-5 Split: 1:49
  3 Weston High School          188     6   16   18   60   88   95   348 
      Total Time: 1:38:34      Average: 19:42.80      1-5 Split: 1:16
  4 Whitman Hanson Regional H   323    38   55   72   76   82   182  209 
      Total Time: 1:40:31      Average: 20:06.20      1-5 Split: 35
  5 Masconomet Regional High    387    11   46   57   83   190  303  312 
      Total Time: 1:40:50      Average: 20:10.00      1-5 Split: 1:58
  6 Weymouth High School        432    43   54   64   122  149  243  295 
      Total Time: 1:41:38      Average: 20:19.60      1-5 Split: 1:12
  7 Lincoln-Sudbury Regional    482    30   70   114  115  153  206  207 
      Total Time: 1:42:17      Average: 20:27.40      1-5 Split: 1:21
  8 Peabody                     486     1   79   85   143  178  359  751 
      Total Time: 1:40:59      Average: 20:11.80      1-5 Split: 3:06
  9 Lowell High School          486    20   35   87   170  174  399  452 
      Total Time: 1:42:02      Average: 20:24.40      1-5 Split: 1:37
 10 Haverhill High School       490    21   45   63   159  202  357  364 
      Total Time: 1:41:53      Average: 20:22.60      1-5 Split: 1:48
 11 Chelmsford High School      513    41   91   102  121  158  201  230 
      Total Time: 1:42:44      Average: 20:32.80      1-5 Split: 1:17
 12 Lexington High School       517    24   66   94   152  181  189  192 
      Total Time: 1:42:27      Average: 20:29.40      1-5 Split: 1:36
 13 Newton South High School    526    39   40   59   151  237  318  415 
      Total Time: 1:42:10      Average: 20:26.00      1-5 Split: 1:46
 14 Andover High School         552     3   29   80   183  257  271  349 
      Total Time: 1:41:41      Average: 20:20.20      1-5 Split: 3:03
 15 Franklin High School        583     8   19   84   179  293  300  381 
      Total Time: 1:42:23      Average: 20:28.60      1-5 Split: 2:46
 16 Oliver Ames High School     646    47   124  142  156  177  260  283 
      Total Time: 1:43:57      Average: 20:47.40      1-5 Split: 1:18
 17 Acton-Boxborough High Sch   665    10   109  110  198  238  255  296 
      Total Time: 1:43:35      Average: 20:43.00      1-5 Split: 2:17
 18 Billerica Memorial High S   687    32   123  133  175  224  320  514 
      Total Time: 1:44:06      Average: 20:49.20      1-5 Split: 1:46
 19 Concord Carlisle High Sch   759    17   86   150  239  267  356  369 
      Total Time: 1:44:22      Average: 20:52.40      1-5 Split: 2:16
 20 Dennis-Yarmouth Regional    771     2   53   126  210  380  462   -  
      Total Time: 1:43:17      Average: 20:39.40      1-5 Split: 3:56
 21 Pentucket Regional Senior   807    13   100  223  229  242  334  460 
      Total Time: 1:44:33      Average: 20:54.60      1-5 Split: 2:14
 22 Hingham High School         814    22   93   221  228  250  287  311 
      Total Time: 1:44:44      Average: 20:56.80      1-5 Split: 2:04
 23 Dover Sherborn Regional H   818    33   44   227  236  278  305  317 
      Total Time: 1:44:30      Average: 20:54.00      1-5 Split: 2:09
 24 Brookline High School       902    129  145  164  205  259  304  345 
      Total Time: 1:46:06      Average: 21:13.20      1-5 Split: 53
 25 Wellesley High School       922     9   125  188  291  309  476  496 
      Total Time: 1:45:24      Average: 21:04.80      1-5 Split: 2:51
 26 North Attleboro High Scho   952    65   81   212  288  306  328  468 
      Total Time: 1:45:50      Average: 21:10.00      1-5 Split: 2:02
 27 Notre Dame Academy-Hingha   970    78   99   216  276  301  329  488 
      Total Time: 1:46:14      Average: 21:14.80      1-5 Split: 1:45
 28 Ursuline Academy            978    106  108  165  262  337  366  455 
      Total Time: 1:46:21      Average: 21:16.20      1-5 Split: 1:35
 29 Norwell High School         994    141  155  215  218  265  344  365 
      Total Time: 1:46:43      Average: 21:20.60      1-5 Split: 46
 30 Needham High School        1017    67   163  199  280  308  353   -  
      Total Time: 1:46:29      Average: 21:17.80      1-5 Split: 2:02
 31 Marthas Vineyard Regional  1034    168  171  185  231  279  413  597 
      Total Time: 1:46:56      Average: 21:23.20      1-5 Split: 46
 32 Newton North High School   1061    50   172  234  245  360  384  510 
      Total Time: 1:46:36      Average: 21:19.20      1-5 Split: 2:27
 33 King Philip Regional High  1122    69   104  213  338  398  464  607 
      Total Time: 1:46:59      Average: 21:23.80      1-5 Split: 2:30
 34 Newburyport High School    1134    176  200  211  214  333  391  414 
      Total Time: 1:47:35      Average: 21:31.00      1-5 Split: 1:01
 35 Pembroke High School       1163    28   261  273  299  302  386  479 
      Total Time: 1:47:18      Average: 21:27.60      1-5 Split: 2:24
 36 Arlington Catholic High S  1214    74   77   292  355  416  748   -  
      Total Time: 1:47:38      Average: 21:31.60      1-5 Split: 2:27
 37 Medfield High School       1222    52   98   264  388  420  424  536 
      Total Time: 1:47:35      Average: 21:31.00      1-5 Split: 2:48
 38 Hopkinton High School      1278    27   160  180  395  516  542  601 
      Total Time: 1:47:49      Average: 21:33.80      1-5 Split: 3:40
 39 North Quincy High School   1290    68   111  128  405  578  716   -  
      Total Time: 1:48:02      Average: 21:36.40      1-5 Split: 3:45
 40 Lynnfield High School      1291    56   139  282  327  487  517  643 
      Total Time: 1:48:10      Average: 21:38.00      1-5 Split: 3:08
 41 Natick High School         1302    112  194  233  363  400  450  552 
      Total Time: 1:48:33      Average: 21:42.60      1-5 Split: 1:54
 42 Central Catholic High Sch  1329    130  184  246  375  394  397  428 
      Total Time: 1:48:47      Average: 21:45.40      1-5 Split: 1:44
 43 Westwood High School       1332    97   157  235  403  440  480  592 
      Total Time: 1:48:38      Average: 21:43.60      1-5 Split: 2:17
 44 Holliston High School      1353    154  197  272  326  404  582  639 
      Total Time: 1:49:03      Average: 21:48.60      1-5 Split: 1:34
 45 West Bridgewater High Sch  1372    101  148  254  411  458  553  675 
      Total Time: 1:48:55      Average: 21:47.00      1-5 Split: 2:21
 46 Westford Academy           1373    37   51   361  439  485  503  525 
      Total Time: 1:48:00      Average: 21:36.00      1-5 Split: 3:19
 47 Marblehead High School     1464    75   131  352  449  457  509  555 
      Total Time: 1:49:17      Average: 21:51.40      1-5 Split: 2:39
 48 Stoughton High School      1487    118  132  342  389  506  560  700 
      Total Time: 1:49:36      Average: 21:55.20      1-5 Split: 2:26
 49 Dracut High School         1507    220  247  321  343  376  418  690 
      Total Time: 1:50:01      Average: 22:00.20      1-5 Split: 1:00
 50 Danvers High School        1509    49   140  147  478  695  796  804 
      Total Time: 1:49:49      Average: 21:57.80      1-5 Split: 4:55
 51 North Andover High School  1511    191  281  319  335  385  402  612 
      Total Time: 1:50:04      Average: 22:00.80      1-5 Split: 1:13
 52 Reading Memorial High Sch  1525    248  277  307  314  379  387  524 
      Total Time: 1:50:12      Average: 22:02.40      1-5 Split: 50
 53 Ipswich High School        1580     7   161  463  467  482  567  673 
      Total Time: 1:49:20      Average: 21:52.00      1-5 Split: 3:52
 54 Belmont High School        1586    120  219  297  459  491  563   -  
      Total Time: 1:50:21      Average: 22:04.20      1-5 Split: 2:21
 55 Winchester High School     1626    166  270  362  396  432  679  706 
      Total Time: 1:50:40      Average: 22:08.00      1-5 Split: 1:42
 56 New Bedford High School    1628    258  285  290  347  448  461  469 
      Total Time: 1:50:48      Average: 22:09.60      1-5 Split: 1:10
 57 Somerset High School       1630    117  208  425  426  454  511  758 
      Total Time: 1:50:36      Average: 22:07.20      1-5 Split: 2:10
 58 Beverly High School        1646    73   204  284  499  586  618  689 
      Total Time: 1:50:34      Average: 22:06.80      1-5 Split: 3:40
 59 Wakefield Memorial High S  1665    119  226  393  438  489  591  609 
      Total Time: 1:50:46      Average: 22:09.20      1-5 Split: 2:21
 60 Walpole High School        1703    196  252  253  490  512  533  646 
      Total Time: 1:51:04      Average: 22:12.80      1-5 Split: 1:56
 61 Cardinal Spellman          1711    249  298  350  372  442  574  638 
      Total Time: 1:51:19      Average: 22:15.80      1-5 Split: 1:12
 62 Wayland High School        1713    25   269  370  515  534  623  851 
      Total Time: 1:50:36      Average: 22:07.20      1-5 Split: 3:51
 63 Bishop Fenwick High Schoo  1721    113  217  368  465  558  619  708 
      Total Time: 1:51:18      Average: 22:15.60      1-5 Split: 3:00
 64 Marshfield High School     1732    134  268  340  483  507  594  634 
      Total Time: 1:51:16      Average: 22:15.20      1-5 Split: 2:18
 65 Coyle & Cassidy High Scho  1735    58   116  146  652  763  859   -  
      Total Time: 1:51:57      Average: 22:23.40      1-5 Split: 5:42
 66 Swampscott High School     1786    144  324  325  408  585  614  680 
      Total Time: 1:51:52      Average: 22:22.40      1-5 Split: 2:51
 67 Sandwich High School       1809    42   422  433  437  475  537  615 
      Total Time: 1:51:13      Average: 22:14.60      1-5 Split: 3:13
 68 East Bridgewater High Sch  1838    135  310  417  429  547  548  596 
      Total Time: 1:52:11      Average: 22:26.20      1-5 Split: 2:40
 69 Wilmington High School     1975    103  358  456  474  584  617  678 
      Total Time: 1:52:41      Average: 22:32.20      1-5 Split: 3:14
 70 Melrose High School        1978    90   346  484  501  557  569  721 
      Total Time: 1:52:42      Average: 22:32.40      1-5 Split: 3:15
 71 Methuen High School        1984    136  193  313  668  674   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:53:37      Average: 22:43.40      1-5 Split: 3:41
 72 Plymouth North High Schoo  1996    71   251  538  543  593  666   -  
      Total Time: 1:52:47      Average: 22:33.40      1-5 Split: 3:44
 73 Marian High School         2052    89   241  486  603  633  843  862 
      Total Time: 1:53:21      Average: 22:40.20      1-5 Split: 3:45
 74 Malden High School         2057    162  256  401  590  648  707  787 
      Total Time: 1:53:41      Average: 22:44.20      1-5 Split: 3:19
 75 Canton High School         2066    315  383  427  470  471  492  504 
      Total Time: 1:53:26      Average: 22:41.20      1-5 Split: 52
 76 Mansfield High School      2078    169  419  445  477  568  650  740 
      Total Time: 1:53:34      Average: 22:42.80      1-5 Split: 2:38
 77 Scituate High School       2206    173  373  453  508  699  732  803 
      Total Time: 1:54:36      Average: 22:55.20      1-5 Split: 3:43
 78 Woburn High School         2222    275  447  451  521  528  531  656 
      Total Time: 1:54:22      Average: 22:52.40      1-5 Split: 1:33
 79 Old Rochester Regional Hi  2229    294  330  436  565  604  611  657 
      Total Time: 1:54:45      Average: 22:57.00      1-5 Split: 1:59
 80 Taunton High School        2252    331  409  410  541  561  629  658 
      Total Time: 1:54:48      Average: 22:57.60      1-5 Split: 1:32
 81 Falmouth High School       2264    15   497  529  535  688  759  776 
      Total Time: 1:54:17      Average: 22:51.40      1-5 Split: 5:18
 82 Academy of Notre Dame      2266    316  354  494  522  580  616  636 
      Total Time: 1:54:49      Average: 22:57.80      1-5 Split: 1:41
 83 Tewksbury Memorial High S  2269    186  406  544  550  583  780  805 
      Total Time: 1:54:56      Average: 22:59.20      1-5 Split: 2:34
 84 Triton Regional High Scho  2300    195  336  527  545  697  730  814 
      Total Time: 1:55:19      Average: 23:03.80      1-5 Split: 3:31
 85 Brockton High School       2303    263  412  444  564  620  669  704 
      Total Time: 1:55:14      Average: 23:02.80      1-5 Split: 2:22
 86 Nauset Regional High Scho  2326    127  435  526  598  640  662  717 
      Total Time: 1:55:15      Average: 23:03.00      1-5 Split: 3:26
 87 Sharon High School         2362    31   232  576  722  801   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:56:43      Average: 23:20.60      1-5 Split: 6:45
 88 Sturgis Charter            2619    274  289  579  728  749  767  792 
      Total Time: 1:58:25      Average: 23:41.00      1-5 Split: 3:40
 89 Boston Latin School        2672    441  443  532  605  651   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:57:42      Average: 23:32.40      1-5 Split: 1:37
 90 Dartmouth High School      2674    407  423  581  608  655  791   -  
      Total Time: 1:57:49      Average: 23:33.80      1-5 Split: 1:50
 91 Norwood High School        2683    187  473  595  671  757   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:58:24      Average: 23:40.80      1-5 Split: 4:19
 92 Bishop Stang High School   2701    61   286  734  778  842  855   -  
      Total Time: 2:01:05      Average: 24:13.00      1-5 Split: 7:42
 93 Braintree High School      2702    378  540  572  587  625  771  790 
      Total Time: 1:57:50      Average: 23:34.00      1-5 Split: 1:41
 94 Plymouth South High Schoo  2723    322  530  539  641  691  739  854 
      Total Time: 1:58:11      Average: 23:38.20      1-5 Split: 2:36
 95 Watertown High School      2732    367  434  630  642  659  664   -  
      Total Time: 1:58:15      Average: 23:39.00      1-5 Split: 2:07
 96 Archbishop Williams        2752    34   374  711  781  852  883   -  
      Total Time: 2:01:24      Average: 24:16.80      1-5 Split: 8:23
 97 Hanover High School        2759    351  566  589  606  647  713  775 
      Total Time: 1:58:20      Average: 23:40.00      1-5 Split: 2:04
 98 Milton High School         2786    203  431  654  705  793   -    -  
      Total Time: 1:59:53      Average: 23:58.60      1-5 Split: 4:56
 99 Burlington High School     2878    466  554  556  621  681  719  829 
      Total Time: 1:59:08      Average: 23:49.60      1-5 Split: 1:43
100 Manchester Essex Reg. Hig  2884    105  493  684  783  819   -    -  
      Total Time: 2:01:30      Average: 24:18.00      1-5 Split: 6:20
101 North Reading High School  2959    421  570  613  663  692  698  810 
      Total Time: 1:59:57      Average: 23:59.40      1-5 Split: 2:02
102 Amesbury High School       2974    377  546  551  746  754  784   -  
      Total Time: 2:00:47      Average: 24:09.40      1-5 Split: 3:05
103 Gloucester High School     2991    430  520  588  693  760   -    -  
      Total Time: 2:00:27      Average: 24:05.40      1-5 Split: 2:51
104 Bristol County Ag          3000    382  392  723  735  768  772  839 
      Total Time: 2:01:34      Average: 24:18.80      1-5 Split: 3:19
105 Lowell Catholic            3018    472  559  577  686  724  777   -  
      Total Time: 2:00:32      Average: 24:06.40      1-5 Split: 2:16
106 Stoneham High School       3031    323  518  718  720  752  774  857 
      Total Time: 2:01:19      Average: 24:15.80      1-5 Split: 3:22
107 Foxboro High School        3048    339  626  627  670  786  821  822 
      Total Time: 2:01:20      Average: 24:16.00      1-5 Split: 3:53
108 Rockland High School       3075    137  498  785  807  848  849   -  
      Total Time: 2:04:57      Average: 24:59.40      1-5 Split: 7:04
109 Norfolk County Agricultur  3082    266  599  737  738  742  833   -  
      Total Time: 2:02:00      Average: 24:24.00      1-5 Split: 3:40
110 Barnstable High School     3087    332  571  631  741  812   -    -  
      Total Time: 2:02:22      Average: 24:28.40      1-5 Split: 4:32
111 Shawsheen Valley Technica  3102    495  519  685  701  702  733  745 
      Total Time: 2:01:00      Average: 24:12.00      1-5 Split: 1:46
112 Duxbury High School        3103    167  694  710  714  818   -    -  
      Total Time: 2:02:55      Average: 24:35.00      1-5 Split: 5:47
113 Dighton Rehoboth Regional  3129    500  523  653  726  727  853  871 
      Total Time: 2:01:35      Average: 24:19.00      1-5 Split: 2:06
114 Sacred Heart High School   3139    225  575  743  769  827  834  875 
      Total Time: 2:03:38      Average: 24:43.60      1-5 Split: 5:35
115 Medway High School         3146    240  637  696  756  817  832  838 
      Total Time: 2:03:05      Average: 24:37.00      1-5 Split: 5:14
116 Silver Lake Regional High  3199    562  622  635  677  703  725  798 
      Total Time: 2:01:38      Average: 24:19.60      1-5 Split: 1:11
117 Carver High School         3244    600  602  624  645  773  802  866 
      Total Time: 2:02:18      Average: 24:27.60      1-5 Split: 1:55
118 Bourne High School         3248    371  667  709  712  789  795  880 
      Total Time: 2:03:18      Average: 24:39.60      1-5 Split: 3:44
119 Salem High School          3329    446  502  764  794  823  879   -  
      Total Time: 2:05:04      Average: 25:00.80      1-5 Split: 4:06
120 Norton High School         3356    505  644  661  731  815  836  861 
      Total Time: 2:04:14      Average: 24:50.80      1-5 Split: 3:34
121 Mystic Valley              3443    222  715  797  846  863  873  874 
      Total Time: 2:09:24      Average: 25:52.80      1-5 Split: 7:06
122 Seekonk High School        3486    341  753  761  806  825   -    -  
      Total Time: 2:07:06      Average: 25:25.20      1-5 Split: 4:47
123 Chelsea High School        3501    632  676  687  744  762  813  837 
      Total Time: 2:04:45      Average: 24:57.00      1-5 Split: 1:29
124 Abington High School       3580    513  610  788  828  841   -    -  
      Total Time: 2:08:19      Average: 25:39.80      1-5 Split: 4:25
125 St. Mary's Lynn            3604    573  628  683  844  876  878   -  
      Total Time: 2:09:51      Average: 25:58.20      1-5 Split: 5:38
126 Dedham High School         3672    390  782  800  840  860  868  870 
      Total Time: 2:11:05      Average: 26:13.00      1-5 Split: 5:51
127 Apponequet Regional High   3696    649  672  747  808  820  830  884 
      Total Time: 2:08:13      Average: 25:38.60      1-5 Split: 2:32
128 Diman Regional Vocational  3784    549  729  809  847  850  856   -  
      Total Time: 2:11:46      Average: 26:21.20      1-5 Split: 4:29
129 Essex Agricultural & Tech  3846    665  682  736  881  882  886  887 
      Total Time: 2:13:57      Average: 26:47.40      1-5 Split: 5:03
130 Winthrop High School       3849    481  765  864  867  872  877  885 
      Total Time: 2:15:19      Average: 27:03.80      1-5 Split: 6:01
131 Cape Cod Academy           3929    755  770  779  799  826  865   -  
      Total Time: 2:10:55      Average: 26:11.00      1-5 Split: 1:28
132 Minuteman Regional High S  4001    660  811  816  845  869   -    -  
      Total Time: 2:14:47      Average: 26:57.40      1-5 Split: 4:20
133 Whittier Regional Vocatio  4006    750  766  824  831  835  858   -  
      Total Time: 2:12:54      Average: 26:34.80      1-5 Split: 1:55